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    Crichton wrote about a 'Dr. Felicity Hammond' and an 'Irving Levine' in his novel 'Congo'. Are these characters related to the ones in JP and TLW, or does Crichton just like the names? You decide! (From: 'Troodon')
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    At 12:45:16 AM on 9/1/2001, Raptor Hunter said:
    Okay, how does everybody here know how good the x-box or gamecube is if they haven't played it yet? And how many of you who speak so highly of the x-box have a PS2? You criticize those who have PS2's, yet all you have to back yourself up is screenshots and a computer company! Oh and x-box lovers watch out or your consle might get a computer virus. While the PS2 might be overrated, it deserves it, because it came first, I am not chosing a side but just wait until the two other systems come out to start the war. What is Bill gates going to come out with next,a handheld? I like the way survival is coming and as for JPX well that is quite a long way off so JP game fans can wait and play their old Snes, genisis, and gameboy games,(which I still love) or play the game. I am going to find some way to play them all, allthough I won't buy all the systems. Survival is also very far away, but this game is awesome! I have watched the game demo thirty-something times now. The t-rex is terrifying, the spino is scary, and the raptors are great!(Although I am left wondering where all the females are) but last and not least, put away your differences, and come to Isla Sorna one way or another...

    At 7:28:55 PM on 8/22/2001, Raptor Strike said:
    Jurassic Fart is very gay. That's right you!!! Why did you choose such a gay-assed name,yah flamer?

    At 5:31:08 PM on 8/21/2001, goldrex said:
    oh yeah must have survial

    At 6:32:22 PM on 8/19/2001, Drakkenfyre said:
    Actually, JP1, they did care about the graphics, I had an Atari, still do, that is one reason why Nintendo dominated when they released the NES, superior graphics,

    -Drakk )))

    At 6:29:31 PM on 8/19/2001, Drakkenfyre said:
    "actually, Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony all lose or earn very little (or break even) on their consoles - it's the games where the big profit is...",

    I know companies make very little with the sale of the console itself, but look at the Playstation 2, what does it use to control the DVD player?, the controller, Microsoft could just as easily allow this, but they BS and say this is "inconvienent", and therefore make people buy the $30 "upgrade" kit if they want to watch DVD's on it, they make $ off the "upgrade" kit, that is the whole intention, to make people pay more $ for a feature that their competitor offers as one of the built-in features without impedement, they have nothing to lose by letting DVD playback without the "upgrade" kit, but they have tons of $ to GAIN if they do exactly what they are doing, making people pay extra for it, just like Nintendo, they sure the hell make $ off the Expansion Pak,

    -Drakk )))

    At 11:11:25 PM on 8/18/2001, Jurassic Fart said:

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    At 10:45:50 PM on 8/18/2001, Snap-jaw said:
    That goin be cool

    At 10:35:35 PM on 8/18/2001, JP1 said:
    I liked SNES. I still have one and ocassionally play it. My favorite game was probably Jurassic Park Part 2: the Chaos Continues. It has pretty good graphics(for a SNES game. P.S. It's not about who's Consoles/Games are better. It should be about entertainment, not about how much the graphics suck. Take what you can get. What do you think all of the kids did when Atari had just come out? They didn't care about what the graphics looked like. They still played it. I myself have a Playstation. Yes, some of the Games' Graphics suck, but what am I going to do Go get every new system that comes out?

    At 9:46:58 PM on 8/18/2001, gribblikk said:
    i go where final fantasy goes

    nintendo (1) to super nintendo (2-6) to playstation (7-9) to playstation 2 (10)

    At 9:27:11 PM on 8/18/2001, jajawarrior said:
    actually, Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony all lose or earn very little (or break even) on their consoles - it's the games where the big profit is...

    So the complaint about extra money for upgrades to the system isn't really valid - the company isn't really gaining anything immediately, but rather over time as you buy games - unless you try and pirate them (ie Dreamcast)

    At 7:11:20 PM on 8/18/2001, mxpx8690 said:
    Will there be a PC version?

    At 7:11:20 PM on 8/18/2001, mxpx8690 said:
    Will there be a PC version?

    At 2:53:09 PM on 8/18/2001, dinosniper said:
    Hey, as soon as X-Box is released, PS2 is hittin' the ground head-first...

    At 2:51:49 PM on 8/18/2001, dinosniper said:
    I think I'll be waiting for the X-Box version...Sony sucks

    At 12:03:19 PM on 8/18/2001, Drakkenfyre said:
    "Have you seen the screens lately?",

    did you hear what I said?, they render the screenshots at HDTV resolution, then downsample them to look like it is running on a real TV, in other words, the REAL GAMES WILL NOT LOOK LIKE THAT,

    and about the controller, isn't it nice how a company cannot think of anything itself, and must rip-off other companies?,

    -Drakk )))

    At 10:41:37 AM on 8/18/2001, RaptorHiss said:
    Im gonna get an X box.Micrrosoft made the controler like a dreamcast becasuse they interviewed people and 9 outa 10 said the dreamcast controler was more confortalbe.

    At 8:34:20 PM on 8/17/2001, Overaptor said:
    I won't need that, i am buying a dvd seperately, oh yeah, have you seen the screens lately?

    At 8:15:54 PM on 8/17/2001, Drakkenfyre said:

    -Drakk )))

    At 8:14:40 PM on 8/17/2001, Drakkenfyre said:
    Oh, and the "DVD Upgrade Kit" is simply a remote control, an infrared plug, and maybe a CD, also, Microsoft renders their (screenshot) images at super-high HDTV resolutions, then down-samples them to regular TV resolutions to make them look better then they will actually be, then ontop of that, they have release doctored screenshots, what more do you need to know?,

    -Drakk )))

    At 8:10:23 PM on 8/17/2001, Drakkenfyre said:
    "How much better can it be?",

    Microsoft has never done a console before, their solution to their lack of developers?, buy as many as they can, the controller is a rip-off of the Dreamcast controller, as is it's memory cards, and as much as I hate the Playstation 2, at least Sony didn't make people pay MORE $ just to watch DVD's on their system, unlike Microsoft, which if you want to watch DVD's on your X-Box, you will need to pay $30 more for a "DVD Upgrade Kit",

    -Drakk )))

    At 8:04:31 PM on 8/17/2001, Overaptor said:
    PS2 sux, X Box (my selection of choice) is created by microsoft (how much better can it be?) And PS2 is, like others have said, overrated. i played Tekken Tag 2, and it was okay, graphic wize, but it wasn't all it was cracked up to be.

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    At 1:48:17 PM on 8/17/2001, Raptor Strike said:
    Playstation 1 and 2 are the worst two systems that ever came out. PS1's graphics are as good as Super NES and PS2 is way overrated. Gamecube and X-Box have way better graphics, sound, games, and every thing else in between. I'm gettin Gamecube.

    At 11:38:57 AM on 8/17/2001, raptorhunter22 said:
    x box and gamecube suck ps2 is the best

    At 11:23:02 AM on 8/17/2001, Varan101 said:
    PS2 is vastly overrated

    At 8:25:41 AM on 8/17/2001, Jurassic Fart said:
    PS2 rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    At 8:24:54 AM on 8/17/2001, Jurassic Fart said:
    gamecube and xbox suck

    At 8:07:44 AM on 8/17/2001, Evilgrinch said:
    GameCube and X-box should give it a shot. The graphics would be much better then is possible on PS2.

    At 5:51:27 AM on 8/17/2001, Snoop said:
    Jurassic Park X is in development, and Konami is expected to make some sort of announcement on a GameCube version at TGS (they have said they have over half-dozen games in development, but haven't named any specifics).

    At 12:09:12 AM on 8/17/2001, Kervanna said:
    The graphics weren't that great and the controll was bad. I didn't get very far, either because I died or I would be too bored from it. Those are reasons why I don't like Trespasser.

    The JP game for PS2 looks sweet! Can't wait for it, even though I don't have a PS2 yet.

    At 9:39:02 PM on 8/16/2001, Bugsyboy87 said:
    What does everybody have against Trespasser?!? I think it is a great game, with excellent play, graphics, and plot. I do not see why everyone hates it. It was a great plot, and I liked the ongoing voiceovers. Its a great game, unless someone can give me a good reason otherwise

    At 8:31:42 PM on 8/16/2001, Spino Man said:
    i think x box is comming out in a couple of months

    At 7:58:55 PM on 8/16/2001, Darknodin said:
    is there a X-Box or GameCube game coming?

    At 6:53:40 PM on 8/16/2001, Cheetah167 said:
    I can't stand PS2. My fingers hurt after playing a while, and those graphics are so edgy.


    At 6:28:46 PM on 8/16/2001, Spino Man said:
    This game is going to kick ass!

    At 6:18:08 PM on 8/16/2001, Rex Brothers said:
    2nd...and i'm loving it :) this game is gonna rule...ps2 forever

    At 6:08:04 PM on 8/16/2001, Big Dino said:

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