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    Dan is a 21 year old guy who goes to the University of Maryland.
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    At 1:02:59 AM on 1/6/2004, Majestic-1 said:
    Hey, guess what Host:

    No one gives a flying fuck! No one cares what you have to say, so stop writing fucking paragraphs about things that AREN'T FUCKING IMPORTANT!

    Whew. Just needed to vent.

    At 1:28:09 PM on 8/8/2001, View2Askew408 said:
    I just got to comment on the A.I. ending. <SPOILERS> When it zooms in on David, after he finds the other Davids and girl (Whatever there names where) it should have ended then. <SPOILERS END> Spielberg lost his nack of directing. That ending wasn't as good as POTA as far as thinking (my opioion). You can come to your own conclusions or you could read the summary of what happened.

    At 4:31:36 PM on 8/7/2001, The Host said:
    V2A: Just two quick comments.

    Granted, most movies that make you think provide no explicit 'answer.' Instead there is a plurality of explanations, and they allow the viewer to formulate their own. They make the viewer come to his or her own conclusion[s] as to how or why something happened in the film. A good example would be A.I. [SPOILER WARNING!] While the creatures at the end are suppossed to be mechas, there's still some ambiguity. There are many possible reasons they survived catastrophes humans didn't. Many possible reasons they really want to study David. Many possible explanations for the reappearance of his mother at the end, aside from those explicitly stated, and reasons why the mechas would lie to the boy robot. [END SPOILER WARNING]

    The big difference with PotA is that there is no possible way that the ending could make sense. The viewer is left with no sensical conclusions. It doesn't make the viewer think; it doesn't provide the viewer the interactivity of coming to their own conclusions. Instead it confounds the viewer with an impossible (and impossibly gimmicky) twist that's suppossed to make viewers think it'thought-provoking, when really it's just stoopid.

    Secondly, there is no possible way that apes could learn to speak while remaining apes. With the exception of genetic engineering (as, I'll admit, proposed in the film), apes could not learn to speak unless given a million years or two to learn how. Yes, they can develop and deliver very limited language through hand gestures. But they have not the intellectual capacity to ever learn how to speak a language -- with conjugation and sentence structure and such.

    Anyway, I think you misunderstood my talking dinos comment. It was an analogy: an ending that would provide a twist, for certain, but one that would be impossible, gimmicky, and silly. Like the ending to PotA.


    At 4:22:40 AM on 8/7/2001, Saint said:
    IMHO JP 3 isn`t all that glorius... its not as bad as JP 2 but... well I watched it last thursday and its nearly a comedy... only 3-4 deaths.. one joke hunts the next... think only of the handy-dino-joke... oh well... everybody has its own taste. I`ll watch POTA and after that I`ll post my final opinion...

    At 2:10:36 AM on 8/7/2001, JPJairus said:
    I don't care what other people think about movies. I'll just sit here in my own little world and watch JP all day. Countin' Flowers on the Wall, That bother me at all...

    At 5:25:42 PM on 8/6/2001, View2Askew408 said:
    "Just because Burton directes does not guarntee a good movie" is right. If you where refering to me saying that I did not.

    The movie is supposed to make you think, but not have an garuntee you an answer.

    "[It would be akin to showing raptors that could speak English at the end of JPIII, or Grant returning to Montana to find it inexplicably overrun by dinosaurs. Thought-provoking but silly and implausible/impossible. It would be a gimmick, nothing more.]"

    Apes are very close to us. The chance of them speaking one day in english is a very high chance. Those endings could have worked better than just "Oh look a way out lets go"

    At 1:27:22 PM on 8/6/2001, jedimaster said:
    jp rules

    At 3:16:24 AM on 8/6/2001, solidshoe said:'s people are retarded...pota was easily the better movie

    At 5:15:40 PM on 8/5/2001, Bizzy D said:
    With the exception of Steven Spielberg I will hafta agree with The Host; just because a film has an excellent director doesn't mean it will be a good movie.

    At 5:00:50 PM on 8/4/2001, The Host said:
    I didn't claim that Apes was different stylistically from Burton's other films; my point is simply that a good director does not a good film make, and while Burton's style remains similar, the direction is not of the same quality as his other films. As an example, I.J. & The Temple of Doom was, though a little darker, very stylistically similar to the otehr Indy filcks, but it was not nearly as good. The Lost World's visual style was in many respects similar to Saving Private Ryan's, but I don't think many people would accuse it of being as well done.

    Regarding the ending of PotA: saying an ending makes you think assuems that it could somehow make sense; perhaps there's ambiguity over meaning, or it's disturbing, it it proves allegorical, or it's ironic. The ending of PotA could have been any of those things *if it made sense*. Yes, it makes you think, but it is still a profoundly stoopid ending.

    Unless I missed a major plot point, as I noted before. Please, if anybody can explain that ending to me, do so. Because, the more I think about it, the more nonsensical it seems.

    [It would be akin to showing raptors that could speak English at the end of JPIII, or Grant returning to Montana to find it inexplicably overrun by dinosaurs. Thought-provoking but silly and implausible/impossible. It would be a gimmick, nothing more.]


    At 3:42:13 PM on 8/4/2001, View2Askew408 said:
    This first paragraph is for THE HOST, POTA is not directed differently then all his other movies. All of them are very visual.

    The ending is something you have to think about, which most movies don't do now a days because of they want every one to love the movie, and not think about it. This was both daring and creative. Unlike JPIII's ending which is "o the phone lets call and get help" "Look she sent the navy and the army". And they made it out there by boat in less than a day.

    And they didn't even kill the I'm gonna say birds (I can't remeber the name of them) Like o lets let them go so we can cash in on a sequal.

    And Ebert is real easy to get a good review from. Roeper however is not. He says it is even better than the orginal. The only reason Ebert didn't like it because it didn't meet his expectations. I quote Tim "I don't even know what people expectations are". He does what he feels is right and he has done a great job again.

    What really sucked about JPIII is not the ending but the very bad dialoge and we have to do this, so is not to do this routines. Overall its a good movie, but not nearly the best this summer.

    At 11:46:04 AM on 8/4/2001, wht_rbt.obj said:
    but you havent noticed that on rotten tomatoes, every film which gets below 60% is rotten, so both JP3 & POTA are not considered good movies by the site.

    At 10:35:02 AM on 8/4/2001, Tyranoraptor said:
    Yea right, what does 4% mean? nothing

    At 6:52:43 AM on 8/4/2001, Vulcan XM607 said:
    PoTA rules! JP3 rules! (think Tea Leoni is rubbish though)

    At 11:31:40 PM on 8/3/2001, The Host said:
    Turrock; SGD; Whatever:

    I'm not disparaging action and adventure films as a genre. Some of my favorite movies are action/adventure films: Jurassic Park, Batman, Die Dard 2, Cliffhanger, Raiders of the Lost Ark and Last Crusade, the Star Wars films (though Ep. One wasn't so great), T2: Judgement Day, Alien and Aliens and Alien3, Dark City, most Bond flicks, the list goes on . . . But I will happily admit that most action films are pretty awful. Pearl Harbor was abysmal; Lara Croft: Tomb Raider was mediocre (though I'll give it four stars simply because of Angelina Jolie's breasts); The Mummy Returns wasn't that great (though I enjoyed the original). Most of that Steven Segal/Jean Claude Van Damme crap is, well, crap. The list of action films I've disliked is longer than the list of films I've liked. Simple as that.

    A critic's job is to critique. To say what's wrong and what's right. The statement that most critics are liberals is probably accurate; to say they only like politically correct and/or family films could not be further from the truth. I consider myself rather liberal, but can't abide political correctness. I should think most other critics -- usually the most fervent defenders of film against right wing (politically correct) censorship -- feel as I do.

    Try reading some reviews some time, by respected critics. I would be surprised if you could show me any case of 'political correctness' in any respected critic's reviews, unless you define 'politically correct' very, very loosely.


    At 11:21:54 PM on 8/3/2001, dimetrodon said:
    eat my fucking cock turrok you disgrace the name.
    but pota was better so i guess i agree there

    At 11:19:07 PM on 8/3/2001, dimetrodon said:
    thats not much more than the apes.

    At 9:07:13 PM on 8/3/2001, Turrok said:
    By the way, MY REAL NAME IS SGD!!!!!!!!!

    At 9:06:07 PM on 8/3/2001, Turrok said:
    This is for The Host. First of all, SHUT THE HELL UP YOU ARROGANT BASTARD!!! Action-movies kick ASS! Why the #### do you think they make the most money of any film genre?!? I didn't even have to read half of your comment to see what you're like. AND I WON'T CALM DOWN!!! You're so full of #### about critics. They're all liberals and they only like a movie if it's politically correct and boring, or for families.

    At 8:15:46 PM on 8/3/2001, Bizzy D said:
    I personally feel that JP/// was a better movie, but I don't think you can compare Joe Johnston and Tim Burton simply because they direct differnt types of movies. You can't compare Jumaji and Batman because they are differnt genre of movies.
    The only problem I had with JP/// was the ending, other than that I felt it was much better than POTA. I like the original POTA better than the new one.

    At 7:20:48 PM on 8/3/2001, dinolvr79 said:
    What would people say if jp3 does better at the box office? I mean, people I have talked to hated pota, and loved jp3. But all the people who love pota will eat their words when jp3 beats pota at the box office.

    At 7:19:52 PM on 8/3/2001, Mighty T-rex said:
    I haven't seen PotA yet, but I know I like JP3 better, simply because of the dinosaurs and the fact that it's a JP movie. JP movies will always be my favorite movies of all time, and I will NEVER prefer those stinkin' apes. I'm not going to budge from my views, so please don't try to convince me PotA was better.

    At 7:06:32 PM on 8/3/2001, The Host said:
    A few comments.

    1) Before I go on, I have a statement of objectivity. Jurassic Park is one of my favorite films, but I despised The Lost World. Tim Burton is one of my fave directors, and Edward Scissorhands is one of my favorite films. I can honestly say that I have never seen a Burton film that I didn't like (I've seen them all, including Vincent, with the exception of Pee Wee's Big Adventure) -- until Planet of the Apes. But more about that later.

    2) There have been comments along the lines of, 'All critics are idiots/cynnics/morons/movie-haters.' I take grave exception to this. I feel that's a common misconception amongst the tasteless masses. While some critics are certainly hihg-strung, most, in my experience, are truly film lovers, that judge movies fairly and intelligently. They don't have a bias against action movies: they simply evidence the fact that most action movies suck. Really, they do.

    3) Some people in this discussion, in the opinion of this outsider, look like utter morons/assholes. Now I won't make assumptions about your personality or intelligence -- I'm not saying you are, generally speaking, an asshole or a moron -- but Turrock, please, calm down. You're coming across very poorly. And, uh, there's only one 'P' in opinion.

    4) Here we get into comparison . . . I preferred JPIII. Indeed, I thought JPIII was far better than the first sequel, and one of the best action films I've seen in a while. Yes, its ending was weak; at least it made sense. I'll get to that in a moment . . . PotA was not really well-directed, which is a first for Burton. There's some beautiful imagery in the film, yes, but Burton's action scenes are chaotic. Poorly shot, poorly paced, poorly edited. The plot is loopy, the characters less real than in JPIII (which was far from Shakespeare itself), and the ending . . . My god, the ending . . . I actually cringed. I don't think I've done that before. But I cringed.

    Ultimately, a film must be judged in reference to its ambitions. Jurassic Park III was a 'B' movie monster film, unlike the previous two; as such, it rocked. PotA strained at some points to be more -- to be meaningful social commentary; to be allegory; to be a Jurassic Park-esque fable about the evils of science run amok. In all of those respects it failed utterly. It was a film that could have been much more, tried to be much more, and wasn't. This makes the film a failure in my eyes.

    5) The endings. Ugh. This summer hasn't been a good year for endings. Tomb Raider's finale was a tad overblown. I initially felt A.I.'s ending was sentimental tripe. (I've since reevaluated and come to a vastly different conclusion.) Jurassic Park III was anti-climactic. PotA was gimmicky and utterly, utterly, utterly, utterly stupid. It tried to be clever; it was clever to the extent that the average SNL sketch is poignant.

    JPIII: The ending was (more or less) fine. I liked the surreal 'guy on the beach.' Yeah, it was contrived, but much less so than the ending to the original JP. (C'mon; how likely is it the T.rex happened by just in time?) The problem, of course, wasn't with the ending, but with the scene before it. If there was more build-up to the conclusion -- an extended, more exciting raptor encounter; a scene with Ellie calling the army -- then the film's climax and conclusion would have worked.

    Plan of the Apes' ending would have been fine -- were it not for the final twelve or thirteen seconds. Of course I knew that earth would become an ape planet. The moment Mark Whalberg boarded his shuttle and Danny Elfman's music refused to triumph, I inwardly groaned.

    Here's my problem with the ending: I have discussed it with several friends (including a third-year student of physical engineering and a second-year student of astrophysics, among others planning to enter similar programs in the coming year), and it is absolutely impossible that earth could have become over-run by apes. Unless I missed something major -- I don't think I did -- the ending plain didn't make sense.

    As a film student that sort of thing really bugs me. When a director says, 'Hey, that'd be a cool thing to include in the film; it would make absolutely no sense, but it'd be cool.' That's cheap, unimaginative, contrived. I felt cheated.

    People here have commented that critics that disliked the ending simply didn't understand it. Okay, go ahead: I'm a critic of sorts; I and my friends were baffled by it -- so how did it happen? How does that ending make sense? I'd love to know.

    Okay, that's my rant. I love Tim Burton, but I didn't like this movie. I think the final seconds of that film were simply the worst few seconds of film I've seen in my life, and I've seen a lot of bad movies. I've seen movies by Joel Schumacher and Ed Wood.


    P.S.: Whoever argued that PotA is better because Tim Burton was a better director is *wrong*. Spielberg is, in my studied opinion, a brilliant filmmaker, but TLW sucked (as did a couple of his other movies). Joel Schumacher is . . . Joel Schumacher, yet he made Falling Down, one of my favorite films.

    P.P.S.: I think DarkKnight was right on one point. In ten years, A.I. will be the movie we all remember this sumemr.

    At 4:47:33 PM on 8/3/2001, Snap-jaw said:

    At 4:47:08 PM on 8/3/2001, Mark Wahlberg said:
    Stego, you stupid fuck, if ever say another word to be, I will fucking verbally bitch slap you across the room.

    Stupid bastard.

    At 4:12:08 PM on 8/3/2001, Dinoplex said:
    Just kidding!

    At 4:08:46 PM on 8/3/2001, Dinoplex said:
    (*sigh*) JP fans...

    -Charleton Heston (Planet of the Apes)

    At 3:35:06 PM on 8/3/2001, Vulcan XM607 said:
    Tim Burton would be a great JP Director! JP4 set in Costa Rica, with the dinos secretly living in the rainforests of Costa Rica.

    At 3:32:50 PM on 8/3/2001, Vulcan XM607 said:
    Tell me what happens at the end, PLEASE!


    At 3:28:47 PM on 8/3/2001, dinosniper said:
    Well the main reason people are giving POTA bad reviews is because of the ending. People are too stupid to understand it...

    At 3:21:42 PM on 8/3/2001, Billy Brennen said:
    Mark's cool, (the one on the board). So he likes a stupid movie let him. It doesnt mean I want him to die...sheesh.

    Okay many crittics actually loved JP3, and those who didnt were drunk or probably big POTA fans...mabey the were actually apes. hmmmmm
    POTA was terrible it got some good reviews because of burtton THATS IT.
    JP3 got better reviews than Americas sweetharts too!


    Billy Brennen

    At 3:20:27 PM on 8/3/2001, View2Askew408 said:
    PLANET OF THE APES WAS BETTER. Most critics didn't like the ending cause they don't like to think about it. They just want to sit in their chairs and go "ahhhh that was cool". Most don't even relize that POTA was not only about the story but how we can view ourselfs very closely to apes, and every thing we believe in. JPIII was about dianousers trying to eat people.

    If you want to compare critics from one movie to another, than you will have to compare the average people as well, and not just the ones from this site. Most people I talk to think POTA is a much better movie than JPIII. Not much of an ending in JPIII but POTA hits you with (spoilers) "In Memory of Genarl Thade..." in the Lincoln memorial. Movies that make you think (JP) are good.

    I did like JPIII though, but the ending sucked.

    At 3:14:32 PM on 8/3/2001, Turrok said:
    See, now ajax has some common sense. And why the hell are you guys talking about Dan banning people? He won't ban someone for arguing with him, and they won't go to Hell for it. And if Dan did, then his site might become unpopular real quick. Just 'cause Dan has his own JP3 site doesn't make him God. Dan is just an ordinary guy, and I'll argue with him if I want to!

    At 12:49:08 PM on 8/3/2001, ajax said:
    I Just saw jp3 in the netherlands, It was a great movie but it was much to short, and the ending sucked big time!

    At 12:27:22 PM on 8/3/2001, goldrex19 said:
    go jp woo hoo

    At 11:02:19 AM on 8/3/2001, Stegasaurus said:
    and by the way, the name's Steg-a-saurus b-otch

    At 11:01:13 AM on 8/3/2001, Stegasaurus said:
    Mark Wahlbitch, DDDDDIIIIIIEEEE!!!! you were agruing with Dan and you didn't even like JP3 and you suck. I hope Dan bans your ass if he doesn't ban mine first.

    At 10:40:33 AM on 8/3/2001, Turrok said:
    Maybe POTA isn't what it was all caracked-up to be, BUT NIETHER IS JP3!!!

    And seriously, Dan, the crictics are full of ####. They slam everything except for politically correct family movies. While they're saying that JP3 is better than POTA, THEY STILL THINK THAT JP3 SUCKED!!! JUST LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE THEY SEE!!! (Not including Roger Ebert. But I think he's lost his mind.) Wha' do ya think o' them apples, BUDDY-BOY!?!

    At 9:01:25 AM on 8/3/2001, RI_18 said:
    Who cares a movie is a movie its not a competition! See both movies! Who cares who "grosses" more. What a joke.

    At 8:33:12 AM on 8/3/2001, dinolvr79 said:
    Dan, you are right on, pota did suck. I love Tim's movies, but this one was just eye candy. In the end jp3 will do better. It has to much of a head start. 10 years from now, people will say jp3 was much better than pota, and not the worst in the series. If you are counting on more movies. What happen to the fan art sec. I sent you pics, but I don't see them

    At 2:50:21 AM on 8/3/2001, Mark Wahlberg said:
    Stegosaurus and Oviraptor, why don't you just shut the hell up, I'm not arguing with Dan, didn't you see the little winky?! And how says I don't like JP3! Your just making assumptions!

    Mind your own damn business, morons.

    At 2:06:29 AM on 8/3/2001, md23rewls said:
    I liked both movies fine, but JP3 was better. They are both going to make around 200 million, but hopefully JP3 will come out on top. POTA was way to overhyped, nowhere near as good as it sould have been, and that ending was just plain confusing. JP3 gets the edge, because of the action and the humor.

    At 1:27:35 AM on 8/3/2001, Armenian_Guy said:
    1st. to post!

    At 12:29:46 AM on 8/3/2001, McLaren_24 said:
    You all are idiots to even argue with Dan, he can ban you in a second and doesn't really care what you think.

    At 11:02:48 PM on 8/2/2001, Stegasaurus said:
    'Cause he's an idiot that's trying to win an agrument against Dan the Man.

    At 9:54:49 PM on 8/2/2001, Oviraptor said:
    Marky Mark shut da hell up, if you're not a JP fan then why are you here?

    At 9:37:44 PM on 8/2/2001, Stegasaurus said:
    Dan is the man. Disrespect him and you go to hell! POTA sucks! JP3 rule!!!! Go Dan!

    At 9:05:42 PM on 8/2/2001, Mark Wahlberg said:
    Jeez, Dan, you didn't have to attack me about it! :(


    At 8:52:22 PM on 8/2/2001, neilfan123 said:

    At 8:29:50 PM on 8/2/2001, Overaptor said:
    Jee, Dan, you are really getting into this conversation aren't you? Just want you to know, I back you up 110%. POTA isn't all it was cracked up to be.

    At 8:24:40 PM on 8/2/2001, Dan said:
    Ohh yeeeeeeaaahh??? Well read the story on the front page again, buddy boy! More than half of professional movie reviewers think JP3 was better! So there! :)

    At 8:24:18 PM on 8/2/2001, Mark Wahlberg said:
    Ha ha, the desperate pleas of a pathetic JP fan.


    At 8:10:06 PM on 8/2/2001, Turrok said:
    The endings to both JP/// & POTA could have been better. Personally, I thought JP///'s ending was worse.

    At 8:08:29 PM on 8/2/2001, Turrok said:
    Oh yeah, Dan?
    Well JP/// had a weak plot, It was too short, the body count was too small, the t-rex died, and the ending was anti-climatic! JP/// HAD JUST AS MANY PROBLEMS AS POTA!!!

    At 8:07:36 PM on 8/2/2001, Danno_the_dude said:
    I think that it will be really close as to which one does better at the bow office. But I really thik that JP3 will do better in the end.

    And the ending to PotA totally sucked. I don't know why paople were complaining about the ending of JP3. Why not complain about the apes ending?

    At 7:53:07 PM on 8/2/2001, JP3 Raptor said:
    Well, I guess this just might disprove evolution in that apes aren't any better than dinosaurs...

    -JP3 Raptor

    At 7:48:08 PM on 8/2/2001, DarkKnight said:
    Well, there's one thing for sure. POTA was visualy more stunning than JP3! Thats one area no other director, in my opinion, has beat Tim Burton in! He makes the best looking movie ever!

    At 7:25:39 PM on 8/2/2001, Dan said:
    First, I think everyone knows what is my opinion and what is news..

    Second, I DID give POTA a chance! I *wanted* to like it (I'm a giant Tim Burton fan), and it just wasn't good! Its storyline was all over the place, characters appeared out of nowhere (the kid), and others just stood there and looked pretty with their mouths open (the human chick). The movie was really funny when it tried not to be (were we really supposed to laugh at apes being blown up during the climatic final battle??)


    At 7:15:24 PM on 8/2/2001, Stegasaurus said:
    I knew it I knew it!!!! Die you friggi'n apes!! Oh yeah Pota is the summer blockbuster NNOTT!! Bitch Bitch Bitch Yes!!! JP3 lives on motherfucker!!!! Sorry.

    At 7:02:37 PM on 8/2/2001, jpreal said:
    I did not like ether movie. But Tim Burton is a much better director Than Joe Johnson. Joe Johnson single handedly destroyed The Jurassic Park franchise with his bone headed choice to shoot a film with out a script. Well, there is only Two Jurassic Park film in my opinion, and Jurassic Park 3 is not one of them.

    P.S. This is a Jurassic Park site, Dan is not going to like anything that is not Jurassic park. Judging by the Positive spin he just gave to Jurassic Park 3’s Box Office, We are not going to get anything near what is really happing to the movie.

    At 6:54:53 PM on 8/2/2001, Turrok said:
    Jeez, people. Jurassic Park /// is just a movie! Yeah, it's a good movie, but sill just a damn movie! Planet of the Apes is a good movie, too. I know we're all big JP fans, but we can like other movies, too.

    Dan, you may think that POTA sucks, BUT THAT'S JUST YOUR OPPINION. I think it's good. And so do millions & millions of other people. You're not just reporting the news, Mr. Fienkelstein, you're also stating you're oppinion like it's a fact.


    At 6:45:39 PM on 8/2/2001, DarkKnight said:
    I wish what? That Joe Johnston isn't as good of a director as Tim Burton? Come on...honestly! You really think Joe Johnston is a BETTER director than Tim Burton? No way! Atleast Tim Burton gave us something original and didn't just try to copy the original film. Joe Johnston mostly took Steven Spielberg's style and made a lesser movie than the first film. I really like JP3 but I loved Planet of the Apes! Why should we even fight on which makes more money or has better reviews!? A year from now, will it matter? People will be fighting about Spider-Man vs. Star Wars: Episode II! Or Lord of the Rings vs. Star Wars: Episode II!! In the end, which film will be remembered more 10 years from now!! I say...A.I.!!!

    At 6:40:08 PM on 8/2/2001, Oviraptor said:
    HAHAHA, you wish. JP3 was AWESOME, POTA sucked as Dan said.

    At 6:39:22 PM on 8/2/2001, DarkKnight said:
    Yes, Planet of the Apes was a better directed film than Jurassic Park III! Thats a FACT! Joe Johnston can't touch Tim Burton! Take a look at these films and tell me which you preffered. Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, Jumanji, October Sky, The Rocketeer OR Batman, Batman Returns, Edward Scissorhands, Beetlejuice, Sleepy Hollow. Enough said.

    At 6:37:20 PM on 8/2/2001, Darknodin said:
    dan has his attitude back...

    At 6:35:25 PM on 8/2/2001, Oviraptor said:
    HAHAHAHAHA, stick that in your banana and smoke it you damn dirty apes.

    At 6:08:38 PM on 8/2/2001, Hans MR said:
    POTA is dark and boring,
    KILL EM ALL! oh no im shaking my panties!
    I shell save you humans,
    bla bla bla......ugh

    At 6:08:09 PM on 8/2/2001, Dan said:
    Hey, I'm not dissin, I'm just reporting the truth!!
    P.S. POTA sucked. ;)

    At 5:58:42 PM on 8/2/2001, Dinoplex said:
    Although JP/// is my favorite movie of the year, I like POTA a lot, too. SO QUIT DISSING IT, DAN!

    At 5:57:31 PM on 8/2/2001, jpreal said:
    It really does not matter if Jurassic Park 3 is better rated than Planet Of the Apes. What matters is Box Office, and While Jurassic Par 3 is leading, Planet Of The Apes Will surpass it by the End Of the mouth. Judging on how fast Planet Of the Apes is making money, it will surpass Jurassic Park 3.

    At 5:29:25 PM on 8/2/2001, Overaptor said:
    "Tell your POTA-loving friends to put this in their pipe and smoke it" HAHA!!! I LOVE IT! AND TRUST ME, I WILL!

    <p align="center"><a href="">Click here!</p><p align="center"><img src="" width="300" height="100" border="4"/></p></a></head></body></html>

    At 5:25:59 PM on 8/2/2001, IngenRaptor said:
    Apes smell

    At 5:25:36 PM on 8/2/2001, Lizzie said:
    Take that Ugly Ape People Things!

    At 5:19:57 PM on 8/2/2001, Dinosaur_neill said:
    yes, take that you damned dirty apes!

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    The regular one
    The Ultimate Gift Set one
    Neither, I don't have Blu-Ray
    Neither, I have enough copies of JP movies!



    (C)2000-2012 by Dan Finkelstein. "Jurassic Park" is TM & © Universal Studios, Inc. & Amblin Entertainment, Inc.
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