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By Michael Crichton
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    JP producers considered having the Raptors spit poison, but instead bestowed that "ability" on Dilophosaurus instead. (From: 'Unknown')
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    Stan Winston, Dead at 62
    A sad day for all JP fans today, as word comes via AICN that the father of Jurassic Park's dinosaurs, proponent and champion of live-action special effects, and "dino consultant" on all 3 Jurassic films, Stan Winston, has died. He was 62. Winston was always a firebrand in the JP community, with some accusing him of bullying directors to get his robot dinos screentime over the fancier (yet far more expensive) computer generated imagery. In JP3, he worked with director Joe Johnston to pioneer camerawork that seamlessly blended CG with his robotic creations in the same scene, often within the same shot. Winston loved to talk, especially to the press, and could always be counted on for an amusing quote or ancedote, often supplying us with juicy plot tidbits he probably shouldn't have revealed so early. Stan loved his work, and it was obvious he loved JP as much as we all do. He certainly will be missed. (Thanks Ian)

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