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    At 12:47:42 AM on 7/7/2000, Baryonyx said:

    At 7:47:34 PM on 7/5/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    Embryo's funny.

    At 4:40:12 AM on 7/5/2000, carnatorus said:
    note: I was tierd when i wrote this so dont be surprised if i messed up in my words.

    At 4:37:10 AM on 7/5/2000, carnatorus said:
    my advice, dont get your hopes up! well iguess you can but not too mutch.

    At 4:34:29 AM on 7/5/2000, carnatorus said:
    They better not screw this up! THW was ok until they turned it into godzilla! They shold be imaginative with this. what they should do is have them finde some dinos that are a complete mystery. Ones that were so rare and harrafing in there time that when hammond and his crew found them they kept them a secret. Plus they should have that one t-rex like dino that was bigger and badder than t-rex.Plus some swimming dinos would be nice. and some new sience.I mean I am not going to get all worked up if its the same. same dinos. t-rex, brac,raptor & dilo. No.I want something new! Utharaptor wold be nice! A 20 ft. raptor! that wold be scary!

    At 8:39:34 AM on 7/4/2000, Nedrey said:
    See, the producers are doing this to use. Making up what we want to believe.I think that we should lie low for a few months and wait for some real imformation.

    At 4:29:08 AM on 7/4/2000, North2000 said:
    He has not been confirmed by credible sources it will be a prequel, and if it was Jurassic park III would be an unlikely title for a sequel. Universal has been spotted keeping this movie very secret so we don't know for sure what most of the plot will be. I think people who wish it would be a prequel no matter what will probably believe in that.

    At 12:21:08 AM on 7/4/2000, carnatorus said:
    They better have somthing orignal in this one.

    At 11:38:04 PM on 7/3/2000, Embryo said:
    Okay here's my two cents:

    1) Prequel: Good Points
    - Makes it better for Malcolm to have a smaller role. His TLW role was too big to allow him to return for any longer than Lex and Tim did in TLW.

    - Makes it more unlikely to have a dreadful scenario of Gillagan's Island meets Jurassic Park.

    - Makes it impossible for good characters like Hammond to be killed off. They were in TLW!

    - Better plot is possible. Perhaps this is a good time to see ILM at it's best when we see Hurricane Curissa hit!

    2) Prequel: Bad Points
    - Allows the possiblity of Alan Grant being killed off.

    - The content will have to be completely forgotten leading up to TLW.

    - The dinosaurs cannot be new species like Suchomimis or Spinosaurus.

    3) Sequel: Good Points
    - Allows many more dinosaurs to be seen.

    - Allows Hammond to achieve his goal.

    4) Sequel: Bad Points
    - Screws up the *perfect* ending in the franchise.

    - Ruins the ending of The Lost World. That nice CG dino shot was really nice.

    - A sequel would likely mean no science. If this is a sequel we can hardly go to Site B and see it all nice and new and up and working.

    A Prequel is already confirmed so stop comlplaining. Oh and for the last time, MALCOLM CAN BE IN A PREQUEL!!! Stop saying he can't. Some of the ideas put forth by GoldblumRules are nice, but Spielberg wouldn't do it. And taking too long to get the dinos in would be pointless because we know what they look like! Big woop!

    At 8:16:11 PM on 7/3/2000, The_Hupa said:
    You are saying that Sam Neill is not signing on the deal?

    At 7:46:23 PM on 7/3/2000, Muldoon Rules said:
    We need some New-News! I think they have been feeding us lies to keep us busy, so we don't get real info. Im not paranoid but everyone thinks I am.

    At 6:26:43 PM on 7/3/2000, The_Hupa said:
    Why would New Zealand and Jurassic park have in common. Is it just for the climate? Or scencery?

    At 12:59:56 PM on 7/2/2000, Oviraptor said:
    I'm starting too see that a sequel will be better than a prequel.. since Grant's in it it'll ROCK whatever it ends up being ( please of please have more than just a cameo Grant.. ) But I would still like them too be in Jurassic Park again.. someday , there was just something about Jurassic Park that none of the other movies will have.

    At 9:53:04 AM on 7/2/2000, Nedrey said:
    I agree with Sucho1. I think that Hammond might fix the park, save the company, and see his dream come true.

    At 8:52:49 AM on 7/2/2000, Nedrey said:
    Well I kind of guess that a sequel would be better. More science please! That second did not have any whatsoever. But what are the dinos going to do?

    At 8:25:54 AM on 7/2/2000, Nedrey said:
    Yes, how can it be a sequel after the lost world? I think the only ways for the dinos to get off the island is for some people to get them off, and go to the mainland. That would screw things up. Think about the toys, a school bus with bite marks on the roof. With retractable rocket launcher!

    At 3:36:35 AM on 7/2/2000, Utahraptor said:
    Spielberg said he rushd it because the one big complaint baout JP was it took too long to see the dinos. He just gave what the public wanted.

    At 2:30:37 AM on 7/2/2000, North2000 said:
    Oh please Roger Ebert's reviews of sequels I believe is warped. He gave a thumbs up to Home Alone 3 and said it was better than the first 2, what a laugh, almost all the critics and public gave a resounding no you're wrong Ebert. Home Alone 3 was terrible, not original, the kid was alot worse than Culkin.

    At 1:58:12 AM on 7/2/2000, sucho1 said:
    i really truely agree with guldblumrules. Because actually it should kinda be about how the book where they got most dinosaurs back on there paddock, but there should be "DX" involved in catching the dinosaurs so they have trouble catching the dinosaurs. Then in a isolated area mabey there was another dinosaur on the island that had its own area. Mabey a SUCHOMIMUS! And was that prequel thing just a rumor confirmed or just a rumor still. Even if people dont think it would be a real trilogy because of a prequel they had at the end i still think it would be a "downhill trilogy" if Jurassic Park III was a prequel. Mabey like guldblumrules said, hammond can fulfill his dream and fix the whole park up after a few years after the lost world. Now That would truely finish off the trilogy. Mabey they can ind a way to contain a suchomimus and still have people watch it safely. The more i think of it the more i think it shouldn't be a prequel, and i think it should be a sequel. And if it was a prequel and its about lomething like destroying the island, howcome nobody heard about it, not even news, Hammond doesn't mentionany thing about a second visit by people to the island or anything. Also i think there also should be t-rex or a few but not the main dinosaur. If Joe Johnston is a good director what he should do is not show the main dinosaur, if it is, a suchomimus, for about until an hour or earlier into the movie. Mabey he could show foot prints, or mabey just the tail at some points, or even lots of trees rustling in the forest from it running. Mabey in the mean time show other stuff mabey just a rex for awhile, mabey some Brachiosaurs like the one in Jurassic Park, Because i know that just amazed me as a small child. If he did this he could build up the suspence up real high, like spielburg did in jaws. One of the main reason Roger Ebert didn't like The Lost World Because ti was in a rush to show the dinosaurs, and i agree with that. He just rushed them at us. Why not build up the suspence? But i think they need to have a seen at the near end with mabey a suchomimus getting in a fight with a T-rex, like the rex did with 2 raptors. I think they need to improve how they show the story and don't rush and show us everything right away....

    At 1:33:47 AM on 7/2/2000, sucho1 said:
    Whoever said there could be a 4th to end it totally, i think that the lost world ending was actually more of a final ending. And i agree who ever siad that since malcom had his "own" jp movie someone else should have a turn.

    At 1:23:50 AM on 7/2/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    Well, personally I don't see a prequel being much of an advancement. It especially cheats the whole idea that this is a trilogy, of course it should be noted that when they made the first movie, no one knew there would even be a sequel to it. A prequel at this point is rather redundant, at least when you consider the "emotional impact" it would have. The timeframe between Jurassic Park and The Lost World was a pretty natural progression, it didn't really feel like they needed something wedged between them. What I want, apart from what I am obviously confident that I know already, is a sequel to The Lost World that wraps the series up nicely; a prequel would be weird at this point. Temple of Doom was a prequel to Raiders, so there was no real danger there; Indy had to survive that film because he had to still go after the Ark. Imagine if they made Raiders then made Last Crusade then made Temple of Doom... that would've been plain weird and not many people would have been receptive to the Temple of Doom (actually not many were anyway). Last Crusade tied the series up very nicely, as did Return of the Jedi (which was the weakest of the series but it still worked) and Godfather Part III. They all worked well because they knew they had all these characters and plots to round out and finish off, hence the power you feel at the end of the films... Indy and his dad being redeemed and Indy discovering the faith he never had, Luke redeeming his father and saving the universe from the Empire indefinetly, and Michael Corleone being punished for all his mistakes by seeing his family torn apart, and dying an old, lonely man. A Jurassic Park III, by the nature of it's title (I'm hoping and mostly confident this is the final title), should tie up the loose ends of the first two and finish John Hammond's dream. Whether Hammond should pay for his previous mistakes and be pecked to death by compys or he should live to see everything work out by film's end I leave to the filmmakers, but personally I think a man of so much wisdom in film as Spielberg would want to close this series on a high note instead of a redundant one. They followed the natural progession of a trilogy with TLW, i.e. the darkest chapter, and this almost always leads into the lightest chapter and the most entertaining, the one that ties things up, which should be the third and final installment. Whether such artistic merit will be practiced over commercial instinct remains to be seen, but it's a good bet that a JPIII sequel would still make a lot more than a prequel... so this way nobody "loses..." they can still make a really good movie and make a lot more dough. From what I know of Spielberg, he would want this to be the last installment in a trilogy, and even he would be stretched to become motivated about greenlighting a prequel at this point.

    At 1:00:20 AM on 7/2/2000, Embryo said:
    Right... wrong. If this movie is a sequel, I'm afraid that they are going to ruin this franchise. A prequel would be better.

    At 12:53:35 AM on 7/2/2000, North2000 said:
    Some care if it's a sequel or not, it's a basic question. I'd rather another sequel so we can see the plot of the JP series progress, not explain what has happned in the past.
    I can't believe their making 3 prequels for Star Wras that seems so predictable and somewhat boring, I can see they might be doing it for all the money.

    At 10:45:15 PM on 7/1/2000, Siege_6 said:
    Yeah, I mean who cares as long as it's a good movie right?

    At 9:00:37 PM on 7/1/2000, Nedrey said:
    does it really matter if it a prequel or sequel?

    At 8:03:24 PM on 7/1/2000, Digalot said:
    hey will every body please stop yousing malcom as a accuse for jp3 not to be a prequel, it said no where that he would be visiting the island so he might just have a cameo like tim and lex in TLW okay...

    At 7:55:58 PM on 7/1/2000, Digalot said:
    HA Krptonite if you got to go you got to go so slow down tour ty0ping and e-mail me I can still read my mail even if I am in chicago

    At 7:09:28 PM on 7/1/2000, TyrannoRaptor said:
    as i said in another post somewhere. Psycho 4 was set after the third film but most of the "action" took place before the first film (memories etc) therefore JP3 could be the real title and the story could be rounded-off nicely and it can still be a prequel.

    At 6:57:43 PM on 7/1/2000, Nedrey said:

    At 3:25:12 PM on 7/1/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    The words I am drooling to say right now: "God, I hate being right all the time." The time will come, it's just not today. Oh well, it's all the more victorious when you're the underdog!

    At 2:18:43 PM on 7/1/2000, Siege_6 said:
    Oh, I just realized my mistake, I meant after the original JP but before TLW.

    At 12:11:36 PM on 7/1/2000, Siege_6 said:
    If JP3 is after the original JP but after TLW then how could there be a site C when they haven't even seen site B yet? And do you think Dr. Grant and Satler got married? I doubt they had kids though, unless the movie is taking place 2 years after Jp happened, right in-between TLW and JP. And I think that if Malcolm is in it, then he'll be telling people about what happened without any knowledge of whats going on where ever they place this one, whether being back at JP maybe killing dinos or maybe at site B, since all this is going on without Malcolm knowing.

    At 9:51:06 AM on 7/1/2000, Nedrey said:
    hey if the third one is site C, maybe the fourth one will be site D. Jezz, a sick joke Johnson is playing on us.

    At 9:48:23 AM on 7/1/2000, Nedrey said:
    Well, the third one might be a prequel, and might not finish the story, so there might be a fourth one, as the hupa said.

    At 4:20:45 AM on 7/1/2000, North2000 said:
    I'm sure they could work in the dinosaurs being able to swim in the ocean somehow, they changed other details that were in the novel. Even if they couldn't the dinosaurs just left on islands is a death trap waiting to happen. I just don't think it's a very satisfactory ending. Hey they could've blown up one of the islands by now if they followed the JP novel.

    At 3:15:12 AM on 7/1/2000, Utahraptor said:
    As sure as Goldblum is that it's not a JP only sequel, God, please be right, that's how sure I am there will one day be a JP4 if JP3 makes a ot fo money. I'm not sure how much tha'll be, but if it breaks any records,a nd doesn't slow down for months or so, count on it. As logn as people spend big bucks to go see JP movies, or any movie, they'll always be a sequel. Until they louae it up so badly, they have no chocie but to stop. Heck, they had 4 Killer Tomato movies. Only saw the firts two, and liked them, but still, 4 movies? This for a theme that you either love or hate. So just rememebr Return Of The Killer Tomatos Theme Song ending, "Part two of hopefully two parts. But if this movie does great you see, I'm sure you'll know quite isntantly, it won't be long, until Part 3." Or 4, and a cartoon series thereafter.
    I'm even more sure that a JP Sequel only movie will nto screw up continuity, because it's independent from the other two (Apart from Grant's return.) And Jeff Goldblum still hsn't signed, and might not, if all he does is sit in a hospital telling reporters that cloned dinos are on an island near Costa Rica, let's kill em.

    At 2:56:38 AM on 7/1/2000, Oviraptor said:
    Sorry about that joke guys... I'm just going crazy thinking if it's a sequel or prequel..

    At 2:53:48 AM on 7/1/2000, Oviraptor said:
    If it isn't a prequel I hope too GOD there isn't no Site C them going too another Island is lame... Hammond would say in JP3 " Think GOD for Site C.. Isla Sorna was just a place where we breed the animals.. Site C is where our big time machine was that transported the dinosaurs into our time.. so Malcolm I want you and Grant too go too the island and get more dinosaurs.. since the ones on Site B died of DX." *LOL* sorry yeah that sounds stupid... thats why it has too be a prequel.. so the movie won't turn out this stupid... since the Lost World sucked.

    At 2:51:07 AM on 7/1/2000, KryptDaNight said:
    Personally, I don't think I would enjoy JP3 if it where a prequel. I think it would be better if it were a sequel because Malcom, my second favorite charecter next to Bob Peck(god rest his soul), I would love to see Malcom in this movie. If I could have it my way, Muldoon's clone would have died instead of the real him(if Hammond can clone dinosuars, why not Bob Peck?) Then Muldoon would have the biggest role in the movie. J/K LOL

    At 2:40:55 AM on 7/1/2000, KryptDaNight said:
    You arn't understanding that these animals are lycine dependent. They wouldn't surviive 12 hours in the ocean. They could'nt attack other islands because it takes too long for these creatures to swim 90 miles.

    At 1:59:24 AM on 7/1/2000, Oviraptor said:
    I agree it could still be a prequel.. Malcolm doesn't need to have a big part if it's a prequel cause he gets more time in TLW. It's time too give someone else more ... like Grant. I say if it's a prequel Malcolm will be in the hospital in Coasta Rica , thats if the prequel goes that far back.

    At 1:48:55 AM on 7/1/2000, Embryo said:
    IT CAN BE A PREQUEL! Why are people making it seem impossible. Johnston said that it wouldn't be a prequel to the first film (makes it kind of obvious) and Crichton said it would be a sequel (to JP). If Goldblum returns he will only have a small cameo talking to the media about the island and 3 deaths. The logo will probably change before the release. Besides, there is still my old theory about that logo being for a new JP ride at Universal Studios. Reember the tag line? 'Evolution of *ADVENTURE*.' But I think that was put to rest as a possibilty.

    At 1:18:42 AM on 7/1/2000, North2000 said:
    I'm not saying they need a JP4, I'm saying there could be one. I don't think leaving the dinosaurs alone would be a good ending to the series because that leaves the possibility open that the dinosaurs could possibly get to other islands and attack people or like Jaws get them in the ocean. Or tourists/passerbyer's could get to the islands and the dinosaurs start the attacks again(This is also the ending they kind of put in The Lost World, just leaving them alone.)
    Sequels can be good if they're quality and have a interesting plot. I think if JP3 turns out good, it's possible to make another good sequel.
    Hey if Star Wars is going to have at least 6 movies JP can have at least 4. :)

    At 12:36:06 AM on 7/1/2000, KryptDaNight said:
    We don't need a JP4. Making too much of a good thing turns a good thing into sorta a bad thing. I don't think the animals need to go extinct. They should be left alone to thrive on there own and if the do happen to die off it shouldn't be because of man.

    At 12:31:09 AM on 7/1/2000, North2000 said:
    Why there could be a JP4. I know it would be years away but I'll entertain the idea anyaway. I think there will be a JP4 if JP3 doesn't end with the ''Jurassic Park: Extinction'' Plot. I think that would a good way to end the series by having the dinosaurs somehow becoming extinct again because of ''man'' and/or the dinosaurs themselves.

    At 12:12:38 AM on 7/1/2000, A.Grant4JP3 said:
    Well if JP3 is a prequel to TLW it wouldn't make sense. There's talk about them mentioning site b. But Malcolm was clueless about site b. So if this prequel nonsense does take place then did Malcolm have some kind of brain wash from JP3 to TLW. Lets all hope and pray that the prequel crap is just that....crap. Oh and Sam is back so hey lets get excited

    At 11:43:52 PM on 6/30/2000, sucho1 said:
    if he is in it then i don't think it really can be a prequel unless he is just a supporting actor that only is in a few scenes talking about jurassic park

    At 11:40:43 PM on 6/30/2000, sucho1 said:
    and if its a prequel and gulblums in it then did he have a secret story after jurassic park with grant?

    At 11:22:23 PM on 6/30/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    I never said I was Mr. Know It All, but at least I'm the only one who's seemed at least a bit skeptical of the prequel rumors, which according to our official sources would seem to be untrue. And if they were to change the title, it would change the whole look of the logo, something I have doubts they would do. A prequel to The Lost World would totally mess around with the continuity of that film, ESPECIALLY if Malcolm is in it. A prequel would have to take place right after the events of the first one, and the whole "dinos on the Costa Rican mainland" idea would be very hard to fit in there, because according to Ludlow and the general populace in TLW, no one believed the dinosaur stories Malcolm was telling- they certainly would have if dinosaurs were attacking Costa Rica. And wreaking havoc on the mainland would also prohibit the possibilities of seeing many dinos at all besides the carnivores.

    At 11:19:12 PM on 6/30/2000, sucho1 said:
    i think that grant will not only like kids but he will have a kid, but i hope the kids are just gonna be in it for a few scenes.

    If the dinosaur is a suchomimus it better be a lot begger thatn the one they really found because the skull was kinda small....

    At 11:16:28 PM on 6/30/2000, sucho1 said:
    did you notice there is no pg-13 movie with a girl getting brutely murdered or killed, but if there is its R. But in pg-13 movies men always get ripped apart and stuff like that....

    At 9:47:25 PM on 6/30/2000, The_Hupa said:
    He is right. No kids, maybe a brief appearance of a tennager.

    At 9:45:56 PM on 6/30/2000, Siege_6 said:
    I was calm, I said I didn't care, I was just saying that just because we're young people don't respect us. I'm always getting that from people. They always say respect your elders, but how are we supposed to respect them if they don't respect us. Ah, here I go again. Sorry if I bored anyone. I was just trying to get my point across.

    At 9:18:14 PM on 6/30/2000, Oviraptor said:
    Man calm down it was just a joke... but I still hope no kids are in it.

    At 9:08:46 PM on 6/30/2000, Siege_6 said:
    Uh, excuse me but I'm a kid, well, teenager and I don't appreciate that Oviraptor. I mean, I wouldn't mind too much but you don't have to talk about it like that, thats just mean.

    At 7:21:56 PM on 6/30/2000, Oviraptor said:
    I'm not sure.. all I hope is that there aren't any kids in it and if there are they should get ate by dinosaurs.... LOL

    At 7:11:29 PM on 6/30/2000, The_Hupa said:
    Hey in the third one, do you think that Grant will like kids?

    At 6:57:27 PM on 6/30/2000, Oviraptor said:
    WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO now The TV Guide Channel announced Grant's return too JP3... JP3 is gonna ROCK!!!

    At 6:22:45 PM on 6/30/2000, The_Hupa said:
    I don't see why they are making such a risk at making a third jurassic park. You make it sound like it is my fault!

    At 6:17:14 PM on 6/30/2000, Oviraptor said:
    uh ok Mr Know It All....and no I didn't say I was right about it being a prequel.

    At 6:09:49 PM on 6/30/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    Ye of little faith... Mark my words. If this were in person I would just put down 100 bucks and bet it'll be a SEQUEL to The Lost World. Like I said before (God I HATE having to repeat myself so much), Crichton is a very straight-forward speaker and he would not be misleading like that. Someone asked him, will the third movie be a prequel to the first film, to which he replied that it would be a sequel. Now, is it SLIGHTLY POSSIBLE THAT HE MEANT A SEQUEL TO THE FIRST FILM BUT A PREQUEL TO THE SECOND FILM IN A PARALLEL UNIVERSE SORT OF WAY? Would Michael Crichton be so non-sepcific? Would they release the official logo with the misleading title Jurassic Park III, like them calling The Phantom Menace- Episode VII initially? Sure.... Are we starting to get the drift here or what? Yeah... OK, now on tom more worthy topics. I can't believe so many have taken the stinky bait of rumor trash that was thrown into the mill by some newspaper thousands of miles away... remember this same source CONFIRMED that shooting has already begun when it won't start until late July/ August?!? Come on guys, we can do better than this!

    At 2:49:26 PM on 6/30/2000, KryptDaNight said:
    In Response to The Hupa,
    God I hope they don't make a JP4, it would probably ruin the series. They are taking a little bit of a chance in making a JP3, but a JP4 would be too much. Once the audience is exposed to it too much it becomes a cliche' and JP will take a downfall.

    At 1:43:34 PM on 6/30/2000, Oviraptor said:
    Also I think you can't go by the Jurassic Park 3 thing because , I'm sure there is more too the title.. and the 3 could drop. Also just cause it says 3 doesn't make it a sequel ... it could mean it's just the 3rd Jurassic Park movie made. But I say the name will change before the movie is released.

    At 1:36:31 PM on 6/30/2000, Oviraptor said:
    Michael Crichton said it wouldn't be a prequel too Jurassic Park he never said it wouldn't be a prequel to The Lost World. Joe Johnston also said it wouldn't be a prequel to the first movie , he never said it wouldn't be a prequel to The Lost World.... so you can't go by that.

    At 1:19:04 PM on 6/30/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    Ear, not year.

    At 1:18:26 PM on 6/30/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    Actually, Utahraptor, Psycho IV was only a prequel in the same sense that Escape From the Planet of the Apes was a prequel. Norman Bates was simply having FLASHBACKS to his past in that film, so it was still set in present day, thus they could still call it Psycho IV. Besides I wouldn't compare a direct-to-video movie like Psycho IV to a high profile project like this. And are you ignoring what Crichton said? It sure seems like no matter how many times I mention that, it's in one year and out the other. Just remember this little debate this time next year when the sequel details are a little more obvious.

    At 10:31:52 AM on 6/30/2000, The_Hupa said:
    NO. I was very sure. They said: "If this Jurassic Park Three is a big hit Joe Johnston would MAYBE make a fourth one" It just said breifly. So if Hammond does not die(which I hope he does not) There is a chance for a fourth one.

    At 3:27:48 AM on 6/30/2000, Utahraptor said:
    Trillain, I believe blackie is another one.
    GoldblumRules, Psycho 4 was a prequel to them all, and still called Psycho 4. Might be why it's just JP3.

    At 2:55:58 AM on 6/30/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    Sucho 1:

    Goldblum can definetly be in it because I assure you that Jurassic Park III is not a prequel to the second film, that is bogus; I've said it dozens of times now, that Crichton himself said it is a sequel. This is the official title of the movie and just to call it JPIII and make it a prequel is contradictory.

    At 12:44:40 AM on 6/30/2000, Muldoon Rules said:
    Does Trillian always act like that? To much Letterman if you ask me. Oh and I can't buy a small bird I might eat it.

    At 12:44:24 AM on 6/30/2000, sucho1 said:
    any1 with aol can go to a new chat in arts and entertainments called jurassic park3 chat....

    At 11:53:29 PM on 6/29/2000, sucho1 said:
    i don't think guldblum can be a main character unless he has been to 1 of the islands after site A and we didn't know about it

    At 11:48:43 PM on 6/29/2000, sucho1 said:
    does any1 know where you I can find jp3 font?

    At 10:09:27 PM on 6/29/2000, Siege_6 said:
    Uh, OK Trillian. I have a cat and a dog so I can't get any small birds. And I'm sure that picture will be replaced soon. It's OK, just calm down.

    At 8:58:39 PM on 6/29/2000, Trillian said:
    That pic of that dude is starting to freak me out majorly. Perhaps it is time to change it to one of a .....SMALL BIRD! Small Birds! America's love affair with small birds continues! Did you buy a small bird today? Why not buy one tomorrow? I have SEVEN small birds! Their names are tuffy, fluffy, tiger, kitten (ok i don't remember the other 2) and RAINBOW MEOW! Meeoowwww! (Dave)

    At 4:57:13 PM on 6/29/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    To The Hupa...

    You were watching a Jurassic Park show? What is that supposed to mean? "The Making of Jurassic Park III Even Though It Hasn't Even Started Filming Yet?" Are you sure you weren't watching the special that HBO made a few years ago about the making of The Lost World and were confused by them saying "we might do another one?" I have HBO and can't seem to recall this program airing.

    At 4:05:59 PM on 6/29/2000, The_Hupa said:
    A few weeks ago I was watching a Jurassic Park show on HBO. They said if this movie was a big hit, they would talk about making a forth one.....

    At 11:17:38 AM on 6/29/2000, Why said:
    O, that's why he did The Piano...

    At 4:09:16 AM on 6/29/2000, Utahraptor said:
    Glad tos ee a returnee for ocne. Though he'll probably be at the dig MIle sis at finding the tooth. There wa sno Hammodn toy do to the lack of interest. See, most of these toy buyers are young boys who recreate the adventures, and expand on tem, like fan fics (though mroe creative liberties can be taken on these.) What can you come up with for an old guy? Apat form his wnating to go after Arnold, he really didn't do anything. Creating the Park doesn't count. Based off of profit margins, Hammond and Lex were failures. Though the inclusion of Nedry really separated the Jurassic Realities too far.

    At 11:17:11 PM on 6/28/2000, Raptor said:
    Well what can I say,

    I live in New Zealand and met Sam Niell when he was in Invercargill for a premire! God Bless New Zealand and of course the fabulous new Zealander Sam Niell - JP3 is A WINNER

    At 11:08:35 PM on 6/28/2000, Muldoon Rules said:
    I have every action figure from the original JP movie. Did you know they made 3 alan grants? This new movie is going to be great with Sam Neil in it. I found that in most trilogy's the 1st and the 3rd movies are good but the 2nd one stinks.

    At 10:26:31 PM on 6/28/2000, Embryo said:
    !!! I went and saw Dinosaur today and there was a trailer for a new AUSTRALIAN cartoon called the 'Magic Pudding'. It has some pretty cool graphics and stuff. Sam Neill's voice is used for the main character, with John Cleese close behind. I'm not kidding!!! SAM NEILL IS IN IT! But you probably don't care. Sam Neill is Australian though. You did all know that right?

    At 7:55:13 PM on 6/28/2000, Carnotaur45 said:
    lol. Yeah! Sam is THE COOLEST! I can't wait for HIS NEW MOVIE to come out! I'd pay $20 bucks to see it! LOL!

    At 6:56:50 PM on 6/28/2000, The_Hupa said:
    You think that SAM NEILL is looking at this feedback? I think that this movie is going to be a huge hit, maybe bigger than the first one.....

    At 6:50:37 PM on 6/28/2000, Oviraptor said:
    What I meant to say is that Sam helped JP be so good.. the dinos was the main thing.

    At 6:49:15 PM on 6/28/2000, Oviraptor said:
    Yeah I agree Digalot the JP toys keep getting worse and worse.. and yeah Sam is what made JP so good so we know that JP3 is gonna be just as good or even better than JP.

    At 6:42:00 PM on 6/28/2000, Digalot said:
    I think they should redo all the toys like they did with star wars and make the new jp toys even more relistic and add all the other charecters that never made it to the toy line and add adult tuchs like Arnold with ripe off arms, and gennero with split in have body, ha this could happen if Neil is back in the new jp3 movie then this trilogy might turn out as good as the starwars one!

    At 6:39:27 PM on 6/28/2000, Carnotaur45 said:
    "name one sequel that is better than the original?" Toy story 2 wasn't better then the origonal, but it was sure as heck as good as it. I think JP3 can pull it off if Toy Story could.

    At 6:38:33 PM on 6/28/2000, Mr Goodbytes said:
    JP3 Is going to be the best!!!

    <img src=>

    At 6:30:27 PM on 6/28/2000, arg... said:
    Sorry, I just looked at Kathleen Turner's biography at IMDb, and pretty well everything she's done since Serial Mom has sucked. But before then.......

    Also, I looked at the filmography for the just announced co-producer- Larry J. Franco, and he did Sleepy Hollow. Hooray!

    At 6:23:21 PM on 6/28/2000, arg... said:
    In response to the message posted by KryptDaNight, there are plenty of sequels better than the original. Aliens, Enemy of the State, Godfather Part II to name a few.

    Also, I think the fact that Neill's back on does pretty well guarantee a good movie. The reason TLW sucked is because only one character returned for a major role: Goldblum, who didn't even have a huge part in the original. Sure, Attenborough, Mazzello, and Richards returned, but they all had miniscule roles, in the case of Mazzello (Tim) and Richards (Lex), they had one or two lines each. With Neill being the main character in the original, I think JP3 could easily become better than TLW, possibly even JP (though that is doubtful). If Kathleen Turner signs on, that point is even further drilled in, name one movie (other than 'House of Cards'), that she's done and hasn't been a hit with critics

    At 4:35:15 PM on 6/28/2000, dewey said:
    The fact they are shooting in CA just means they will be using soundstages. Because it seems that the film is gonna fall between JP and Lost World it wouldnt make sense for dinos to make it to the mainland, I think we must be returning to the original island.

    At 2:36:01 PM on 6/28/2000, dingodonkey said:


    At 2:03:38 PM on 6/28/2000, Oviraptor said:
    Most of the filming shot in CA does that mean dinos on the mainland? what do u guys think?

    At 1:20:27 PM on 6/28/2000, KryptDaNight said:
    I agree, they need some new figures. I have no clue why they didn't make Hammond as a figure, maybe becuase they thought nobody would want him?

    At 1:12:19 PM on 6/28/2000, Big Razzie said:
    Please, if they are going to have Goldblum (Ian Malcolm), Neill (Alan Grant) and Attenborough (John Hammond) let's have some new figures, no more remakes!
    Why wasn't Hammond ever made into a figure anyway?

    At 12:41:12 PM on 6/28/2000, Muldoon Rules said:
    Oh! one more thing they better have grant kill a dino with a gun because I'm sick of raptors and T rex's dodging bullets. I checked the ballistics on the 7.62x39 and .308 rifle cartridges and there is no doubt they could kill even the biggest dino's.

    At 12:34:21 PM on 6/28/2000, Muldoon Rules said:
    Totaly awsome! Besides Muldoon, Grant is my favorate person in the JP saga. One thing that does bother me though, with all this talk about famous people starring in JP3 is there room for those not so famous actors? You know the ones that JP movies make famous simply because they are good actors.
    I just hope it doesn't turn into "just another action flick choc full of stars."

    At 12:25:21 PM on 6/28/2000, KryptDaNight said:
    And remember, not many sequels serpass the original. Besides Epire Strkes Back( which doesn't count because it was planned) name one sequel that is better than the original?

    At 12:09:28 PM on 6/28/2000, KryptDaNight said:
    I love Sam Neil, and I defenetly love JP but, that was the same thing I was saying when the resigned Goldblum for TLW. I am not saying it won't be a hit, I am not saying it will be a hit. All I am saying is I want to see who else is signed before I begin to get really hyped up for JP3(ofcoarse i am a little hyped up, I mean, It's JP3 starring Sam Neil) It's the essence of choas. Unpredicabilty.

    At 11:49:13 AM on 6/28/2000, The_Hupa said:
    This movie is going to be a HIT!

    At 11:15:22 AM on 6/28/2000, Siege_6 said:
    But who knows, maybe it's still just a cameo. I really am starting to doubt that but it keeps coming up in the back of my mind.

    At 9:31:07 AM on 6/28/2000, skeksis said:
    HOT DAMN!! This is getting better by the day! Maybe now that Grant is on board, Malcom will sign. Who knows, maybe Goldblum was really waiting on Sam to sign first.
    There is an awesome movie brewing and I am loving it!

    At 9:22:40 AM on 6/28/2000, Dan said:
    Maybe the 12-year-old is a "lead" in the same way Tim a lead in JP1... I mean, no one person was the star (besides the dinosaurs, of course)... In any event, I really liked the interaction between Grant and the kid in the first movie (his dislike of children,etc.), and it will be interesting to see where the filmmakers take it in the third...

    At 9:06:04 AM on 6/28/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    OK, now if they sign back Goldblum and Attenborough, they are gods. I think the fact that Sam Neill has signed on first says that his role should be somewhat substancial in this; it leads me to doubt that the lead is a 12 year old named Miles as well. I hope Grant is the lead again, and Malcolm can be his good old quirky ironic self from the first one, and Hammond's story is brought full circle.

    At 8:24:04 AM on 6/28/2000, Why said:
    SAM NEILL WILL BE BACK! What could possibly go wrong now?!

    At 7:56:28 AM on 6/28/2000, North2000 said:
    This movie seems like it will have it all, new characters, many old characters, a interesting plot, and geniuses behind the movie.

    At 7:44:31 AM on 6/28/2000, Embryo said:
    YAHOO! JP3 is an instant hit!

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