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    Armageddon:Dan's JP3 Page 3-HACKER ALERT - Chapter 1
    By Spinoboy11

    Chapter 1-Alert All Members

    Dan immediately got off of his own website, which has now been taken over by hackers, and e-mailed and alerted all of the members. Evilgrinch was already online, e-mailing photos of his wedding with Charlotte to his mother. Charlotte leaned over his shoulder and smiled.

    Evilgrinch:This should do it.

    Charlotte:You looked so adorable in your tux.

    Evilgrinch:I know that. Heh heh heh.

    Charlotte:What did you think of me...???

    Charlotte smiled and let out a slight giggle. Evilgrinch looked in her eyes and expressed a smirk on his face. He then replied to her question.

    Evilgrinch:I think you were beautiful...and you always will be.

    Charlotte's smile widened. Evilgrinch blushed, always feeling that his wife had the most beautiful smile in the world. He got up from his computer chair and gave Charlotte a little peck on the cheek. He put his hand on her abdomen, feeling a kick from their unborn baby. All of a sudden, the phrase "You've Got Mail" was heard. Charlotte pointed to the monitor, showing Evilgrinch the e-mail icon, which showed mail hanging out of a mailbox.

    Evilgrinch:I'll see what this is real quick, while you make us some of your fine food, ok?

    Charlotte:All right. I'll make some lasagne.

    Evilgrinch:Mmmmm. My favorite.

    Charlotte:That's why I'm making it.

    Evilgrinch:Thanks, sweetie.

    Charlotte:Your welcome, honey.

    Evilgrinch turned his attention to the computer and clicked on the "You've Got Mail" icon. Evilgrinch seemed surprised when he saw that Dan had written him. The topic said "URGENT!" on it.

    Evilgrinch (whisper):Shit!

    Evilgrinch double-clicked on his mouse. Seconds passed by, one by one. 15 seconds...20 seconds...


    Charlotte was in the kitchen, singing a pop music song while boiling water on the stove.

    Evilgrinch:Damn! How the hell can she listen to that bullshit?

    Finally, the message popped up on the monitor. Evilgrinch read:

    "Attention, members! Dan's JP3 Page is closed down for the time being. At this time, please report to the private chatroom that is showed on the link below. There you will be told about the problem that Dan's JP3 Page is experiencing...and please, DO NOT go to Dan's JP3 Page until you are told to.

    Thank You,

    Evilgrinch:What the fffu...

    Charlotte interrupts Evilgrinch from the kitchen.



    Charlotte:Do you want cheese on your lasagne?


    Charlotte:All right.

    Evilgrinch moved his mouse downward, as the arrow on the screen came upon the private chatroom link. He clicked on it immediately. Seconds later, a new screen popped up. Evilgrinch saw many of his old friends already at the chatroom:Spinoboy11, Vader, Dac, dark hunter, Seth Rex, Dino_Dude, and Jurassiclaw. Other members such as Dante (Jurassic Justin) and CarnaRaptor were also in the chatroom. Some of the members started to greet Evilgrinch.

    Spinoboy11:Wuzzzz up, 'Grinch?

    Vader:Hey, man!

    Jurassiclaw:How's it going, dude?

    Evilgrinch laughed as he replied to his friends.

    Evilgrinch:I'm just dandy! What the hell is going on?

    Dac:I don't know. This is bullshit.

    Dante:Hey, guys! It's me, Jurassic Justin!

    Dac:I see you changed your name again...

    Dante:No shit, Sherlock!!!

    Seth Rex:Let's chill, here, ok?

    dark hunter:Stop your typing!

    All of a sudden, Dan entered the chatroom. All of the members stopped typing to hear what he had to say. Dan cleared his throat and began to speak.

    Dan:Attention, members! I've called this meeting tonight to inform you all that a new problem has arrived at Dan's JP3 Page. Four experienced hackers have somehow taken over the website. Hack, their leader, has proven to be a bigger threat than our old nemesis, SGD. He is an intelligent, powerful, and clever being, one who could easily take out Dan's JP3 Page. He is not alone, as I earlier mentioned. He is joined by three other qualified hackers, Morph-E-Us, Ka-Zaa, and Naps-Ter. These four hackers are extremely dangerous, and with a force this strong, stronger than that of SGD, these hackers can destroy and end Dan's JP3 Page forever. Even we, the members, are in deep shit. Hack has sworn that any Dan's JP3 Page member will immediately be eliminated. I warn you, DO NOT GO TO DAN'S JP3 PAGE!!! So, our plan is to find where the hackers' hideout is, and kill them. It will not be an easy task, but it can be done! Well, that's all. Thanks, my fellow members!

    As quickly as he came, Dan logged off the chatroom. All of the Dan's JP3 Page members were stunned. Spinoboy11 was the first one to reply after Dan had spoken out to the members of the website.

    Spinoboy11:Oh, shit.

    Seth Rex:We're friggin' members, not soldiers! Why do we have to fight?

    Dino_Dude:Because we are loyal to our site! We're not just going to let it be torn apart by some stupid-ass faggots!

    Jurassiclaw:I think the hackers are trying to set us up into a trap, in my opinion. They're just trying to get us where they can easily dispose of us!

    Dante:But, the question is can we win?

    Vader:We will just have to see what develops...

    Spinoboy11:Evilgrinch, are you ready?

    Evilgrinch sat straight up, staring at his monitor, his spine tingling. His hands were frozen. He knew he was going to have to fight for the website. Evilgrinch turned his head and glimpsed at Charlotte. He smiled as he let a tear out of his eye.

    Chapter 2-COMING SOON!

    2/5/2003 11:31:36 PM
    (Updated: 2/6/2003 11:44:45 AM)
    (Updated: 2/6/2003 11:50:11 AM)

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    (C)2000-2002 by Dan Finkelstein. "Jurassic Park" is TM & © Universal Studios, Inc. & Amblin Entertainment, Inc.
    "Dan's JP3 Page" is in no way affiliated with Universal Studios.

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