Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
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    The Japanese businessmen running from the rex in the San Diego sequence of TLW are saying 'I left Tokyo to get away from this!' in their native language.
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    At 11:48:18 PM on 7/6/2013, juniorx eternal said:
    i agree dieterstark.

    im only worried about the script! they could say something bout it to see the fans reaction...

    At 12:51:51 AM on 7/6/2013, dieterstark said:
    That's what I love about Colin Trevorrow; he is making this movie for us; for our generation of fans, and we're special group to say the least. Jurassic Park fans are a good breed.

    It fills me with hope, them saying this is not about their careers; its about us, us tight nit little group of Jurassic Park fans around the world. They talk about us, and I can't freaking wait for the trailer.

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