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    The infamous 'ripples in the water glass' in JP were created by a crew member plucking guitar strings attached under the dashboard. (From: 'tuomo')
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    At 1:54:03 AM on 6/19/2001, Utahraptor said:
    JP/// wouldn't be here now if they used that plot. I can gurantee if Sam Neill needed a rewrite to join, he'd have laughed in Spielberg's face as he threw the script in his face.

    At 2:13:54 PM on 6/18/2001, Evilgrinch said:
    Speilberg's idea would have been a disaster.

    I wouldn't be here now if they had used that plot.

    At 5:45:17 PM on 6/17/2001, charlied said:

    At 4:14:16 PM on 6/17/2001, Overaptor said:
    ummmmm... cool.
    <img src="SpinoLogo4.jpg" align="middle" hspace="20" vspace="40" border="0"/></body>

    At 2:48:06 PM on 6/17/2001, Darknodin said:
    Grant in a tree would be funny to think about but... I dunno if it'd be good... it seems kinda stupid..

    the fourth one's plot however...

    At 2:00:06 PM on 6/17/2001, Neelis said:
    We can expect a JP movie every four year? Wow, that will be a lot of movies if they decide to continue this.
    Personaly I think they should stop after this tree, but at least four. It isn't a surprise anymore, but a tv show would be cool.

    At 1:27:37 PM on 6/17/2001, vanillawafer69 said:
    JP3 is gonna bomb.

    All along I've heard people say bad things about it. "Thats gonna SUCK!" "Oh god, they're making another one!?"

    The plot is just a recycled TLW. Spielberg's idea about Neill stuck on the island was much much better.

    At 1:15:06 PM on 6/17/2001, no1important said:
    Hmmmmmmm.....................Maybe.But I hope JP doesnt end up like The Land Before Time.

    At 12:15:09 PM on 6/17/2001, gameraptor said:
    WOW DUDE, there aren't fangorias in my country!

    At 11:59:13 AM on 6/17/2001, EVA01 said:
    Um, souldnt that be talk of 4 and possibly 5?? O I'm first.

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