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    Steven Spielberg made the velociraptors in JP considerably larger than they were believe to be. However, during post-production, the Utahraptor was discovered, which fit the JP velociraptors dimensions perfectly. (From: 'Dean')
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    By Mr. Chaos

    Voice over guy- They were once a bunch of board members. That is, until a nuke hit the site, and turned them into DAN’S JP3 PAGE SUPER FRIENDS. We see our heroes at NVO’s place, helping him look for something important.

    (Cut to a messy apartment, NVO tearing the place up while Chaos, Carna and Maester look on.)

    NVO- Have to find it, have to find it.

    Chaos- You know, this would be easier if you told us what we were looking for.

    Maester- Yea, what is so important that you had to drag us over here, tell us to help you find something, then not tell us what it is.

    NVO- None of your business

    Carna (holding up a box marked Dan’s New Message Board)- This it?

    NVO- Nope, that’s something I found while going through Dan’s trash a few years back.

    Chaos- You know what. I’m about ready to kick your ass if you don’t tell us what to look for!

    NVO- Ya, at least my fan fics get positive remarks!

    Chaos- Oh, that’s it!

    (Chaos and NVO walk right at each other, but Maester and Carna restrain them)

    Carna- Knock it off, both of you. If you think we’re going to try and find your teeth after you two fight, your mistaken.

    Maester- We have enough trouble trying to find NVO’s mysterious idem.

    NVO- I’m going to get the mail. (walks out)

    Chaos- I hate him so much.

    Maester- Hate is such a strong word.

    Chaos- Fine, I don’t hate him, I loathe him with every fiber of my being

    Maester- That’s better.

    (NVO returns looking pale, a package in his hands)

    Carna- What the hell is wrong with you?

    NVO- This. (holds up a piece of paper)

    Maester- Oh, you discovered paper. Let me call the reporters, we’ll have to get this on the evening news

    NVO_ Oh just go work on your Geeks fan fic, will ya.

    Carna- Well, what the hell is it.

    NVO- It’s a note. A gang has taken my idiot list. They want 5o million dollars for it’s safe return.

    Chaos- Are you saying you made us search all afternoon, just for your idiots list!

    NVO- Yes

    Maester- Chaos, You grab him, Carna, open the window.

    NVO- Wait, let me explain. My idiots list is a dangerous thing. I have people on there that could do a lot of harm to me.

    Carna- Sooooooo…..?

    NVO-If they were to publish it, I wouldn’t be able to show my face on the board again!

    Chaos- So, I guess you want us to find these guys and then help you kill them?


    Carna- Open the window.

    (later, in the Super Friends secret command center.)

    Batcartna- So, how are we going to figure out who sent the note?

    Spider Maester- Well, we are running a DNA tests on the paper to determine who sent it. The results should be in any second

    (a machine dings, Spider Maester walks up to it)

    Spider Maester- According to the computer, you can’t find DNA on a fax.

    Chaotic- Well, that was a waste of 11 hours. (walks over to the mini bar)

    Super NVO- What are you doing!

    Chaotic- Giving up.

    Batcarna- We don’t give up.

    Chaotic- Sure we do. Remember when we couldn’t get that little girl out of the well, we gave up then.

    Spider Maester- That’s because you threw your sword at her because she wouldn’t stop crying

    Chaotic- So?

    Batcarna- You gut her like a fish!

    Chaotic- She wasn’t that cute of a kid anyway.

    Super NVO- Can we please get back to my list

    Spider Maester- My List, My List, My List.

    Batcarna- Well Super NVO, I do have an idea how to figure out who wrote this, but I was saving it as a last resort

    Super NVO- Just do it.

    (later that day)

    Batcarna- Well TyranoRex, can you see who wrote it?

    TyranoRex114- Yes, if you look at spelling of ransom, you will notice an extra o. His is a common thing done by the Rancor gang.

    Super NVO- Rancor Gang?

    Chaotic- A group of spammers that stole the original rancor’s name.

    Super NVO- Come to think of it, I did put their names on the list.

    Batcarna- Then lets go.

    (the hero walk toward their vehicles)

    Chaotic- I don’t know why we don’t use him more often.

    Spider Maester- Because when he sees bad spelling, he, well

    Tyrano- Two o’s how stupid. That makes me so mad…

    (Tyrano begins to turn into the Incredible Tyrano)

    Chaotic- Ok, now I understand.

    (run to their vehicles)

    Tyrano- Must stop people who don’t spell right!!!!!!

    Voice over guys- Later that night, our heroes prepare to trap the Rancor gang in a trap.

    Batcarna (dressed as a bum)- Does everyone understand the plan?

    Spider Maester (dressed as a construction worker)- Yea, we wait for Super NVO to give the Gang the money, then we attack.

    Batcarna- Ok, everyone ready, uh, chaotic, where are you?

    Chaotic (hiding in an alley)- I am not wearing this

    Super NVO- Come on you big baby.

    Chaotic (dressed as a hooker)- This can’t get any worse

    (Dan walks up to Chaotic)

    Dan- Hey, they hired me to pimp you out tonight.

    Chaotic- It got worse, didn’t it?

    Spider Maester- Yea

    Super NVO- Everyone to positions, they are coming.

    (Rancor gang walks up to Super NVO)

    Rancor 1- Ok, where is the money man?

    Super NVO (pats briefcase.)- Right here

    Rancor 2- Let me count it

    (Dan and Chaotic watch nervously, Dan’s hand reaches down)

    Chaotic- I don’t care if you are suppose to be my pimp, touch me there and you die.

    Rancor 3- Ok, here is the list.

    Super NVO- thank you very NOW!

    (heroes spring out, attack Rancors)

    Chaotic- Time to get out of this dress (slices dress off, revealing costume.) Much better

    (Heroes continue to attack Rancors, but once they kill on, another takes it’s place)

    Spider Maester- We can’t win, there are to many of them (fires a web, but to exhausted to pull it.)

    Chaotic- We have only one chance. (hollers to Rancors) I give up

    Batcarna- Just like the little girl in the well story.

    Rancor 1121- good. Do you have any last requests?

    Chaotic- Yes, could you write my name on the wall over there?

    Rancor 2345- Sure. (Begin to write Chatic on the wall)

    Rancor 4532- Anything else?

    Chaotic- Yea, kiss your asses goodbye.

    Rancor 7890- Huh?

    (hear a roar. Incredible Tyrano appears on the scene.)

    Tyrano- You spell wrong! I must kill you

    Chaotic- Come on guys, lets get out of.. Super NVO, stop righting people on your idiot list!

    Super NVO- Hehe, sorry.

    (Back at Mr. Chaos’ mansion)

    Chaos- Well, I am glad that is over.

    NVO (hugging his idiots list)- Yea, me too

    Carna- So tell me. Are any of us on the list

    NVO- That is not of your business

    Maester- Yea, NVO is right, it’s none of our (grabs list out of NVO’s hands, looks at it.) Wait a minute, Vader, Evilgrinch, yourself. You idiot, this is your cool people list

    NVO- Then I guess I must have put the idiot list where I put the cool people list. Here it is.

    Chaos- You mean it was here the entire time!

    NVO- Yea, I guess it was

    Carna (looking at the list)- Hey, we’re not on the cool people list!

    Chaos (grabbing NVO) – Move it, I’m throwing him out the window

    Maester- But the window isn’t open!

    Chaos- I know.

    Voice over guy- Will Chaos forgive NVO? Will TyranoRex114 be the next super friend? Will Maester ever make another Geek Fan fic? Will Chaos’ fan fics ever get a positive review? Find out next time!

    7/18/2002 10:28:07 AM

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