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    JP star Laura Dern won a Golden Globe for best actress for her performance in the 1992 TV movie, 'Afterburn'.
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    Jurassic Park Breakout
    By Spino144

    Paul Kirby scrambled to the door, opened it, and ran inside. The sound of footsteps came from the hallway before him. A baryoynx walked through the kitchen door and went inside after Paul. He stood face to face with the beast. The it cocked its head back and spit venom at Paul and he fell down paralized.
    Eric Kirby rushed to his aid.

    "Leave me to be, son. The baryoynx has got me!"

    "Okay," And Eric ran outside the InGen Lab.

    Outside, Eric, ran into a brontosaurus. It lowered the neck and grabbed Eric by the side and swung him from one side to another. Then dropped him on the cold, hard ground. Then the brontosaurus lowered its neck once more and feasted on Eric's body.

    Eric's last sight was of his Mother stumbling over the under bush into his view...

    Amanda Kirby saw the brontosaurus eating away at his son, and it was doing more then that. It was turning, changing shape. It was evolving right before her eyes into a brachiosaurus.

    "That is where the spinosaurus came from. It evolved from smaller dinosaurs like the raptors or even the tyrannosaur!" Amanda Kirby ran back into the bushes so the semi-brachiosaur won't see her.

    But the dinosaur did not see her, but the raptors lurking behind her did!

    The brachiosaurus then came on over and chased the raptors away. the brachiosaurus was more nice then the brontosaurus. And it liked plants more then meat. And it saved Amanda Kirby from certain doom. But Amanda Kirby killed the brachiosaurus because it killed her son Eric Kirby.

    But the baryoynx was still somewhere In NY and he must find it to kill it because it is dangerous. And he would kill it to save Enid Oregon and the world from the dangerous baryoynx.

    To be continued
    The End.

    I tried hard on this so please like it and I spelled checked and everything!!!

    6/19/2002 2:27:57 PM

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