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    The two Mercedes SUV's in TLW were actually pre-production models of the cars, as they had not yet been released during filming. (From: 'SlickSpino1')
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    At 8:02:57 PM on 7/25/2001, Stegasaurus said:
    Hey everyone, look at me! I went all the way back here for nothing. If someone responds to me, that would be amazing!!!!!!!!! JP3 ruled!!!!! Penisfuck. Oh shit. I just used the fucki'n f word. FFFFFFUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKK!!!!!!!!

    At 1:06:07 AM on 7/4/2001, maniraptora said:
    Thank you for the compliment, but I'm not, really.

    At 11:26:59 PM on 7/3/2001, Stegasaurus said:
    You are a friggi'n dinosaur encyclopedia.

    At 1:58:06 PM on 7/3/2001, maniraptora said:
    Stegs have been mysteries since they were first discovered, naturally, because they're so bizarre-looking and huge (with such a small head, nonetheless). Popular books always say its brain was "the size of a walnut," but I hear it's actually twice as large, no joke. Stegosaurs have this special canal in their spine called a sacral plexus, and that housed an enlargement of the spinal cord called (more Latin :)) the spinal ganglia. This is what's been called the Steg's "second brain"--but ostriches have the same thing, and they use it for leg muscle coordination. Since Stegs were probably fairly slow-moving, they may not have needed something so complex to control leg movement like ostriches do, but it seems like a better fit to me personally than the other theory, which is basically that the enlargement was a true "second brain" that controlled the second half of the body. But unless we really find a living Stego, it's hard to say. (What were they doing in TLW, taking photos of nests...okay, so that's important, but what about the whole "second brain" thing? Huh, Dr. Sarah Harding?) Anyway, other dinos may have had the same kind of spinal canal, but for reasons other than a "second brain", because birds have the same thing in order to house glycogen...hm...I'm thinking theropods (the mostly meat-eaters) here...

    At 2:54:38 PM on 7/1/2001, Mattman said:
    The stegosaurus is still a bit of a mystery. Apparently, and this is no joke, its brain is so small that for a while scientists thought that it must have had ANOTHER brain in its midsection, to compensate. However, this has been of course debunked, but how stegosaurus operated its huge body with such a small brain is still left up for debate. (unless someone here has some new information on the subject?)

    At 12:52:26 PM on 7/1/2001, SuperJonk said:

    "I love you dan" has to be one of the most randomest and disturbing comments Ive heard on here in a while, hehehe

    At 12:29:08 PM on 7/1/2001, SuperJonk said:

    I bet you aget a lot of flack for how you spelt its name too, hehe

    At 12:05:57 PM on 7/1/2001, Stegasaurus said:
    I think the stegosaurus is stupid. I don't know why I picked him but my favorite is the raptor

    At 12:03:25 PM on 7/1/2001, SuperJonk said:

    yes! someone agrees that TLW soundtrack kicks BUTT!

    I love it! Read one of my earlier stories.

    Umm my favorite dinosaur was the Deinonychus. I dunno, maybe its the TRex now. The Deinonychus was like a velociraptor (safe family or whatever), but twice as large (the Velociraptor was only 2 feet tall in reality; but then again, the Utahraptor was twice as big as the Deinonychus). So yeah, needless to say, I didn't like the Velociraptor when JP came out. But yeha. hehe. :)

    At 11:56:22 AM on 7/1/2001, Stegasaurus said:
    I love you Dan.

    At 11:27:15 AM on 7/1/2001, Stegasaurus said:
    Holy crap that's a lot of stuff!

    At 11:25:06 AM on 7/1/2001, spino2000 said:
    I have a large home theater with professional JBL speakers and lots of watts and 2 18" giant subwoofers: I'm a soundtrack freak and LW was my favourite of the 2 JP but this track is alreay gaining ground and fast: it must be listened to on a HT system with large subwoofers and large room to fully appreciate the power of one soundtrack. but I'm biased since I'm a big fan of JPs serie and already see this third one as the best of the serie. Some tracks though are sub-par but some are truely scary and terrifying.

    At 11:22:48 AM on 7/1/2001, Stegasaurus said:
    SuperJonk, what is your favorite dinosaur?

    At 11:09:05 AM on 7/1/2001, SuperJonk said:
    lol you crack me up JP3man

    At 11:08:00 AM on 7/1/2001, Stegasaurus said:
    The music in the first movie was awesome. They just better not change it with some stupid crap.

    At 9:46:21 AM on 7/1/2001, JPIIIMAN said:
    Im gonna get first post on something

    At 9:45:19 AM on 7/1/2001, JPIIIMAN said:
    If it'll be good in the movie I dont care how it sounds on a cd

    At 5:34:06 AM on 7/1/2001, SuperJonk said:
    I loved the Lost World soundtrack! Everytime I travel somewhere, the them pops up in my head, and I hum it loudly with pride, and then all my friends beat me up. I love it. I'm very much looking forward to Davis' score, too! :)

    At 4:29:38 AM on 7/1/2001, Sinorsis said:
    Man, hook me up with that CD. Although these people sound somewhat knowledgeable on this type of review, give me a break. They get a movie soundtrack to a promising movie and all they can do is complain about how much reverb is used? Gosh. Ugh, this really distrubs me. I have a strong musical background, someone hook me up with this thing and i'll give you a REAL review.


    At 2:18:55 AM on 7/1/2001, furtim said:
    Horner? Uck!

    No, only one man is good enough to successfully rip off lesser-known orchestral classics (Holst's The Planets and Stravinsky's Firebird) and turn them into cinematic soundtrack masterpieces: John Williams. Not that he lacks talent. He doesn't. I'm fairly certain that the theme from Jurassic Park itself IS an original, and it's wonderful. It's just that John Williams likes to steal bits of other works for his mood music. ;)

    Which isn't, overall, a bad thing, since Williams' scores always turn out to be extremely effective. However, it causes a bit of a problem when Don Davis comes along to write a new soundtrack using Williams' original JP score as a basis. In effect, the Raptor music in Davis' JP3 soundtrack are copied twice, and we all know that a copy of a copy is usually poor in quality compared to the original.

    Still, I'm sure that the soundtrack will be very appropriate when we're sitting there in the theatre. Especially since Don Davis did the score to the Matrix, and, while that didn't stand out as a work by itself (at least I don't think so...) like the original JP soundtrack did, it worked for the film in that mysteriously transparent manner that good soundtracks do. ;)

    At 1:36:14 AM on 7/1/2001, TheJesus said:
    The guys at Film Tracks know thier stuff. I wish that James Horner would have done the music.

    At 1:07:28 AM on 7/1/2001, Mattman said:
    Hell yeah. Listening to those clips made me feel 12 again. I couldn't have wiped the stupid smile off my face if I'd wanted to.

    At 1:04:57 AM on 7/1/2001, MacMatt said:
    I Mean, .. By It! It'll be great!

    At 1:04:26 AM on 7/1/2001, MacMatt said:
    Well, ... I sure gonna it!

    At 1:01:09 AM on 7/1/2001, Mattman said:
    Hey Dan, how about some mp3s??? Hehehe, just kidding of course...

    At 12:59:35 AM on 7/1/2001, Digalot said:
    I was wondering if you new ti was true that Joe Johnston helped write the screenplay for jurassic park 3?
    Sorry if it is of topic:0

    At 12:58:23 AM on 7/1/2001, Mattman said:
    Hmm, from what I've heard so far, and albeit those are just clips, the music is spectacular. I have heard track #10 in its entirety, which is scrutinized in the review, and I do not agree at all. Track #10 is a beautiful rendition of the original theme. I always felt the Lost World soundtrack was a bit of a disappointment and rather dull in areas, not to mention lacking in emotion or chorus. Davis appears to have made up for that in spades. It's very thrilling music and has a lot of variety.

    At 11:51:47 PM on 6/30/2001, Dan said:
    Well, my review of the cd is coming soon!

    At 11:47:07 PM on 6/30/2001, BigChimpin' said:
    The music was fine w/ me! I mean, I've heard better but it sounds like this should be very appropriate for JP3.

    At 11:40:00 PM on 6/30/2001, maniraptora said:
    Just from the short clips, the music sounds a bit too fast, and it changes key a lot, which is different from the other two soundtracks...I don't know, it just sounded strange to me in some parts. But other, more sinister things I liked, like track 13 (which has faint JP1 Raptor Attack hints..neato..)

    At 11:27:06 PM on 6/30/2001, pred said:
    2nd!!! lol

    At 11:14:57 PM on 6/30/2001, PsychoRaptor said:
    first! and yeah..thats good..or...yeah...

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