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    Armageddon:Dan's JP3 Page 2-Chapter 11
    By Spinoboy11

    Chapter 11-Stuck in the Cells

    SGD and his three gun-toting Generals pushed Evilgrinch and Group One down one corridor after the other. After about an hour of trekking down the hallways, they came into a room full of cells, some on the ground level, the others on the next floor up. General Thade pushed Evilgrinch and Dan into a cell, Vader and Cyros into the next, and Spinoboy11 and Jurassiclaw into the next.

    Dan: Hey, Thade, what’s with those two cells? No one’s in them.

    Thade: I wouldn’t say that.

    Dan: What?

    At that moment, they heard groans coming from the two cells Dan had indicated.

    Dan: Who’s there?

    A familiar voice came back.

    Voice: Dan? Is that you?

    Dan went pale.

    Dan: Julia?

    Julia: Yeah, it’s me. I was put out with something, and woke up here.

    Evilgrinch: What about Charlotte?

    Julia: Same story.

    Dan and Evilgrinch both went pale.

    Dan: Oh god!

    Evilgrinch: Fuck me!

    Julia: What are you guys doing here? Where are we? Who brought us here?

    Evilgrinch: SGD and his cronies.

    Julia: What? I thought the Australian guy killed SGD!

    Dan: He survived it. We’re on Alcatraz. SGD is planning to fire missiles at the city, so we had to come here as a bargaining chip!

    Julia: Great, he must have put us here to torment you two!

    Evilgrinch: I was just thinking that.

    Dan: We’re fucked.

    At that moment, they heard footsteps, and SGD appeared in front of the cells.

    SGD: Ah, met everyone at last, have we? Good, I was hoping it wouldn’t take long. RiverWorld overdoes the chloroform jobs sometimes.

    Evilgrinch’s mind flashed back to when they were heading to the airport. The old Ford 4x4…the driver had been scared when he saw them…he ditched the car…he had two large things…Spinoboy11 has said it was…

    Evilgrinch: So he was right.

    SGD looked at him.

    SGD: What?

    Evilgrinch: We saw a driver ditch a Ford 4x4 in the harbor before climbing a boat with three other guys in masks. They took two covered up things with them, and Spinoboy11 had insisted it was RiverWorld. No one believed him, but I see it all now. He was right, the two things they had were Julia and Charlotte, and you brought them here to piss us off.

    SGD smirked.

    SGD: Clever man. Yes, that was the idea.

    Dan: You won’t get away with this.

    SGD: What do you mean? Think the Marines are going to come in with Sean Connery and Nick Cage and disable my rockets? HAHAHAHA! No one knows how to disarm those missiles but me. And anyone without a map of this place will get lost. You’ll see. Farewell, my friends. I’ll see thee upon my return! Heheheheheheheheh!

    He walked away. His three Generals, who had finished throwing Veterans into cells, followed him. The sound of their laughter echoed in everyone’s ears.

    Evilgrinch: They’ve got another thing coming.

    Dan: Yeah. He doesn’t know shit.

    Julia: What are you guys talking about?

    Dan: We’ll tell you later.

    Spinoboy11’s voice rang out.

    Spinoboy11: I told you guys it was RiverWorld.

    Cyros: We’re sorry we didn’t believe you. We’ll make it up to you somehow. All we can do is wait.


    SGD called all of the Alliance members on the radio.

    SGD: Time to check the moneybags. To the rooftop, boys.

    KillerRaptor: You sure seem happy.

    SGD: We’ve got the Veterans bagged, what else could you hope for?

    KillerRaptor: I guess. On my way.

    Slowly, the Alliance members assembled neat the rooftop. SGD grinned.

    SGD: Today’s the day you get your money, boys. Enjoy, and I’m taking the STOL jet out in 12 hours.

    He opened the door and everyone ran out into the moonlight…and stopped dead, confused.

    SGD: What the…where did you guys leave those bags?

    J7: All over the place, I’m sure we did!

    SGD glared all around.

    SGD: So, one of you thought he could escape with the money, eh? WHICH OF YOU TOOK IT?

    A silence followed. Everyone looked around suspiciously at each other, but no one owned up.

    SGD: So, none of you took it? Fine, when we find it, none of you get the money until the thief owns up. YOU HEAR ME!?

    Everyone nodded. SGD turned to leave when he smelt something.

    SGD: What is that?

    KillerRaptor: What’s what?

    SGD: That smell.

    Everyone sniffed.

    Panos: Smells like vomit.

    SGD: Huh. One of you must have puked from fatigue when you dragged the money up here. Oh, well, let’s go.

    And the Alliance left the rooftop, leaving behind the vomit they had smelt in the vent.


    8/18/2002 7:10:14 PM
    (Updated: 8/18/2002 7:14:32 PM)

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