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    Michael Crichton is an honorary board member of "The Dinosaur Society", which raises funds for dinosaur research and encourages scientifically accurate dino toys, books, etc. (From: 'jurassiraptor')
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    At 12:00:04 AM on 1/22/2003, Strider_Aragorn said:
    believe me there was no grammatical errors. believe me. I used a spell/grammar checker.

    At 12:12:34 AM on 1/21/2003, JPJunkee said:
    A few grammar problems, and a few unrealistic moments. But I still liked it. It was entertaining, and that's what counts.

    -- JPJunkee

    At 11:40:36 AM on 1/18/2003, Vader said:
    Just finished reading. A good beginning, you did a good job of making it feel like the movie and I like the concept you've started.

    Keep it up!

    At 11:37:10 AM on 1/18/2003, Vito_The_White said:
    That was interesting. I agree with Yvonne though. Some of it didn't seem realistic. However, it was a nice start. I'm going to read the next part now.

    At 12:22:28 PM on 1/17/2003, yvonne said:
    That was pretty good! So, the helicopter passing over, was the JP survivors going home?

    I can see why he would put the can the freezer, since it was already apparently very cold to the touch, but giving it to the goverment ... that could be a stretch.

    My small problem with the story: I'm just not sure why he would dock on an island where he heard animals sounds that made him shiver.

    Overall, though, this was a nicely written story and it entertained me so far. Going to read Chapter 1. :)

    At 5:44:50 AM on 1/17/2003, Strider_Aragorn said:
    Hey, youre right ... why did he want to hand it to the government? He shoved it in the freezer cause it was unusually cold, but i suppose it was a bit suspect that an unknown island was right next to a floating, freezing muddy shaving cream can. I dunno, nice spotting drucifer67. Don't worry, I'm like that when im tired too. btw, if you could tell the rest of the world, id be pretty grateful. cheers

    At 11:29:30 AM on 1/16/2003, drucifer67 said:
    LOL looks like I botched the font color code. *sigh* Apparently I'm not machine compatible!

    And the last line was supposed to say "looking forward to more"...I should never sit down to do this sort of thing when I first wake up...

    At 11:28:04 AM on 1/16/2003, drucifer67 said:
    You're off to a good start!
    Bits of descriptive text like this:
    "the ridge they had clambered over was standing ominously over them; a forest to their right harboured squawking birds; behind them, a valley stretched out."

    ...are good--they can be the difference between life and death for a story.

    Now, I don't want to sound like I'm nitpicking...but I feel like I'd be doing you a disservice if I didn't offer just one <font color=yellow>small<font color=white> point...and it's minor:
    I can't put together what motivates Enrico to put the can in the freezer, or why he feels it's necessary to deliver it to the government. It's a small thing, but it kind of stood out for me, just a little.

    Anyhow, don't let one minor point slow you down--keep moving! I find I am compelled to know more, and that's really the mark of successful writing, anyway. Nice work! Looking forward to it.

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