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By Michael Crichton
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    Creationist's Theory Ch. 1: The Discovery
    By RaptureManD

    Ch. 1: The Discovery
    Waziri Mudflats, Tanzania

    Rachel Lockhart strode across her dig site in the noonday heat, her boots pounding on the petrified mud. At 23, she was considered one of the youngest ever, and some said most beautiful, paleontologist in the world.
    She liked knowing that she was good looking, but the leers and catcalls annoyed her. Despite her charms, no man had ever put a move on her. The last one that had tried ended up unconscious and on the floor in under ten seconds.
    Yes, her curves hid a tough, enduring strength and a courageous heart. As a child, her parents had made her take martial arts lessons day in and day out. It payed off.
    Now she was a paleontologist, or so she liked to be called. Every time her real proffesion was made known, she lost funding and respect. Creationists were outcasts in the scientific world, and she needed all the money she could get.
    Despite her lack of popularity, Rachel gained a small team of creationists and grad students that followed her around the globe. As she glanced at the nearby shade tent, she knew most of the students hadn't come for science. They just wanted to see what she would wear in a hot climate.
    In the tent, some of the students were cooling off with a drink and some shade. They stared at her as she passed by. Just ignore them, she thought, if God could use Balaam's ass, maybe He could use them some day.
    When she entered the trailer that served as her home and laboratory, she saw a man hunched over a microscope on the table in the center of the room. Around him were fragments of a skull, mostly teeth, that had once belonged to a young ceratosaurus.
    "What've you got, Carter?" she asked. He ignored her. She waited patiently for a response.
    Finally he looked up and said, "You were right. Cross examination of the tooth core revealed small fragment of matter that indicates it was pre-Flood, possibly even pre-Fall."
    Rachel leaned over to look in the microscope. "This could be our big break," she said excitedly, "if we can prove that a substantial part of this creature's diet was plant matter, then-"
    She was interrupted by a frantic banging on the door. It was one of the grad students. One of the few that were here for science.
    "Mr. and Mrs. Lockhart! Are you in there?" he called. "I think we found something BIG!"
    "Come on honey," Carter said, "let's go see what the fuss is all about."

    Everybody in the camp had gathered around George Lewis, Rachel's protege. As they pushed through the crowd, they saw him kneeling by something in the ground. It resembled a piece of leather stretched over a curving frame.
    "Is that what I think it is, George?" she asked.
    "I think so," he replied.
    "OK, people," she hollered suddenly. "This is our first priority! I want us all to work quickly and carefully to get this thing out of the ground and preserved!" She turned to Lewis.
    "George, get the university on the phone pronto." She paused, then turned to the rest of the team.
    "Congratulations, everyone. We've just discovered one of the only mummified dinosaurs to date!"
    They cheered.

    Houston, Texas- 3 months later

    The tiny needle entered the round cell, injecting its payload into the nucleus. Then, ever so carefully, it pulled out.
    The man holding the needle sat back and smiled, then took the small vial of clear liquid off the rack. Finally, all the DNA splicing was complete. Now life would begin. Now the project would commence.
    Soon, the Father would be reborn in these small cells. But unlike the Enemy thousands of years before, he would not die. He would conquer! He would purify mankind, and reveal a New Beginning for all who would accept him. For those who didn't- death.
    He, Damien Giovanni, had been chosen as the Life-Bearer of the Father's son.
    He still held the vial as he left the room. The ceremony was about to begin.

    1/20/02 12:56:48 AM

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