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    --Biosyn's Creation-- Part 1
    By Carnotaur3



    (The story I’m about to tell you is true. I know it is cause I was there when it took place. The very thought of this statement might bring to your mind “MADNESS!”, but at the time it seemed so right.

    I was a behavior researcher. Lewis Dodgson hired me, and I was under the influence he just needed me cause I knew what I was doing. The truth be told, I wasn’t all that good, but I improved with the work I did there. He told me that I was the only one he could find at the time. I was in desperate need of money so I took the job. It wasn’t before long I met these beautiful creatures. It felt like I was going to faint. Something I never seemed to have expected.

    Before long I had grown to love them, like I had loved my pets. You think I’m crazy don’t you? Have you ever looked at dog and ever wondered why God ever made such a thing? Have you ever looked at your dog closely and wondered how God could make such a complex animal? I say the same think about myself sometimes. But I get more excited with other animals.

    I guess your wondering who I am. I go by the name of Troy Orbison, but Dodgson called me “the magic maker” after I had trained the Compsygnathus how to do something on command. Like, for example, I had a piece of meat in my hand and told them to wait for it. Then, I would tell them to get it and they’d snatch it up, right out of dirty wrinkled fingers.

    I bet you have no idea what I’m talking about. I’m talking about dinosaurs, man. REAL, LIVING, BREATHING DINOSAURS. You don’t just find this in your own backyard. No, sir. These things were genetically created by scientists, all for studying them. Or so I thought!

    I’ll never forget how Dodgson sabotaged the facility. He thought he could get away with it. Grant says he died after a guy named Henry King pushed him over the ledge. King is under trial, but Grant is defending him.

    But this story coincides with the tragedy that was about to face me. The very thing that makes us human, is the very fact that we want to gain knowledge. Knowledge of understanding things, but often we make mistakes. Me and Biosyn did just that!

    I can’t say it was just Dodgson who created this. In a way it was also me. Like I said, I needed money. And at that time, I would’ve done anything. ANYTHING. Just to get that load of money. I could’ve thought it over, but I didn’t. The problem was real after what had happened, that I’m sure of. And the nights I spent thinking of how I could have stopped it at the beginning haunt me to this day.

    As I said before this meeting with you, this story cannot leave this room. Neither my name will ever come out of your mouth. No name of a dinosaur will ever be muttered, because the story I’m about to tell you is of lying, truth, destruction, and death!)


    Lewis Dodgson sat down comfortably in a chair while he looked at Troy Orbison closely. Like examining him for some odd reason. There was only one light in the room, and it was just a lamp in the middle of the table.

    You do understand by signing this agreement, you signed to not say anything to anyone you see here. It may just mean life or death.

    As long as the payment is good.

    Mr. Orbison, it’ll be better than you ever had! I assure you!

    Troy couldn’t help but ask.

    What kind of animals you have here. Would it be weird if I thought of something like the lochness monster?

    He gave a little laugh as Lewis. Lewis decided to join in on the fun.

    Would it be weird, Mr. Orbison, if I said your not too far off?

    Troy calmed his voice down for a second and lifted his glass of water up to his lips and drank. Then, with a trembling hand, sat the cup down softly on the table.

    DODGSON (cont’d)
    I have a feeling, Mr. Orbison, that our work together will be great!

    I as well. Say, when do we start work?

    March 5th, 1999!


    (I didn’t know, at that time, that he was so right. The animals turned out to be dinosaurs. I never worked so hard, and had so much fun in my life. The animals were just amazing to work with. Sometimes, when I visit the herbivores, they remember me. They playfully run and jump with me.

    Now there is something you must know. The big dinosaur herbivores were small. As small as babies. They stayed that way for a while, because Biosyn’s scientists found a way to keep them smaller. These were only for the, supposedly, big herbivores. I’ll never forget the day we found out it had stopped working.)


    Troy ran with the small Brachiosaurus, the brach caught up every time with him. Finally, Troy decided to give up. He stopped to take some breaths.

    Boy, your too fast for me, darling.

    He handed her some leaves, very fast, but gently, the dinosaur took it out of his hands and began to feast.

    TROY (cont’d)
    Eat and you’ll stay healthy.

    A sounding alarm rang in his ears. It was coming from across the hall. Employees were running left to right.

    TROY (cont’d)

    What’s going on?

    A screech came. It was a scary scream. Something he had never heard before.

    (I had shrugged it off and proceeded to feed my brach. But one thing puzzled me. If indeed that screech came from a herbivore and if the people were trying to contain it or it was acting up, why the hell would they do it for? It’s not like they were big enough to do any damage. Herbivores were made small by scientists. That was the secret that this company has had. But yet, I felt as if they were also keeping a secret from me.)

    Troy could see a man come up to him. The man looked to be in his 30’s. A very stylish man. But nevertheless, very distinguished.

    Troy knew this man. It was a scientist who had come up with the formula to keep the animals small, or so he thought.

    This man’s name was Gary Bennings.

    Troy, how’s the lessons going?

    Troy smiled at his question.

    Just fine! Julie here is faster than she was 2 weeks ago. Do you think she’s reached her peak?

    Peak? Oh, peak! Yeah, she might be old enough to go out on her own. What you say?

    Probably true!

    Dodgson was seen walking over to Gary. His eyes flaming with heat. Troy had seen this before with Lewis. He was angry.

    Dodgson signaled for Gary to follow him. Gary proceeded over to him, gulping in his self pity.
    (I wondered what it was, but I never found out till they turned their back. I heard them saying all sorts of things.)

    What’s happening to my herbivores? Why are they starting to grow?

    Gary stood, looking at the ground, not even setting his eyes to look at Lewis’ feet.

    Dodgson could tell he was holding something back.

    DODGSON (cont’d)
    If I find out, you’re a dead man.

    No… Ok I’ll tell.

    I’m all ears.

    Back when I was telling you about it I left one thing out. The dinosaurs could only stay as they were for about one or two years. It was never really definite that they would stay like this throughout their whole lives, I’ve told you that before.

    Can’t we just give them more of it?

    Once they reach their growing spurt it’s pretty much lethal to them. Could cause, blindness, deftness, even death!

    Then, we will just have to get something that can hold the animals. We need a fence or paddock for the herbivores. As soon as we get the carnovires we might have to get them one too.

    From far away, Troy stood up to say something.

    Wait, carnivores? I thought you only had Compys?

    This a bad time to talk about this, Troy. So, I suggest you keep your mouth shut for today!

    (Lewis, for that day on, started to ignore me. It wasn’t till later on after another year, he started to talk to me again. By this time he had a paddock for the carnivores, and the herbivores. But there was one plastic glassed in jungle area that was especially made for the raptors. And this is where the story gets really exciting!)

    4/15/2002 10:36:45 PM

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