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    Despite the scene where a Brachiosaurus is seen munching plants, Sauropods had peg-like teeth and could not chew with their teeth. (From: 'Dinosaur_neill')
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    Suddenly Memories: Film Geek
    By Dac

    A breeze drifted through the open window and caught the curtains, lifting them back and letting sunlight pour into the room. Film Geek groaned and rolled over, grumbling as the shafts of light hit him full in the face. He waved his hand vaguely at the window as though lazily trying to swat a fly, mumbling something indistinct. Slowly he opened his eyes blearily and yawned. Stretching himself out and sitting up slowly, he reached for the bathrobe he’d left dumped on the floor the night before and pulled it on. Standing up, he pushed out of his room and wandered down the corridor to the kitchen area.
    “Morning,” he said groggily as he walked in. Erok and Fools were sitting at the table talking. Fools had a bowl of Cheerios in front of him while Erok’s place was blank.
    “Morning,” said Fools.
    “Hi,” said Erok. “How’d you sleep?”
    “Same as always,” said Geek. “Not well.”
    “Still having those dreams?” asked Fools. “About the city?”
    “Nah, nothing like that,” said Geek, putting bread in the toaster. “I haven’t had those since we got out of the woods. I just woke up a million times last night. How about you guys?” He sat down at the table and rubbed his eyes.
    “I slept fine,” said Erok. “I’m comfy here. Fools?”
    “In and out,” mumbled Fools through a mouthful of cereal. He shrugged as though to clarify and continued eating.
    “Where are the others?” asked Geek. “We here alone?”
    “GD took Tack and Spartan out on patrol,” said Erok. “God help her. They’ll be back in a few hours.”
    Geek’s toast popped up. He moved over and buttered it slowly. “What about Puma?”
    “I’m here,” said a metallic voice. All three looked over as the Puma-bot moved into the room. “Good morning, Geekers, Erok, Fools,” he said, looking at each of them in turn.
    “Any news?” asked Erok. “What are you monitoring?”
    “Local area networks, radio frequencies, basically every transmitting system in the surrounding area,” replied the Puma-bot. “There is a fascinating amount of information being transmitted. Unfortunately most of it is largely useless to us.”
    “That’s not surprising,” remarked Geek, taking a bite of his toast. Fools nodded and shoved his spoon into his mouth again. Erok looked out the window, then back at the Puma-bot.
    “Most of it,” he repeated. “You’ve found something, then?”
    “A scattering,” said the Puma-bot. “There were unusual reports, all unconnected, of an area nearby undergoing strange changes to the surrounding environment over the past few days. I have collated these sources and have come to a conclusion.”
    The other three waited expectantly. A minute passed and they began to exchange puzzled glances. Erok arched an eyebrow. “And?”
    “Sorry. I was pausing for effect,” said the Puma-bot. “I believe there is a person like us in that area. Someone with powers.”
    Geek leaned forward. Fools froze, his hand halfway to his mouth. Erok didn’t move. Slowly, Fools lowered his spoon back to his bowl and pushed it away. He leaned over, suddenly deep in thought. Erok folded his arms and Geek moved to the fridge to fetch a drink.
    “Hmm,” said Erok after a pause. “Do you know what sort of powers?”
    “Unclear, but satellite imagery of the nearby lake combined with local temperature gauges-”
    “Puma. Short version.”
    “Sorry. I believe this person is a cryokinetic.”
    Erok looked at the Puma-bot for a minute, then swung around to look at Fools.
    “Ice,” said Fools. “Control it, create it, whatever.”
    “I know what it means,” said Erok irritably, waving his hand. “What do you think?”
    “What, that there’s an iceman near here? Crazier things have happened,” said Fools. “I didn’t see it coming, but it doesn’t surprise me. Hell, half of the guys that joined the team we ran into out of the blue. We found Tack in a truck, GD in a prison, EagleMan flew out of the goddamn sky and SpiderWolve shoved a note through a hole in the air.”
    “Good point,” conceded Erok.
    “Do we know anyone that can control ice?” asked Geek. “Anyone from the Family or the Guardsmen?”
    “Not as far as I’m aware,” said Erok. “Unless...no, I was going to say Doom, since he could control water, but he’s long dead.”
    “Being dead hasn’t stopped some of us,” said Geek. “Namely me.”
    “But it has stopped several of the others,” countered Erok. “Namely Cabose, Jonix, Powerbomb, Marksman...I could go on.”
    “I love the fact that most of those aren’t on our side,” muttered Fools wryly. “Could it be someone new?”
    “There can’t be that many left from the old forums, surely,” said Geek.
    Fools shrugged. “Just saying. New power, new person. Seems to fit.”
    “It’s always a new power,” grunted Geek. “Seriously, there’s a lot of us here, Family, Guardsmen, and everything in between. How the hell did out of all of us, no one managed to get the same power as someone else? Explain that to me.”
    “Some of them did, though,” said Erok. “Hell, EagleMan has two powers and they’re both double ups. He can fly, and so can Elite-”
    “Doesn’t count,” said Geek. “You and Poet and Tack and I can fly too, that’s nothing special.”
    “All of us have to use our core powers to do it, whereas those two do it independently of their other powers, so yeah, it does count,” said Erok. “And EagleMan and Marksman both have optic blasts too.”
    “Marksman’s dead.”
    “Still counts.”
    “Guys,” interrupted Fools. “Bigger things to worry about here.”
    “The ice guy?” asked Geek. “What about him? If it was a Guardsman we’d know about him already. We know all the Guardsmen.”
    “We may not,” said Fools. “It could be a new recruit, but even if it’s not, if we know about it, those power-sensing stations will have picked him up. If it is some lone guy then it’s not much of an issue, but what happens if the hero hunters turn up for answers? First thing they’ll do is cover the surrounding area, which includes this city.”
    The others paused. After a moment of thought Geek nodded and took another sip of his drink. Erok stroked his chin pensively before nodding to Geek.
    “OK,” he said. “Geekers, I want you to go check it out. See if you can find the guy, find out who he is. If you can convince him, bring him back here. If not, well, do what you think is best. Puma, see if you can break onto the hero hunter bandwidth and make sure there’s nothing there. If there is anything, scramble their signal. Send them on a wild goose chase.”
    “You have advised me to stay away from those frequencies.”
    “And now I’m telling you to do this instead,” said Erok. “I do not want hero hunters crawling around here. It’s a short step to another bombed city and I am not going through that again. Give Geekers co-ordinates and then make sure the Leader’s goons don’t come anywhere near here.”
    “Yes, Erok.”
    Erok tossed Geek the keys to the car they’d taken from a drug runner and gave him a level stare.
    “You scratch it, you lose a testicle,” warned Erok. Geek laughed.
    “I won’t hurt it,” he said.
    “You better not,” grunted Erok, walking out of the room. At the table, Fools finished off his Cheerios and rubbed his eyes. He took the bowl over to the sink and cleaned it. As he wiped it down with a rag, Geek walked up behind him.
    “You really think it could be a Guardsman?” he asked, concern bleeding into his voice.
    “I don’t know,” said Fools. “I hope not, but I’d rather know for sure. I don’t think it’s a trap, it’s too clumsy for the Leader, but something doesn’t sit right with me.”
    Geek nodded and Fools walked out, leaving him with the Puma-bot. Geek rubbed his eyes and moved for the doorway, beckoning to the silent robot. “Walk with me,” he said. The Puma-bot fell into step beside him as they walked down the corridor for the garage. Geek climbed into the driver’s seat and handed the Puma-bot the satnav.
    “Here,” he said. “Give me the co-ordinates and I’ll drive out now.”
    “Programming,” said the Puma-bot, tapping the GPS’s screen. “There. I suggest leaving the car on the side of the road nearby and walking the rest of the way so as not to surprise the target.”
    “Target?” echoed Geek. “I’m not hunting the guy. I just want to know who he is.”
    “I am aware,” commented the Puma-bot. “I stand by my choice of words. The drive should take a few hours. I will see you when you return.”
    The Puma-bot turned and walked out of the garage, closing the door behind him. Geek watched him go, and as the door shut he shook his head.
    “We’ve come a long way from those holidays in Florida, my friend,” he muttered, and turned the key.


    The breeze caught Geek as he drifted through the trees. He gave a bit of a snort as he thought about what Puma had said about walking. Gliding on the wind was far more fun, and relaxing to boot. The breeze tickled a bit as he wafted through some trees. It was a nice area out here. There was no sound of the city, which he had left far behind. He glided further up the road, enjoying the view, when he came upon the lake. Gathering a bit more density, he descended towards the ground, easing himself over the grass and returning to normal. He looked around and spotted a secluded house on the other side. It was an expensive looking house, the sort of holiday home yuppies bought to have their summer holidays at. It was the wrong time of year for those sort of folk, though.
    “Probably why he’s here now,” mumbled Geek. “Better privacy.”
    He let himself get lighter and drifted through the air. Conveniently, the breeze blew him in roughly the right direction, and he floated over the water towards it. As he approached, he noticed the air was starting to get colder. He shivered a bit and looked around for some signs of movement.
    There was a man on the bank of the lake. Geek watched him closely as he floated towards the house. The man was sitting on the grass, his hands held out in front. Geek couldn’t see his expression, but the man seemed to be concentrating. As Geek watched, the air around his hands seemed to condense, then froze solid. Geek stared, fascinated, as twin spears of ice appeared in the man’s hands. He stood up and moved down to the edge of the water and hurled them one after the other like javelins. The throws were nothing special. The spears splashed down and floated on the calm surface of the water like white sticks.
    Geek stroked his chin, but before he could decide how to go in for a closer look, his view of the man was obscured by the house as he floated over it. Cursing, he descended and landed on the front lawn. Ducking quickly into the trees, he carefully moved around through the brush and stood in the treeline, watching the man about 100 metres away again sitting on the grass and concentrating. This time his hands were cupped and held not far from his chest, and once again the air around his hands turned frosty as what looked like a small bowl appeared in his hands. The man lowered his left hand while holding the bowl in his right, and as he stood up, he held the bowl out at arm’s length, and a thin pillar of ice snaked out and raised the bowl above his head.
    Geek stepped out from the treeline so he was visible. The man spotted him and dropped the thin column of ice, staring in surprise. If he was concerned that Geek had seen him using his ability, he hid it well.
    “Good morning,” called Geek.
    “Hello,” came the reply. “Can I help you?”
    “I was hoping you and I could have a talk,” said Geek, staying where he was. The man hesitated, then walked over. Reluctant but unafraid, Geek thought. It was probably the best start he could hope for. As the man approached, Geek noticed he was younger than he had expected, maybe 22 or 23, tall and thin with wavy black hair.
    “You don’t seem confused by what you saw,” said the man.
    “Not much surprises me these days,” said Geek. “I have a strange ability too, and I know lots of people who have more.”
    “Show me yours,” said the man casually. Geek picked up a stick and offered it to him. The man took it and looked at it curiously. Geek held up his hands and smiled.
    “Try poking me,” he said.
    The man looked puzzled, but obligingly pointed the stick at Geek’s hand and tentatively gave it a jab. It passed straight through. The man blinked.
    “I could still feel a slight resistance,” he said.
    Geek smiled and lowered his hands. “So could I,” he replied. “I can alter my density. I can either become as light as a feather or as solid as steel.”
    The man nodded calmly. “That must get interesting.”
    “There’s still a few kinks in it that I’m working out,” said Geek. “But it’s the card I was dealt. And you can create ice?”
    “I freeze air particles into any shape I want,” replied the man. “I’ve got some practice to do myself, but I’m getting better at it.”
    “So I see,” said Geek. “What’s your name?”
    “Paul,” said the man. “Paul Raymond. Yours?”
    “Film Geek.”
    Paul arched his eyebrow. “Well that’s nice, but what’s your real name?”
    “I...” Geek paused. “Wait, you don’t recognise the name Film Geek at all?”
    Paul’s eyes narrowed in confusion. “Should I?”
    Geek stared at him as though seeing him for the first time. Realisation crept onto his face bit by bit. “So...you weren’t on the forums at all,” he said slowly.
    If anything, Paul looked even more baffled. “The what?”
    “Hm? Oh, never mind,” said Geek. “I’m sorry, it’s just... I guess I just assumed...it’s been so long since we met someone with powers not from that group, I guess I forgot there were any.” Paul watched him, uncomprehending. Geek shook his head. “Sorry. An oversight on my part. Call me Geekers, everyone does.”
    “What are you, a government spook?” asked Paul. “One of those superpowered Guardsmen?”
    “I’m no Guardsman,” said Geek. “I know all of them very well, but we’re...well, we’re not friends. Not any more.”
    “Did you get fired?” asked Paul.
    “What? Oh, no, nothing like that. It’s...shit, ah...”
    He trailed off, looking exasperated. He swung his head in every direction, trying to make up his mind. Paul just stared at him. “Are you all right?”
    “Yeah, I just...I had this whole meeting planned out in my head, but I assumed you’d be one of our old group, and since you’re not, well, I’m lost.”
    Geek ran his hand through his hair, agitated. Paul’s mouth twisted into a small smile, but then his face turned hard.
    “What brought you out here?” he asked. “Me, obviously, but why?”
    Geek looked at him apologetically. “There’s a bunch of us, not far from here. One of us did some checking and concluded someone with ice powers was up here, so I got sent to check if it was someone we knew.”
    Paul nodded. “And if it was?”
    Geek shrugged. “We hadn’t quite worked it out.”
    Paul beckoned Geek back to where he’d been sitting and concentrating. Geek followed behind him as he talked.
    “I pick up on things that aren’t being said,” he stated. “You and your friends have issues with the Guardsmen. That means that legally you’re a criminal.”
    He gave Geek a hard look. Geek nodded. “True enough.”
    “Moreover, you and your friends want to win your little feud with the Guardsmen, so you’re looking to boost your ranks with other superpowered types. Namely me. Correct?”
    “Yeah,” shrugged Geek. “That’s pretty much it.”
    Paul looked around the landscape, taking it all in, looking pointedly at anything but Geek. For a long while he said nothing. Geek waited patiently for Paul to eventually turn back to him.
    “But then,” said Paul slowly. “You didn’t try and abduct me, and you could have. You could have surprised me, and probably taken me out, and I’d be at your mercy. You didn’t. You came out into the open, showed yourself, and then told me about your power to no benefit to yourself.”
    Geek said nothing, holding his gaze on Paul. Paul stared at him closely, peering at him like he was something exceptionally interesting.
    “You’re an honest guy,” he said finally.
    There was a moment of silence as the two men regarded each other. In spite of himself, Geek grinned slightly. “You a shrink?”
    “Electrician, actually,” said Paul. “But I studied psychology before I dropped out of college to get an apprenticeship. I’m a pretty good judge of character.”
    “I see,” said Geek. “So what happens now?”
    “You said you wanted to talk,” said Paul. “Let’s talk. Tell me things. You piqued my interest and you seem like an OK guy.”
    “I wouldn’t want to-” began Geek, but he was cut off by a call from inside the house.
    “Paul! Lunch is ready!”
    Paul looked up at the balcony and waved. “Be there in a minute!” He turned back to Geek and gestured towards the house. “My girlfriend,” he says. “She cooks a great barbecue. If you want you’d be welcome to some, and we can talk this out.”
    Geek looked up at the house and back to Paul, opening his mouth to protest and then closing it again. He stared up at the balcony wistfully, and the thought of barbecue made his mouth water. He turned back to Paul and smiled broadly.
    “That sounds great,” he said.
    Paul led the way over to the stairs, and the both of them climbed onto the patio. An attractive woman was laying out a couple of plates on a small table. She looked up and stopped when she spotted Geek. Paul motioned him forward.
    “This is my girlfriend, Louise,” he said. “Louise, this is...Film Geek.”
    “Hi,” said Geek. “Sorry to intrude.”
    “That’s all right,” she said haltingly. Her eyes were suspicious. They went narrow. She turned to Paul.
    “Have we got room for one more?” he asked. “I invited Geekers to join us. We have a lot to talk about.”
    She hesitated, but nodded. “Sure,” she said. “Give me one second. Would you like something to drink?”
    “Oh, no thank you, I’m fine,” said Geek, unable to keep an apologetic tone out of his voice.
    “Don’t take it personally,” murmured Paul as she moved inside. “It’s just your name. She’ll warm up soon. This can’t be the first time you’ve had that sort of reaction.”
    “No, it isn’t,” sighed Geek. “It probably won’t be the last, either, but I’m stuck with it now so I can’t complain.”
    Paul moved a third chair over to the table and motioned for him to sit down. Geek stood there obstinately until Louise came back out with another plate and some cutlery for him.
    “Thank you,” he said with as much earnestness he could bring up. She nodded and sat down. Paul and Geek followed suit.
    “What brings you out here?” she asked. Her tone was casual, but Geek heard the edge in it.
    “I’m with friends in the city at the moment,” he answered. “We detected some unusual activity out here, and concluded it had to be superhuman. I came up to see what was going on and met Paul.”
    “Are you...superhuman too then?” she asked.
    “I am,” said Geek gently. “I can alter my own density.”
    Louise gave a snort of laughter before she could stop herself. Geek smiled shyly. Paul simply grinned.
    “I’m sorry,” she said. “But...really?”
    “Hey, we can’t all have awesome elemental powers,” Geek chuckled. “You have no idea how much trouble it’s caused me. Way back, before we ever figured it out, we thought I could fly. That ended about as well as you’d expect.”
    Louise and Paul laughed out loud, and Geek relaxed. He watched Louise’s posture. Her shoulders gradually assumed a more casual, slumped position, and the hard light in her eyes went out. Geek breathed a sigh of relief and tucked into the potato salad.
    “Holy crap,” he said. “This is great! Oh man, I can’t even remember the last time I had barbecue.”
    “Don’t you and your friends cook much in the city?” asked Paul. Geek shrugged.
    “We cook a few things,” he said. “Nothing extravagant, and nothing as good as this. One of our guys, he controls fire, I should tell him to cook us something. I’m pretty sure he knows how to cook, but we’re just busy all the time we haven’t had a good dinner in weeks.”
    “That’s gotta suck.”
    “Like you wouldn’t believe,” said Geek, digging into his steak. “So, what about you, man? Do you know how you got your power?”
    “Got it?” echoed Paul. “No, not as far as I know. Just something that happened. Naturally occurring, whatever you want to call it. I once froze a bottle of whiskey in my hand just by touching it, and since then I just practice where I can. Hence up here.”
    Geek nodded slowly. “So you’re an average guy who just discovered one day he could freeze stuff.”
    “Pretty much,” said Paul. “It’s not the most thrilling origin story, but it’s the truth.”
    “The truth’s what counts,” said Geek. “So, you’re just figuring them out, trying to work out the power before you use it?”
    “If I ever use it,” said Paul. “I dunno what I’ll do. I’m no costumed vigilante, I’m no superhero or crime boss or anything. At the moment all I want to do is figure it out. Once I think I have a good grip on it...well, I don’t know what I’ll do. It’d be a killer party trick, but beyond that, I don’t know.”
    Geek blinked. “Fair enough,” he said. “God knows some of us could have benefitted from figuring out our powers before getting our hands dirty. Myself included.”
    Paul and Louise laughed again. Geek smiled, but inside, his head was going a mile a minute. He flashed back to those images he remembered from a long time ago. Captain Liberty, Alloy, Thrud. This world had its own heroes, not the presence of he and his ilk, but actual heroes native to this universe. Since those three he hadn’t seen or heard anything of others of that nature, until now. In the back of his mind the Outcasts were otherworldly. Something about them was not right. Not of this world. What it was he couldn’t put his finger on, but here, confronted with someone from this earth with powers, it was something else.
    He realised Louise was talking to him and blinked. “Sorry, what was that?”
    “I said what about you? What is it you do in the city?”
    “Oh,” said Geek. “Well...my friends and I...well, we are costumed vigilantes, if you want to put it that way. We don’t dress up in colourful spandex, but we go out into the city, bring in criminals. You know the drill.”
    Louise nodded, but Paul cocked his head. “There’s more to it though, right?” he asked. “You said to me that powers draw other powers. You said you know the Guardsmen. What else is there?”
    Geek lowered his eyes and stared at the table. He wondered if Paul could hear his brain clanking.
    “The Guardsmen,” he muttered. “The Guardsmen were my friends, once. So was the Leader.” He looked up, his face stony. “Now, I don’t know what’s happened. They think they’re superior to the people of this world. I don’t know why. We aren’t from this dimension, or world, or whatever you call it, and they think that because they were brought here and given superpowers that gives them the right to run the place. So you have the Leader, who sits high in his tower and sees this world as his private plaything, and his Guardsmen, a bunch of sadists who do his bidding at the slightest whim. Some company I used to keep.”
    He spat the last words out like a bad taste. Paul and Louise watched him curiously. He noticed their expressions and bowed his head.
    “Sorry,” he said. “Dealing with criminals is business. The Guardsmen? That’s personal, and it always will be.”
    “Fair enough,” said Paul slowly. “So you’ve been fighting the Guardsmen for a while?”
    “Too long,” said Geek. “Months and months. It gets depressing, you know? You spend so long fighting and it looks like you keep losing. The city we were originally based in got bombed, friends have died, half our team signed up with a military gang, and I spent a long time captured by a Guardsman and held in a cell. My friends thought I was dead for the longest time.”
    The other two took a minute to digest all of this. Paul looked thoughtful. Louise looked curious. She finished a piece of steak and eyed him.
    “Here’s the 64000 dollar question, then,” she said. “Why do you do it?”
    Geek halted, his fork halfway to his mouth. He looked at her. “What?”
    “It’s obviously a dangerous life,” she said. “Fighting against old friends, nearly being killed...why do you do it? You said yourself, it’s bad when it looks like you keep losing.”
    Geek thought about for a moment. He ate his steak and chewed slowly, thinking about it. Laying down his cutlery, he folded his arms and leaned across the table.
    “That time my friends thought I was dead,” he said. “I thought I’d never see them again. They thought the same. So when the day came when I escaped, and got back to my friends...the looks on their faces. Yeah, we were going through a crap time, but at that moment we didn’t care. I was just so glad to be with my best friends, and they were overjoyed to see me alive, and safe. It didn’t matter that the city was bombed, or that we were forced out into the woods. At that moment, we were all so glad to be alive, and safe for the moment, and to be reunited...it was something else.”
    He took a bit of a piece of carrot.
    “And I think to myself...there are people in this world who don’t get that feeling. They go through hell, and they don’t get their friends back when they die. When people like that die, they stay dead, and people have to come to grips with that. It’s not easy. I can’t stop life from being like that, but God help me, I will try.”
    There was a prolonged silence as Geek finished off his steak. Paul watched him closely. Louise was eating with a thoughtful look on her face.
    “And the Guardsmen?” asked Paul. Geek looked up.
    “When we came here,” he said. “We were given a mission, to stop them. Now, after all we’ve been through, that mission looks like a farce, how simple it seemed at the time. We thought we’d be done in a few weeks and that didn’t happen. We’ll find a way to stop them. We have to. They’re our friends. Our responsibility. It’s like if you saw your best friend kick a puppy across the room, you’d have to step in. But at the moment we don’t know how. So in the meantime we need to do something. And that’s what we’re doing. Working our way from the ground up.”
    He finished his carrot and tidied up the rest of his meal. The other two ate the last morsels on their plates and Paul sat back. Geek smiled again.
    “That was delicious,” he said. “Thanks again for that. Paul was right, you cook a great barbecue.”
    “My pleasure,” said Louise, trying vainly to conceal her satisfaction. “I’m just glad I cooked enough for three.”
    She stood up to collect the plates, and Geek stood up in a hurry to help.
    “Oh, I’ll take care of it,” she said.
    “No no, it’s the least I can do,” he said.
    “It’s no hassle,” she said, but he shook his head.
    “I insist.”
    Paul got up to help and they moved all the dirty plates inside. Paul put the leftovers in the fridge and Geek looked out over the lake.
    “You do have a great view up here,” he said.
    “Yeah,” said Paul fondly. “I love it up here.”
    Geek smiled before turning back to his hosts.
    “I should probably get back,” he said. “Let the others know what I found out.”
    “So are you going to try and recruit me to your cause?” asked Paul. Louise looked up. The light was back in her eyes, but Geek ignored it.
    “I’m not,” he said. “And if I have anything to say about it, neither will the others. You’ve got a good thing going, man. You’re a good guy, you’ve got a smart approach to your powers, and you’ve got someone waiting for you at the end of the day. If someday you decide to join us, well, awesome. But that’s your call. I don’t think it’s up to me to tell you otherwise.”
    Paul nodded. “But if I was one of your buddies who you hadn’t met yet, you’d try in a heartbeat, right?”
    Geek nodded solemnly. “Yeah,” he said. “Yeah, I would. We can be selfish like that. It’s not something to be proud of, but like you said, it’s the truth.”
    Paul extended his hand and Geek shook it.
    “Take care of yourself, man,” said Paul. “It was good to meet you. It’s been enlightening.”
    “You too, both of you,” said Geek. “If you’re ever in Miami, look us up. Thanks again for lunch, and sorry to intrude.”
    “Don’t worry about it,” said Louise. The light was gone from her eyes. “It was a pleasure.”
    “For me too,” Geek smiled and stepped back out onto the porch. Paul smiled, Louise waved. Geek felt a breeze and lifted off into the air.
    He let out a laugh at the expressions on their faces, and then they were gone. The house passed beneath him and he floated lazily along the air, heading back towards the car. He had a lot to think about.

    7/16/2011 9:31:56 PM

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