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    Jurassic Park inspired now-retired cartoonist Gary Larson, the mind behind the popular "The Far Side" comics, to create a cartoon of several dinosaurs parking cars in a lot. The caption? "Jurassic Parking" (From: 'Dilophosaurus')
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    At 2:33:41 PM on 7/3/2001, Neelis said:
    I liked the TLW theme. I love it, acually.
    I heard the first number of the JP3 score, and I liked it. I can't wait for the soundtrack!

    At 6:34:52 AM on 7/2/2001, Zap Madrigal said:
    <font color=blue>I always thought JW score for JP was over rated. Don't get me wrong, I loved the 2 main themes and play them whenever I set up my rack of synths.

    BUT the slow piano Cmajor / Fmajor theme is almost a verbatim rip off of the 70's TV series the Incredible Hulk and the fanfare theme is pretty much stock John Williams brass melody (as was Supeman Starwars and raiders).

    As cimematic film music it is just too overbearingly tuneful. It takes so much away from the visuals that it is not doing its job as a dramatic support. I thought in many ways some of the Lost World music was better suited to underpinning the action sequences.

    As a piece of music I did not like the Lost world main theme at all. too much a fist full of chords moved up and down the keys. Very unimpressed.

    So I for one as a musician will look forward to the new score and judge it in context where it belongs.</font>

    At 2:47:57 AM on 7/2/2001, Mattman said:
    Well it's amusing how they say that they think the score will play very well with the movie. Isn't that the whole point??

    At 1:57:50 AM on 7/2/2001, ellersaur said:
    I don't think you can judge a score without the movie. AFTER you have seen it with the movie, okay, but nobody knows the context of this music yet.

    It's an OUTRAGE! (Don't worry folks, I'm not that upset). :)

    At 8:29:17 PM on 7/1/2001, Mattman said:
    Man, these critics are smoking crack or something. If they had been told that this score was by John Williams, they probably wouldn't be complaining so much.

    At 7:18:49 PM on 7/1/2001, JP3 Raptor said:
    I don't think these guys know Jack-shit, and Jack left town!

    -JP3 Raptor


    At 4:31:56 PM on 7/1/2001, Furtados said:

    At 3:35:43 PM on 7/1/2001, road-runner said:

    At 3:23:13 PM on 7/1/2001, Mighty T-rex said:
    I'm first!!! Oh, and that's too bad.

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