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    Armageddon:Dan's JP3 Page-Chapter 2
    By Spinoboy11

    Where we left off...

    Vader was just standing there, not taking his eyes off the phone.
    Spinoboy11 and Evilgrinch eyes widened greatly as they backed
    towards the stairs. They then surged up the stairs. Vader began
    chase as he was led to Evilgrinch and Spinoboy11's room. It was
    locked, as so was the bathroom door.

    Vader:They must be changing.

    Vader began to walk back down the stairs as Evilgrinch and Spinoboy11
    bursted out the doors with new clothes on. They began to run down the
    stairs. Vader gulped and ran away from them. He barely dodged them as
    he slid to the side. Evilgrinch ran to the computer while Spinoboy11
    stopped to put on his Air Nike shoes. Evilgrinch pulled a handgun out
    of the draw and slipped it into his belt. Post Grant clicked the phone off
    and spoke:

    Post Grant:We're going to Maryland, 10:00 tonight. Let's go now so we
    aren't late.

    Spinoboy11:Yeah, we should get going.

    Spinoboy11, Vader, and Post Grant jumped over the front door steps and
    waited for Evilgrinch, who was locking the door. It was a cool, snowy day.
    Evilgrinch put his foot on the step and slipped back, landing on his back.

    Evilgrinch:Ahhh, shit!!!

    Spinoboy11 began to chuckle as he lifted Evilgrinch to his feet. Post Grant
    was shuddering greatly. Vader didn't seem to mind the cool, winter weather.

    Post Grant:Let's take my van.

    Post Grant began to run for his van, but Evilgrinch, Vader, and Spinoboy11
    weren't behind him. They were getting inside Spinoboy11's 2002 22-X Chevy
    Camaro. Post Grant growled and ran to the car. He got in the back while
    Spinoboy11 turned the ignition.

    Spinoboy11:Fasten your seatbelts.

    Evilgrinch, Vader, and Post Grant weren't listening, instead they were talking
    and laughing. Spinoboy11 began to become annoyed and spoke louder.

    Spinoboy11:Fasten your seatbelts, please.

    They still weren't listening. Spinoboy11 buckled up and began to speed off.
    Evilgrinch, Post Grant, and Vader heads whiplashed as Spinoboy11 put the
    pedal to the medal. He turned on some rap and took the exit towards Interstate


    Baltimore, Maryland-Community Center-9:24 PM:

    Dan was walking back and forth across the room with his hands behind his
    back. There were 40+ seats in the room, but only 6 people were sitting in
    them, all of them veterans:Dac, Jurassiclaw, AcroIguana, Cyros, Rancor,
    and Dark Element. Dac rose his hand high in the air.

    Dac:When in the hell is this meeting going to start?

    Dan:Soon as everyone else gets here.


    Jurassiclaw spoke out from the back.

    Jurassiclaw:Hey Dan, Evilgrinch, Spinoboy11, Vader, and Post Grant won't
    get here until 10:30.


    Jurassiclaw chuckled loudly.

    Jurassiclaw:Spinoboy11's car broke down.

    Dan:Oh, shit! We need them here!

    Dark Element:No shit, Dan!

    Dan:Shut up.

    Dark Element and the other five laughed out loud from the back. AcroIguana
    walked over to the vending machine and bought a Pepsi. He chugged it down
    quickly. He crushed his can and took a basketball-style shot towards the
    garbage can.

    AcroIguana:Michael Jordan!

    The can bounced off the side of the garbage can.


    Cyros:(laughing)Michael Jordan, my ass!

    AcroIguana:Shut up.

    Rancor was sleeping in the back. He had a Gameboy Advanced on his
    stomach that was still on. He snored loudly. He also talked in his sleep. He
    was talking about casinos.

    Rancor:Jackpot...now...need it...yes!!! I got it!

    Dan was laughing in the front. He shook his head and put his hand on his

    Dan:It's just a matter of time until everyone else comes...

    Cyros:Yeah, I wanna know more about this "Allience" and how it was

    Dan:Well, we'll find out as soon as everyone else gets here...


    5/4/2002 1:21:54 PM
    (Updated: 5/4/2002 9:05:25 PM)

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