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    The establishing shot of the dig site in JP3 was actual footage filmed in early summer 2001 at Jack Horner's dinosaur excavation. (From: jurassiraptor)
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    At 2:57:30 AM on 7/18/2001, JP1 said:
    Here's Some other crap that I found at Geocities. Here is the Url-

    Go there and see it for yourself or just read it here. It's by a guy named Vital. I don't care what you think about me putting this up because, again, someone else wrote it and they aren't nessicarlly my views, okay? =]

    " A battle between these two dinosaurs would never happen in reality for two main reasons. The first is that there is a geographical barrier between the two called the Atlantic ocean. Tyrannosaurus rex lived in western North America, while Spinosaurus aegyptiacus lived in northern Africa. Also, the two species were separated by about thirty million years. T. rex has been found in the Maastrichtian of the Cretaceous, from seventy to sixty five million years ago, while S. aegyptiacus is found much earlier (Cenomian?), from about ninety-seven to ninety-five million years ago.

    Barring these two problems, there are other reasons a battle to the death would not ensue between these two creatures. First is that animals don't like fighting, especially animals that are of the intelligence level of dinosaurs. It wastes precious calories, and is only needed if necessary. That means that these two animals had to be in competition with one another. Which they wouldn't be. S. aegyptiacus is largely piscivorous, a fish eater. While it wasn't exclusively a fish eater, it was a large part of the diet. The most complete Baryonyx walkeri (a close relative of S. aegyptiacus) specimen has in its gut both fish scales and parts of a juvenile iguanodont, evidence that it either hunted or scavenged it. B. walkeri is a little over half of S. aegyptiacus' size, so it is presumed that S. aegyptiacus could also procure non-fish meat if needed and available. There are also ample large fish species known from S. aegyptiacus' time and area, further supporting its fishy diet. T. rex, on the other hand, hunted (there is proof of hunting!) and scavenged terrestrial animals such as hadrosaurs and ceratopsians, though, in a famine, I'm sure it would try to catch large fish, if there were any around it. The point is, these animals would not have been in competition. Also, they were both large and able to harm each other, and neither wanted that, so self preservation would be a major issue.

    However, on either Isla Nublar or Sorna, the amount of food and land available to either species was severely less than they would like, and large fish of the type S. aegyptiacus hunted would not be around. This condition may bring the two into competition.

    As far as this fight goes, size does not matter. A forty-five foot S. aegyptiacus versus a forty-two foot T. rex is so little a size difference that there might as well not be a size difference. The same goes for all the other large theropods: Charcarodontosaurus saharicus, Giganotosaurus carolinii, Suchomimus tenerensis, Allosaurus maximus, etc. Using the size issue is like saying, "Which would win, a lion or a tiger?" It's almost as ridiculous a question for much the same reasons as we have with these two dinosaurs. This might as well be a boxing match; in other words, the individual animal's ability is what matters, not the species. Keep that in mind when discussing which of these two dinosaurs would win.

    However, there is a huge morphological difference between T. rex and S. aegyptiacus, which affects the outcome of the fight greatly.

    Before delving into the morphology of S. aegyptiacus, it must be said that much of what is known about this animal is inferred from its relatives. There is very little remaining of this dinosaur after a bombing during World War II that destroyed most of the specimens. So I will say this again: There are very few fossils available of this animal, no complete skeletons, and most of the material we have are teeth. We can, however, in a lack of better data, extrapolate based on its relatives.

    S. aegyptiacus was very derived as a fish eater. The skull is long, low, on a longer, slender, neck, and not reinforced for strength; it most likely measures around six to seven feet long. The nares is posteriorly shifted, probably to allow it to breathe while its snout was underwater, like many modern fishing birds. The teeth are long and conical, some with microserrations, and little to no recurvature. A rosette of teeth is on the lower jaw, with the longest teeth almost at the tip. The upper jaw has similar teeth radiations at the premaxilla and at the front of the maxillas. There is an extreme kink in the snout between the maxilla and premaxilla. There is no stereoscopic vision. The jaws were highly laterally compressed, and almost paper thin in the more primitive Suchomimus tenerensis. There may be a short crest atop the skull, as in B. walkeri.

    S. aegyptiacus shared a feature with other spinosaurs that will be capitalized in JP3: a large thumb claw. This was on the first of three digits, and is a trait first seen in B. walkeri. The forearms are allosaur like, and slung below the animal. S. tenerensis shows a large olecranon process and strong, stout, shorter arms. This may be the case in S. aegyptiacus. At best, an estimate for the arms is about five feet long.

    Other unique things about this animal include thoracic and caudal vertebrae that are about twice as long as on other theropods. This extended vertebral column adds a huge amount to the length of the animal. It was a laterally thin animal, and had a shallower rib cage, like compsognathids and dilophosaurs.

    S. aegyptiacus has a large sail that reaches six feet at its height above the dorsal vertebrae. This sail is made of thick, elongated neural arches. There is speculation that they actually were covered by a layer of fat as a hump, but not a big, round hump as in camels. There is speculation also that the sail was a heat regulation device by those who believe S. aegyptiacus was poikilothermic. I disagree. At that size, gigantothermy is more efficient and a sail simply increases surface area. I believe this dinosaur was homeothermic and the sail, while it may have been used for heat regulation, has little bearing on the metabolic state of S. aegyptiacus.

    T. rex is known from twenty peer reviewed specimens, with about four more to be studied from this past summer alone. As the star of JP and TLW, this dinosaur achieved more infamy than ever before, and JP3 may dethrone the King, so to speak.

    T. rex was designed to be a big, fast big game hunter. With absolute proof of T. rex hunting, it made a good living as an opportunist, hunting or scavenging whenever necessary. The skull of T. rex can deliver more of a bite force than any living animal for sure, and is, according to Gregory M. Erickson, "the undisputed champion of bite force." The strong, short, stout, massive skull of T. rex reflects this adaptation toward power. Also, the skull shows at least a a 60% overlap in vision, well in the range for stereoscopic vision. Other features include forward pointing ears, a complex inner ear system, and olfactory bulbs that were the size of grapefruits. In other words, there is good reason to say that T. rex could smell almost as well as the turkey vulture, the animal with the largest olfactory bulbs to body size. T. rex was the owner of an amazing nose.

    The legs of T. rex were designed for speed, especially compared to the shorter legs of S. aegyptiacus. While it is disputed whether T. rex could achieve a suspensory locomotory phase, a reasonable maximum walking speed is between twenty and twenty-five miles per hour. But the point is, even at twenty miles per hour, T. rex could accelerate well, and still moved faster than any of its possible prey items.

    T. rex had a massive body, with a round barrel like chest. While it was massive, everyone of T. rex's vertebrae through its fourth sacral is hollow and filled with air sacs most likely connected to the lungs in an avian air sac breathing system. S. aegyptiacus most likely had had a similar system, but the fossil support is not there. Hopefully, there will be new finds soon.

    Now, to the battle! The weapons involved for the S. aegyptiacus are the mouth and arms, while weapons for the T. rex are mouth and possibly legs. I don't list legs for the S. aegyptiacus, because I think that its sail made it too unwieldy to kick well.

    The arms of the S. aegyptiacus are probably its best weapon. The problem is that they are slung below the body, and cannot flap. Because this animal is no kangaroo, rearing up is no possibility either. This severely restricts the use of the strong arms. (They would be good for fishing, though!) The mouth of the S. aegyptiacus isn't as strong as the T. rex's, so could not be used to the same effect.

    The T. rex probably employed a run in and bite the thigh and run out attack. There is no reason to say that the S. aegyptiacus was faster or stronger than the T. rex, and I think I can say that fairly, in other words, I'm saying that not just because T. rex is my favorite.

    If the S. aegyptiacus got a few scratches off on the T. rex, they were not likely to be debilitating injuries, unless an eye was gouged or a major artery. T. rex has protected eyes, though. A bite from the S. aegyptiacus would be bad, however.

    If the T. rex kicked the S. aegyptiacus, there would be little laceration because T. rex had relatively blunt toe claws, but the S. aegyptiacus might fall over. Barring the injury of the S. aegyptiacus from the fall itself, this could be bad for T. rex. From the ground, the S. aegyptiacus could easily injure T. rex, especially the legs.

    If the T. rex got a bite off on the S. aegyptiacus, though, there are bad repercussions. A bite that powerful does a lot of damage. And that's one major reason I say that the T. rex would win. T. rex was designed, like I said before, to take out big animals with its mouth. And that's what it would do to the S. aegyptiacus. Ability and weapons matter here, not size, and the T. rex has the advantage in both areas.

    So that's my verdict, T. rex with the win!"

    At 2:15:03 AM on 7/18/2001, JP1 said:
    This is some stuff I found out about sue at '' and I wanted you all to see it too.(te-he...that rhymed)

    "Tyrannosaurus Sue"
    "The prehistoric giant stands again"

    Sue is a sensation. It's not just that she's 42 feet long and 65 million years old. She's the world's most complete, best preserved, and largest Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton, on permanent view at Chicago's Field Museum of Natural History.

    "Rest in Pieces"
    Amazingly, more than 200 of Sue's bones were preserved. The skeleton includes the most complete T. rex tail ever found, as well as one of only two T. rex arms ever found. Sue's skull contains the longest (and scariest) T. rex tooth yet known—it's a foot long.

    One amazing discovery in Sue's skeleton is that she has a wishbone, or furcula, such as you would find in most bird skeletons. This is the first wishbone found on a T. rex. It supports the theory that birds evolved from dinosaurs, either directly or from a common ancestor.

    Even though Sue's bones are more than 65 million years old, they are so well preserved that you can see marks where muscles and tendons once lay.

    "Slow, But Deadly"
    Studies of Sue's foot bones have indicated that T. rex probably walked at about 6 mph and ran at not more than 15 mph, much slower than previously thought.

    The lead researcher on Sue says that the way the T. rex moved in the movie Jurassic Park was probably very accurate. Most likely T. rex bent over so that its huge tail did not touch the ground, and walked on its toes—T. rex is digitigrade, meaning it walks on its toes like a cat. (People are plantigrade, meaning we walk flat-footed.)

    But the movie was wrong in suggesting that T. rex would have to see its prey move in order to find it—from studying Sue, researchers have determined that T. rex had an excellent sense of smell. Sue's skull reveals that in a T. rex brain the olfactory nodes were much larger than the cerebrum.

    "Sue or Sir?"
    Tyrannosaurus Sue was named for Sue Hendrickson, the fossil hunter who found the skeleton in 1990. But although the skeleton is generally referred to as a “she,” no one really knows whether Tyrannosaurus Sue was male or female. The skeleton's very large size could suggest that the dinosaur was female, because among birds of prey—T. rex's closest ancestors—females are generally larger than males.

    "Senior Sue"
    Throughout her life Sue suffered some hard knocks, including broken ribs and an injured arm. Although scientists do not know exactly what illnesses dinosaurs had, it looks as though Sue was affected by an age-related disease much like arthritis. “Here is a very, very old dinosaur that just got sick and died after a long, active life,” says John Flynn, a Field Museum paleontologist.

    "Just how old was she?" Scientists don't know for sure how long a T. rex might have lived. Says Flynn, “We know turtles and crocodiles can live to 150 years, and they are cold-blooded. We know some birds, which are warm-blooded, can live for many decades. My guess is that dinosaurs could live for decades, some 100 years or more.”

    "Queen of the Dinosaurs"
    For many of the researchers who have gotten to know Sue, the discovery of the massive T. rex was the event of a lifetime. “It's truly a dream fossil,” says Tony Wentz, who worked to dig Sue out of the ground and helped prepare her skeleton for the exhibit. “It's the best of the best, the biggest, the most well-preserved. Everything you could ever want in digging a dinosaur was in Sue.”

    "Tyrannosaurus rex"


    "Kingdom Animalia animal"

    "Phylum Chordata has a nerve cord ending at a brain"

    "Class Archosauria has hollow teeth, special ankles, pointy head"

    "Order Saurischia “lizard-hipped”"

    "Suborder Theropoda walks on two feet, eats meat"

    "Family Tyrannosauroidea a predator with tiny forelimbs (“arms”)"

    "Genus Tyrannosaurus
    “tyrant lizard”"

    "Species rex “king”

    i would like to mention that i did not write this and the views therin are not nessicarilly mine. my thanks to for providing the information stated above.

    At 12:37:23 AM on 7/18/2001, furtim said:
    Yeah, Horner's a crackhead sometimes, but the Spino vs. T-Rex fight is still gonna rock, even if the outcome isn't perfectly realistic. ;)

    At 5:42:18 PM on 7/17/2001, Megaraptor2001 said:
    man, I felt so guilty about watching the 2 min. clip. but I watched it anyway, it is going to be great, but I will be major league ticked if the Spino wins, even if T. rex was solely a scavenger (highly unlikely) he has about a four ton advantage over the spino, not to mention the spino's weak jaws, paper thin sensative sail, and thin teeth, and other things. I love Jack Horner as the next budding Paleontologist but he is sorely mistaken this time.

    At 5:39:37 PM on 7/17/2001, Megaraptor2001 said:
    man, I felt so guilty about watching the 2 min. clip. but I watched it anyway, it is going to be great, but I will be major league ticked if the Spino wins, even though T. rex was probably more scavenger

    At 8:05:06 PM on 7/16/2001, furtim said:
    RS: Hey, cool. ;) Don't worry about it, I vaguely recall having said worse about you at some point earlier. =X

    Now as for the Rex vs. Spino thing... dammit, not again. Why is it that everytime it's brought up, another newbie who hasn't been paying any attention feels like he has to post his "proof" that the Rex really wins? Can these people just, I dunno, keep track of this site or maybe read around a little bit before posting?

    I'll be doubly glad on Wednesday. For one thing, I'll get to see JP3. For another, most of those annoying ones are gonna go see it, too, and they won't be able to hold on to their denial anymore. And then we'll only have to deal with them complaining about how Rex should have kicked Spino's ass and how he'd better get some revenge in JP4. Which, frankly, I can stomach quite a bit more easily.

    At 2:04:27 PM on 7/16/2001, Hans MR said:
    Sue is just the most complete tyrannosaur,and she is 42 feet.

    At 1:10:19 PM on 7/16/2001, tyranosaurus-R said:
    the rex was stronger, smarter, heavier, and had munch more powerful jaws than the spino. The only advantage there giving the spino is his arms. When they would be of little use because they are hung under his body for fishing making them of little use for a large land animal

    At 11:59:27 AM on 7/16/2001, Odin4evr said:
    The 38 foot long T-rex was only that small because it was a robot they created and they didn't have to make it full size because at that size it is proportionate to its surroundings and would look believable as the movie's T'rex while on screen.

    At 11:46:15 AM on 7/16/2001, Raptor Strike said:
    Yah I guess your okay furtim. Sorry about calling you a bad guy.

    At 11:38:35 AM on 7/16/2001, spino2000 said:
    the Spino skeletton Serenon digged out was 50ft long and was not full grown he admitted. he was very impressed.

    At 11:12:32 AM on 7/16/2001, Varan101 said:
    Horner has found some unpublished information. We will see in a couple of years whether this is true or not.

    And we dont have a complete Spinosaurus skeleton. The only things we know about it are VERY sketchy. So most things you read about the Spinosaurus (for it or against it) are just assumptions.

    At 11:10:38 AM on 7/16/2001, Malcom said:
    Actually, the largest T-rex, Sue, is just about 40 feet long.

    At 11:07:33 AM on 7/16/2001, Hans MR said:
    The only one talking about a 60 feet spinosaur is Jack Horner,the one that called Apatosaur,Brontosaur and Velociraptor the smartest of all dinosaurs.
    He didnt even admit that Spinosaur would win that fight.

    At 10:51:29 AM on 7/16/2001, Hans MR said:
    Normal lengt of T-rex is 40-50
    feet,the one in JP/// is just 38 feet.

    At 10:47:37 AM on 7/16/2001, Hans MR said:
    I just heard it on discovery
    channel,I dont know if it is true.
    Anyway they just wanted a new dinosaur,they picked the first and the best.
    Spinosaur is lean and weak,
    nothing compared to T-rex!!

    At 10:43:50 AM on 7/16/2001, Cuckoo said:
    You know, a wolf is bigger than a wolverine, and yet many people would argue that the wolverine can certainly hold his own against a wolf. Size isn't everything.

    At 10:34:06 AM on 7/16/2001, jp3kev said:
    What kind of idiot thinks a T-Rex grows to almost 66 feet long. Spinosaurus is the biggest meat-eater.the biggest on ever had a head 8 feet long, and a body 60 feet long. No possible way a T-Rex can beat a Spinosaur unless its injured, or they double teamed it.

    At 10:26:16 AM on 7/16/2001, jp3kev said:
    T-Rex#1, the Spinosaurus is quicker and meaner. Although, I wish the T-Rex had a bigger part in JP3. Spinosaurus is better.

    At 10:07:21 AM on 7/16/2001, Stegasaurus said:
    Where are ya Dan? I want some new news.

    At 9:25:41 AM on 7/16/2001, Jurassic Fart said:
    the rex does not win, bill macy said so, and would't you think that there would still be a rex skeleton on the poster if he won?

    At 8:51:45 AM on 7/16/2001, spino7 said:
    iu for one think that the rex wins because when the scene ends all you see are macy ,leoni and company running away and as for the ceratosaur carnotour debet it is a ceratosaur there problem solved everyones happy

    At 7:57:27 AM on 7/16/2001, Odin4evr said:
    You can tell this T-rex Vs. Spino fight scene isn't shown how it is and has been edited to show more in less time. One shot shows the Spino clamped around the Rex's neck, then the next shot shows the situation vice-versa when the Spino knocks over the tree. Also, it seems there are many more shots of Grant crawling out of the hole and getting away as the fight goes on.

    At 7:54:33 AM on 7/16/2001, Odin4evr said:
    No, the T-rex in Jurassic Park 3 had to be at least 45 feet long (during the CG shots anyway), and the Spinosaur has to be at least 50 feet long in these CG shots. Also, T-rex's skull was 5 feet long full-grown and the Spinosaur's was 8.

    At 7:42:34 AM on 7/16/2001, Hans MR said:
    1000ibs only????
    thats like 450kg,
    no more than t-rex could lift with one arm!

    At 7:19:51 AM on 7/16/2001, spino2000 said:
    and yes, the Trex and the Spino are not exactly of the same period but these are genetic dinos so who cares ?

    don't mess up with mother nature :D

    imagine a Gigantosaurus, a large crocodile and a mosasaure and carcharodon megalodon for JP IV! miam !

    At 7:17:20 AM on 7/16/2001, spino2000 said:
    The clip is not complete and yes, the Spino kills the Rex ( as we did not know that ).
    Now, Paul Sereno has discovered a large Spino skeletton a few years ago and claimed it was not full grown up. it already measured something like 45feet. The Spino is said to be lighter than the Trex, 6T vs 8Tons but has a skull-jaws of 5feet long while the Trex has a 3.5ft long skull.
    Now, don't forget those dinos are genetically engineered and could have bee modified for the story,means, larger and faster. Who knows. The upper arms of the Spino are a big advantage: he could grab fish and aquatic sauropods up to 1000lbs out of the water with those arms.
    I would have loved to see a giant crocodilian too, maybe for JP IV. Those measured up to 60ft long with a 8ft long skull.

    At 6:59:24 AM on 7/16/2001, Hans MR said:
    A show on dicovery called
    said that a new dicovery indicated that T-rex could grow up to 66 feet!!!
    It was a little toebone,but still the T-rex in JP///
    is only 38 feet.
    The Spinosaur is also 3 times as powerfull as in real life.
    No doubt T-rex is the king!!

    At 6:43:38 AM on 7/16/2001, furtim said:
    Okay, sure. I'm allowed to be wrong occasionally. ;) Like I said, I didn't feel like checking to be sure.

    At 6:28:55 AM on 7/16/2001, Hans MR said:
    Spinosaurus is cretaceous dinosaur.
    These people............

    At 6:27:09 AM on 7/16/2001, Hans MR said:
    August 3 in Norway,
    just found out.....
    Only 18 days!!!!!

    At 6:02:32 AM on 7/16/2001, furtim said:
    Joey/jp3kev: Not to mention that the Tyrannosaur lived near the end of the Cretaceous period, while Spinosaurus is a Jurassic dino. I may be wrong because I don't feel like checking, but I'm fairly certain that my statement is correct.

    Raptor Strike: I may be a bitter asshole, but I'm not really a "bad guy". Honest.

    At 5:42:08 AM on 7/16/2001, Rex_Rulez said:
    hah, I would be happy if it opened that early, here in germany we have to wait untill august the 2.nd!!!!!!!!!!

    At 5:12:00 AM on 7/16/2001, #1Samfan said:
    Dang! the 20th?!?! how come?! that sucks!


    "Too many films today are made by people asking the question, 'What is the film people want to see?' rather than the question, ' What is the film I want to make?' The films that touch people are made by filmmakers who ask that question." ~Sam Neill

    At 4:18:38 AM on 7/16/2001, HMT said:
    Mystery Characters Clue-------

    One man and one woman.


    At 4:16:09 AM on 7/16/2001, HMT said:
    Get over it. The T-Rex is history.

    I am bummed because here on Kauai, JP3 doesn't open until Friday, the 20th. I am really bummed.


    At 3:32:59 AM on 7/16/2001, T-REX#1 said:
    Hey jp3kev the T-REX IS WAY BETTER than the Spinosaurus they look way better and sound way better too, I just love that sound of a T-Rex when you know he's pissed. T-Rex maybe smaller but is quicker and meaner than a Spinosaurus I got people to back me up on this too!

    At 3:09:10 AM on 7/16/2001, ajax said:
    tnx dan for the warning, I'm getting sick and tired of all those trailers. I must download them all, but when even you are saying that there is to much new footage i will not download it because i want the movie to be a surprise,

    At 3:00:10 AM on 7/16/2001, jp3kev said:
    On the Discovery channel show called WHEN DINOS ROAMED AMERICA, it showed an Allosaurus surprisingly attacked a Ceratosaurus when the Ceratosaurus was chasing two Dryosaurus.

    At 2:51:48 AM on 7/16/2001, jp3kev said:
    Joey Joe Joe Jr., The Spinosaurus lived in Egypt. The Rex lived in the U.S. and Canada. They would never see each other.

    At 2:48:30 AM on 7/16/2001, jp3kev said:
    I like the Spinosaurus better. In REAL life a SPINO would win. Its about twenty feet longer than a REX. And stronger. And taller. And more feirce. Looks cooler. Bigger head. Longer head. Longer arms. Cool claws.

    At 2:43:18 AM on 7/16/2001, Spino+T-Rex said:
    The rex died in the end when Spino TWISTED his neck .

    At 2:32:44 AM on 7/16/2001, Joey_Joe_Joe_Jr said:
    i reckon there is no way we could ever give a %100 answer to who would win if a T-Rex fought with a Spino. There are a lot o factors to consider...

    At 2:23:06 AM on 7/16/2001, JP1 said:
    Is that a genuine picture from the movie? If it is it's pretty sweet!!
    They should have the Ceratosaur fight with another dino, maybe an Triceratops or even an Anklyosaur.

    At 1:37:36 AM on 7/16/2001, Anthony said:
    Wasn't that red Ceratosaur cool!!!

    That's a third giant carivore!

    At 1:29:08 AM on 7/16/2001, Joey_Joe_Joe_Jr said:
    Varan101, what do you mean they would never meet?

    At 1:09:59 AM on 7/16/2001, JP1 said:
    I think that the Rex and Spino are both cool. I aggree that the Spino shouldn't have all of a sudden become "THE KING OF JURASSC PARK" but all dinosaurs deserve their spot in the sun some time, this was just the Spino's turn, that's all. Anyway, it's not like that was the only T-Rex on the island. I'm sure he'll be back for JP4. Anyway...
    JP3 RULES!!!

    At 12:53:29 AM on 7/16/2001, JoshaPark said:
    They(the film crew) obviously wanted to make the Spino the new badass, and they wouldn't be able to do that if the T-Rex won the fight. Sure, it would be nice to see Rexy win, but, hey. Poo happens.

    At 12:47:36 AM on 7/16/2001, tyranosaurus-R said:
    The movie would be twice as good if the rex won the fight. We have seen enough of rex and should see more of a variedy of dinos but the rex should win to let us know that he still is king

    At 12:47:19 AM on 7/16/2001, Raptor Strike said:
    Actually I've changed my mind. Dodgson isn't all bad. It's really furtim that's the bad guy.

    At 12:42:33 AM on 7/16/2001, Raptor Strike said:
    I usually wouldn't say this, but when reading all the posts for this and other stories I noticed that one guy pisses people off a lot. Dodgson. Having him think that he's so smart. But Dodgson can't even spell, and he's wrong all the time. So I just couldn't put up with his crap anymore.

    At 12:33:38 AM on 7/16/2001, Raptor Strike said:
    Those two clips rock!! But I don't get why some people say they give the movie away. They really don't.

    At 11:52:17 PM on 7/15/2001, Vinsfeld said:
    if you go to your local bookstore you can read the little kids picture book about the movie, thats how you know the rex dies.

    At 11:41:53 PM on 7/15/2001, T-REX#1 said:
    How the hell does everyone think or know the T-Rex gets killed???

    At 11:36:12 PM on 7/15/2001, munky2000r said:
    the T-Rex gets killed, and at the end they find the kid and get home

    At 11:31:58 PM on 7/15/2001, T-REX#1 said:
    That commercial was the best so far I think I loved that battle, at the beginning it looked the the Spino was kicking ass but in the end it looked the the Rex was in control of that pussy dinosaur!!!

    At 11:23:32 PM on 7/15/2001, Vinsfeld said:
    holy crap i must have the worst luck because i never saw one JP3 commercial at all. I wish they'd put one on so i could see it damn. im just gonna watch T.V. all day tommorrow and hope i get lucky. Wish me luck all!

    At 11:19:42 PM on 7/15/2001, TREX20 said:

    At 11:19:24 PM on 7/15/2001, Varan101 said:
    They would never meet in real life.

    At 11:16:51 PM on 7/15/2001, T-REX#1 said:
    Het whoever says the Spinosaurus is better than the T-Rex is wrong the T-Rex is way better than that piece of crap dinosaur, T-Rex would win in real life

    At 11:10:23 PM on 7/15/2001, skeksis said:
    Is it me, or did those who watched the clip feel sorry for the T-Rex? I almost felt upset at this because T-Rex is my hero of the Jurassic Park series. How do yall feel?

    At 11:07:00 PM on 7/15/2001, Digalot said:
    I recorded it, but did not watch it. IT is too soon to the opening for me to go gaga over footage. I need to keep my anticipation high!!

    At 10:58:59 PM on 7/15/2001, mxpx8690 said:
    It was AWESOME. I turned away from the screen as well so I didn't spoil any of the movie.But later gave in and watched it (I taped it)

    At 10:42:55 PM on 7/15/2001, TREX20 said:

    At 10:39:59 PM on 7/15/2001, beoren said:
    The rew? I meant hed and neck.

    At 10:39:06 PM on 7/15/2001, beoren said:
    The rex probaly dosent win because they could have moved around the scenes for the fight. If you taped it like me go back and watch as the spino grabs and bites the rew around the neck, firstly the cry of the rex just before it changes scence and the fact that he is about to topple over. That sound is the sorroful sound of a cool dino calling it quits. Also the rex's jaw power would have been far more supeirior to that of the spino. I mean its like all of the suden the spino is the coolest meat eater and the rex sucks, whats that all about? I think what the spino should do is go back to the lost world movie and eat the whole scene where the rex is in san diego.

    At 10:37:44 PM on 7/15/2001, lwdudejp said:
    Jeez, poor Grant. He almost ended up like Carter in TLW. Not a good thing . . .

    Funny thought, his scream sounds more hilarious that scary . . .

    At 10:30:09 PM on 7/15/2001, gurdas said:

    At 10:24:46 PM on 7/15/2001, raptor0o7 said:
    I just want every one to know that my new cat, Para, is the 1st and official cat of Jurassic Park ///. I would have named it "Dan" but it lacked a certin part to call is a dude's name..heh...ok..i'll shut up, but really my new kitten's name is Para :)

    At 9:58:27 PM on 7/15/2001, Darknodin said:
    the continuous music doesn't mean anything... they could have edited it and yes it's REALLY easy...

    At 9:38:32 PM on 7/15/2001, Rhyno1579 said:
    I agree too much exposure to the movie makes it less and less interesting, but it was an extremeley well put together trailer.

    At 9:11:05 PM on 7/15/2001, jp3kev said:
    Look for the Dilophosaurus in the tube in jp3 in the first raptor scene when it is trying to get Amanda.

    At 9:09:01 PM on 7/15/2001, jp3kev said:
    The clip is not the whole rex/spino fight. Look at the survivor Jp3 commercial, it shows the spino slashing the rex. It didn't show that in the clip.

    At 9:07:11 PM on 7/15/2001, SupaMan said:
    Hey, where's my Carnotaurus?! There's supposed to be a Carnotaurus, not Ceratosaurus! Heheh come on JP3, gimme an invisible Carno...

    Oh yeah, and they better bring back the Dilophosaurus - if not in this one then in JP4.

    It would prove to be a really awesome and scary foe... hopping around and spitting and all...

    At 8:35:00 PM on 7/15/2001, sgd goin down said:

    At 8:33:07 PM on 7/15/2001, sgd goin down said:
    That was a dead Datuosaurus. It happens B4 the fight scene.

    At 8:16:06 PM on 7/15/2001, jp3isgonnarule said:
    ok i think that people are lieing what they say that the spino wins becasue i was watching the making of jp 3 on E! and it showed this one scene where they all see this dead animal right after the spino/rex fight and then you hear grant say i think its dead and then you see the rex pop up its head and roar and there is blood on his mouth then they all run so either it is a differ animal the rex kills or that was the spino that pops his head up or the rex wins the fight so i guess we will have to wiat til wednsday!!!

    At 8:15:48 PM on 7/15/2001, choad said:
    bah i STILL think that the other t-rex comes back and kills the spino in the final cut of the movie. the screener was to FOOL YOU ALL


    At 7:54:39 PM on 7/15/2001, Stegasaurus said:
    Supaman, sorry dude but calm down.

    At 7:04:25 PM on 7/15/2001, jurrasic bug said:
    where is this ceratosaur in the clip i don't see it anywhere is it in the river clip or what

    At 6:51:10 PM on 7/15/2001, SupaMan said:




    At 6:35:25 PM on 7/15/2001, Stegasaurus said:
    I didn't watch the rex-spino fight because I want to see it in the theaters and not spoil it. The first clip is alright but I bet there's alot more to it. I also think it's time for the rex to go because there was just too much of him last one. That's just my opinion so who gives a flying fuck!?

    At 6:33:22 PM on 7/15/2001, furtim said:
    I just hope that the Spino doesn't actually snap the Rex' neck, as has been rumoured. It would be more realistic if the Spino won by slashing Rexy's jugular, or something. I doubt those Spino jaws had the power to snap the neck of a massive superpredator like Rex.

    At 6:22:43 PM on 7/15/2001, trex15 said:
    Stupid Spinosaurus. The first scene looked like the T-REX was over him, then it shows the Spino grab his neck. Unrealistic. Then, it shows the T-REX get out of the Spinos grab. Unrealistic too.
    They wanted to remove the T-REX in fine fashion, and the DIDN'T. Spinosaurus killing a T-REX is as BAD as it gets. UGLY! (good graphics though)

    At 6:03:27 PM on 7/15/2001, Faulkner said:
    i think it's cool the ceratosaurus has the same coloration as the original JP diecast...with hs red head and his green striped body

    At 5:42:13 PM on 7/15/2001, furtim said:
    Joonas: Obviously, it's been cut together, trailer-style. The Spino/Rex fight is one of the big draws to the film. They don't want to give it ALL away. Maybe just a little hint. ;)

    At 5:10:34 PM on 7/15/2001, jurrasic bug said:
    i can't decide wether to download this clip or not is it really revealing or is it like half the fight.

    At 4:54:31 PM on 7/15/2001, rrenna said:
    oh... when they think billy is dead.. dr grant say that billy is the kind of boy that wants to touch dinos and see them, not dig up thier bones...

    when u see the scene you'll understannd

    At 4:36:48 PM on 7/15/2001, To2icky said:
    i knew it was a ceratosaur. yesterday i was talking about it on another chat thing i was the first to bring it up! (to raptor strike and crew)

    At 4:33:03 PM on 7/15/2001, MatrixTom said:

    At 4:29:21 PM on 7/15/2001, beoren said:
    Yes it was a ceratosaur, cool but will there be a carnotaur? I like the spino but I think they were to enthusiastic about it and the "new" raptors. Oooohh they set a trap. Though other than the raptors I think this movie will be really great even if its just visualy pleaseing. I wonder how the bull rex's mate will take the whole battle with the spino? Asuming that was the bull and that he dies. The fight scene was very cool.

    At 4:27:13 PM on 7/15/2001, Joonas said:

    Am I totally wrong, or was there something wrong on the fight clip...

    At the end of the clip spino grabs a hold on rex's neck and rex is going down. After that image cuts to people who are running away. And at the background we can see rex pulling spino from it's neck.

    Parts has been totally changed in two seconds!

    Are those just VERY fast moving animals, is this clip NOT directly from the movie.

    Or is this a continuity error?

    At 4:26:41 PM on 7/15/2001, Neo_Maze said:
    the fight is awesome. especially when you see how the spino ends the fight by breaking the rex' neck...

    but still, they should have spared it till the end, as the film just you know, has no real showdown, the first action is awesome, the you wait for more, and wait, and there goes the credits...

    At 4:12:34 PM on 7/15/2001, dinosniper said:
    Yeah, definitely a Ceratosaur, the horn on its snout was, that footage of the rex/spino fight was awesome!!! The spino had the rex around the neck and the rex looked like it had bloody teeth...this will be the freakiest shit in theaters for years to come!!!

    At 4:03:14 PM on 7/15/2001, Marbell said:
    Ahhh ha, the T-Rex was getting his ass whipped!!! I hate that big mouthed motherfucker!

    At 3:50:26 PM on 7/15/2001, Jurassic Fart said:
    I did

    At 3:35:02 PM on 7/15/2001, para77 said:
    who saw a ceratosaur???

    At 3:32:07 PM on 7/15/2001, Cheetah167 said:
    The Rex <i>was</i> the best, the Spinosaur took over that spot. Sorry, but I am personally sick of the Rex. He was in the first movie loads, and was pointlessly stuck in the second one for twenty more minutes.

    Stop trying to debate, the movie is made and the Rex is only in the film for less than two minutes.


    At 3:19:34 PM on 7/15/2001, Bugsyboy87 said:
    who cares?

    At 3:19:06 PM on 7/15/2001, TS146 said:
    The T-Rex should kill the Spinosaurus in the end. THe fact that it dosent just eats me up inside. It just wont feel like a JP movie without him. The T-Rex is the best. As for the Ceratosaurus/Carnotaurus debet I personally think it lok like a Ceratosaurus. THat pic over a ingennet does look alot like the one shown last night.

    At 3:02:25 PM on 7/15/2001, McLaren_24 said:
    oh great here comes the ceratosaur-carnotaur argument again...


    At 2:57:59 PM on 7/15/2001, Raptor Strike said:
    It's probably really that fast. But of course that isn't the entire clip. I'm pretty sure that it's a lot longer than 16 seconds.

    At 2:57:34 PM on 7/15/2001, Varan101 said:
    Well that wasnt the entire fight.

    At 2:54:26 PM on 7/15/2001, road-runner said:
    for those who seen the movie

    -is the spino/rex fight realy going so fast or did the people on NBC just made it so fast so they did'n spoil.

    At 2:43:01 PM on 7/15/2001, Twistr said:
    it's a <i>red</i> ceratosaur


    At 2:36:25 PM on 7/15/2001, Raptor Strike said:
    And if your out there Dodgson I can finally put the Carnotaur or Ceratosaur dispute to rest. It's a Ceratosaur. Go to and they have a picture of it, along with a little caption saying it's a Ceratosaur.

    At 2:32:29 PM on 7/15/2001, Raptor Strike said:

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