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    After Spielberg decided on using CGI instead of stop-motion for JP, the talents of the stop-motion experts were nevertheless put to good use, with ILM inventing a special device (the DID) to allow the animators to manipulate a CGI representation of a physical model.
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    At 7:19:13 AM on 4/6/2003, dark hunter said:
    An excellent chapter. The death of Wes was quite sad, i always thought he'd be bad, but i wasn't sure. Now i feel sorry for him.

    Grant actually getting severly even critically injured? a great addition, as Grant rarely gets hurt and now we see him almost dead if not so.

    Dodgson was pure evil, it is great to see a bad guy we hate so much actually survive a fair bit to finally die at the end. Excellent work.

    Easily the best chapter so far.


    ~Dark Hunter

    At 4:10:33 PM on 2/19/2003, JPJunkee said:
    I'm glad it helped clear up some of the confusion. :)

    -- JPJunkee

    At 2:16:05 PM on 2/19/2003, jmock5 said:
    Thanks JP Junkee, you're explanation did help a lot.
    I look forward for the last installment. :)

    At 10:30:13 AM on 2/19/2003, JPJunkee said:
    First, I'd like to say thanks to Vader, Yvonne, and jmock5 for commenting. It's greatly appreciated!

    Now, jmock5: Okay, uhh, I'm going to try and explain what I was attempting to show with Malcolm. Earlier in the story, Malcolm said that he had basically calculated all of the past incidents that included InGen (or dinosaurs in general). But, his problem was, he was never included in his calculations (other than the Nublar incident, that is). He didn't understand why he wasn't in his calculations, and that made him question his theories, and ultimately was what convinced him to go to Costa Rica with Grant and Brunell. In this stage, he basically has time to think, without worrying about any dinosaurs jumping out from behind the corner to eat him. So, he gets to think about his theories, and about why he had come here, or to Sorna and such. And he realizes, that his theories, and his calculations were just plain wrong. And so, he questions chaos theory. . . . and so on and so forth. I hope that what I've tried to explain, may have helped clear up some confusion. And again, thanks for reading.

    Oh and there is only one more stage left in the story (and then an epilogue).

    -- JPJunkee

    At 1:42:56 AM on 2/19/2003, jmock5 said:
    I'm not quite sure I understood why Malcolm came along. I know he realized his theories were wrong, but what does that mean? Which theories? I think I have a pretty good idea, but I just want to be sure.
    Can anyone help me out here?

    At 1:19:15 AM on 2/19/2003, yvonne said:
    Wow! That was one of the best cliffhanging endings I've seen in a very long time. Of course, I'm hoping for Grant to pull through. :)

    Malcolm's thoughts at the beginning, were excellent pivotal points in the development of his character. I enjoyed every word of it.

    It's very sad that this story is nearing completion. I'll miss reading additional stages when it's time for it to end.


    At 12:18:16 AM on 2/19/2003, Vader said:
    A very powerful end to this stage, Junkee. Very powerful, with great emotion. Fantastic work.

    At 11:40:53 PM on 2/18/2003, jmock5 said:
    Man, I loved this stage! I knew Dodgson was going to come back but I didn't know when or how.
    I have to say I also am shocked about what happened to Grant. I hope he'll wake up in a hospital or something, but the way you described it makes me think he's gone for good. Very, very sad. He and Leah were getting so close!
    Brunell's the man. Even when he's pretty much dead, he still manages to put some bullets into Dodgson.
    I liked the whole last scene, with the waterfall and such.
    I can't wait to find out how the story ends. I will definitely be on the look out for the next stage.
    Awesome job!!

    At 11:31:30 PM on 2/18/2003, JPJunkee said:
    Hehehe. . . . I shocked someone. That in itself is shocking!

    Okay, time to address some of your questions and comments, Vito: It was in fact a suchomimus that attacked Dodgson. I couldn't really add in the dinos name because Grant was really the only one that could have identified it. But, originally, that dino was going to have a larger story to it. Because if you remember, right before Wu died, they were walking through the genetics lab, and he slammed his fist through a G2 egg of a suchomimus. Well, I didn't feel that it was necessary to point out that this dino that attacked Dodgson was the original, so I didn't include that in the final story.

    About your confusion about where people were when Dodgson began shooting like a maniac: They were never at the top of the water fall, they were always at the bottom, so was Dodgson, and so were the bones. I'm sorry it wasn't more clear.

    Oh, and I guess it doesn't really spoil anything; Dodgson is very much a dead man. He won't be blowing a hole out of the sucho's stomach, you can stop fearing that he will. If he did, I would never be able to forgive myself. lol

    Thanks again for commenting, I really enjoy reading your thoughts on my story, Vito. And I look forward to seeing your comments on future stages!

    -- JPJunkee

    At 10:08:53 PM on 2/18/2003, Vito Hardy said:
    Oh... my... God. I am just in shock. I'm sitting here with my mouth wide open. I never expected that ending to ever occur. Alan Grant is dead now? He was so close to having happiness again. He was going to be with Leah Owens and everything would've been just fine, and now... nothing. I'm really shocked man. That was a surprise beyond all other surprises.

    I'm glad that Dodgson finally got what was coming to him. That bastard! He was even successful in killing Brunell before getting killed himself, I'm guessing by a Suchomimus or a Spinosaurus one.

    I'm a little confused though. Were they all at the top of the waterfall when they saw the dead dino body and Dodgson began to fire like a maniac, or were they on the ground level where Dodgson was?

    I did find Dodgson's final insanity very interesting to read. I could picture this guy becoming some kind of phsyco madman. I'm a little worried about Dodgson have being swallowed by the dinosaur without being chomped on first. Dodgson was telling Malcolm that he can't be killed and all of that, so I'm afraid that Dodgson will just blow a hole in the animal with some kind of weapon and get out still alive. I hope that doesn't happen, but I'm very afraid that it will.

    Man, I'm running out of things to say. That was a very good and intense chapter, that I had a hard time putting into words on here afterwards. The shock is still just amazing to me. Great job man! I can't wait for the next stage.

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