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    A scene in JP3 that was never filmed would of had Grant blowing the raptor whistle, then watching as the raptors killed the spinosaur. (From: Chase)
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    #Date of last post..
    911Maester2 9/30/2014 10:54:26 AM
        By: RezForPrez
    *clicks post button*General Ran..13 1/18/2013 9:01:30 PM
        By: Bryan
    Once was dead, dead againBryan7 9/8/2012 8:48:11 PM
        By: Bryan
    REVENGE OF THE THUNDER TURD!RezSez12 7/18/2011 1:23:32 PM
        By: RezSez
    (Adventure) Revenge of Those 3 GuysDino-Snore159 4/21/2010 1:30:05 AM
        By: Dino-Snore
    The Writing game:Sublevel35 3/16/2010 4:32:14 AM
        By: Phily
    mybrute-- anyone play?HugoMax2 2/8/2010 3:53:50 PM
        By: RezBan!
    RETURN OF THE THUNDER TURD!rez4prezsez..186 1/13/2010 4:12:01 PM
        By: yvonne
    (Adventure) Return of the Return of the Sn..Bryan1801 11/1/2009 8:38:32 AM
        By: Dac
    Bombs Away!Trainwreck2 6/3/2009 5:11:13 PM
        By: Neothe1
    What the fuck...Ostromite4 7/12/2008 1:30:35 PM
        By: Carp
    )Adventure) Return of the SnoreDino-Snore2263 5/2/2008 12:02:00 PM
        By: Dino-Snore
    helloJP#1fan3 2/20/2008 1:14:14 AM
        By: Fail
    Least used message board - the gameVinsfeld22 5/12/2007 12:04:43 AM
        By: Maester
    (A) The Struggle For Planet XDino-Snore33 1/29/2007 3:38:38 AM
        By: Dac
    ALL OUT WAR - The RemakeStealth Rap..478 1/21/2007 8:48:22 PM
        By: Dac
    UWE BOLL: THE GAME 2the_ST1NG5 11/26/2006 6:04:57 PM
        By: paleeoguy
    THUNDER TURD!Rez8 11/23/2006 7:22:46 AM
        By: MartinRand..
    I'm thinking of a numberSmith42 11/3/2006 6:11:05 AM
        By: MartinRand..
    Take Command: 2nd ManassasJPLuNaTiC1 10/24/2006 9:31:07 AM
        By: Siir
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