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    Despite the scene where a Brachiosaurus is seen munching plants, Sauropods had peg-like teeth and could not chew with their teeth. (From: 'Dinosaur_neill')
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    At 11:42:05 PM on 7/11/2001, AllenGrant said:
    i really liked reading the filmjerk's review. he sounds like he is very serious when he says JP/// is fun and scary. 6 more days...

    At 5:48:15 PM on 7/11/2001, Steve,i,saw,it said:
    i've noticed lots of dinos have one finger more than what you see first glims. those small shits in TLW have two normal fingers and one stump like finger. the forth finger on the dilo (if it has one in the movie) is probably a stump one.

    At 5:34:49 PM on 7/11/2001, Velociraptorix said:
    I'm almost positive that the Pteranodons don't have teeth. For those of you that have donloaded commercial 9, look at the Pteranodon closeup ( it is shown rith after the shot where the spino breaks through the fence). It has no teeth.

    At 3:29:53 PM on 7/11/2001, Cuckoo said:
    Right Faulkner, except as you noted there WAS some inaccuracies with the Dilophosaurus. Now, I don't enjoy the movie any less for them, but from a strictly scientific standpoint, there is no evidence for any kind of neck frill or poison spitting; it's the sort of thing that will most likely always be speculation. I don't recall the number of fingers that the movie's Dilophosaurus had, though.

    Another example of a "modified" dino is the HUGE Stegosaurus' in JP2...those things were the size of a small sauropod in the flick! And the Stegosaurus that tried to slam its tail spikes downward into a log like in the movie would have been in a lot of pain from a twisted and broken tail... and the Brachiosaurus would probably be one of the LEAST likely to rear up on its hind legs, because of the way the dino is structured...but again, none of that really takes away from the movie, so it's not that big of a deal. I think the reviewer either just had his facts wrong about dinos or just worded things badly. It doesn't mean that he's an idiot, though.

    By the same token, we don't have any solid reference for what Spinosaurus REALLY looked like, either. A good deal of the reconstruction of the Spino in the movie is based on the morphology of other spinosaurids like Baryonyx and Suchomimus. So of all the dinos that have been featured in the JP series, the Spino is the one that the most artistic license has been taken with.

    I certainly hope that the Pteranadons don't have teeth. I was just going by hearsay on that one.

    At 2:31:01 PM on 7/11/2001, JPNerd said:
    Oh and no, I didn't write the review, I found a link to it at Dark Horizons.

    Once again, like anybody cares...

    At 2:29:50 PM on 7/11/2001, JPNerd said:
    Cool, something I submitted actually made it onto the site (the Filmjerk review, like anybody cares). This movie is definately looking good, and there are definately some different things going on visually. Like has anybody noticed the way the camera moves in some of the action shots? It's strange for a JP movie, but I like it.

    At 1:08:21 PM on 7/11/2001, Evilgrinch said:
    At best, we can say that Jp3 has had mixed reviews. They are no worse or better then I expected.
    We have had a couple of REALLY posiitve ones, a couple of REALLY negative ones, and generally sort of average ones. It seems to be one of those films that all the mags will give 3/5.

    But I don't care. I'd pay Ł100000 to see John Diehl die.
    Miami Vice was crap.

    At 12:57:49 PM on 7/11/2001, Faulkner said:
    yeah...what werer basing the teeth on the pteros on? just the pic on the field guide thing...but the picture of the animatronic on the inkworks promo card don't have teeth, none if the really movie accurate ptero toys have teeth and i swear to not have seen teeth in the open mouth ptero shots in the latest trailers.....and in the dilophosaurus, the only real wrong thing about is no kinked snout and i believe it had 4 fingers...people say it was undersized in JP, i say it's a juvenile...people say it didn't spit poison or fan it's neck, no one knows for shure...you can't say it did and you can't say it didn't...it can be very believeable if you consider the variance of life today....

    At 12:44:41 PM on 7/11/2001, Darknodin said:
    "to the inevitable 'JPIV'"
    hehe yea!

    At 12:07:16 PM on 7/11/2001, Cuckoo said:
    By "fictitious Pteranadons" he might be referring to the liberties that the filmakers havetaken with the creature design; the movie's Pteranadons are somewhat larger than known specimens, display more birdlike flying characteristics than they were probably capable of, and, if I read correctly in an earlier article, these have teeth, which is absolutely incorrect. "Pteranadon" literally means "toothless wing." It would be like someone saying "fictitious Dilophosaurus" because so many liberties were taken with the character design. Calling it "fictitious" is more of a diction problem than anything else, I think.

    At 11:24:21 AM on 7/11/2001, Dan said:
    This guys site is full of very similar sounding reviews... Personally, I like 'em.

    At 11:04:25 AM on 7/11/2001, Monte-Cristo said:
    "Fictitious" Pteranodons? The Popcorn reviewer is now officially declared as a Moron™.

    Well, their size might be fictitious, but this guy's ignorance is not.

    At 10:10:35 AM on 7/11/2001, Gallimimus said:
    Well Dan, thank you for the acknowledgment...(sarcasm)

    At 9:56:06 AM on 7/11/2001, Cheetah167 said:
    Well, any person with an opinion about a movie is a critic in my book, because people could see the movie based on his reviews.

    I use f*ck*r sometimes, does that make me any less a person?


    At 7:43:23 AM on 7/11/2001, metalc said:
    folks this is obviously a fan review and not a critic`s.
    he even used the word "fucker"
    does that sound like a legit review to you?

    At 5:47:54 AM on 7/11/2001, spinosaurus8 said:
    how can people not get pumped up about that review this is the only film ive been waiting for this summer and it only has got me even more excited bring on the spino !

    At 5:44:40 AM on 7/11/2001, Pack hunter said:
    QUIKY theres photo proof that shes in the movie! she dose come back in a cameo role...and if u knew anything about the movie ud know that

    At 5:42:45 AM on 7/11/2001, #1Samfan said:
    well I think JP/// will rock! Every person looks at a movie differently... We'll just have to wait and see and watch it ourselves.


    "Too many films today are made by people asking the question, 'What is the film people want to see?' rather than the question, ' What is the film I want to make?' The films that touch people are made by filmmakers who ask that question." ~Sam Neill

    At 4:15:42 AM on 7/11/2001, Big Rex said:
    It's real, people are more paranoid of good reviews than bad reviews. Weird folks...

    At 3:49:36 AM on 7/11/2001, ellersaur said:
    Also, about the legit-issue:

    I don't care if it was fake! It made me feel good, it got me pumped!!!! BRING ON THOSE BIG BASTARD DINOSAURS!! BIG BASTARD SPINO!! SMART BASTARD RAPTORS!!! ALL THOSE OTHER BASTARDS!!!!!

    At 3:46:16 AM on 7/11/2001, ellersaur said:

    I just wanted to say WOO-HOO to the All Star Game. It was a great display for my home city. Seattle shined beautifully in the spotlight. It was great!!! And so are the M's, who will be in the World Series this year (hopefully).

    Sorry to go off topic but I am just beaming with pride right now.

    At 2:00:52 AM on 7/11/2001, QUIKY said:
    see now i know everything he siad was fake whatch all i have to do is make a site and put a ass kikn review on it and every1 will like it(cool ellie is coming back!)

    At 1:55:32 AM on 7/11/2001, SFNE GUY said:
    she has a cameo

    At 1:54:45 AM on 7/11/2001, QUIKY said:
    UMMMMM, Thats sounds like one big F*UC*** FAKE it wasnt even a review it was just like some fan hoping to get you all excited.... EVEN,sam neil himself siad this is the lest dark and grity film of the lot!!!!!!!!!!

    besides did you catch where he siad ELLIE SATTLER WILL BE RETURNING! HUH???????? She ISNT returning is she??

    The only reason it was a hit was because it was a good review unlike the others which some peps belive fakes!

    At 1:47:28 AM on 7/11/2001, SFNE GUY said:

    At 1:42:12 AM on 7/11/2001, ellersaur said:
    Sorry for the double post - I didn't think it went through the first time.


    "JurassicTheory probably won't get out of this room alive."

    At 1:40:36 AM on 7/11/2001, ellersaur said:
    How can you NOT get pumped up after reading that FilmJerk review? HOLY COW!!!! I have had doubts recently, but BRING IT ON!! I LOVE THAT GUY'S ENTHUSIASM!!!

    And as a whole, the reviews are lookin pretty frikkin good!


    At 1:40:05 AM on 7/11/2001, ellersaur said:
    How can you NOT get pumped up after reading that FilmJerk review? HOLY COW!!!! I have had doubts recently, but BRING IT ON!! I LOVE THAT GUY'S ENTHUSIASM!!!

    And as a whole, the reviews are lookin pretty frikkin good!


    At 1:08:36 AM on 7/11/2001, Mighty T-rex said:
    See, Jurassic Theory? Most critics love JP3, and it certainly doesn't deserve any bad reviews, 'cause the movie freakin' rocks!!!

    At 1:06:01 AM on 7/11/2001, Andyb said:
    First again and hell yeah jp3 is gonna kik ass

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