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    Lex's stunt double mistakenly looked up at the camera during the scene in JP where she falls through the ceiling tile -- not a problem, however, as ILM simply pasted Ariana Richards's face onto the double. (From: 'Alisha')
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    At 11:17:25 PM on 6/17/2013, Cameron said:
    Anyone who honestly thought it was going to reach summer 2014, when they annoucned it in spring 2013 without having started casting or pre production is honestly kind of foolish. The moment they announced the release date, I immediately said they could not make it, and should not. I don't want it rushed out anyways

    At 11:26:24 AM on 6/17/2013, MartinRandle said:
    I hope I am still alive then!

    At 8:29:09 AM on 6/17/2013, juniorx eternal said:
    they got my hopes HIGH and now this?

    i GIVE UP

    At 1:51:50 AM on 6/15/2013, dieterstark said:
    At least it's still in production and has a 'solid' release date.

    This may be a blessing in disguise, as it gives the production team and writing team more time to be creative.

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