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By Michael Crichton
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    In college, Michael Jeter (Udesky3) gave up his career in medicine to become an actor. (From: Green Mamba)
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    At 8:45:06 AM on 3/23/2014, juniorx eternal said:
    bringing him back is na exciting honour/link to the previous movies.

    but we gotta stop right there, we dont need malcom/sattler or grant in the new movie.

    At 11:13:59 AM on 3/19/2014, dieterstark said:
    Sweet! Dr. Wu got off too easy in the first film; his death was one of the coolest in the book. And in the original script as I remember...a raptor outruns him and Muldoon has to slam the door, as Wu is eaten alive while he and Ellie sink to the floor, "I couldn't risk everyone's safety" Muldoon says, and sinks his head.

    ANYWAY, I guess Wu was bought out by Patel Co.

    I wonder who paid more...Ingen, or Patel?

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