Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis (XBOX)
By Blue Tongue
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    Jurassic Park won three Oscars: Best Visual Effects, Best Sound, and Best Sound Effects Editing.
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    At 2:26:35 PM on 7/2/2001, Drakkenfyre said:
    They could have used the shaving cream can for/in the second movie, if it had taken place sooner to the original, but with only HOURS worth of coolant, not 8 years later, lol,

    -Drakk )))

    At 1:23:48 PM on 7/2/2001, JonsMovies said:
    LOL! Why do so many people think the shaving cream can can be used as a future plot device! Davis thinks it's "fertile ground." Just make sure you stick to scoring JP, Donny, no writing!
    If you have no clue what I'm talking about, read the article.

    At 12:31:50 PM on 7/2/2001, raptor0o7 said:
    Tru tru, davis is judged against williams, and johnson against speilberg...sad sad

    At 11:56:40 AM on 7/2/2001, Ultra Carnotaur said:

    At 11:38:22 AM on 7/2/2001, Evilgrinch said:
    Good Work Don.

    At 11:22:31 AM on 7/2/2001, Cheetah167 said:

    Wow! Now I am as jazzed to hear the soundtrack as I am to see the actual movie! Rock on Don!


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