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    Armageddon:Dan's JP3 Page 2-Chapter 10
    By Spinoboy11

    Chapter 10-Run Loose

    Veloci_Josh, KillerRaptor, RiverWorld, J7, Panos, DreamerGirl and other Alliance members dragged the moneybags from the training yard up to the rooftop. Once they got there, they dropped from the fatigue, lying on the roof in the dark night sky.

    KillerRaptor: Damn, that was hard!

    J7: How many damn coins did they stick in them?

    Panos: It’s weird, I didn’t hear any coins clinking.

    Veloci_Josh: Who cares, we’ve got them up here, we’ll worry about the contents later. I’m starving.

    There were muttered agreements. They all groaned and climbed to their feet in exhaustion, and stumbled to the doors. They went downstairs, and none of them noticed knife blades rip through the sacks. Slowly, all around the rooftop, several dark figures climbed out of the moneybags and stretched themselves out. Dino_Dude turned to Dark Hunter.

    Dino_Dude: What do we do with them?

    He jerked a finger at the sacks. Dark Hunter rolled his eyes.

    Dark Hunter: Just chuck ‘em in the vents. That way they’ll think one of them stole the money and hid it.

    Dino_Dude grinned and gave the message to everyone else. Dac led them to a vent nearby, pried it open and everyone stuffed the bags in. Quickly, Dac replaced the grille and everyone checked his or her weapons. All were loaded, and everyone made sure they had silencers fitted. They would use the big guns for down and dirty combat. Acro checked his watch.

    Acro: Guys, it’s 11 p.m. We better hurry up and get clear of the rooftop, because in and hour SGD and his boys will be up here.

    Dark Hunter: OK, let’s move it.

    They headed towards a different staircase when Dino_Dude noticed something. He indicated a large shape nearby. Acro stared.

    Acro: That’s one of the missiles. Dac, come with me. You others wait here.

    They ran over to the missile while the others waited. Acro pulled out a screwdriver and unscrewed the nuts and bolts on the rocket, and took off the metal covering. He reached in and extracted a metal holder with a glass case in it. The holder was just a few bars, a thick top and a thick bottom. Acro unscrewed the top and pulled it out. The glass case came out with it, and they saw what looked like khaki colored liquid inside. He looked at it.

    Acro: Really pretty glass case, unfortunately very fragile. Dac, hold it for me.

    Dac took it up.

    Dac: What does this stuff do?

    Acro: If one tablespoon of this is detonated in the atmosphere it can take out the entire city.

    Dac: What happens if you drop it?

    Acro: Happily, it’ll wipe out everyone on this island.

    Dac: How?

    Acro: It’s a chemical tested on chimps, it turned them into mindless zombies, like the stuff in Resident Evil. Stops the nerve functions in 35 seconds and paralyzes you in one minute. It’s only a temporary effect to keep you from moving away from gas. Enough of it will get rid of the paralyze effect once it has eaten your brain away, and then your mind is gone. You are merely a zombie that focuses only on feeding off those who don’t have the effects. One bite, and they become the same.

    Dac: Oh, sick.

    Acro: Yeah, not at all pleasant. You can give me the gas now. I’ve taken out the guidance chip so it should splash down after 300 feet or so.

    Dac gave him the gas and jogged over to a small vent they hadn’t noticed earlier. He took off the grille and they heard the sound of retching and spewing. Then it ceased, and he replaced the grille. He came over, looking green.

    Yvonne: You OK?

    Dac: Yeah, fine. Acro, we’re going. Come on!

    Dac led them down and looked around. He pointed to one corridor and led them down it, towards the shower room. The plan was finally underway, and Group Two was running free.


    8/18/2002 7:08:07 PM

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