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By Michael Crichton
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    A scene in JP3 that was never filmed would of had Grant blowing the raptor whistle, then watching as the raptors killed the spinosaur. (From: Chase)
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    Biosyn's Creation - Part 6
    By Carnotaur3


    Troy yelled into the walkie-talkie as the truck jumped over bumps on the trail.

    What’s going on now?

    JERRY (V.O.)
    The Rex is leaving him. I think he’s safe.

    Good, we’re on our way to the paddock.


    The truck came to an abrupt stop near the cage. Inside, Philip was asleep, snoozing his thoughts away.


    Troy and Hoskin jumped out of the truck. Troy noticed that in the back of the truck was an electrical pulley. He could use it to get the cage and him up on the truck bed.

    Philip awoke.

    Philip, you all right?

    (Coughing) Yeah, I’m fine.

    Good! Can you get out of the cage?

    No it’s stuck. I can’t get out.

    Shit, Philip! You had to go out to find me didn’t you?

    If I only knew…

    Troy stopped their argument.

    …Pointless bickering, when you could be helping me get the cage on the pulley!

    Hoskin didn’t say anything, just hooked the pulley to the cage and then switched the latch down.

    The pulley lifted the cage in the air, then, very softly sat it down on the truck bed.

    Any tools that could help me get out of here at the lab?

    Might be, in the mean time, shut up so we can get you out of here.

    Philip didn’t say a word, just laid his head back on the bars.

    As Troy and Haskin opened the doors and stepped up on the nerf bars, they heard a growl. Almost like a dog growl. But they both knew better.

    (Pausing each word) Lets---get---inside!

    Good idea!


    When they got into the truck, Troy adjusted the left side mirror. As he did so, a creature jumped right onto the ground with a thud.

    Troy could see the Velociraptor in the mirror. It’s gaze looking straight at the mirror. Then, he ran.

    He hit the gas, sending the truck to leap in the air.

    HOSKIN (cont’d)
    Your gonna get us killed!

    Troy never slowed down. He knew how fast those things could get.

    The raptor followed close behind, and in no time, it had climbed up on the truck bed.

    Troy knew it was there, and took the pistol out of his pants.

    Here! (Handing the gun to Hoskin) Go kill the bastard!


    Hoskin climbed out of the truck’s back window and onto the truck bed. He could see the raptor, it was perched on top of the cage trying to get to Philip.

    Philip was screaming furiously. The raptor was knocking the cage about.


    The raptor looked up in alarm, starring in his eyes.

    Hoskin lifted the pistol up at the raptor just as it leaped into the air.


    It missed the raptor. The carnivore landed on Hoskin.

    They both turned about on the bed, rolling from side to side.

    The raptor’s sickle-shaped clawed toes were trying with all their might to stick in him, but couldn’t get far enough.

    Hoskin had one hand on the raptor’s throut, holding it back from snapping his face off. The other arm was focused on the hands of the raptor. Holding them back with his arm against both of the raptor’s horizontally.

    They fought about, Philip was scared to death. He didn’t know which one was winning.

    Hoskin Kecked the raptor off the truck, it’s body slamming to the ground.

    The truck sped away down the trail.

    Hoskin saw the raptor stand up again, and with one shot to the head, the raptor fell back down. DEAD!

    (To Philip) I’d like a payback!

    He smirked at Philip and for the first time, Hoskin smiled!

    2/3/02 9:05:35 PM

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