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    When Hammond visits Grant and Ellie in the trailer, pay attention to some of the newspaper clippings next to the fridge: Among them are "Space Aliens Stole My Face" and "Dinosaurs on Mars!". (From: Patrick)
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    At 12:47:26 PM on 6/30/2001, Jurassiclaw said:
    I really thin the 119 running time thing is true. C'mon guys, just 8 minutes shorter than JP. And like they said, nothing hapenned in the first hour of Jp while Jp3's action will start before the first half-hour. And 400 shots ???
    TLw had 75!

    At 9:42:29 AM on 6/30/2001, sidbal said:
    First off, will everyone please shut the hell up about the length of the damn movie. Do you realize that it doesn't matter how long the movie is? Pearl Harbor was long and it was ruined by it's length (and the dialog, romance, etc.) A.I.-Saw this last night. The movie was 2 hours 20 minutes. It was too long for it's story. Some movies require a long running time, and some don't. Like it or not, JP3 IS a popcorn movie (and please don't bother arguing with me). It's not a movie made to win oscars, or impress critics. People go to see it to see dinosaurs run around and eat people. If the movie is too long, the concept and premise will become tiring, and eventually boring. If you ask me, they should keep the movie's length down so it remains that the dinos come at a steady and flowing rate, instead of having a long running time with dinos popping up every 20 minutes or so. The Mummy Returns was edited perfectly because the director understood this, and the movie came in at just under 2 hours, which is the perfect length for this type of movie, and how long JP3 should be. Stop asking fro an unnecessarily long running time. BTW-CG and Animatronics both have their advantages. The makers of JP movies have always understood this, so there is no need to be worried.

    At 7:53:06 AM on 6/30/2001, teselby said:
    personally i prefer animatronics. CG is good in it's own way, i'm just a big animatronics fan. People think that just because CG is relatively new and involves computers it is better. CG is good for long shots but i don't think that close-up CG has been perfected yet. Animatronics are far better for that purpose.
    Anywho, i'd say they're probably about even. They both perform well in different circumstances. People just want to pick holes in animatronics cos they prefer CG.

    At 6:50:29 AM on 6/30/2001, Furtados said:
    Yeah I like CGI better also,because the animals movie far more realistic.I still like robotics since you can see that the people spent a lot of time working on it and they look beautiful.

    At 5:26:55 AM on 6/30/2001, road-runner said:
    men, I want more ILM interviews!

    At 5:17:53 AM on 6/30/2001, road-runner said:
    and I agree with furtim. the CG V.S. animatronic is over why put them apart. if you put CG and Puppets or animatronics togetter you'l have better CG. better skin or the movements woeld be better. thats why the don't put puppets away! it's realy importent if there's coming a JP4. the CG and Animatronics will be more advanced. so If they put it togethere, they will have a perfect Creature!

    At 5:12:28 AM on 6/30/2001, road-runner said:
    no, I also think the CG in JP looks better than in TLW and JP3! AND YES, they should bring Phil tippet back! he did a great job. but I think that there are 400 shots because I think they use CG musles for almost evry shot of stan winston's puppets. and maybe for mist or backround(like the sky...)
    and the plane crash( if they show it from outside the plane). and many more litle detailes. and the puppets are getting better and better. the spino puppet moves a litle weird. but the raptors look almost perfect! I think they don't put puppets away because the CG over the last years looks very fake! like the mummy and the mummy returns and many more look so fake. specialy the CG skin or the moves of the creatures are so damn fake!

    At 3:46:34 AM on 6/30/2001, furtim said:
    Poor Dan. I'd have gone insane by now if I had to deal with enraged fanboys like he does.

    I also like the CGI shots for their fluidity. With CGI vs. animatronics, the difference seems to be that the robots look more real, for one, and have far better physical interaction with the set and the actors (duh!), while on the other hand, CGI provides a tremendous amount of control and fluidity of movement which is not possible with animatronics... YET. Until the day when animatronic robots become advanced enough to stand of their own accord, without external assistance other than remote control, the best way to make movies which require JP-level effects is the method devised by Spielberg, Tippet, and Winston for the original JP: robots for the close shots, CGI for full body. It just makes more sense, and allows for some very believable cinema, especially as both technologies advance to the point where they can work perfectly in sync (a process which this very movie is helping to bring closer to reality).

    At 2:56:00 AM on 6/30/2001, eggy said:

    At 2:53:16 AM on 6/30/2001, Dan said:

    At 1:39:49 AM on 6/30/2001, Tim said:
    I personally think that the puppets suck ass..They don't look real at all. CGI dinos are more fluid and just more lifelike.The puppets are jerky and you CAN tell the difference between CGI and rubber...

    At 1:32:51 AM on 6/30/2001, Jp3Fanatic said:
    Please ask Joe about the length of the film.

    At 1:28:27 AM on 6/30/2001, Jp3Fanatic said:
    JUST U!!!!!!

    At 1:16:23 AM on 6/30/2001, Digalot said:
    Is it just me or does the first jurassic Park cg dino's look better then in any of the other movies?
    I think they should bring back phill tippet-I think he made the dino's in jp that much more beliveble.

    At 11:21:51 PM on 6/29/2001, Jp3Fanatic said:
    Standing O for ILM!!! That is really amazing, I personally have always liked the CG shots better because it makes the dinos move more fuildly.


    e-mail me if you agree

    At 11:19:33 PM on 6/29/2001, Jp3Fanatic said:
    Ya how long is the movie Dan?
    Please ask Joe, I am dying to know i hope at least 2 hours and 15 or 20 minutes!!!

    At 10:53:42 PM on 6/29/2001, EVA01 said:
    The puppets look more real though.

    At 10:53:32 PM on 6/29/2001, carpediem said:
    Too many CG shots make the movie look unbelievable. Striking a balance between CG and Animatronics is the key I think.

    At 10:34:53 PM on 6/29/2001, ectocooler said:
    id hate to say it but stan's puppetry is starting to get is far more efficient, and far better looking.

    At 9:58:41 PM on 6/29/2001, spino2000 said:
    I think they did extra CGI to get rid of the visibility of the pupetry and make dinos act smoother, not to replace the animatronics. I don't think we'll see awful CGI as in THE MUMMY RETURNS

    At 9:54:49 PM on 6/29/2001, beijdak said:
    Hmmm, I tend to like Winston's animatronics over the ILM dinos. 400 is an awful lot of CGI...

    At 9:38:01 PM on 6/29/2001, spino2000 said:
    looks good. seems the clip of the Spino on Leno caused some comments/critics too. perfect blending is the key and they seem to have done that now.

    2 weeks!!!

    At 8:59:07 PM on 6/29/2001, Mr Goodbytes said:
    I doubt they "Replaced" them, remember, Stan said that they combined CG and animatronics shots. Blending them perfectly together. A good example of this is the Raptor in the cage, the top is Animatronic, and the bottom is CG.

    At 8:43:17 PM on 6/29/2001, spinoryan said:

    At 8:35:41 PM on 6/29/2001, JP Animal Control said:
    Dan, e-mail Joe, and ask the length of the movie. We will finnally know. Please Dan?

    At 8:13:20 PM on 6/29/2001, Acrocanthosaur said:
    poor Stan.

    <a href=>Best site on the web</a>

    At 8:13:17 PM on 6/29/2001, Acrocanthosaur said:
    poor Stan.

    <a href=>Best site on the web</a>

    At 8:03:43 PM on 6/29/2001, Bugsyboy87 said:
    poor stan, half of his dinos cruelly ripped away from the film

    At 8:03:19 PM on 6/29/2001, Dr. Alan Grant said:

    -Dr. Alan Grant

    At 7:59:00 PM on 6/29/2001, Twistr said:
    P.S. I'm the first to post

    At 7:58:45 PM on 6/29/2001, Twistr said:

    At 7:58:40 PM on 6/29/2001, Twistr said:
    cool twice as many shots than as planned!

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