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    Despite collaborating on the script to TLW, David Koepp and Michael Crichton never met in person or spoke on the phone.
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    At 4:11:21 PM on 6/7/2001, Hans MR said:

    At 6:39:39 PM on 6/6/2001, Faulkner said:
    i do see that point...and it really wasn't a theory, i was actually just looking at a bunch of cladograms. and i know that they have hind limbs very similar to the ornithomids, which attributes tyrannosaurs speed, but what i was trying to get at as with many coelurosaurs are protobirds like the dromaesaurs and have very birdlike features. i believe that many of these protobirds like the raptors and troodonts evolved from protobirds like the archaeopterx, for they share many birdlike features, more so than some of the protobirds like archaeopterx then on to more advanced birds....i don't think it's been proiven yet buts its logical

    At 4:31:56 PM on 6/6/2001, Hans MR said:
    First of all your supercarnosaur theory is wrong,
    tyrannosaur is not the decendend of allosaurus.
    The long middle toe and other charactheristics show that they are related to other small dinosaurs.The tyrannosaurs are coelurusaurs.
    Allosaurs and tyrannosaurs
    are not related at all.
    Acrocanthosaurs are allosaurids,and these guys were driven away by dromaeosaurs about115-105 million years ago.
    other huge coelurosaurs lived in North america 100mya.
    They used theeir heads to do the killing.
    They would become the tyrannosaurs.
    Ceratosauria is a huge group of Theropoda from herrerasaurus,coelophysis to the abelisaurs.
    I would put giga and char here because they do not fit anywere else.

    At 2:49:55 PM on 6/6/2001, Faulkner said:
    numbers of fingers actualy does matter, first it is an almost foolproof way to tell families second, the line between ceratosaurs and allosaurs goes deeper than that, first off ceratosaurs are paleotheropods, which includes the ceratowsaurs and their smalller coelophysian reletvives and all the megalosaurs and their reletives...well megalosaurs are more of and "intertheropod" group actually...but thats beside the point...bak to the arguement....what distinguishes ceratosaurs and the like from the allosaur-dromaesaur-tyrannosaur avetheropods? first off paleotheropods like ceratosaurus didn't have the double-jointed jaws, their rib-cages ain't birdlike, their angles lack a tall astragular process and their central cannon bones are robust....and tyrnannosaurids didn't evolve from coelurosaurs, tyrannosaurs and their close reletives the aublysodonts wrer decendants of the allosaurs, and it isnt like POOF! i got two fingers, it's more of like you evolve a giant piece of killing power on your neck and you don't need those arms and fingers dangling around so they start to shrink. cachar and giga wrer too advanced to be ceratosaurs yet more primitive than tyrnanosaurids. then you decree to the allosaurs being "driven off" by drmoasesaurs...how? there would be no big predator niche, they wrer just replaced by such guys like acrocanthosaurus anbd chilantisaurus later then the aublysodont and tyrannosaus....dromaesaurs.....sheeesh....

    At 8:47:50 AM on 6/6/2001, Hans MR said:
    Number of fingers doesnt matter,in 40mil years big coelurosaurs became tyrannosaurs and they had surtantly more than two fingers.Giga and cerato are seperated by 50mill yers,
    a lot can happen.
    new spiecies can evolve in just a few years.


    At 8:30:37 AM on 6/6/2001, 737 said:
    So we meet again Mr Bond

    At 8:29:07 AM on 6/6/2001, Hans MR said:
    Three fingers!!!!!!!
    And similar teeth.
    But were in hell did giga and char come from?????
    They are not allosaurs as you said before.
    150m y a ceratosaurus lived in North America,with Allosaurus.Then they were driven away by Dromaeosaurs and later the Tyrannosaurs.
    Allosaurs became small and lived in antarctica.
    Ceratosaurs became big(giga And Char)and lived in South America And Africa!!!!!!

    At 9:02:05 PM on 6/5/2001, Mallon said:
    Ceratosaurs have five fingers.

    At 8:34:02 PM on 6/5/2001, tyranno_rex said:
    NAH! The T-Rex is bigger and more powerful... you will see...

    At 6:49:10 PM on 6/5/2001, Faulkner said:
    actually buddy, try to take a look at the two dinos.....firsty they aren't ceratosaurs, for you can see they have THREE fingers, something ceratosaurs don't, thay have FOUR...and the cahars teeth were only somewhat like sharks teeth, and they didn't work like other theropod teeth. second you are then again assuming that size matters....but it doesn't, be it known that a ceratosaurus. although smaller than allosaurus, could kill sauropods more effectively because its teetth...and another thing, you need to look at tyrannosaurids more cllosely...you do list the good characteristics but you must add that t-rex could run faster than anything else its size....and also, t-rex did hunt prey larger than itsel;f, why would it not? a large sauropod could feed a pack before it rotted....if the sauropods werern';t hunted then why the whip-like tails and sharp front claws and and perhaps a great size of sorts....

    At 5:31:46 AM on 6/5/2001, Hans MR said:
    Faulkner,char and giga were ceratosaurs and hunted huge sauropods.These guys were real killers with shark like
    Tyrannosaurus is better because of its big brain,
    stereoscopic vision and most important its strong jaws with bonecrunching teeth.
    And tyrannosaurus did only take prey smaller than himself.

    At 3:05:47 AM on 6/5/2001, Utahraptor said:
    InGen could have seent he Spino, and never bothered with it, not knowing what it was truly capable of doing. And with so many species livign with any given species, they obviously had to udnergo behavioral chanegs that efefcted their evolution/exostence (like TLWBook Malcolm says.) In order to compete, Spino might have had to become much more agressive. And real Spino mgith not ahve been thata ctive. And with big fish,t hey could survive on fish alone. Remember, whales live on krill. Quite a size difference.
    As for size, we need more Spino fossils. For all we know, we have an exception not the rule. Most humans are between 5-6 feet. But the tallest recorded man was 8'11". Now, if some species 65 MY in the future were to fidn him, and says, a 7'7" women, they would think humans were much bigger than we normally were. And what if theyfound noone over 5'? They'd say humans topped off at 5' and that was that. We need mroe fosisls to get a true picture.

    At 7:30:18 PM on 6/4/2001, Faulkner said:
    Let's get something straight here, the t-rex was biggger in actual size condidering also weight, but spino was longer and certainly could've been really imposing with it's large sail. Spino, judging by the vertebrae, may have been up to or over 50 feet long. the new t-rex they discovered has been estimated at 44 feet long, and was about 10% larger than "Sue". and another thing...alotta people think size matters here, but it really doesn't...if you seem surprised that the t-rex was able to take down a cachar or giga, you really shouldn't, both were allosaurids who weren't the type of hunters like t-rex...tyrannosaurids wrer meant to take out the biggest game they could find...now you ask how a so-called "fish eater" (a compleatly false remark considering that a creature of it size and metabolism couldn't survive on a diet of fish alone) could beat a creature like t-rex? well i have no scientific clue since the two never existed on the same continent and werer separated by millions of years so we can never be completly shure. but it's possible that herer on isla sorna that this mixture of all these dinos on one island have caused some dinos to become more agressive. the t-rexs have seemed to dominate the habitat in the predator posistion, having no real competitors but then herer comes this large ass spino who has been growing up somewherer hidden on the island were not even those ingen satelites could pic them up. the t-rex(s) we see here may have seen this unexpectedly since no real big carnovoire this pissed off has attacked them before(i will have to see if this is true in the movies that the spino was just living therer and the t-rex just meet or that one attacks the other for no real reason) well that all i feel like saying now i gueessss i talk later, my fingers are hurting....^_^'

    At 4:48:48 PM on 6/4/2001, tyranno_rex said:
    Hans MR, I agree whit you, something is wrong here...
    I think that the spinosaur is not that bigger... maybe the T-Rex is more bigger...

    At 4:45:59 PM on 6/4/2001, tyranno_rex said:
    Hey guys! what is the name of that new t-rex that has been rumored to make it king again? and how big is?

    At 1:26:22 PM on 6/4/2001, Mallon said:
    The _Spinosaurus_ material found by the French is not from _S. aegyptiacus_, but from _S. moroccanus_. It too is very incomplete.

    At 11:29:14 AM on 6/4/2001, Cooper said:
    If he were real, Alan Grant would be there digging.

    At 8:10:12 AM on 6/4/2001, JP Maniac said:
    Sweet, Lets here it for the determined Paleontologists!

    <img src="http://www.angelfire.com/anime/pokemonvsdigimon/DigieggKnowledge.gif">

    Knowledge is Power!

    <font color=Gold><i>This is JP Manaic Signing off.</font></font>

    At 7:48:13 AM on 6/4/2001, Hans MR said:
    Jack Horner said something about a 8 foot scull????????
    Anyway another spinosaur was discovered in 1960 by the french, is it mentoined??
    If only one spinosaur is discovered,it means that nobody knowes if spinosaur was bigger than 15meters and 4tonnes.Carcharodontosaurus would prey upon the spino.
    Discovery channel created a fight between T-rex and Giganotosaurus(the big brother of carcharodontosaurus)
    The winner was T-rex!
    something is wrong here.

    At 7:17:05 AM on 6/4/2001, Mallon said:
    Are you refering to _Paralititan_, tyranosaurus-R? Because that sauropod wasn't announced until just last week!

    At 2:23:28 AM on 6/4/2001, Utahraptor said:
    So, maybe a Spino lives in Africa. If dinos still are alive, why not Spinosaurus? We don't have any proof they didn't exist there in the past.

    At 10:17:37 PM on 6/3/2001, tyranosaurus-R said:
    the bone he's holding is not a spinosaurus. it belongs to the second biggest dinosaur. Also i remember the night before tlw came out was the night they announced the giganotasaurus and caragontasaurus(spelling???).I think it will be funny if they announce the new t-rex that has been rumored to make it king again the night before the rex falls to the spinosaur.

    At 9:11:07 PM on 6/3/2001, Horizon said:
    Or go here, some nice CG in the movies, and you even get to see spinosaurus (Mind you he don't look as good as Stan Winstons though.)


    At 6:10:21 PM on 6/3/2001, eggy said:
    sweetness. It'd be cool to find a complete spino skeleton the day JP3 opens in theatres. I doubt it will happen, but still...

    At 5:49:12 PM on 6/3/2001, Mallon said:
    I'll have to check to see if that bone Stromer is standing next to in the caption is really from _Spinosaurus_. I have my doubts.

    At 4:48:01 PM on 6/3/2001, Tim said:
    I would rather go the Deepest Jungles of Africa or South America in search of species that could very possibly still
    exist today...

    At 4:09:10 PM on 6/3/2001, Oviraptor said:
    <i>I wish them lots of luck, in finding another Spinosaurus.</i>

    At 3:55:06 PM on 6/3/2001, Tango said:
    Thanks for the link Mallon. It's about time we started a hard search for the Spinosaurus again. :)

    <a href= http://www.100megsfree3.com/jptoys/><img src= http://members.aol.com/tango9000/myhomepage/jptoysbanner.jpg?mtbrand=AOL_US >

    At 3:30:24 PM on 6/3/2001, Mallon said:
    Go to:


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