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    Dan's voice is actually featured in the 'Wing Commander' movie during an intense battle scene. Here's an mp3 clip.
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    Dark Force Destructer-chapter 21
    By Dac

    The loyal, slightly hyperactive Raptormark has met his end at the hands-or innards-of his arch nemesis, Agent Matrix. Using a liquid he used once before, the man barely managed to destroy his enemy before falling out of the twenty-story window. Icebreaker and the group have honored his sacrifice, and are now trying to find a way out of the genetics lab to find the remaining three Marjinners. But the way is piled with many obstacles, as they are about to find out…

    24 November 2001
    Madblast Tower
    10.59.45 a.m.

    RaptorHiss hammered at the bars blocking the door, but it was no use. Not all of them could fly, so going out the window was no option. They didn’t know what to do.
    “Man, Seth, we need you over here,” called Evilgrinch. He was standing near the monitor. Seth didn’t answer.
    Everyone looked around. Seth was nowhere to be seen.
    “Where the hell is he?” wondered Ice. “Where…the…”
    His mind flashed back to the battle. He remembered Sharkey diving…he remembered him being a blur from the speed…he remembered the blur enlarging from someone else being scooped into it…
    Everyone wheeled. Ice gave his blow-by-blow account of what had happened in the battle.
    “I know I didn’t send him with Yvonne because he, Vader and Grinchy are my select lieutenants. It must’ve been him that was taken.”
    Everyone gaped. Evilgrinch spoke up.
    “Well, I’ll try to work the monitor. Beats waiting around here.”
    He peered at the monitor.
    “What are you doing?”
    “I’m fine, I’m fine, I just need…ah, here we go.”
    He pressed a small purple button and a panel flipped up. On the panel were three buttons, one red, one green and one yellow. All had markings: red said RELEASE, yellow said SELF-DESTRUCT and green said ENCASE.
    “Er…OK, maybe release will release the door bars.”
    He pressed it and held it down. Nothing happened. He didn’t notice a needle, like a thermometer on the screen, go up into ALL.
    Then he noticed the chrysalis things. A few seconds ago they were slightly purple. Now they glowed a faint blue.
    “What…” he said again.
    Then, tiny split marks appeared in all of the things. Slowly, the cracks spread over the bottoms of the large cocoons.
    “I have a very bad feeling about this…” said Evilgrinch.
    Then all of them shriveled up slightly and dark shapes fell out of all of them.
    “Guh! That’s a bit volatile!” commented Vader.
    “Uh…oh…” muttered Ice. All of the shapes were starting to move. They stood up as one. There were about 30 different creatures lined up and baring fangs at the humans and single Marjinner. Slowly they came into focus. One stepped out in front. It was a four-legged monster, khaki, and had three pairs of spikes sticking out of its back. It had the snout of a Spinosaur, and had an evil looking, long, thin spike on the end of its tail. The one behind it was khaki too, with a crocodile-snout, and it had a pair of spikes sticking out of its back. Its tail, however, had a double-bladed battle-axe. Others glared and growled. One was a fat, purple blob, with two stubby legs, and four hands, each with two sausagey fingers and a thick thumb. It started sending some tiny lightning bolts from those fingers. Another was a mean-looking combination of many animals. It was roughly the size of an armadillo, with hard cockroach wings covering its back. It had the long proboscis of a mosquito, the terrible pincers of a spider, a scorpion's tail and sharp praying mantis arms. Add to that the skin of a shark and one disgusting little parasite was eyeing them. Various other beast extended claws and paws, teeth and feet, and all kinds of foul weapons. Ice glared at them. It was 30 monsters on 29 humans and a Marjinner, and this was going to be a tough job. The spiky monster stepped towards Ice, the axe wielder towards Vader, the fat purple thing towards Evilgrinch and the parasite towards Dino_Dude.
    Slowly, the purple thing raised a finger, let out a full-throated roar and an enormous electrical blast shot at Evilgrinch. He ducked and the blast hit someone else. He let out a scream, and the stench of sizzling corpse filled their noses. At the same time, Ice fired a blast at what might have been a large Velociraptor covered in mucus. The mucus caught fire and the monster howled. It dropped to the floor, barbecued to a smoking husk.
    “ATTACK!” yelled Ice.
    “HYARFARGH!” roared his spiky opponent, and the two groups rushed at each other.

    4/26/2003 2:55:16 AM

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