Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
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    Ian Abercrombie, Hammond's butler in TLW, stars as the "wiseman" in the cult hit "Army of Darkness". (From: Jerm)
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    Horner Says Newest JP4 Script "Didn't Pass Muster"
    Talking to long-time Trespasser:Jurassic Park fansite Trescom.org, JP dino consultant Jack Horner confirms once again that the script was the problem behind the recent delays. "I have our original JP4 script from 2004, and it was actually a pretty good story, but then a series of unrelated events took place that put the whole process on hold." He adds: "More recently new writers were brought in to create a different story, but it simply didn't pass muster with Steven (or, quite frankly, anyone else) so it has once again been tabled as far as I know." For more on Horner and his answers to questions submitted by the community, click here.

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