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    Dan's Deathmatch: SGD vs MAX
    By General Thade

    "And here he is....Max!!!!!" shouted the announcer.
    *crowd cheers wildly as Max makes his way to the ring*
    Max walked in the ring and proceeded to his corner.
    "Now we will see who this mysterious challenger is" said the announcer.
    [Theme music (Down With The Sickness, by Disturbed) plays for SGD]
    *SGD makes his way down the isle to the ring*
    SGD walked to his corner and signaled the ref that he was ready.
    Max too signaled the ref he was ready.
    "Thats get this fight in action!" cried the ref.
    SGD cautiously advanced to Max's corner.
    "I am the original evil! This site isn't big enough for two evil idiots" stated SGD.
    "But you were only here briefly bitch!
    I come to this place more then you!"
    shouted Max.
    "Aggggrrrrhhhh" *SGD leaps at max*
    Max jumped to the ground and then rolled to dodge SGD. SGD hit the corner face-first. "HAHAHAHA, look at you, ya can't even control your anger, then agai, neither can I" said Max.
    SGD got back up and turned around gazing at Max as blood trickles down his face from his forhead.
    "Let me help you wipe that blood from your face dumbass!" *Max elbows SGD's chest then uppercuts him with his left hand* SGD fell back unto the ropes preventing him from being knocked out of the ring.
    "You always did like yo mamma didn't ya Max" said SGD.
    "Arrrrgggghhhhh, you'll pay for that remark sick shit!" cried Max.
    *Max charges at SGD, but SGD ducks down and flips Max over the ropes*
    Max landed on a table causing it to break in half. SGD jumped out of the ring and stood by Max.
    Slowly Max recovered and got up to his feet. SGD walked over to Max and punched him in the face.
    "Had enough, or should I whoop your ass somemore and then finish you off?" asked SGD. "Bring it on!" cried Max.
    *SGD hits Max in the gut, then grabs the back of his head* SGD slammed max's head into the corner of the ring continously. *Blood squirts everywhere from Maxes face*
    SGD picked up max and then tossed him into the ring. *SGD gets on top of the pole where the ropes connect*
    "Oh my! SGD isgoing to use his signature move where he jumps off and lands his foot on the opponent's head, which will crush the skull to peices!"
    Shouted the announcer.
    "Who hell is making their appearence now?" asked the ref. "It's Max Jr! He' coming to help Max! This doesn't look good for SGD!" *Max Jr pulls SGD's leg causing SGD to fall off* SGD landed hard on the ring but jumped right back up and cornered Max Jr.
    *Max gets up and sneaks behind SGD ready to attack him from behind*
    Max Jr charged at SGD. *SGD grabs Max Jr's shirt and tossed him into Max*
    Max and Max Jr both lossed contiousness.
    *SGD places Max on top of Max Jr so that their heads are on top of each other* SGD got to th top of the pole and prepared for the final attack.
    *SGD leaped off and landed his boot on Max's head crushing the skulls of Max and Max Jr*
    The skulls shattered everywhere and blood stained the ring.
    "And the winner is S! G! D!" declared the ref. SGD turned on the ref and snapped his neck which lead to SGD's execution.
    "Well looks like this place is without idiots for now" declared the ref.

    1/7/02 8:01:52 PM

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    (C)2000-2002 by Dan Finkelstein. "Jurassic Park" is TM & © Universal Studios, Inc. & Amblin Entertainment, Inc.
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