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    Dark Force Destructor-chapter 4
    By Dac

    Chapter 4

    Icebreaker and his friends have befallen horror on their quest to rescue their friends and stop the evil DFD. They were trying to ally with the DD gang, when the gang thought they were Marjinners and tried to kill them. The gunfire was cut short, however, by one Marjinner Corporal Esplinter, who claims to be Ice's long lost brother. He also says Ice was formerly a Marjinner named Torbie, sent to scout out the outlying websites. Can Ice and his friends elude the horrible Esplinter, and find a way to rescue their friends?
    Elsewhere, in Madblast Tower, Captain Dac and Major Sharkey pay a visit to the geneticist, Agent Matrix, who is still trying to break the seals on their monster cocoons. Can the evil Marjinners be stopped before their monstrous creations are unleashed?

    16 November 2001
    Madblast Tower
    11.34.03 a.m.

    The captain and the major reached the lab door.
    "CODE." said the panel on the door.
    Sharkey punched in some numbers on the pad.
    The two walked into the genetics lab. Agent Matrix sat hunched over the computer. Dac walked over.
    "Any luck on those seals?"
    "Well, the Stabbsobor's cocoon is clear. Took me three hours to break it, so now I know how, and it should be easy. I'm knocking off the Axonitor's now."
    Sharkey wandered through the aisles, looking at the specimens. He stopped at the Stabbsobor's cocoon. The I.D. card on the cocoon showed the picture of a four-legged monster. It was khaki, and had three pairs of spikes sticking out of its back. It had the snout of a Spinosaur, and had an evil looking, long, thin spike on the end of it's tail.
    "So that's a Stabbsobor."
    He wandered through to find the Axonitor. It, too, was khaki, with a crocodile-snout, and it had a pair of spikes sticking out of its back. It's tail, however, had a double-bladed battle-axe.
    He looked at the other cocoons. They all held horrific monsters of every description.
    One, the Shleggabb, was a fat, purple blob, with two stubby legs, and four hands, each with two sausagey fingers and a thick thumb. It sent rays of electrical blasts from the fingers that could toast a human alive.
    Another, the Scroblader, was a mean-looking combination of many animals. It was roughly the size of an armadillo, with hard cockroach wings covering its back. It had the long proboscis of a mosquito, the terrible pincers of a spider, a scorpion's tail, and sharp praying mantis arms. Add to that the skin of a shark and you have one disgusting little parasite. Agent Matrix was proud of all of his creations, and they would be devastating on the sites left to conquer.
    "So what'd you guys come up here for?"
    "We're waiting for the men to come back. They've gone to raid GeoCities. Not destroy, just smash-and-grab. We're taking weapons, even if we don't need them. These creatures are all our weapons."
    Finally, after half an hour or so, Agent Matrix finished breaking the seals.
    "There, done."
    "Good. We have good news to report to our master."
    Agent Matrix's eyes widened.
    "You mean he wants a report?"
    "Yeah. If you hadn't broken those seals by noon today, he would've fed your head to your own creations."
    At this, the captain and the major turned and left the lab, leaving the geneticist pale and sweaty.

    2/21/2003 9:46:46 PM

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