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    JP3 is the only film in the JP trilogy not to have a crew member playing someone in the cast. (From: Oviraptor)
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    At 3:10:27 AM on 7/15/2001, Utahraptor said:
    Oh yeah, a prequeal before they had dinos. That equals BOMB!

    At 2:48:57 AM on 7/15/2001, md23rewls said:
    I think that if there is a JP4, it should be a prequal to all of the movies. It should take a look to the back history of Jurassic Park and The Lost World. It should be about John Hammond's dream and the problems with cloning an extinct animal. I would like to see what it took for him to get enough money to fund it. Much is explained in the origainal JP book, but I want to see how Isla Sorna fits into the picture. A much different style than the past three films would be nice.

    At 12:26:57 AM on 7/15/2001, james_m said:
    who here has actually not gone to a movie because it got 'bad' reviews? if you have, you're a loser! i know i never have. if you think that you'll like it, go and see won't be a waste - regardless of what others are saying! anyhew, where's that dick-lick j theory? did we scare him off? i hope he's still here reading all of the negative shit that we've all been saying about him! he's probably too scared to post anything ever again...which kind of sucks because - i don't know about you but - i like talking shit about this ghetto's really can't even say it's not!

    At 11:41:03 PM on 7/14/2001, MHC said:
    You guys are all jealous because JP Theory knows "allot" more than any of us. Apparently that doesn't apply to grammar though....

    Now back to JP4. There WILL be another one. You want proof? In 1997, Fox released Alien 4. That was the same year Warner Bros released Batman and Robin. Studios NEVER let their franchises die quietly. Part 3 could make 50 million domestic and they'd still take another shot at the series four years from now.

    JP3 is going to make a ton of money. The commercials are the best of this summer and it's a very recognizable name. It has a short running time so more people can go see it (more showings and less re-arranging of your schedule as required by 3 hour long crapfests like Pearl Harbor). Most of the reviews have been pretty good. The movie is apparently good entertainment, even if it's not perfect.

    And don't forget that even Tomb Raider had a big opening. If that movie can even break even, it means that JP3 will be a big success. That, in turn, means that JP4 will be in a theatre near year in 3 or 4 years. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean part 4 will be any good but we can hope.

    At 11:27:32 PM on 7/14/2001, ellersaur said:
    Let's just ignore jptheory and he will go away.

    "Don't move, his vision is based on comments."

    At 11:24:40 PM on 7/14/2001, Stegasaurus said:
    Jurassic Theory, if I knew you, I would beat your fucking ass!! Yeah yeah you can call me a follower and go on with all of your stupid bullshit but it would make everyone really happy if you stopped posting comments that will piss everyone off. I'm not a retard, I go on this website because I'm a big JP fan and I'm ecxited about the third one. I don't need to steal stories or whatever. I post comments whenever I'm bored just like almost everyone at this site now. I picture you as one of those people that gets picked on at school because you're so fucki'n weird and annoying. You have an opinion about everything. I really hate people that try to sound smart by being negative but they're just wrong and annoying. How about you go to a website that has something you like because this one obviously isn't the one for you, asshole.

    At 11:15:40 PM on 7/14/2001, ellersaur said:
    "We can complete the work that Mr. Nedry could not. Ladies and gentlemen, the product already exists. InGen is gone. We can now claim this as our own."

    The mistakes have been ignored. Now, an entire civilization will pay.


    "Corporate Pirates, criminals. But that's not enough for them. God is dead, now they want the part."

    On June 16th, terror leaves the island.

    "Coasta Rica is in serious trouble."

    Extinction: Jurassic Park IV

    At 8:43:27 PM on 7/14/2001, Darth Rancor said:
    Jurassic Theory's bluffing. He doesn't know jack squat. He's a troll, nothing more.

    The Good. The Bad. The Rancor.
    <a href=>Gondolend</a>
    <a href=>Feathered Dinosaur Society</a>
    <a href=>Exploding Head Comics</a>

    At 4:11:15 PM on 7/14/2001, DeinoSlayer said:

    At 3:36:00 PM on 7/14/2001, SFNE GUY said:
    jp theory has a time machine or something.

    At 10:14:20 AM on 7/14/2001, VRaptor6760 said:
    Why Cant I GO To The Board

    At 7:49:43 AM on 7/14/2001, H.B.M.C. said:
    So ahh... Jurassic theory. What sort of position do you work in to come across this type of information.

    At the moment, with comments like this one:

    "It's going to be a bomb, and how i know that is my secret. You will find out soon enough."

    You make it sound like the max gross number has already been set like some sort of money making conspiricy? Certainly that can't possibly be the truth, so what is?


    At 7:11:32 AM on 7/14/2001, Juradan said:
    Oh oh, Macy and Leoni will be part in the potential JP4?
    I`m really a crazy JP Fan,but hearing this let me shake.
    Imagine the story this movie will have!!?
    I think that is a fuckin` bad idea!

    At 3:07:29 AM on 7/14/2001, Utahraptor said:
    Of course JP/// will bomb. No Celine Dion songs, no Helen Hunt or Nell Carter. Oh wait, we're talking about the real JP///, not an imagianry one, my mistake.
    It is a lie, because Sam Neill just said to Dan he wanted to return, but doubt areason could be found. So, is not signing the action of a man who wants to return if he could, no. And the Kirby's just don't really fit in for another sequel, short of a cameo. Billy defintiely cna return, no problem there.
    Most liekly, Universal had them sign a preliminary contract for JP4, saying if one does get made (and it will), and their charatcers are brought back, they have to do JP4 over any other film (not currently being worked on.) IE, you can't chose Loserfilm over JP4. You must do JP4. But I gretaly fear, Grant can't be in the majority of a JP4. The second half to quarter, certainly, but not the whole thing.
    JPTheory is just a Universal worker trying to ge tus to all go and prove him wrong, thus making the film a success. He'll probably get a caeo if he gets the weekedn gross in

    At 2:27:46 AM on 7/14/2001, SFNE GUY said:
    maybe dan will, doesnt he have the power?

    At 2:21:11 AM on 7/14/2001, ellersaur said:
    I sure wish we could ban that fecker.

    At 2:16:03 AM on 7/14/2001, SFNE GUY said:

    At 2:13:56 AM on 7/14/2001, md23rewls said:
    Jurassic Theory, please don't tell me whether or not I checked my facts before I posted here. I did, and you telling me I didn't is just plain stupid, because you are not psycic and cannot tell me what I did or did not do. My point is that movie studios do not start sequal rumors just to hype the current film. It just doesn't work that way. I don't think that Universal is stupid enough to try to promote JP3 like this, because hearing about a sequal is not automatically going to make me go see the current film. And I am almost positive that the reviews are about 80% positive. Go to Ain't It Cool News and Darkhorizons. They both have reviews up and I've only read one bad one, well two if you count Jurassic Theory's, and I don't. And the X-Men article isn't a cover story, Jurassic Theory. I have the issue that you're talking about, and it isn't in there. Plus the fact that I heard Hugh Jackman (aka Wolverine) say that he was signed up on Entertainment Tonight, and that was over a year ago. Mind you that not all of the stars were signed on before the movie came out, but some were. And for the last time, why are you so certain JP3 will bomb?

    At 2:02:34 AM on 7/14/2001, SFNE GUY said:
    i cant wait until july 18th the movie will rule and jp theory will just be sitting there WITH HIS DAMN THUMB UP HIS ASS!!!! I will be proven in 4 days!

    At 1:39:37 AM on 7/14/2001, james_m said:
    man, no one likes that little slut jurassic theory! what a fag! but seriously, jurassic theory needs to be cock slapped! what a bitch! it's just fun to talk shit...sorry...i'll stop....

    At 1:31:12 AM on 7/14/2001, RaptorHybrid said:
    cool. i want a JP4

    At 1:29:03 AM on 7/14/2001, ellersaur said:
    Yep, 60% good, 40% bad. Ahhhhhh!

    Why would you come to a fan site if you are not a fan?

    Where can I buy some of this magic psychic potion that JTheory takes?

    Why would a non-fan be so eager to be proven right?

    Why is JTheory such a dumbass (Hugh Jackson? The Tomb Raider theory?)?

    I think there might be a 4th, but I doubt anyone is signed on for it yet.

    Yep, 60% good, 40% bad. Ahhhhh.

    At 1:08:40 AM on 7/14/2001, Metriacanthosaurus said:
    I watched the clip from ingennet.... Of course i hope there will be a JP4 (if yes , as i think, were gonna have the time to forget it b4)BUt as the guy said, if its true, its gonna take place on the mainland! I hope not.

    At 1:02:47 AM on 7/14/2001, SFNE GUY said:

    At 12:59:19 AM on 7/14/2001, jp3isgonnarule said:
    Hey jurassic theory remeber me you fucking faggot. Hey I have an idea why dont you get your facts straight before you start talking like you know what your talking about you fag. All the actors of "The Matrix" signed on for 3 Matrix films because it is supposed to be a trilogy they didnt sign on a year later you dumbass. And yes most likley the actors of jp3 did sign on for a jp4 so universal has reassurance so if they do decide to make a new one they dont have to pay 30 million dollars an actor for the new movie. I would almost be willing to bet money that jeff goldblum had signed something saying he would do a jp3 and maybe even a jp4. so jurassic theory ive said it once before and of course im going to say it again . "I dont pay you to think i pay you to suck my dick so stop talking and put my dick back in your mouth bitch".

    At 12:58:12 AM on 7/14/2001, SFNE GUY said:
    is there a way to kick this damn asshole [JP theory] off the site????

    At 12:55:28 AM on 7/14/2001, Raptor Strike said:
    I can't even begin to imagine how stupid Jurassic Theory is. How dense can you get??

    At 12:52:20 AM on 7/14/2001, SFNE GUY said:
    jp theory, I keep looking at your comments I just CANT GET OVER THE BULLSHIT YOUR SAYING! OR WHY YOU WANT IT TO BE A BOMB. IS THAT IT??? DO YOU WANT IT TO SUCK???

    At 12:49:27 AM on 7/14/2001, Trillian said:
    ok now that this is all over: DID ANYONE IN THE UK TAPE IT?????

    At 12:34:10 AM on 7/14/2001, SFNE GUY said:
    YEAH YOU DUMBASS!!!!!!!!

    At 12:29:33 AM on 7/14/2001, Trillian said:
    yeah speaking of facts...its SIGN not SIGH.


    At 12:23:39 AM on 7/14/2001, SFNE GUY said:
    JP theory, why do you CONTINUE to PISS us fans off??? your obviosly not exited about the release of jp3 WELL I AM! SO FUCK YOU!!! I saw JP in theaters when I was 7 years old and I loved it but it gave me nightmares for a while then the sequel came out loved it, but later came to my senses. now the third one and it is returning grant I could not be more happy! SO JUST SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH AND DONT RUIN IT FOR EVERYBODY!! this movie will rule! I DONT GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOU SAY!!! all will be proven july 18th! DICKHEAD!!

    At 12:01:15 AM on 7/14/2001, james_m said:
    this is my first post here and I just wanted to say that Jurassic theory, you are the biggest fag ever. what's your problem? how long did it take you to type in that review? even if you copied and pasted your still a little bitch for taking that much time to post something so negative! are you not looking forward to seeing this movie? then if so, why are you here? all it seems like you're doing is making everyone mad. i can't even begin to say how big of an asshole you are!

    At 11:56:10 PM on 7/13/2001, Joey_Joe_Joe_Jr said:
    Ahhh Jurrasic Theory...It's Hugh Jackman...not Hugh Jackson.

    Maybe you should check YOUR facts...

    At 11:43:49 PM on 7/13/2001, Trillian said:
    yeah, suuuure.
    as far as I can tell you're no better than those kids who make up fake articles about jp4 in hopes that we'll all be astounded at their insider info. All you can possibly base your little bomb theory on is stuff like the EW analysts' predictions which are just that, predictions. You can't say you 'know' what a movie's going to do at the box office like its some kind of secret ending that you got to see earlier than the rest of us.
    so goodnight to you too.

    mpeg, anyone!

    At 11:34:57 PM on 7/13/2001, Jurassic theory said:
    Some one who knows a hell of allot more than you could possible know. All will be proven on July 18.

    Good Night:)

    At 11:30:21 PM on 7/13/2001, Trillian said:
    "I'm more right than you moron. You have never proven me wrong..."

    Geez, how thickheaded can you get?? THERE IS NOTHING TO PROVE. The movie hasn't opened yet, so unless you've gone to a test screening you can't say it sucks or doesnt (which is your damn OPINION anyway not the bloody Gospel of Jurassic Theory). And furthermore, until the box office comes out for that first weekend, you can't *prove* anything about if its a bomb or not!
    What kind of jackass are you to think that your whiny little 6th grade speculations in any way come to a conclusion about the quality of the movie or its gross?

    At 11:28:21 PM on 7/13/2001, Jurassic theory said:
    Well Trillan. That's for me to know and you to find out on July 18.


    At 11:26:32 PM on 7/13/2001, Trillian said:
    oh yeah, back to the point of the story: has anyone got an mpeg of the interview?

    At 11:25:59 PM on 7/13/2001, Jurassic theory said:
    I'm more right than you moron. You have never proven me wrong, and you never giving anything other than making dumb post proving your stupidity. Well, that what happens when you are a follower, Right Stegasaurus? My goodness, at least Mr. Goodbytes steals news for this site and clamed that he does a service, you on the other hand does nothing really special other than be a retard. Well, Jurassic Park 3 is up your alley.

    At 11:25:13 PM on 7/13/2001, Trillian said:
    "how I know that is my secret"

    what, did you travel in from July 23rd on your magically grumpy time machine?

    Just because you think it sounds dumb and read some pretentious-ass zine review doesn't prove shite about whether or not it will bomb. Sheesh, if you think it sounds lame then just DON'T WATCH and leave us the heck alone to enjoy it.

    At 11:03:16 PM on 7/13/2001, Stegasaurus said:
    I am so sick of you Jurassic Theory. You piss everyone off, you go on and on about nothing, and you're wrong about everything because you don't know what you're talking about. You need to either post comments about something someone might care about, or get the hell out of this website. Nobody wants to hear what you have to say!! ANYWAYS!!!! Who thinks JP4 might be good if it comes out?

    At 10:41:12 PM on 7/13/2001, Mr Goodbytes said:
    If it were not for me, no one would know about it for 2 or 3 days. I didn't say I MADE the story, I said I BROKE the story. Breaking a story means INFORMING THE GENERAL PUBLIC.

    At 10:32:14 PM on 7/13/2001, AllenGrant said:
    Jurassic_Theory, tell us why you think jurassic park 3 will not be good.

    At 10:29:01 PM on 7/13/2001, Jurassic theory said:
    You just took it from a site, that's all you did. some one would have found it anyway. Get a life Mr Goodbytes, you did nothing special.

    At 10:26:26 PM on 7/13/2001, Jurassic theory said:
    You Did not check your facts. If you did, you would have notice that the EW article only mentions that the actors were waiting for the opening weekend gross to see if

    1) There was going to be a sequel.

    2) For them to officially sigh for the sequel.

    I have the magazine Myself (Hugh Jackson and one of the actresses is on the cover)

    The actor who played Magneto confirms this also on E.

    As for Tomb Raider, Talk is cheap on that one, I don't believe anything has been sigh yet. Despite what they already said.

    If you want to waist time posting reviews then that's up to you, I could do the same thing and we could do it all night if you want . it's 50/50 so far, that's my last count. In matter of fact, here is a new one i just found.

    This is From Slant Magazine:

    Unless paleontologists, Universal Pictures and Amblin Entertainment have kept the existence of a Fran Drescher/dinosaur hybrid secret from the public, let us hope that the Jurassic Park franchise ends with its third and most predictable installment. It's business as usual on Isla Sorna as worried parents Paul (William H. Macy) and Amanda Kirby (Tea Leoni) lead a mission to the island in order to save their airwrecked son. Aside from an eager middle portion where the dinosaurs wreak all sorts of havoc (on humans and on each other), Jurassic Park III is marked with only the most eye-rolling character introductions and a denouement so ridiculous that it will make even the most casual of observers cringe in their seats.
    Nonetheless, the popcorn light film is effective as a boofest generator. Its pterodactyl attack has been skittishly marketed by the film's distributor through clever print ads and hot-to-trot commercials but it's not the only dino attack worth noting in the film. When director Joe Johnston shuts the lid on all human interactions and lame comedic revelry, Jurassic Park benefits from a series of entertaining set pieces that find the film's humans and their non-human bullies dueling it out on air, land and sea. Fans need not anticipate a pterodactyl/tyrannosaurus duel (as it is absent from the film), leaving enthusiasts to ponder the worthiness of T-rex's existing cameo role.

    Those who admired the first Jurassic Park's vain attempt at scientific credibility will, no doubt, bemoan the relatively brainless nature of this third sequel. Characters are quickly introduced as Sam Neill spearheads another one of his anti-dinosaur journeys, his who-are-we-to-play-God diatribe needlessly peppering the film's all-human moments. The Lost World wisely did away with all kinds of scientific jargon but inadvertently set in motion the ludicrous idea that dino island is the ideal place to aide in the sanation of familial discord. Director Joe Johnston and his crew of screenwriters (one of whom is the wryly clever Alexander Payne) view of Isla Sorna as a tool of reparative psychology is mind-boggling. Paul and Amanda find time amidst all the dinosaur attacks to engage in discussions about the present state of their marriage, leading cynics to assume that the source of the attacks is a latent need on the part of the dinosaurs to rid the island of human schmaltz.

    Ed Gonzalez
    © slant magazine, 2001

    It's going to be a bomb, and how i know that is my secret. You will find out soon enough.

    At 10:18:57 PM on 7/13/2001, Mr Goodbytes said:
    Uh also, I DID break the story. I was the first one to report it to ANY JP site. SO I DID BREAK THE STORY.

    At 10:15:17 PM on 7/13/2001, Mr Goodbytes said:
    Uh retard, the report was a review also. Didn't you hear the first part of it???

    If you figure it up, all the reviws online including this one, it is 60%, 55% at the least.

    At 9:52:43 PM on 7/13/2001, md23rewls said:
    I have checked my facts. I read about the X-Men stars signing on for sequals in Entertainment Weekly. The article came out one week before the movie itself. Where's your proof that they didn't sign on for sequals untill after the movie was released. If you want another example of somebody signing on for a sequal before the origainal is released, think Tomb Raider. Angelina Jolie has signed on for sequal, and it was long before the movie was released. Jurassic Theory, if you're expecting Oscar caliber, then duh you are not going to find it in JP3. The reason I'm gonna go see it is to see an entertaining action movie. Most of the advance reviews get that. Why don't you? All I want to see is the half of the reviews that you claim to be negative. Then I'll show you the positive ones. Again, how the hell are you so certain that the movie is going to bomb?

    At 8:54:59 PM on 7/13/2001, Jurassic theory said:
    it's 50/50 moron, and don't say you broke the story because all you did was find the story some place and tell people where it is. a story that is pure hype.

    Get over yourself, and live with the fact that the movie will bomb.

    At 8:48:28 PM on 7/13/2001, Mr Goodbytes said:
    Jurassic Theory, Shut up. You said JP3 would suck, and it is 60% on the good side for reviews. There has been talk of a 4th for a long time now. I am the one that broke this story, so SHUT YOUR MOUTH.

    At 8:26:22 PM on 7/13/2001, mxpx8690 said:
    Yes. I hope there is.

    At 8:23:32 PM on 7/13/2001, Jurassic theory said:
    They are not coming back, it's all hype to promote the new film.

    At 8:20:40 PM on 7/13/2001, red rex said:
    Why would Macy and Leoni come back? But I hope they make a good plot and lots of brand new dinosaurs for the 4th mavie.

    At 8:15:55 PM on 7/13/2001, Jurassic theory said:
    As for the Matrix, They did not sigh intill a year after the first came out.

    At 8:09:55 PM on 7/13/2001, Jurassic theory said:
    1) The reviews are still 50/50, so get your fact strait.

    2) The actors from X-men did not officially sigh intill after the movie open. Check up your facts before you open your mouth. The real proof is right there if you are willing to open your eyes and look for it.

    I know im right, and soon every one will see.

    At 7:54:36 PM on 7/13/2001, md23rewls said:
    All hail Jurassic Theory. . . . Wait, who died and made you king? Stop spouting all this nonsense like you know what you're talking about, because you really don't. People sign on for contracts that allow room for sequals. Everyone in The Matrix and X-Men did it. So you think Universal is unhappy with the film. And you know this how? Often times, the script for a sequal is finished before the origainal even comes out. Though this is not the case here, film studios do not start sequal buzz just to get the current film more money. Bring back some real proof for your arguments. If you look at the reveiws right now. The vast majority are positive. In fact, I've only read one truly bad review. With hold your judgement untill the movie actually comes out, otherwise, go make your own anti-Jurassic Park page and leave Dan's JP3 Page to the fans of the films.

    At 7:52:45 PM on 7/13/2001, SFNE GUY said:
    why are people already saying jp4 will suck??????????

    At 7:45:20 PM on 7/13/2001, Jurassic theory said:
    Not true. Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith were not sigh For MIB 2. They said that they were when they were promoting The first MIB in order to bring interest. They did not sigh for the second intill 3 and a half years later.

    At 7:30:57 PM on 7/13/2001, Trillian said:
    theory, that's not really true. In a lot of films that are virtually sure-fire blockbusters (MiB, Tomb Raider, for example), the important actors sign on for a sequel or even sequels. They don't always end up making the movies (as with Lost In Space), but they do it to ensure the availability of the stars if the film really is a hit (And I think it usually keeps them from paying ridiculous amounts of money to get them back if they're not signed on).

    At 7:26:38 PM on 7/13/2001, Jurassic theory said:
    My Goodness, you people are really idiots. You people are really falling for that are you? Let me give you a lesson in advertising.

    When ever a Film Company is saying that they are going to plan a sequel to a movie that is about to come out, they are trying to create buzz for that movie that is coming out. They think by telling people that, they would make people think that the movie coming out is really good, good enough to make a sequel. Well, let me bring you guys the real truth. No one is sigh for Jurassic Park 4, and no one will be sigh for it Intl the studio sees the final box office tally for the new one.

    Do know this, Joe Johnson will not be back as director. Word is that Universal is not happy with The new movie, and they are predicting a final gross of $ 130-$140 million. Good Numbers, but not good enough for a Jurassic Park film. So guess who is going to be the fall guy?

    P.S. Sam Neil will prove in this film that Jeff Goldblem Was the best actor in the series.

    At 7:12:05 PM on 7/13/2001, Trillian said:
    oh that reminds me, which track is actually Billy's theme on the soundtrack? I just got it today but I've heard people posting about it and whatnot and I can't tell from the titles.

    At 7:10:03 PM on 7/13/2001, Trillian said:
    Nick is a dork ;)

    Does anyone have an mpeg? and of you nice UK folk? I wanna see Alesssssssssandro.

    At 7:07:37 PM on 7/13/2001, Paradox said:
    Dude... you guys are going to love Billy's character.. seeing no viable way to bring back Grants character, Nivola's character is very well developed and would make a great main character for JP4.

    At 6:54:47 PM on 7/13/2001, Lodi said:
    Bring back NICK from Lost world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    At 6:49:47 PM on 7/13/2001, AllenGrant said:
    sounds like something dr. evil from austin powers would say...

    i will hold the Jurassic Park franchise hostage for... 100 BILLION DOLLARS!!! MMMUUUAAAHHHAAAAA!!!!

    At 6:45:18 PM on 7/13/2001, Jp3Fanatic said:

    At 6:28:26 PM on 7/13/2001, Stegasaurus said:
    Jp 4 will probably suck ass sweat but the third will kick donkey balls!!

    At 6:12:49 PM on 7/13/2001, IngenRaptor said:
    JP4 Better be Good
    and they should bring back all the old characthers

    At 6:08:42 PM on 7/13/2001, Mark said:
    NEILL must come back he should fo been in all of them just find a way to get him into it PLEASE

    At 5:56:43 PM on 7/13/2001, Oviraptor said:
    Macy and Leoni are cool.

    At 5:56:00 PM on 7/13/2001, Cheetah167 said:
    I wonder how they'll pull this one off.


    At 5:55:02 PM on 7/13/2001, eggy said:
    I hope if they make a JP4 it has a good story involved

    At 5:38:26 PM on 7/13/2001, angel_89 said:
    cool, 3rd!

    At 5:36:29 PM on 7/13/2001, raptor13 said:
    wow!why would macy and leoni come back?

    At 5:35:35 PM on 7/13/2001, XxMoJoJoJonxX said:

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