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    Armageddon:Dan's JP3 Page 2-Chapter 1
    By Spinoboy11

    Chapter 1-Dac's New Weapon

    Spinoboy11 jerked awake. He remembered with a grin how he had sneaked downstairs and had a few beers last night. He must have fallen asleep on the sofa. He wondered what had woken him, when the sound came again. The phone had started ringing the house. Evilgrinch and Charlotte were upstairs, so Spinoboy11 picked up the receiver. The two upstairs had woken from the phone ringing, but Spinoboy hadn’t heard Evilgrinch yelling for him to pick it up.

    Spinoboy11: Hello? Oh, hey! How’s it going? Uh huh. Yep. Yeah, they’re upstairs. What? He is? He’s coming here? In three days? OK, sure. See ya.

    Evilgrinch and Charlotte walked downstairs, their engagement rings gleaming in the morning light. Evilgrinch looked curious.

    Evilgrinch: Who was that?

    Spinoboy11: Vader. He says our young friend is coming soon, with something to show us.

    Charlotte: Which young friend?

    Spinoboy11: Dac.

    Charlotte looked confused.

    Charlotte: Who?

    Evilgrinch: The Australian who killed SGD.

    Charlotte: Oh, yeah.

    Spinoboy11 nodded.

    Spinoboy11: Yeah, Dac called Vader last night and asked for a place to stay, but Vader had no room, so Vader would ask us for him. I figured he could have the sofa. He’ll be here in three days.

    Evilgrinch: Bit short notice, but OK, we’ll see what we can do.


    At an abandoned gas station, Dac was showing something to Evilgrinch, Spinoboy11, Vader and Charlotte. His flight had conveniently come in at six in the morning, so it was three very tired people that came to pick him up.

    Evilgrinch: So, what is this thing, Dac?

    Dac: New weapon I made. Fires a .500 rocket bullet, range one mile, extendable barrel for sniper use.

    Vader: Looks like a modified crutch.

    Dac: Basic design. Put your shoulder through this space, rest it there. Hold this handle, trigger’s there. Load, open this chamber, fits 30 bullets at once. Watch this.

    He slipped it onto his shoulder and aimed at a nearby fuel tank. He dropped to one knee and fired a single bullet. The tank exploded into a fireball and blasted backwards.

    Dac: Altitude 50 feet and blew back 30 meters, that’s better than I thought.

    Vader: Jesus Christ!

    Dac: Yep. Been working on this for two years.

    Vader: Where the hell did you get the money?

    Dac: My pal Sharkey scabs about $500 a month and sends me half. It built up with my own money until I had about 20 million saved. I funded this project in secret.

    Evilgrinch: How’d it get through customs?

    Dac: It’s collapsible. I took it apart. Bullets in a cigarette box, folded the trigger and handle in a cigarette lighter, and the rest as various other items.

    Spinoboy11: Got any other surprises for us?

    Dac took a small canister out of his pocket.

    Dac: Always have a gas mask handy if you use this. Inhalation poison gas. Paralyzes and cuts off nerves after 35 seconds. Dissolves the skeleton, causes dropping out and melting of eyeballs, cause of spasms so hard they rip your torso clean off. Then it’s just a matter of whether you vomit all your guts out or just some. Skin vaporizes after that. Can be fitted into the gun instead of a bullet, penetrates skin and injects the poison.

    Charlotte: Yuck. Any antidote?

    Dac: Yeah, but there’s only ten seconds to administrate it, and it only comes in these.

    He held up a syringe. Spinoboy11 grinned at the tiny needle. Then Dac pressed a button and the needle shot out another 12 centimeters. Everyone’s jaw dropped.

    Dac: I’ve been dwelling on killing SGD for all those months, and I celebrated this thing by writing a journal recount about it. Then, a few days later, I saw this, and I got suspicious. I decided to show it to you.

    He held something up. Everyone looked at it and gaped.

    Evilgrinch: Holy shit!

    8/12/2002 4:22:33 PM

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