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By Michael Crichton
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    Alan Grant's New Nightmare Chapter 4
    By Vito Hardy

    Chapter 4: Attempted Call (2:45:03)

    Ellie Sattler entered the Visitor Center lobby with Sargent Hunter Miller, Lex, and Tim. They moved slowly through the lobby seeing the model of the Tyrannosaur and the banner that read "When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth". They moved up the spiral staircase slowly ducking and listening often to hear if anyone was coming their way.
    The four people turned a corner and started down the hallway leading toward the Control Room. Ellie stopped listening to a sudden sound that was being made ahead. She turned to see that they were standing infront of the Genetics Lab enterance. Ellie stoped herself considering on going inside the lab to see if there were any survivors. She shook her head no. She needed to get to the Control Room. They had very little time before the Costa Rican goverment came to destroy the island and she didn't know about Sargent Miller or the two kids, but she didn't want to be on this island when that happened.
    Suddenly several people start screaming at the same time. Four people came running down the hallway with two raptors chassing them. Lex and Tim started screaming at the sight of the raptors. Ellie tried to pull the door that opened the Genetics Lab enterance. The door however didn't open because of the automatic doorlocks.
    "Shit," Ellie screamed. The four started running as the other people cought up to them. All eight people continued running down the hallway toward the lobby of the Visitor Center with the two raptors in hot persuate. Everyone was screaming at the top of their lungs as they began to run down the spiral staircase and toward the exit.
    Suddenly three more raptors broke through the enterance to the building and started stalking the eight people.
    They all ran toward the enterance to the Cafeteria and entered finding no one or no dinosaurs inside. They ran toward the kitchen and went inside slamming the door on one of the raptors faces. Miller and two other people pushed on the door keeping the raptors outside the room.
    From out of no where came a loud crash. The other people turn to see that the raptors had broke through the door on the other side of the kitchen. "Forgot about that door," one of the men screamed. Everyone scattered trying to keep away from the stalkers that were after them.
    One raptor suddenly jumped forward ontop of a man wearing a white lab coat, Ellie knew it was one of the geneticists.
    Distracted by this attack the other raptors didn't notice Ellie and company leave the kitchen untill it was too late.
    Ellie and the other people ran for the exit of the kitchen and went running back toward the Control room, leaving the cafeteria and starting back up the spiral staircase. They could all hear the sounds of the raptors in persuate behind them.
    "One of you better have an access card," Ellie screamed.
    "I do," a lady also wearing a lab coat said. She seemed familar to Ellie. Then she remembered from the first day they arrived. Henry Wu had introduced her as being Kathy, the woman whom worked in the hatchery. Kathy got her access card out and ran ahead everyone else inserting the card in the slot for the door going into the control room. Everyone ran inside slamming the door shut.
    "Is this the only door in this room," Miller asked.
    "Yes," A man wearing cargo clothing and a hard hat said.
    "Dr. Sattler, call the mainland," Lex said.
    "You people keep that door shut," Ellie commanded as she walked over to the telephone beside the computer. She began dialing a number when she suddenly heard a sound that seemed to be breaking glass. She turned to see something horrific. "They're going to come through the glass!"
    Ellie left the computer and ran toward a ladder on the floor. She picked it up with the help of Miller. They both went up the ladder followed by Lex, Tim, Kathy, and the two other men. A single raptor broke in and jumped at the last two men still on the ladder. The raptor hit one of the men taking him down emediately.
    The other man continued to climb, but then felt a searing pain in his back as he fell to the ground with a velociraptor tearing into his chest.

    Ellie and the rest made their way through all of the insulation in the upper area of the control room going into another tunnel. They continued to an end area and Ellie opened the small door at the end going down into the lobby of the building. They all climbed down ontop of the model of the two Tyrannosaurs.
    Ellie suddenly realized that there was only one Tyrannosaur model in the lobby before. She turned slowly to see one side of the wall in the lobby had been destroyed. Ellie screamed as the model she was on started moving in a very rapid pace going for everyone one it's back. Everyone jumped down from the animal and started running away out the section of the building that the rex broke through. The Rex turned around and started giving persute to the fleeing people. They were going toward the Safari Lodge.

    1/8/02 9:07:03 PM

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