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    Taylor Nichols (JP3's Mark Degler, Ellie's Husband), also appeared in another movie based on a Crichton book, "Congo". (From: RaptorVinny)
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    At 10:21:19 PM on 8/30/2001, Stegasaurus said:
    NOT YYEEEEETTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    At 10:56:17 PM on 8/23/2001, mr.elliesattler said:
    Maybe the crew killed themselves because Ben Hildebrand was so annoying!!!

    At 11:23:36 PM on 8/22/2001, rm0918 said:
    Again doubtful with Deinosuchus. A large ocean going predator like Deinosuchus or a pliosaur of mosasaur would have upended the boat to get at the prey.
    The boat took a couple of knocks but essentially stayed on course. The sun awning was shredded and there was blood on the deck suggesting that something reached into the boat to grab the men. A plesiosaur of some sort seems most plausible.
    What did Eli the Elasmosaur say when asked what he had for dinner ? I had Mexican and went back for seconds.

    At 9:37:03 PM on 8/22/2001, Stegasaurus said:
    I hope either an Elasmosaurus or a Deinosuchus ate the crew.

    At 10:40:03 PM on 8/21/2001, rm0918 said:
    Doubtful, raptors don't appear to be designed for water work. Especially not for catching a boat moving at high speed on the open ocean.
    Also, why would they take the bodies into the water. Would they try to eat them in the water or try to swim all the way back to shore with them.
    About T-rex and Spino, tell all your friends that if the fight in the movie was real, the T-rex would have won 10 seconds into the fight. T-rex has a bone-crushing bite and when it grabbed the Spino by the neck during the beginning of the fight, T-rex would have broken Spino's spine, ruptered its wind-pipe and severed every blood vessel on that side of its neck. T-rex would have almost decapitated Spino with that one bite.

    At 9:12:00 PM on 8/21/2001, JP1 said:
    It is possible for raptors to have killed the crew on the boat. :)

    My Opinion (Not ment to hurt anyone's feelings so please don't yell at me)

    I didn't mind the Rex dying (although I would've liked to see more of him (or them)) but the Last sceen w/the Spinosaurus was kind of stupid. They should have ended him better than having him run off like a sissy. Unless they were sure that there was going to be a JP4 and He was going to be a part of it, they should have had Grant kill him.

    P.S. T-Rex is still my favorite dino :L

    At 11:48:16 AM on 8/20/2001, Stegasaurus said:
    I went on vacation so I haven't been here since I made that last comment. Fuck you Dorkodin. It could be possible to get Elasmosaur dna and I probably know more about dinosaurs then you. It kind of sucks that everyone corrected you when I was gone but if I were at this site when you said that bullshit I would have been a lot more pissed!!!!!! That is all.

    At 7:08:37 PM on 8/19/2001, conor said:
    good answer rm0918
    you didnt say a mean immature come back and i give you credit for that. Keep being nice man.

    At 12:57:25 PM on 8/17/2001, IngenRaptor said:
    <img src=>

    Run Nash Run

    At 8:32:09 AM on 8/17/2001, Jurassic Fart said:

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    At 2:05:40 AM on 8/17/2001, rm0918 said:
    No, I'm afraid I neither dress well enough or like shoes enough to be either female or gay.

    At 11:24:07 PM on 8/16/2001, conor said:
    rm0198, that was really nice of you to stick up for the little kid, but I really hope you are a girl cause what you said was really gay!

    At 3:12:46 PM on 8/16/2001, conor said:
    Sarah, who cares how old the kid is, he still knows his stuff.

    At 2:55:41 PM on 8/16/2001, Raptorgrl said:
    I have been a fan of dinos since I was little and now I'm 17. I used to watch those cheesy dino movies and shows and when they came out with jurassic park, it instantly became my fave movie because it was so much more real. I like The Lost World the best, mainly cuz I liked the rex in the city, but I thought they were all good. I liked the spino, but the rex is still my fave. I wish they would've shown more of the nicer dinos in JP3. Sometimes I think the arguements on these posts are stupid, but thats only my opinion. JP rules!

    At 10:07:51 AM on 8/16/2001, Micheal Jackson said:
    T-Rex FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Rex is the best. The true fans know that the Rex is the best and will always be the best. I couldn't balive they kill the king. That sucked and ruined the whole movie. Another thing is how did the Raptors change so much between TLW and JP3. It doesn't make sense. Also The Pterandons were free in TLW but all of a sudden their in the aviaryin JP3. That also doesn't make sense. THe Brachiosaurus was the uglyist thing I've ever seen. All the colors were changed on the dinos. That sucked.
    T-Rex RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    At 7:16:32 AM on 8/16/2001, Hans MR said:
    I met one stupid fuck at school today and he tought that Spino was the best.
    He called it spinno lol.
    But true fans dont bay that shit,and they are the most important.
    T-rex forever!!!!

    At 6:49:53 AM on 8/16/2001, Hans MR said:
    Shut up all of you!!!!
    Why the fighting all the time?
    Be a little more freiendly you dudes:-)
    America is ok,but why the nationalistic crap all the time?I`v Had it!!!!!!!!
    Right we get the point!!!!!

    BTW the spino sucks,they needed to do something new.
    they picked the the first
    and the best,nothing more and nothing less.

    At 4:24:06 AM on 8/16/2001, rm0918 said:
    Hey Raptor Fan,
    Keep asking relevent questions and supporting your point of view. It is your right and duty as an intelligent, thinking American no matter your age.
    Also, as you grow older please do not lower yourself to the vulgar standards of others. If a point can't made without expletives and perjoratives it doesn't deserve to made. You have shown a greater maturity in your clear and precise questions and comments, than your attacker will ever achieve. Keep up the good work KID (wear that label with pride).

    At 12:46:07 AM on 8/16/2001, rm0918 said:
    If Elasmosaur dna had not been recovered, then who ate the boat crew ?
    It had to be a creature that could reach up and over the boat rails (a large mosasaur or pliosaur would just crush or capsize the boat). The Pteranodons didn't escape until Leoni left the cage open, so it is doubtful the attack came from the air. Grant said the Spinosaurus wasn't on Ingen's list and he wondered what else they had been up to. Geneticists have long speculated that the blueprint for all of a creature's ancestors are locked in its dna and that all of its potential is there too. So if you completely cracked an animals code, you could turn dna switches off to recreate ancestor species or turn dna on to create descendent species. How far back on the evolutionary scale they would have to go to recover dna to make an Elasmosaur is open to speculation. Conversely, a blood sucking insect could possibly attack an animal that had to lay eggs on shore (though most say plesiosaurs weren't designed for shore excursions). Or maybe Scuba Skeeter attacked one underwater before returning to shore and being caught in amber. JP4 will probably be about designer dinosaurs ala the Chaos Effect toys.

    At 9:32:28 PM on 8/15/2001, Sarah said:
    Raptor Fan, you were only 3 when jp came out, you truly arent a fan like everyone else on this site. And who the fuck cares if you know about dinosaurs, it won't make us think higher about a kid who still watches pokemon and needs diapers, i mean now you just made us think you're a complete shit face. When you get out of elementary school maybe then you can try to say a comment.
    And Dont start crying about this either. I know babies like you do that kind of thing.

    At 9:27:28 PM on 8/15/2001, TS146 said:
    I agree with Stegosaurus. The Spino should be killed. He sucked. T-Rex all the way. JP3 couldn't measure up to the other two. Everyone I've talked to with the exception of a few people wanted the Spino dead. It's fine to add something new but the T-Rex is the best and will alwas be the best. JP4 will be Rex's redemption or I will just lose it. T-Rex owns JP and will alwas be the best. What was Winston and Johnston thinking. Kill the Rex. You CAN NOT HAVE A JP MOVIE WITHOUT T-REX. And thats the bottom line.

    At 6:38:46 PM on 8/15/2001, mr.elliesattler said:
    Go To HELL Darkodin. Who cares how they get eiasmosuar DNA. It would still be cool!!!!!!!!!!

    At 6:36:08 PM on 8/15/2001, mr.elliesattler said:
    I agree with Stegasaurus and Raptor Fan.

    At 6:22:37 PM on 8/15/2001, Raptor Fan said:
    Hey Darknodin,

    Stop being so mean to fans! >:[ Stegasaurus was just making some suggestions and I agree with him. And by the way, I've loved dinos ever since I was 5 (Now I'm 11), and I bet I know more than you!

    P.S- Thanks rm0918! At least you're nice about correcting fans. :)
    P.P.S- Yes it's true, I'm a kid.

    At 5:23:04 PM on 8/15/2001, cashdudehomie said:

    At 3:45:38 PM on 8/15/2001, Hans MR said:
    I missunderstood Darknodin,
    I thougt you overall were dissing me,but I was wrong.
    You are not a shithead I guess:-)

    At 2:56:14 PM on 8/15/2001, Hans MR said:
    All tyrannosaurids!!!!
    From stokesaurus to T-rex!!
    So what!!!
    Tyrannosaur was believed to be a carnosaur because it was a big meat eater,and all big meateaters were called carnosaurs.
    Then they discovered that T-rex and other tyrannosaurids was not related to any of the other carnosaurs.
    They were coelurosaurs.
    T-rex is a carnosaur,but not a CARNOSAUR,think you understand.

    At 2:10:57 PM on 8/15/2001, JP fan said:

    You're sort of a shit head. I'm glad you spend all your time correcting us dumbass fans, wow. Your so smart. NO, your a cheese ball.
    Thanks for your time captian.

    At 2:01:32 PM on 8/15/2001, Darknodin said:
    some people know NOTHING about dinosaurs

    Hans, what RM# said is true, although in a way we can say that all theropods are "meat-eating lizards". and why the hell wouldn't Nanotyrannus, Tarbosaurus, Albertosaurus or Gorgosaurus be in the same family as the Rex?? are you implying that the Dynamosaurus Imperiosus isn't Ceolurosaur where the Rex is one?

    also Stegasaurus, how the hell can they find elasmosaurus DNA??? and why would they kill the spino? it's a big baddass dino and eveybody (except some fans) liked him better than the rex.Fans aren't the majority of the people who go see the movie... and universal goes with the majority (when fans become the majority, it'll be a sad day indeed for JP)

    At 12:50:45 PM on 8/15/2001, Stegasaurus said:
    The list of dinos that should be in JP4: Pteranodons, velociraptors, ankylosaurus, T-rex, Spinosaurus death, elasmosaurus, deinosuchus, baryonyx, apatosaurus, parasaurolophus, iquanodon, and the new bad dinosaur, Gigantosaurus. It should fight a stegosaurus and win. Also the movie should be 2and a half hours long with nonstop action.

    At 11:46:17 AM on 8/15/2001, mxpx8690 said:
    I didnt think much of the spino's roar.

    At 7:21:02 AM on 8/15/2001, Hans MR said:
    Spinosaur sounded bigger!
    I was amazed by that first sound,I was impressed.
    Spinosaur is a carnosaur,tyrannosaurus is the only big theropod that is a coelurosaur.All other big theropods are carnosaur.

    At 11:27:48 PM on 8/14/2001, Reddog2K43 said:
    They used recordings from lions, croc, and a baby elephant for T-rex. Now they're using vultures and a bearcub? strange. I still like T-rex's sounds.

    At 10:06:00 PM on 8/14/2001, rm0918 said:
    Spino was picked because it is visually different - croc like jaws and a large sail on its back. Even though the original fossils were destroyed, we still have drawings and measurements of the bones. From these measurements we are pretty sure Spiny was longer than T-rex (Spiny's individual vertebrates were longer than Rex's), but Spiny probably weighed less. T-rex was one massive mother compared to other therapods. T-rex to Spinosaurus is kind of like comparing Dennis Rodman to Hulk Hogan, Rodman is a little taller but there is no doubt who is larger. To overcome this, in the movie they made a giant size Spiny about 20% larger than what the fossils would appear to indicate.

    At 9:45:06 PM on 8/14/2001, Jurassic Fart said:

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    At 9:03:35 PM on 8/14/2001, Raptor Fan said:
    How do they know Spinosaurus is the largest when they have no skelleton to study from?! The museum that had the only exgsisting(I have no idea how to spell that word) Spino bones was destroyed in WWII. I have dozens of dino books, old and new, and they all show Spino smaller than T.rex. If Joe wanted somebody bigger than T.rex, he should have had Gigantosaurus.

    At 8:57:59 PM on 8/14/2001, goldrex said:

    At 8:38:24 PM on 8/14/2001, rm0918 said:
    Carnosaur is an old catch-all phrase for any large therapod dinosaurs (allosaurs, tyrannosaurs, spinosaurs, ect...). It was used when all large therapods were thought to be closely related.

    At 7:09:20 PM on 8/14/2001, Oviraptor said:
    They probably meant carnivore.

    At 6:39:41 PM on 8/14/2001, Cheetah167 said:
    I love the Dilophosaur sounds effects. The new Raptor sounds are just the crappy Raptor sounds from TLW. I prefer the JP recordings.


    At 6:20:55 PM on 8/14/2001, Tango said:
    Spinosaurus isn't a carnosaur.

    At 5:45:33 PM on 8/14/2001, Evilgrinch said:
    Yeah. It sounded a lot smaller.

    At 5:44:31 PM on 8/14/2001, Nick Van Owen said:
    what's a carnosaur? is it a carnivore? the spino sounded smaller as so many said

    At 5:41:06 PM on 8/14/2001, Dan said:

    At 5:39:33 PM on 8/14/2001, JP4 2003 said:

    At 5:37:58 PM on 8/14/2001, Nick Van Owen said:
    first again

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