Jurassic Park Trilogy Blu-Ray Ultimate Gift Set
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    To convince Spielberg to go with CGI dinosaurs instead of stop-motion effects, the ILM team animated a herd of dinosaur skeletons running across a field. (From: 'Vader')
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    At 1:56:06 AM on 2/11/2006, Aragorn said:
    lol, yeah, well Super-Mod is a Dan-Fic stry version of my Nightshade scripts, and Mark isn't a name I can just put into the 'Replace' function in Word, as alot of words have the letters 'mark' in that order (Such as 'remarked'), so that was a name I had to change manually every time it came up, and I tend to miss a couple when I ahve to do that.

    At 5:06:15 AM on 2/10/2006, MartinRandle said:
    Cameron bursted out laughing. He laughed so hard, tears flowed from his eyes. “You’re a bigger fibber then I’ve ever been!”

    “Stay here,” Aragorn sighed. “I’ll be back in a few minutes.” He turned and disappeared into the house while Mark continued to laugh.

    ooops.. you said Mark instead of cameron!

    Fun and slightly daft story.

    At 7:01:51 PM on 2/8/2006, Cameron said:
    Looking forward to see what I help you out with.

    At 4:24:13 AM on 2/8/2006, Aragorn said:
    Don't worry, JC will re-appear again before the end.

    At 4:10:20 AM on 2/8/2006, Dac said:
    For a second there I thought he'd forgotten his date with JP3 Girl after TKD

    I had a feeling Cameron would be the Q of the operation; always useful in a situation. Looking forward to see some of the devices he creates. They always make cool stuff

    Damn shame that Jurassiclaw didn't reappear. Really hanging on for him again, his character was a badass

    Cool to see Spino144 get nailed, and Lid as a dealer had some pretty cool lines.

    In any case, a very nice installment that goes to show, actions have consequences

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