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    Paleontologists believe dinosaurs were not bloody when they emerged from their eggs, unlike the baby raptor in JP. (From: Erick)
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    At 11:04:39 PM on 6/5/2001, DinoDude said:
    <MARQUEE/OH Yah.... WE WEWEWE..........Faster.........we we we>OH Yah.... WE WEWEWE..........Faster.........we we we

    At 4:12:07 AM on 5/26/2001, Oviraptor said:
    <i>It was fun going around trying to find all the JP collector cups at McDonalds when the promoted JP though.

    I'd love to be able to do that again.</i>

    At 1:35:08 AM on 5/26/2001, Utahraptor said:
    I doubt many people knew about JP/// at all. Not until the 30 Mill watched survivor 2 finale. Now they're doing good. Showing it with TMR and Pearl harbor. Now people willknow. But they need tie ins.

    At 9:41:17 PM on 5/25/2001, Tyrannosaurus said:
    Taco Bell! Taco Bell! Taco Bell! T-Rex tortillas! Spinosaurus sauce! Collector cups! Toys! Peel and win game! Come on!

    At 8:18:35 PM on 5/25/2001, Rich said:
    I think I would be alot happier with Universals marketing for JP3 if the website didnt have those annoying COMING SOON, rollovers, and I could actually explore the site... anybody have any idea when these areas will open ??? DAN - call you contacts :) please :)

    P.S Apart from that Universal is doing a fine job.

    At 8:16:07 PM on 5/25/2001, scallenger said:
    it really was good for universal to show the trailer at the 'mummy returns' and it is also a good idea to show one at 'pearl harbor'. reason is because these are 2 hit movies (or at least i think 'pearl harbor' will be), and since almost EVERYONE will see those type of hit movies, THEY will ALL see any previews before them! including jp3, and even if the viewer is not a jp fan (like some of my friends), they could, and have said, "well, since i've seen the first 2, i might as well see the 3rd one." that is the most common remark i have heard from any non-jp fan. and for the people who like/love the jp movies think that it'll totally rock (like i do), and are very impressed by the trailers. i'll tell ya, i've seen the mummy returns a few times, and every time the jp3 trailer came on, no one booed, no one said any bad remark, or anything like that. most of the remarks i heard were, "another one? really? this one looks different. looks kinda neat." so people, i think that the key is not HOW MANY advertisements, but WHEN to advertise, and for WHAT specifically (like a major movie). and most recations from both sides (jp fan, non-jp fan), are mostly good.

    this movie WILL make it big

    At 8:04:01 PM on 5/25/2001, Sinorsis said:
    Too much publicity doesn't make a movie go bad. A bad movie makes a movie go bad. If you make a good movie, over hype it all you want, in the long run, you're gonna dissapoint somebody anyway. However, it's better to do that then leave a lot of people unaware that you even exist. And if it is a sucky movie, don't worry about it. Be the most over-hyped sucky movie out there, and be damned proud of it!

    At 7:20:56 PM on 5/25/2001, procompsognathus 2.0 said:
    Leeches do it, damn blood sucking hollywood execs.

    At 7:10:48 PM on 5/25/2001, Gallimimus said:
    How can you suck an ass?

    At 7:00:36 PM on 5/25/2001, Mess said:
    Burger king sucks ass.

    At 6:24:57 PM on 5/25/2001, md23rewls said:
    Hey spino vs. t-rex! I can name at least one series of movie sequals that seriously were bad. Ever heard of Jaws? Well the sequals blew big time.

    At 6:23:48 PM on 5/25/2001, md23rewls said:
    Hey spino vs. t-rex! I can name at least one series of movie sequals that seriously were bad. Ever heard of Jaws? Well the sequals blew big time.

    At 6:22:25 PM on 5/25/2001, md23rewls said:
    Hey spino vs. t-rex! I can name at least one series of movie sequals that seriously were bad. Ever heard of Jaws? Well the sequals blew big time.

    At 6:03:02 PM on 5/25/2001, procompsognathus 2.0 said:
    We have to remember that not everyone ia a JP fanatic. At least not openly. Backlash for this type of film is easy to start even if it had every top hollywood actor in it along with every oscar winning writer and producer. I hope for a big media blitz for the month before. Even if it doesn't make it as one of the top 10 higest grossing films of all time, I'm sure it will swallow a sizable chunk of my change.

    At 5:52:23 PM on 5/25/2001, m2k said:
    i am a Marketing Student studying for my degree in the UK and Universal are doing the right thing.


    At 4:54:05 PM on 5/25/2001, Playing God said:
    JP3 not marketing enough? Hah, thats funny. Think of it this way. They had a small comercial for it on one of the most watched episodes of survivor. That means that millions saw it. They had a trailor at the beginning of the mummy returns, which was watched by millions of people. And now they have another trailor in front of the biggest blockbuster of the summer, which will be watched by millions. JP3 is doing a different advertisement plan. Instead of cramming it down your throat like the majority of the big summer movies are doing, they are advertising it infront of things that will be watched by millions. So stop your bitching. Jp3 is already being called the best in the series by the few people who get to see it and is liked by the guy who directed the first two. Trust me if JP3 won't be the biggest movie of the summer it will surely be one of the best, cuz the other movies look like mindless garbage.

    At 4:24:55 PM on 5/25/2001, North2001 said:
    I think Universal is promoting JP3 very well so far.

    At 4:08:49 PM on 5/25/2001, TheHatchling said:
    Over Hype Does Not Kill Movies! Bad Movies Kill Movies!

    And it's not like we won't be able to buy 'Canaidian Edition' merchandise on eBay. 'Cause apparently the Canadians are the only ones who can handle such blatant overhype.

    'With the fresh scent of sarcasm in every step!'

    At 4:03:56 PM on 5/25/2001, TheHatchling said:
    Absolutley no fast food tie-ins for JP3 OR PotA?! I refuse to beleive it! Most all other stories Dan reports seem legit, but this just seems too far-fetched.

    And I really don't think Godzilla is to blame for the lack of effort put into JP3 promotion (which is exactly what it is, they really don't seem to be thinking about what they are doing), that's like saying Marylon Manson caused Colubine.

    At 4:03:08 PM on 5/25/2001, Majin2 said:
    Hey dan I got all the re ak attack things at my local toys r us they look cool and I was playing whith them so the Raptor and the dilo and the rex so far are on my list to buy next week

    At 4:01:23 PM on 5/25/2001, Varan101 said:
    Thank god for the low hype. It killed The Phantom Menace. And it is destined to kill Episode Two and Three.

    The only movie that I have ever seen live up to a lot of hype is X-men. Every other movie has failed.

    At 4:00:49 PM on 5/25/2001, Evilgrinch said:
    I've just sent Spinoboy11 the strongly edited version of Dans Jp3 page: The Movie 2.

    It should be up in the next 12 hours.

    At 3:59:10 PM on 5/25/2001, Majin2 said:
    Odd move

    At 3:57:58 PM on 5/25/2001, Powerhouse said:
    where is the message board

    At 3:56:56 PM on 5/25/2001, Darknodin said:
    The second trailer IS mysterious... we don't get to know anything about the story 'cept they take a plane to Isla Sorna...

    what they should do is pass this trailer more often and add a shorter version of it to air on TV... kinda like The Mummy did...

    btw we get the BK JPIII promotions!!! MUAHAHAHA

    At 3:56:32 PM on 5/25/2001, Oviraptor said:

    At 2:10:28 PM on 5/25/2001, Zoologist21 said:
    </b>Listen vs., the reason JP3 isn't getting a lot of promotion is probably 'cause they want to movie to have some dignity and mystery, big promotions don't mean better movies. Jp already has people who love the movies, maybe they don't need that much promotion either. Oh and BTW, your acting like a toddler vs.

    <i>"Conservation is not a hobby, it is a way of life"</i>
    <a href=http://www.angelfire.com/ego/zoology>Zoology</a><b>

    At 2:09:44 PM on 5/25/2001, Big Rex said:
    Damn you are an idiot man. You have no idea how to market a movie. And the TV sport was awesome, the trailer was awesome, and the movie is getting good press. People are liking the trailers. And go over to AICN, the people there are giving it good press. That's a good thing. Personally I'd be careful too, considering how big of a letdown TLW was. Shrek may be a good movie(I dunno, haven't seen it), but it isn't a Jurassic Park. And if you love LotR, go to a freakin' LotR site! You are the sad one. We spend time talking about movies we like, you spend time cussing at people like and eight year old who finally learned a cuss word. You are quite sad, you spend time talking about something you know nothing about. I hope Daddy comes in and finds you playing on the "big boy toys" again.

    At 1:29:54 PM on 5/25/2001, JurassicRaptor said:
    Do us all a favor and get the hell off of this page.

    At 1:18:53 PM on 5/25/2001, spino vs trex said:
    this is jurassic park 3 and NOT Godzilla.It is a lot different if the film is a sequel{look back and tell me of any sequels of BIG movies that have truly backfired}.
    SHREK does not suck,at least they have a good storyline,better director,better script and better actors.Christ,JP3 will be the soriest piece of shit ever made!!!!!
    Dan,why didnt you do a page on a GOOD movie,such as LORD OF THE RINGS.and if anybody disagrees with LORD OF THE RINGS here can suck my dick and fucking like.
    fuck Jurassic Park
    fuck joe johsnton
    fuck sam neill
    fuck big nasty dinos
    do i really have to carry on?
    people,why dont you get a life and just admit it to yourselfs,joe simply does not have what it takes.

    At 12:10:50 PM on 5/25/2001, Dan said:
    First of all, I'm sure Joe doesn't decide on the marketing campaign. He's just the director, not a VP at Universal.

    And did you read the article? Godzilla proved that massive advertising campaigns can backfire. If Universal starts heavily promoting it a month before the release, I'm sure they'll be fine.

    P.S. I still say Shrek sucked.

    At 10:57:59 AM on 5/25/2001, JurassicRaptor said:

    At 10:53:13 AM on 5/25/2001, spino vs trex said:
    now this is exactly what ive been talkin for the last 4 months.and dan,dont blame shrek at all.shrek is good to go for gold because it is a good movie and so far the box office for it isnt doing half bad.jurassic park 3 is the fucker here,johnston is a brainless idiot.he left the trailer too late so everyone got anticipated to see it and then he released a reasonably crap TV SPOT jus' before it and then released an even worse trailer!!!!!!
    you need BIG hype for a movie like this,its simple common fact!!!!!!
    and if it comes out of the blue for everyone{besides us crazy movie fans}they will get that seriously bad impression that it is cheap.
    bad thing boys,get ready for the biggest piece of crap bomb of the summer!!
    i mean it!!!!
    not kiddin!!!!
    i feel mad everytime i hear about JP3!!!!!!1
    evrytime i think about it!!!!!
    and dan DO NOT delete this because joe occasionally comes around here,cuz he should listen to some of the people who something bad to say for a change.

    At 9:29:33 AM on 5/25/2001, PhilipNeumann said:
    I've still got my BK watches from TLW :)

    Umm.... regarding the promotion status. Most people DON'T seem to know about a JP3. I've got friends and just kids in my classes at school who had no idea there was a third film being released. So I guess in the last month leading up the film there might need to be more hype or people will have no clue there's a film coming out. Teenagers and junior high students are probably the main market for this sort of film.


    At 9:06:52 AM on 5/25/2001, Dan said:
    Blame Shrek. Katzenberg and Dreamworks probably threw so much money at BK they just fell into their arms. They'll be hawking Shrek for the next several years, I bet.

    At 9:01:15 AM on 5/25/2001, JP Maniac said:
    Damn executives. We want the JP3 tie in merchindise!!! I understand they don't want to blow money on something that may back fire but still, they have no idea how its gunna work out. If their going to keep the JP3 mechindise from hitting here in the US for now I guess we'll have to see what happens when JP3 comes out onto video, then maybe they'll have a nice set of JP3 merchindise for all the JP3 fans to enjoy.

    <Font color=Red>This is </font></font><Font color=Gold><i>JP Maniac Signing off.</font></font>

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