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means the user is online now! At 4:10:29 PM on 6/18/2014, MartinRandle said: I think we should hold fast and trust the guy to create a fulfilling and entertaining experience.
Haters gonna hate, however good it turns out.
At 8:49:04 PM on 5/31/2014, dieterstark said: " we aren’t doing anything here that Crichton didn’t suggest in his novels."- Trev
That says a lot right there. And I'm totally confident in his vision for Jurassic World.
I hope they do a teaser trailer like the "SeaWorld" commercials we've been seeing lately on TV. Except, it'll be Jurassic World...but you won't necessarily distinguish it from a SeaWorld commercial until the dinosaurs show up :)
At 8:38:47 PM on 5/31/2014, dieterstark said: Trev's the man.
At 11:42:40 AM on 5/26/2014, DarthMaulSithLord said: I hope this is a bad joke. I don't want to see a Jurassic Park movie transformed into a stupid horro flick with "fake" Dinosaurs
At 12:57:47 PM on 5/25/2014, CommieX said: I hope this isn't true.
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