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By Michael Crichton
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    A JP coloring book features a page with a raptor caught in the jaws of a t-rex skeleton, hinting at the original ending to the film. (From: 'Raptor_34')
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    At 4:16:27 PM on 4/4/2013, dieterstark said:
    Awesome! Thanks yvonne for the link, Helen Hunt could have done Ellie I think, but that other chick was not even trying.

    At 10:15:52 AM on 4/4/2013, yvonne said:

    The JP auditions start around 2:32

    It looks like NBC edited out the auditions part in the link. It was there before, shown right before Laura Dern says she's a lucky girl.

    Plus, they have removed the whole audition tape segment from March 29th. Now it says "This video no longer available", unless they moved it somewhere else? Not sure, but I guess the people trying to sell the audition tapes probably asked NBC to remove it.

    At 1:25:09 AM on 4/4/2013, dieterstark said:
    I can't find it on youtube- tried as many combinations and phrases as I could think of. What did you type in?

    At 1:20:23 AM on 4/4/2013, dieterstark said:
    Great interview...where is the screen test? Youtube I hope you have some answers

    At 4:10:08 PM on 4/3/2013, MartinRandle said:
    it's ok - found it on YouTube

    At 4:05:14 PM on 4/3/2013, MartinRandle said:
    the audition footage doesn't appear in the link I clicked.

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