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By Michael Crichton
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    During the opening of TLW in Baltimore, Md., two rival gangs got into a gun fight while in line. One gang member was killed and two bystanders were seriously injured. (From: Juan)
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    Hammond's Dream Ch.3
    By Amber


    It was one of the hottest and driest days of the summer out in Hell Creek Montana. Tim Murphy was working on a dozen exposed dorsal vertebrae. To the right of him were a group of ribs spilling out from the stomach area. It was a spectacular specimen he thought. So far it was about ninety percent complete. The skeleton was measured at approximately forty-five feet long and was possibly larger than Sue, which was to date, the largest and most complete tyrannosaur skeleton in the world.
    The remains were named Tim, after Timothy Murphy who had discovered the skeleton late last summer. Tim returned this summer to complete the excavation as chief paleontologist. Eighty percent of the skeleton had been dug up and was already in plaster casts.
    It was now nearing the end of the summer and time was running low, and more importantly, so was the funding. The money for the dig was being co funded by Berkley University and the Santa Fe Institute, through an old friend, Ian Malcolm. Tim new funding was never an easy subject to discuss with investors, and that’s why connections were so important.
    Tim was just getting started after a small breakfast of baked beans and scrambled eggs. It was getting hot, very hot. Heat waves rose from the rocks and sand wisped across the ground. A crew volunteer jogged down the hill from where Tim’s tent was located.
    “Tim, it’s for you, you have a phone call.” The crew member handed him his cellular phone, but Tim pushed his hand aside.
    “I’m a little busy here Danny, tell whoever it is I’ll call back in an hour.” Tim said.
    “I think you better take this call, he said it’s urgent.”
    Tim wiped beads of sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand, then pushed back brown hair from his eyes.
    “Okay, this better be good.” Tim said as he got up from the ground and wiped the sand off his hands. The volunteer jogged back up the hill and out of sight.
    “Hello, this is Tim Murphy.”
    “Yes, hello Mr. Murphy, I’ve been trying to reach you for quite some time now, this is Eugene Williams.”
    “Yes, hello Mr. Williams,” Tim replied in a worried tone.
    Eugene Williams was one of the big shots at Berkley who reluctantly decided to help fund Tim’s project. It wasn’t easy, Tim used a couple of recommendations, including one from Alan Grant and Paul Sereno.
    “I have been informed of your request for more funding of this summer’s project Mr. Murphy,” Williams said.
    Tim felt unusual for a man of Williams stature to be calling him Mr. Murphy, especially since Tim was half his age.
    “Well, here it is Tim. I’ve been contacted by a friend who needs some help with a certain project, and your name came up. Apparently you may be helpful, and I’ve decided to work out a proposition.”
    Tim didn’t like where this was going. He practically begged for funding the first time around, and now here it came, another hurtle to jump over, or hoop to jump through.
    “Scott Philips needs you as part of an expedition in August, and according to your team, you should be done with your current project by then. So, then it comes down to the matter of funding. How much was it you needed?”
    Tim waited a few seconds, “Ummm, well, I don’t have the numbers with me, but I can have them ready for you by tomorrow.”
    “No, that won’t do, Tim I need to know now.”
    “What kind of expedition is this again? Where is it too?” Tim asked.
    “Well, I didn’t get to much of the details, but I think it has to do with South America, or Central America.” Williams said.
    “Was it Costa Rica?” Tim asked in an anxious tone.
    “So, you do know about the expedition?”
    “No, I don’t, but Mr. Williams, I think you have the wrong man for the job. You can tell Mr. Philips,”
    “I think it’s in your best interest to take the offer.” Williams shot back. There was a pause. “I’m not asking you to do me a favor Mr. Murphy.”
    “Alright sir, I’ll think about it a little more then.” Tim said.
    “Great, I’ll call Scott and inform him your up to it.” Williams said.
    “Mr. Williams?“ Tim heard a click. Visibly annoyed, Tim closed his cell phone. He wiped sweat from his forehead and walked over to his tent. Under the shade of his tent it was easily fifteen degrees cooler. Tim threw his phone into a cardboard box on the floor and sat in a plastic lawn chair.
    It had been more than a decade since Tim visited Costa Rica where the failed attempt by his grandfather John Hammond, to build a first class resort and theme park, had occurred. All taking place on the island of Isla Nublar.
    Tim also knew about Site B. He knew of the incidents with Ian Malcolm and Sarah Harding. He also knew Isla sorna was restricted. Tim remembered the horrifying things he saw at the Park, he remembered the tyrannosaur and even worse, the raptors; yet deep down he always wanted to return. Something pulled at him, and with every passing year, it grew stronger.
    “Tim, Julia was wondering about what time you wanted to head into town. Seven sound good?” Danny said, stepping into the tent.
    “What?” Tim said, snapping out of his day dream.
    “What time do you want to go to town tonight?”
    “Oh, uh, yah, Seven sounds good, we’ll pack the boxes at seven, and then head off.”
    “Alright, sounds good. I’ll go tell her.” Danny popped back out and ran down the hill.
    Tim thought back again. Back to Costa Rica. He knew there was something going on in Costa Rica, and he might be involved. Something about the animals, and strange incidents.
    He had been wondering about these incidents ever since he saw Alan and another man talking by the pool back in Costa Rica. Even though it was over ten years ago, Tim could still remember that day in the hotel pool when the American man came to talk to Alan. Tim tried to be sneaky and pretend he wasn’t listening, while the man talked to Alan about animals eating crops and livestock. Tim wanted to know the truth about these happenings, and settle them once and for all.

    3/26/2003 12:17:29 PM

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