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    StarCraft Treatment Part 1
    By Aragorn


    Opens on a small colony on the planet Mar Sara. We are introduced to two people - Justin and Drew - who are SCV Operators, gathering minerals, which are used to convert into a powerful energy source.
    The two friends have a conversation about random things as they return to the Base with the minerals. As they reach it, they hear a commotion and a lot of gun fire and screaming. They discover that the base is under attack by an alien species (The Zerg), and soon enough, Drew bites the dust as the two of them get ambushed by a group of Zerglings.
    Justin escapes, but falls into a Zerg trap as the ground around him collapses into an underground tunnel system which is covered in Zerglings that rush and attack him.

    Back on Earth, in the military base called El Secro, General Edmund Duke was in the Communications Room. They received a distress call from one of their bases on Mar Sara, saying that they were being attacked by unknown alien creatures and request immediate assistance. Duke says to call in the troops.

    Chapter 1

    Jack Sheldon gets woken up by his phone ringing. It’s his Squad Leader, Sergeant Brick calling him off vacation as per his Orders directly from General Duke. The squad is meeting up at El Secro.

    Jack arrives at El Secro and goes to the Debriefing Room and meets up with the rest of the squad. Among the members there is also Jack’s high school sweetheart and friend Danielle, their best friend Harry, and a troublemaker Corey that sucks up to Brick. Duke is present, debriefing them on the Mar Sara situation.
    Duke explains that Squads C, D, and E will join B Squad as reinforcements for A Squad, which is already sent to Mar Sara to do a reconnaissance mission before sending in the entire group. They are to remain on Stand By until the order is given to leave for Mar Sara.
    On their way out, Corey makes a remark about how a bunch of colonists can’t even protect themselves from a bunch of local critters. Jack thinks it’s more then just that, but Corey laughs at him. Harry says he doesn’t care what it is, just as long as they get to kick some alien ass.
    Danielle walks over and her and Jack flirt a bit back and forth.

    Cut to Orbit above Mar Sara. A Squad has reached the planet and is now hovering above it. The ship is called ‘The Wanderer’. Captain Fipe orders for the Dropships to detach and wishes Jim good luck. Two drop ships start to head towards the planet.
    Fipe looks and sees that the cameras inside two of the drop ships are working, but the third is offline. He orders a tech to fix it and soon enough, it comes online. He gives the third Dropship the ok to detach and so it does.
    Then a Protoss Mothership comes into view and shoots at the third drop ship, blowing it up.
    Fipe watches the screen go to static and the Protoss ship moves over the Wanderer. A small beam shoots out, killing Fipe and a bigger beam shoots down, destroying the ship.

    Chapter 2

    Jack rushes towards El Secro and goes through the security procedures as he checks in. He goes into a second briefing, which also includes C, D, and E Squads. Duke informs them that they lost contact with A Squad and will be sending them in. They’ll all work together as one big Squad with Brick in command, answering only to Duke himself.
    After that, they leave and get ready to board the ship that’ll bring them to Mar Sara. Danielle and Jack need to go get their Marine outfits and Harry has to go get his Firebat suit and equipment.
    In the Marine Equipment room, Corey hits on Danielle, but Jack defends her. Danielle stops Jack, long enough to punch Corey herself. Her and Jack leave to meet up with Harry and board the Dropship, which they take into Space and board the Carrier Ship.

    Once on the ship, the three are wandering around, looking for their cabins. As they walk, they joke around about stuff.

    Jack wakes up to klaxons blaring. He sees that Danielle and Harry’s stuff are gone and runs out into the Hall to ask someone what’s going on. He says that they’re getting ready to land. Jack runs back inside and starts gathering up his stuff.

    Jack makes it to the Docking bay where there were two large groups forming. One was Firebats, the other were Marines. Jack finds Danielle and stands next to her, who smiles and says that her and Harry tried to wake him, but he was long passed out. Once the lines are formed, brick says that while the Marine secure the inside of the compound, the Firebats will secure the outside perimeter. They make a battle cry and begin to load up into the Dropships.

    Once the dropships land, the Firebats take off to secure the perimeter as the Marines start exploring the compound, making sure it’s safe. The drop ships take off back up to space.
    Jack goes to check out a nearby Bunker as Danielle continues searching outside. He searches the inside and sees the entire place is wrecked and a couple dead bodies. Before long, a Zergling jumps out at him and attacks him, knocking his gun away. Danielle runs in and kills it.
    They decide to go inform Sergeant Brick and show him the body.

    A group of Firebats is exploring the wasteland area near the base. Jane keeps saying how she doesn’t like the situation and that something doesn’t seem right about it. Harry jokes, saying how she never likes any situation. They joke back and forth, but suddenly a Zergling bursts out of the ground nearby. The Firebats open fire and kill it.
    Then an entire horde of Zerglings and Hydralisks ambush them. A huge fight follows, in which Jane end sup running away and Harry ends up climbing a nearby tree. He gets a needles shot into his eye and he falls off, getting ripped to pieces by the aliens.

    Jack and Danielle check out another Bunker, but this one is untouched. They start making out, but get interrupted when Corey and another couple marines walk in and start teasing them. Suddenly a Zergling kills Corey and the others open fire on it, killing it. The other two marines say that Corey’s dead because of jack and Danielle and threaten to go to Brick about it.

    Inside the Command Center, Brick is on the COM with Duke, who is telling him that there should be a second base located not too far from their location. Duke says that he wants Brick to get them and help them secure the nearby Zerg hive, however Jim Raynor and his men may not agree with that and cause problems. Duke also informs Brick that he is on his personal ship and is En Route to the planet.
    Brick ends the communications and turns to see Jack, Danielle, and the other two Marines standing there. The marines explain to Brick the situation and he detains Jack and Danielle, saying that if he can’t trust his own men to watch his back, then they’re no good in the field.

    Brick starts rounding up his troops and tells them that they are leaving for another base and gives them their orders: Retrieve the colonists, using force if necessary.

    Chapter 3

    As Brick and his men walk to the other base, they come across the dead bodies of the Firebats. They continue and within minutes, they get attacked by a Platoon of Protoss, which wipes them out. Brick manages to escape.

    Jack and Danielle can’t believe that Brick is going to force people to secure the Zerg base instead of destroy it and decide to go warn them, despite being detained. They knock out the two marines that are guarding them and leave. They come across Jane, who tells them of the Zerg ambush. She joins them as they head towards Raynor’s base.
    Before long, they come across Jim Raynor who was out patrolling the parameter of his base. He explains that he is one of the survivors of Squad A. They introduce each other and Jim offers to lead them back to the base, but to be careful cause there’s a Zerg hive nearby. Night is nearing. When asked what a Zerg is, Jim explains about the Zergs and a couple of their units.

    At Jim’s base, two of his men, Billy and David decide to take a jeep and go out looking for Jim, because he’s usually back by the time it gets dark. They listen to music as they drive aimlessly. Billy complains about David’s choice in music, but David tells him to deal with it.
    Suddenly an animal runs out in front of the jeep and they hit it, running it over. They pull to a stop, thinking they hit somebody’s dog. They get out to investigate, but discover that it was a Zergling that they hit.
    They hear a sucking sound and see a pink goo substance covering the nearby ground. They hear hissing and see that they’ve been ambushed by a Hydralisk and a group of Zerglings. The aliens kill them.

    Jim, Jack, Danielle, and Jane reach the second base and Jack notices that in the distance, they can slightly see the Zerg Hive. There are marines pointing gun turrets out of the bunker windows.
    Jim asks where his second-in-command David is, and he’s told that David took a private and went out looking for him and hadn’t returned yet. Jack, Danielle, and Jane are in a state of awe at the people in Goliath suits walking around. Goliath suits are a new untested military weapon and a handful were given to A Squad to test out.
    They spot a dead Dragoon and Jim tells them about the Protoss. Jack asks if they have a way to get off-planet, but Jim says they don’t or else they’d be long gone. Then a soldier runs up to them and informs Jim that he has a transmission from General Duke.
    They follow Jim into the Command Center and into the Transmission Room. Duke orders Jim to not attack the Zerg Hive. Instead, he wants him and his men to protect it from the Protoss.
    Jack and Danielle wonder how Duke knows about the Protoss, but just assume that he discovered them while they were in route to Mar Sara.
    Jim disagrees with the order and explains to Duke that the Zerg are a dangerous species and need to be wiped out. Why send an army if you don’t plan on destroying the enemy? Duke explains that they are now there to secure the Hive and protect it from the Protoss at all costs. He informs them that there are Science Vessels En Route with his personal ship to study the Zerg. They are a valuable species that Duke feels humans could learn a lot from.
    Jim gets angry and disconnects the transmission. He then tells the tech to block all incoming transmissions from Duke. Jim makes an announcement to the base that at morning’s first light, they will launch an assault against the Zerg hive.

    Brick returns to his base and rounds up the rest of his forces. He is outraged when he discovers that Jack and Danielle escaped and went over to the other base. Brick gets another transmission from Duke. Duke tells him that his informant at the other base has informed him that Jim is planning a full-scale assault on the Zerg hive and he wants Brick to stop that from happening and to detain Raynor and all men loyal to him, until his personal ship arrives to pick up the traitors.

    Chapter 4

    Morning has arrived and Jim is waking up the Base, preparing everyone for the battle against the Zerg, helping people get suited up and such. He leaves a handful of Marines, Firebats, and Goliaths at the base to defend it from Brick when he shows up, but he wants the rest to come with him to the Zerg hive.
    Jack asks Jim what they’ll do if they survive and Jim says that they’ll defeat Brick and his men and then wait for Duke’s ship and catch a ‘ride’ on it without him knowing. In the meantime, they will not go up against the Protoss if they can help it.
    They finish gathering up the troops and preparing for battle and head out to the Zerg hive.
    As the near the hive, they get attacked by a small group of Zerglings, but they don’t have any trouble wiping the aliens out.
    Soon enough the reach the pink goo and Jack is disgusted by the material. Jim explains that it’s something the Zergs need to make their hives on. They reach the hive, but no Zergs are around. They start going into groups and firing at various buildings. A couple Drones are sighted nearby and they shoot at them. One dies, but the other mutates into a glob and starts throbbing. Jim orders to kill it before it mutates into a building. And so they do.
    A Zergling comes up from underground and grabs Jack by the legs, pulling him down. Danielle shoots the Zergling and helps Jack back to his feet. Then from all around, dozens upon dozens of Zerglings and Hydralisks rush out from the buildings and pop up from underground and a huge battle takes place in which many humans and many Zergs both die. The Zergs end up getting reinforcements though when some eggs hatch.

    We cut to various scenes with the Firebat group and the Goliath group also in battle with the Zerg.

    When we get back to the Marines, we find out that they won their battle, but at a very high cost. There are only a few left. They go deeper into the hive and discover that they’ve taken over a Human Command Center. An Infected Human walks out from it and attacks the group, killing Jane and injuring Danielle.
    Jim orders a nearby Goliath to return Danielle back to the base so she can get medical treatment. The Goliath picks her up and leaves. Jim orders everyone who isn’t in the process of fighting a Zerg, to move in on the Infested Command Center and destroy it.
    Just before its destroyed, a hoard of Hydralisks rush out, but don’t last long against the firepower directed to their location. Soon after, the building is destroyed as well.
    Jim orders everyone back to the base.

    Once at the base, Jack goes to check in on Danielle and Jim is told that there is an Incoming Transmission from General Duke. Jim decides to accept it and Duke tells Jim that him and his men are under arrest. Duke’s in orbit above the planet and he will be arriving Planet-Side shortly to apprehend them.
    Jim ends the transmission and rounds up the surviving soldiers. He orders everyone to leave and scatter out. They’ll meet up at a certain location. Jack helps Danielle to walk because her rips are broken.
    As they start leaving the base, Brick and his men show up. He orders them to stay put until Duke comes to pick them up, but one soldier tries to rush by. Brick shoots him in the head and Danielle screams at him. Brick tells her to calm down, but she doesn’t, so he hits her in the ribs with the butt of his gun.
    Jack curses him out and is about to attack him when Brick’s men train their guns on him. Before long, Norad II, Duke’s personal ship, along with a group of Science Vessels enter the Planet’s atmosphere and land. Duke walks out of his ship with his guards and apprehends Jim, Jack, Danielle, and the others that are loyal to Jim and marches them all back to his ship, handcuffed.

    We cut to a space station prison that Norad II is docked at. Jim and his men are being put into jail cells and Duke tells them to get comfortable, because they will be there for a very long time.
    He shuts the jail cell doors and leaves.

    5/1/2005 2:26:53 PM

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