Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
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    At 12:30:32 AM on 8/7/2001, JPJairus said:
    You're kindof a smart-ass, ain't you?

    At 6:37:35 PM on 8/6/2001, furtim said:
    Jairus: Shirts can decompose by magic.

    At 2:03:00 PM on 8/6/2001, JoshaPark said:

    "Did you find him?"

    "Just the parts they didn't like."

    At 6:07:30 AM on 8/6/2001, DSlayer said:
    It must have been the Compies because iff it was the raptors Bens torso could have been ripped off.You know,raptors can jump.Well,they did actually land guite close to their nestsite.But Compys can still attack healthy humans.Remember Dieter from TLW?

    At 4:13:22 AM on 8/6/2001, JPJairus said:
    Actually, a human body can decompose to Ben's state in about 7 weeks. If Ben hadn't had anything to eat or drink the morning they got there, it's very likely he sat in the tree for a week, then died from lack of water. The trees block alot of the rainwater.<BR>Either that or Compys ate him.<BR>Who Knows.

    At 4:08:50 AM on 8/6/2001, JPJairus said:
    Furtim, shirts don't decompose.

    At 4:55:01 PM on 8/4/2001, Fat Johnson said:
    Actually, seeing as how they were practically on top of the Raptor nest when they landed, couldn't it have been the Raptors? I dunno how it could have been anything else, as the other dinosaurs would know better than to get close to the Raptor nest.

    At 2:45:23 PM on 8/4/2001, JoshaPark said:
    About hearing the Compy's in the video tape, it could have been birds. Keep in mind, they were in a tree. And in regards to Ben being eaten from the waist down, the Ceratosaur was much higher up that Ben. They were only a few feet off the ground. Going back to the tape, when Ben dropped Eric, he fell about three feet. Even then, Eric could still reach up and turn the camera off.

    At 1:39:55 PM on 8/4/2001, DarthMaulSithLord said:
    Where can i get that 'Eric' book?

    At 12:24:25 PM on 8/4/2001, Darknodin said:
    you guys miss the obvious... a cheetah killed Ben... damn...

    At 11:29:00 AM on 8/4/2001, Evilgrinch said:
    To be honest, the only deaths we actually saw were Cooper's, Nash's and Udesky's.

    Though Billy's scene, works like a death scene as you pretty much see him die.

    At 11:08:34 AM on 8/4/2001, rm0918 said:
    Ben's lower torso was missing. The Ceratosaurus came by, scared Eric off, reached up as high as it could, grabbed Ben at the waist and pulled. Ben was pulled apart. The Ceratosaur ate the lower half and the upper torso was flung up in the tree beyond the dino's reach. Also, Ben tasted so bad that when the Cerato came upon the group in the poo, he left in disgust.

    At 10:34:46 AM on 8/4/2001, goldrex19 said:
    i have the book written by eric and it does explain a lot even how he got the t rex piss and ben died from an injury while in the tree eric couldnt stand the sight of him being dead so he never went back he wven is wearing the leaf cloke half the time for camafloge but you should be reading all this for yourself

    At 4:30:03 AM on 8/4/2001, Utahraptor said:
    Listen to the video tape. You hear Compies right before it turns off. Eric ran, trying to escape, Ben was safe up in the tree. Compies got him, either by climbing tree, or pyramid. Remember, all dinos are smarter.
    Spino/Rex didn't hear Ben because they were nowhere enar him.

    At 3:33:53 AM on 8/4/2001, SFNE GUY said:
    I cant get on boards anyone else having the same problem?

    At 3:15:11 AM on 8/4/2001, furtim said:
    What killed Ben? Magic.

    How did his shirt not decompose? Magic.

    Mysteries solved.

    At 1:42:04 AM on 8/4/2001, JoshaPark said:
    Here's an idea. What if Eric murdered Ben, then ran off to live in his own little paradise inside a gas truck? Kind of like Swiss Family Robinson, don't you think? I mean, who wouldn't want to live off Crunch bars for eight weeks?! I wouldn't want to share any with a pig like Ben Hildebrandt.

    At 1:37:16 AM on 8/4/2001, JP fan said:
    He still had his shirt on, it was just unbuttoned in front.

    At 1:36:09 AM on 8/4/2001, JPJairus said:
    What I don't get is, if a Spinosaurus can find his way to an idiot woman screming her head off, why couldn't a Spinosaurus (or a T-Rex, for that matter) find his way to Ben, who was (very likely) screaming for help? Plus, Compsognapthuses CAN climb trees.

    At 12:13:23 AM on 8/4/2001, dinosniper said:
    And how do they know exactly 406 humans/apes died in POTA? Did they count the ones burned in that explosion or what? By the way, that explosion was hilarious...those were the funniest flying monkeys I've ever seen...

    At 12:12:42 AM on 8/4/2001, pterosaur00 said:
    well, i do have a theory that the compys did get him, its the only logical explanation, or maybe some species on the island we dont know about yet. but what probably happened is ben got injured in the fall some how and couldnt get out of the tree, then something or things came and eric had to flee. I would think thats what would have probably happened.

    At 12:10:30 AM on 8/4/2001, dinosniper said:
    You know...that should be explained...cuz it's kinda confusing why the stupid kid just left Ben hanging there to die...it's conceivable something scared the kid off and he couldn't find his way back, and Ben just couldn't get himself loose and just died there...but who knows?

    At 11:51:23 PM on 8/3/2001, RaptorHiss said:
    I have the book and it doesnt say what happened to him

    At 11:26:52 PM on 8/3/2001, Vinsfeld said:
    actually, i doubt very much that ben died there and decomposed because of anything other than the dinos, He wouldn't have died of starvation because the kid was there, and he didn't die from getting hanged, because the videotape shows ben alive and well as he drops eric to the ground. The raptors could've got him and used him as a trap to get eric. As matter of fact, if you read the book 'written' by eric(available in all bookstores) it should tell you what happened. i didn't read it so i don't know.
    P.S. Wassabe

    At 10:03:01 PM on 8/3/2001, BillyBrennenIII said:
    3 onscreen deaths 1 other decomposed death and 2 unclaimed
    and didnt he still have the shirt on?yeah he did

    At 9:51:17 PM on 8/3/2001, Bizzy D said:
    That may be true that Compy's are (assumed to be) scavengers, but, if you did not notice, his body was a couple feet off the ground making it unlikley that compy's were what got him.

    At 9:38:27 PM on 8/3/2001, pterandon said:
    The compy's represent the scavengers of the island, as a hiyena or vulture would be so it's likely to assume after he died it was the compys that cleaned the flesh from his body.

    At 9:14:35 PM on 8/3/2001, jp3kev said:
    To his body

    At 9:14:20 PM on 8/3/2001, jp3kev said:
    Its just a movie who knows what would happen.

    At 8:21:57 PM on 8/3/2001, Bizzy D said:
    How do you know that Compy's ate the flesh of Ben. It could have been anything. Obviously it wasn't a T-Rex or Spino because his body was still there but I mean... how do you know???

    At 8:20:48 PM on 8/3/2001, ellersaur said:
    He still had his Hawaiian shirt, didn't he?

    At 6:59:30 PM on 8/3/2001, Cheetah167 said:
    Four out of four-hundred? One percent? Damn the apes, damn them all to hell.


    At 6:40:06 PM on 8/3/2001, Armenian_Guy said:
    Six people died in Jp3

    Other guy on the boat

    Two dinos
    pteranodon(not real dino)

    At 6:34:45 PM on 8/3/2001, Oviraptor said:
    Compys ate the flesh from ben's body.

    At 6:15:17 PM on 8/3/2001, MmmmPie said:
    I dunno...two guys on boat, Nash, Cooper, Udesky....and Ben (if that counts as an on-screen death).

    At 6:09:54 PM on 8/3/2001, Mark Wahlberg said:
    There were not four onscreen deaths, only 3!

    At 6:06:48 PM on 8/3/2001, Nick Van Owen said:
    First, wouldn't the bones be seperated if there was no tissue holding them together

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