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    Nedry's container in JP looks as though it only has spots for 10 or 11 embryos -- it would have been pretty difficult to get all 15 off the island. (From: frohike)
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    At 11:36:36 PM on 12/27/2001, dwr said:
    theere needs to be a new island introduced called
    Isla Morna were secret experiments were being done by ingen and it is discovered by a group of teens. And it would also one of the island's in the five death's chain. But this island would be a whole lot different.
    It would contain dinosaurs never seen in the other three jp films.
    such as mutated galo's,
    A big climactic finish in the main compound structure were more creatures are discovered,

    At 8:54:30 PM on 7/20/2001, BrachioInGen said:
    I'll fix that misteake, no one worry. No, person who last posted, the dinosaur was not a camaflague dinosaur in TLW book, that one had horns, not horn****, which the dung dino had only one. You had the names mixed up, the one from the book was Carnotosaurus, this was a caratosaur, which this was.

    At 8:30:44 PM on 7/20/2001, CarnaRaptor said:
    Man, would the people who think that the dung dino was a Trex please go read TLW, its a freakin ceratesaur..in the book they mostly described it as a camouflaged beast

    At 5:40:22 PM on 7/20/2001, BrachioInGen said:
    But then you might hav e a copyright infringment with "Walking With Dinosaurs." If not, that movie would bomb because of the fact that everyone is looking for people, InGen, and Dinosaurs with Jurassic Park, not just dinosaurs.
    As for the idea of the boat thing. If you think about it, and read into it, what happened was the T-rex was tranqued and in a cage thing on the main deck. They gave it some stuff that killed it, so they gave it some otehr stuff that in the words of Sarah Harding made the thing a "Locamotive." So, it is fair to believe that the T-rex broke out of it's cage. attacked the crew, but was somhow lured into the cargohold. You never see the entire girls body (the one holding the switch) it's possible that she just died from blood loss or shock. But was able to get the T-rex into the Cargo Hold. Probably because crew was running into there for safety but little did they know, they would only become food.

    At 3:01:14 PM on 7/20/2001, Cuckoo said:
    Maybe they should use the technology to do a movie like Disney's Dinosaur should have been; no talking, no "love monkeys", just using the animals to tell a story, maybe following the life of a Parasaurolophus from birth to death...or even a T.rex, since T.rex iss more popular.

    At 3:14:24 AM on 7/20/2001, Utahraptor said:
    OK, Nublar was dismantled/detroyed/whatevery.Cut scene or no cut scene, TLW stated numerously Sorna was it. The whole plot was based on Sorna being it. Nedry's cna is buried, and nobody knows to look in it for embryos which are long dead. Dodgson does, and he can only believe Nedry failed to get them. Not failed to deliever them, as in he knows to go looking for them. A prequal will have little to no dino action, and will bomb.
    All survivors must be brought together for the final climatic mainland battle. It must end with raptor leaving free in the jungles of Costa Rica or elsewhere. For 8 years the dinos have live dpeacefully there. Trust me, no one will go to blow it up. PETA and such will protest, based on the fatc that 11-12 years of no problems does not warrant bombings.

    At 1:31:54 AM on 7/20/2001, SPINO-MAN said:
    I am just praying to God that this series does not turn out like the Jason and Halloween sequels. They all sucked and still will! Please just end this with 3 or 4...no more!!!

    At 12:50:25 AM on 7/20/2001, JP1 said:
    Maybe Raptors or Compies stowed away on the ship. And now they are breeding on the mainland.

    At 12:46:54 AM on 7/20/2001, JP1 said:
    I mean the crew on the ship that brought the rex to the mainland.

    At 12:45:23 AM on 7/20/2001, JP1 said:
    They never explained in the lost world how the crew got eaten. Maybe that could come into hand in JP4.

    At 11:26:27 PM on 7/19/2001, Metriacanthosaurus said:
    i mean't isla nublar

    At 11:25:53 PM on 7/19/2001, Metriacanthosaurus said:
    actually, the novel is very different to the movie... And the scene were Ludlow told this... is actually a cutted scene.... So we don't know much about isla sorna.

    At 11:02:11 PM on 7/19/2001, BrachioInGen said:
    But in the second movie it specifically said the island was disposed of. The method is unclear, but there are no animals or buildings partaining to Jurassic Park left on Isla Nublar

    At 10:58:47 PM on 7/19/2001, BigEyedFish said:
    but that didnt happen in the first movie....the book wasnt like the movie, therefore the island is still there.

    At 10:58:41 PM on 7/19/2001, BrachioInGen said:
    But in the movie they also said the island was blown up. I never said that the movie was exactly like the book, I said that they both had the island blown up and I don't know where people aer gettnig the idea the island still has dinosaurus and building on it. If the island wasn't blown up in the movie, it was dismantled and the animals destroyed. Just like it said in the scene.

    At 10:55:54 PM on 7/19/2001, BigEyedFish said:
    yes...at the end of the book they did blow it up, but other things happend too....such as Hammond being killed off,<did that happen in the first one?(NO).Many other things were different in the book...so i would have to say that the island is still there.

    At 8:53:26 PM on 7/19/2001, BrachioInGen said:
    FINALLY! I was able to sign on. I want to set somthing straight right here, and right now.(dose not apply to prequal) Isla Nublar, as stated in teh cut conference scene in JP2, was "Destruction and disposal of Isla Nublar, Facilities Organic and inorganic..." has been DESTROYED. I reapeat again for those of you who are still thinking that it may exist, it was bombed! Atleast in the book it was. There is no reason not to assume that since in both the movie and the book the same thing happened, that they happened the same way. I'm sorry to say this so violently but I have sat and watched you people quarrel over this island when none of you are actaully worthy of the title "True Fan" because half of you are unaware of things in the story and attempt to twist minds and make theories and assumptinos based an DISPROVEN data. I just ahd to say that.

    At 6:43:42 PM on 7/19/2001, md23rewls said:
    I think the prequal idea is really good. They explained a lot of it in the origainal book but it would be interesting to see how it is explained on screen. And more like the end of the book where there are raptors on the mainland, though nobody really knows it.

    At 2:43:23 PM on 7/19/2001, jp3isgonnarule said:
    Alright here is a couple things i would enjoy seeing in JP4 (if there is one.)

    1. For christ sake please let there be no kids or if there is a kid let him or her get eaten by a t-rex.

    2. It could maybe be about dodgson going to the original island going to get the dino embryos because did you guys notice that they were just left there for the picking......now me and anyone who is smart knows that they wouldnt have made it all this time but hey they could make up some dumbass reason on why they survived. Then biosyn makes a new island.....thats one idea

    3. Another idea could be is Billy wants to explore the island cause grant even said that he wanted to explore it. So he gets and expedition together to go explore.

    4. Bring back hammond but let his ass die.

    5. Give the Rexes some more time in the JP4.

    6. I wouldnt mind seeing some more dinos making it to the mainland....maybe some raptors hiding out in the jungles of costa rica or something.

    7. I think Joe and Steven should both direct it ....i think that would be interesting.

    8. How about we try to explain how old spiny got there.

    9. Lets have some more scenes with the Ceratosaurus.

    10. I really liked the part in JP3 where billy used the parasail so i wouldnt mind seeing a little more of that.

    11. I wouldnt mind seeing the compys a little more.

    12. Lets see the herbivore species of dinos cause a little havoc too. Like maybe a triceratops spearing somebody or something of that nature.

    But those are just some of my ideas for JP4 they really dont matter but i thought i would name them and see what you guys thought of them.

    At 2:40:17 PM on 7/19/2001, SFNE GUY said:
    on with dans jp4 page!

    At 2:26:01 PM on 7/19/2001, surf man said:
    if they do make a jp4, they better come up with somthing diferent than people being surrounded by raptors. you cant just have people cornered on all sides by raptors and get away twice in one movie.

    At 1:36:32 PM on 7/19/2001, the dino man said:
    I heard as a rumor that it will be a prequel to the first movie telling about the troubles they had with the park. If it isn't i would like the setting to be isla nublar not isla sorna again. Bring back all the main cast.

    At 12:40:13 PM on 7/19/2001, BigChimpin' said:
    Keep in mind those Pteranodons won't go too far any way, they've got some tiny pecking mouths to feed!

    At 12:36:48 PM on 7/19/2001, FortBorg said:
    Jurassic IV

    Taken as a whole, Jurassic Park is an open-ended book. Such things tend to be milked until it dries up and dies. Jurassic IV, V, VI, VII...ect, ect.

    It won't happen. IV is to be the end. Jurassic Park is an open-ended story that's about to close. Jurassic Park introduced the dinosaurs, the idea, the technology. It was the exposition for the adventure. Lost World showed what was left of the dream that was Jurassic Park, it was to show us where the idea was today. Jurassic Park III showed us the continuing struggle that can happen on the island when you mix man and dino. The story is almost complete...all it needs is an ending.

    Spielberg knows to end a movie when it's in it's prime. Taking a page from the Back to the Future movies. Three was it, the last one said THE END or some such thing.

    Jurassic IV will be the final romp in the park...and the story? The idea I've heard, (pure, pure rumor) is that the UN and Costa Rica are still trying to figure out what to do with Site-B. When a pteradon attacks a small Costa Rican town it's shot and killed. Pressure is on for Costa Rica, and a decision is made. The dinos are too dangerous to be allowed to continue to live. The island will be bombarded with some thus-far unnamed gas. This gas will kill off everything on the island, animals and plants. But...they are aware of the enormous scientific oppertunity present on Isla Sorna. They plan to send a team of experts to the InGen compound with a group of well-trained commando types and a new gadget (presumed to be the "noise box" used in TWL book). Their job is to secure the InGen compound and get the camera network running again. They have 7 days to observe the dinos via the camera net from the "safety" of the InGen compound. From there, the story becomes one less about Dino vs Man, but Man vs. Man vs. Dino. Two characters are mentioned to be returning from previous films, but there may be more. Roland Tembo is returning as the leader of the "security force" and is being paid "by the head." Each scientist who makes it off the island alive at the end of the 7 days means a cool $50,000 for him. The other character to return is the evil Dodgeson who kills one of the "Experts" and takes his place on the team of scientists...the story is rough and has a lot of polishing to go through before a script can be compiled, this story may be scrapped entirely. Or...I just now made it up. Sweet Dreams.

    At 12:22:51 PM on 7/19/2001, dinosniper said:
    Spielberg should have directed it, because Johnston gave the T. Rex 2 minutes of screen time, and even though they were probably the sweetest two minutes in movie history, it still wasn't enough. Besides, the compys got nothing (oh shut the door, and they're gone). The triceratops got no screen time, and the ending sucked.

    But overall, it was great. As long as Spielberg's directing it, I'd want to see JP4. If not, screw it.

    At 12:22:26 PM on 7/19/2001, dinosniper said:
    umm...Tyranoraptor...you just listed 8 people...

    At 9:21:39 AM on 7/19/2001, Tyranoraptor said:
    Although i liked JP3, they could have added some sort of twist to it. Like going back to JP1 and answering some of your questions, or having a main character die. Another problem was the fact that Spielberg didnt direct it. He has experience and he knows his shit. Another thing is that when you have only 7 people going to the island, chances are that not many people are going to get eaten. Especially when they have 3 people who are part of a family (most family memebers dont get chewed up or killed in pg13 movies), one main character who if they kill off in this movie wont be able to return in JP4, Billy who has a 50/50 chance of living, and three other guys who are just begging to be killed. The movie was predicatable and i think that if they come out with JP4, Spielberg should do it.

    At 4:12:17 AM on 7/19/2001, Utahraptor said:
    Well, I hope the JP4 idea is better than the JP/// idea. Grant goes Tarzan on us.
    I see more comic ripoffs in JP///.
    Nedry's cna was summed up, it's buried, nobody can find it, nor will they know how to get to the secret compartment, and this foreshadows JP's failure.
    Nublar's dismantled. We need a real mainalnd sequence.

    At 4:02:34 AM on 7/19/2001, McLaren_24 said:
    I like all the movies, TLW being my least favorite..but still they are all cool

    At 2:50:08 AM on 7/19/2001, Cuckoo said:
    Metriacanthosaurus, don't take this the wrong way, but you just described basically a re-edit of the first Jurassic Park. I think doing that would kill the series for sure. It might be the movie you wish they had made at some point, but now it's not a good move to go that route.

    At 2:47:09 AM on 7/19/2001, velocibrad said:
    Enough of Isla sorna aka site B go to Isla Nublar where it began plus i miss the diloposauras. blow Isla sorna up who cares go to sorna. like make dogson go to steal embros or something. keep the peteradons they were awesome. hopefully have the river scene that was susposed to be in part 1

    At 2:12:36 AM on 7/19/2001, Loric said:
    I saw it.. it's decent..

    Anyways.. JP4..

    I remember distinctly in the first movie that everyone on the Island knew to be off before the storm/night. A crew didn't even stay to run the visitors center for the park's newest guests. Muldoon knew to be wary of the T-Rex Paddock, and there is the infamous "Hold on to your butts" when the tour starts. All of the workers were afriad, and not jsut because one man died as shown in the first movie. I think the park had many many MANY more problems before it opened and that could be expanded upon.. From the researches breaking the code to the first incidents and the attempts to warn about how unsafe the park is.

    JP5.. If no one else had noticed.. The folks on Sorna left EVERYTHING behind indicating an accident of their own on the island. The doors of the compounds were massively reinforced. The people running Sorna seemed to have a better understanding of what they were dealing with.. let's find out why :)

    At 2:10:55 AM on 7/19/2001, JP1 said:
    Pteraraptor-It's too late for that.

    Knux-We got the same thing here, but they were mostly OUCH!!, The 4 yearold behind me (Annoying little child)even screamed. He also sneezed/coughed on the back of my neck. And when the group entered the room after billy kicked in the vending machine he said in the loudest voice he could "I remember that from the first jurassic park" But that's ok, I guess everything looks the same when you're 4.

    Everyone-"Too much action"
    Good movie until the Raptor dream sequence. That was the stupidest thing I've ever seen. 'dr.grant, dr.grant.' Then everyone laughs. Ha Ha Ha, very funny. Not! Come on people! This is jurassic park for God's sake. They need to explain more. Everyone here is saying that it is "action, action, action!" Well that's 1 action 2 many! I mean, this film left us(well me anyway)in the dark so to speak. They were good at some talking parts(let's face it, there are only 2 parts to this movie-talking and Action) but most of them were terrble(except for in the begining and when Alan was talking to Eric). This movie is 98% action and 2% talking. We need at least 30-35% talking. Man, You need explanation. Look at the first Jurassic Park. It was a "Classic" as some put it. There was a lot of explaining there. Then take JP2 there was alot of explaining there too.(I don't understand some people on this site. They say that "TLW sucked ass" and "JP3 was a ton better than the lost world", I just don't get how you people can say that. What's so bad about the T-Rex getting on the mainland!? From what I'm hearing alot of people here want more mainland. What else was wrong with it. So what if it strayed from the book. JP1 wasn't exactly Michael Chrichton's novel either, and JP3 didn't even have a book. What's the deal.) I know alot of people may think I'm stupid for saying what I've just said, but I don't care. And whatever anyone else thinks, I did try to enjoy JP3... but it needed something. More of something. Doesn't anyone else notice something missing? Like I said before, I did enjoy this movie but It wasn't the kind of movie i was expecting as a Jurassic Park Sequel.

    At 1:20:27 AM on 7/19/2001, McLaren_24 said:
    I think Jp4 should explain everything that happened in the past 3 movies.
    The can that nedry dropped still wasn't summed up..
    Also, to create something new, I think it should be less human vs dino interaction and more dino vs dino. Like maybe one species is taking over another, and they become dominant..then it tells a probably explanation to extinction.(even though a rock could have hit, it could explain ONE way) and they can add some dino chasin human stuff in obviously.

    At 12:44:52 AM on 7/19/2001, surf man said:
    i think jp4 should have somthing to do with the shaving cream can that nedry drops when he is being eaten by the dylophisourus in the 1st movie.

    At 12:27:35 AM on 7/19/2001, eggy said:
    I hope they make a JP4. Even though JP3 wasn't all that I expected, it was still great seeing dinos on the big screen again, and would like to see another. Plus, I'm curious as to what Spielberg's "great" idea is...

    At 12:23:43 AM on 7/19/2001, Metriacanthosaurus said:
    If you want a good JP4 here what it needs:

    -Isla Nublar back online (well, part of it, lets say the Visitor Center with a perimeter fences for scientists...)

    -Special trucks to see the dinosaurs, let say they follow a two side fenced roads...)

    -Many scientist inlcuding Ian Malcolm, Alan Grant, Sarah Harding and Ellie Sattler are invited to the 1st tour

    -Now, the chaos occure, but this time, no computer malfunction or power downs... The dinos were all ready breeding in securited areas...

    -Then it wrost and wrost... The comunication are down. Maybe Biosyn and dodgson are behind all that...

    -This time theyre will be no winner or looser between spino and rex.

    This would make a GOOD JP4
    I hope theyre will be no mainland...

    At 11:55:35 PM on 7/18/2001, rrenna said:
    umm... ya it wasnt a Trex.. and also:
    A)it was a joke (they were covered in shit so it didnt eat them)
    B)when an animal smells another animal on u it thinks thats u, even the "smart" raptors thought the group at the end were raptors just because they made the right sounds, SO if u smell a giant 60 foot "super-predator" on some guy the thing would not wanna attack it would it?

    At 11:19:05 PM on 7/18/2001, Raptor Strike said:
    That was a Ceratosaurus, not a T-Rex.

    At 11:16:01 PM on 7/18/2001, RedVelociraptor said:
    I think that JP3 was a pretty good movie, but it didn't show the T-Rex as much as it could've, there wasn't a whole lot of chase scenes, and some of the movie made no sence at all... like when it showed the T-Rex with the horn on it's head... it just stood there, smelled the dinosaur droppings, and then left! In the other movies, it would've showed the T-Rex and it would've chased the people or something, right? There wasn't as much killings in JP3 as there was in the other movies so it would've been better if the T-Rex went after the people, but over-all... I thought it was a pretty good movie.

    At 10:40:21 PM on 7/18/2001, knux said:
    well at least we know that there is a possibility of jp4 and it wont be ONLY Pteronadons and ONLY mainland so cheer up there mat be spinos killing more rexes (yes!) speaking of which when the spino twisted the rexes neck everyone in the entire theatre went either ooh or YES!

    At 10:02:53 PM on 7/18/2001, Thorn said:
    JP3 rocked. But that's not enough. I want a JP4, and 5 AND 6! LET JURASSIC PARK LIVE FOREVER!!!!!

    At 9:58:29 PM on 7/18/2001, Thorn said:
    NO PTERANADONS!?! The pteranadons were really cool in JP3! They should be in #4.

    At 9:54:10 PM on 7/18/2001, pteraraptor said:
    if they have a jp4, i am almost certain that it will ruin everything.

    At 9:11:32 PM on 7/18/2001, mxpx8690 said:
    Man, JP3 was great. Saw it 3 times, within 5 minutes of each showing. The ptredons scenes were awesome though. Hope they are in Jurassic Park 4.

    At 8:53:51 PM on 7/18/2001, Oviraptor said:
    Genius? Spielberg had Grant living in a tree in his JP3 idea.

    At 8:43:11 PM on 7/18/2001, Overaptor said:
    Oh great, now they are getting us hyped about a JP4 (already?) Haven't we suffered enough over the past few months? Haven't they put us through enough torment? AAAAUUUUGH!! When will it end? WHEN?!!!
    <img src="dansjp3page.com/roar.jpg"/>Waaaaaaaaa!!!! Too much suffering! WaaaaaaaAAAAAAAHHHH!!!! AAAAAAAAHH!! okay, then

    At 8:24:51 PM on 7/18/2001, Cheetah167 said:
    Steve knows what he is doing. I can only imagine what he is thinking of. I mean, the man <i>is</i> a genius.

    I wanna see Laura Dern in this one. Oh, yeah, in a shower scene.


    At 8:19:18 PM on 7/18/2001, Raptorboy said:
    Let the dinosaurs sing! LOL!

    At 8:04:57 PM on 7/18/2001, Trillian said:
    Oh and I forgot the best songs:
    -"I rescued your HAT", sung by Billy
    -"Kirby Tile and Paint Jingle", sung by The Kirbys and chorus. It could go at the end as the epic finale!

    Was I the only one who really wanted to know how that jingle was supposed to go? Maybe they'll make a music video for the DVD :)

    At 8:00:58 PM on 7/18/2001, Trillian said:
    A musical! it would be brilliant! just imagine JP3 as a musical! Isla Rouge! Moulin Sorna! Geez, Macy and Tea could sing all sorts of angsty-relationship songs, Billy could sing something dramatic as he's about to leap from the bridge, Eric could be shown wandering around before he's rescued singing a downtrodden tune about holding on to hope, Udesky Nash and Cooper could sing about blowing stuff up! It would rock!

    At 7:44:27 PM on 7/18/2001, Cuckoo said:
    I really would have liked it if series like Walking With Dinosaurs and When Dinosaurs Roamed North America had been made by the JP effects crew...that would be a good use of that technology...

    At 7:39:05 PM on 7/18/2001, Mattman said:
    Here's a new direction for the series: IT ENDS.

    At 7:38:15 PM on 7/18/2001, SFNE GUY said:

    At 7:37:37 PM on 7/18/2001, Cuckoo said:
    One other thing that didn't make sense: when Billy guessed "Suchomimus", Grant told him to think bigger, and then he said "Baryonyx"...but Baryonyx was smaller than Suchomimus...odd...

    At 7:36:06 PM on 7/18/2001, jurrasic bug said:
    I say they have hammond go mad and start an evil moon base where he has raptor underlings have freakin laser beams attached to their heads in JP4.

    At 7:35:31 PM on 7/18/2001, Cuckoo said:
    If Jar-Jar Binks shows up in JP: episode 1, I'll kill someone.

    At 7:32:19 PM on 7/18/2001, jappar2001 said:
    Which direction, if it's taking it in a WHOLE new direction i think there should be another 3 made. 3 of the original direction 3 of the new direction two trilogies. Can you say star wars.

    At 7:31:43 PM on 7/18/2001, Dr. Alan Grant said:
    Oh God no!!! NOT A MUSICAL!!!!!!!!

    -Dr. Alan Grant

    At 7:27:22 PM on 7/18/2001, Trillian said:
    man that was supposed to be a smiley. gah and oy.

    At 7:26:23 PM on 7/18/2001, Trillian said:
    that suchiomimus/baryonyx part was cool. And the resonating chamber thing (in the beginning at the dig) was neat too. I liked that they at least pretended that there was still some science in the series :

    At 7:24:47 PM on 7/18/2001, Mighty Rex said:
    I think JP4 will be something involving Biosyn and In-Gen, and they have to go to Nublar. Then they can see the broken bones in the hall and then the island gets destroyed or something like that. Ok, this also: Hammond has to die and the characters escape by boat this time

    At 7:20:50 PM on 7/18/2001, RecycleYourPets said:
    I think what Steven meant by "A whole new direction" is something to do with Ingen and Biosyn. Well, we can only hope.....

    At 7:17:20 PM on 7/18/2001, Cuckoo said:

    Sereno dug up a Suchomimus (Remember when Grant asked Billy what he thought the dino was, and he replied "Suchomimus" and then "Baryonyx"?) Although Suchomimus is a spinosaurid, it is not a Spinosaurus.

    At 7:15:44 PM on 7/18/2001, Cuckoo said:
    I'm guessing that he had meant that the next in the series isn't going to involve the scene of the Pteranodons flying off the island, that that won't be a plot point.

    At 7:14:45 PM on 7/18/2001, spino2000 said:
    message to DAN : EW got it wrong on the Spinosaurus skeletton!!! in 1998, Paul Sereno digged out an entire skeletton. it's in Chicago museum I think now. those sites..... tss tss


    At 7:03:12 PM on 7/18/2001, Trillian said:
    yeah, news mention for me! :)
    That article has some funny stuff, like the Macy-and-the-potted-tree story and Alessandro Nivola's comments about the Billy action figure

    At 7:01:17 PM on 7/18/2001, Mattman said:
    However, I suppose we'll have 'Dan's JP4 Page' to look forward too. : )

    At 7:00:45 PM on 7/18/2001, Mattman said:
    Man, I wish this were the end of the series. JP3 was really good, so it should end on that note. Oh well, guess it won't end until they've killed it.

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