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    After seeing the special effects in the first JP, Stanley Kubric was inspired to turn his longstanding idea for "A.I. Artificial Intelligence" to reality. (From: jurassiraptor)
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    At 6:44:22 PM on 5/10/2001, McLaren_24 said:
    yea I saw it
    but they are doing it on a half life engine.
    Limits limits limits.

    The engine I am using gives ALL the source code, so you can virtually do anything.
    Create your own partical systems, use T&L, boo bah bah

    At 12:19:24 AM on 5/10/2001, Drakkenfyre said:
    Actually, someone is, or was, doing a Jurassic Park mod for Half-Life, they had info about it on IngenNET,

    -Drakk )))

    At 12:08:54 AM on 5/10/2001, McLaren_24 said:
    Drakk: well of course but I meant ~30 million as the the starting edge. Most games probably won't render that fast at all but its an estimate if you know what I mean. Plus, what I meant on redoing the trespasser engine is attempt to make one that works just like it, not the EXACT same one. I agree otherwise.

    Oh well, they better give us something we never seen before. Something as revolutionary as half-life
    (note, to all who don't like half life don't argue...the awards&fans speak for themselves)

    *ding!* I just thought of something else.
    Does anyone design games?

    I do modeling, lvl design , and starting to program on this brand new FREE engine..
    its pretty cool. Maybe we can do something...errr jp3?
    it might sound crazy but it would be fun as hell.

    At 11:22:45 PM on 5/9/2001, Snoop said:
    Rogue Leader isn't due out GameCube till November either... but it already looks oodles better than this.

    At 10:25:21 PM on 5/9/2001, md23rewls said:
    Well, I think that it looks pretty good considering that it is only a rough build. Remember, it isn't due out until November.

    At 10:21:02 PM on 5/9/2001, kiyone said:
    No kidding. The last Turok game looked better than this. These Dinos remind me of that "robotic raptor" we saw a while back.

    At 9:50:49 PM on 5/9/2001, Snoop said:
    Anyone who thinks those graphics are good should have thier legs broken off and than beaten with thier own legs...

    Those are not good graphics... I've seen the N64 display better graphics than that...

    At 9:45:10 PM on 5/9/2001, Drakkenfyre said:
    "I was really hoping they would re-release trespasser in special edition form for the release of Jp3", I hate to keep saying this about Trespasser, but there was no salvaging it, there is an interview with one of the designers who said when they were forced to rush Trespasser out the door, it was so badly coded and contained so many bugs and glitches and was so imcomplete, he was surprised it ran at all, I would love to see them redo Trespasser, and scale back the physics model slightly for models in the game that are not directly affected by or are quite a distance away from the the player, lessening some of the extreme pull on cpu power that made it run so slow, I would really love to see a better version, but sadly, we never will, most of the team is gone, with the others working on other projects, and the material is sitting there, never to be used again,

    -Drakk )))

    At 9:08:57 PM on 5/9/2001, Sadam_Hussein said:
    im sorry but...
    that game looks like absolute crap!

    the graphics are terrible, the story makes no sence, and it looks like a resident evil ripoff. I was really hoping they would re-release trespasser in special edition form for the release of Jp3. But this game just looks terrible, I hope they can think of somehting better.

    At 9:04:45 PM on 5/9/2001, kiyone said:
    It sounds more like a dumbed down Tomb Raider clone so far. I know the PS2 can do better graphics than this. Take a look at Medal Gear Solid 2, Final Fantasy X, Zone of Enders, The Bouncer, and so on. Yes it's very early version of the game, but the history of movies to games tells us anything it's that games like this tend to get rushed through production to coincide with the movie's release and the results usually aren't good.

    At 8:24:37 PM on 5/9/2001, JP Raptor said:
    Okay, now that I've had some time to think about it, maybe they should stay away from the Tresspasser engine, unless the're going to build it from the eground up. If they use a better engine, then I'd have to say they have the right idea!

    JURASSIC PARK RULES!!! And Dan, keep up the good work, man. This is the primary source for JP3 news!!!

    -JP Raptor

    At 8:24:36 PM on 5/9/2001, Tyrannotaur said:
    did any one ever think tha maybe the spino is a boss? and a Euocephaleous or how ever it is spelt is a anklyosaur!

    At 7:46:10 PM on 5/9/2001, Drakkenfyre said:
    I really hope this will NOT be ANOTHER Resident Evil clone, we do not need anymore of those, third person would be fine, but if it turns out to be a RE clone, it will suck, and McLaren_24, "do the trespasser physics engine again", the Trespasser physics engine was so badly flawed, it would be nearly impossible to "fix" it, and make it into a more playable game, they would have to do it from scratch, from the ground up, and the specs you quote, 30-60 million polys a second, are exactly that, theoretical, that means 60 million flat-shaded, untextured polygons, with no music, no AI, no physics, and no game, in other words, 30-60 million blank polygons, with NOTHING else, that is how game companes measure the "performance" of their systems, to make them sound better, in real-world performance, it is probably around 25 million a sec, IF that,

    -Drakk )))

    At 7:44:20 PM on 5/9/2001, Darknodin said:
    sorry... pressed tab then enter....

    ok so they said they had certain dinosaurs but Spinosaurus wasn't in the list... while the picture they show... we clearly see a Spinosaurus... unless It's an Euoplocephalus...

    At 7:43:04 PM on 5/9/2001, Darknodin said:
    Looks like what they call Truadon is really a Spinosaurus... cuz they said so far they had certain dinosaurs

    At 7:31:04 PM on 5/9/2001, Pack hunter said:
    For a PS2 game thats hella un renderd!!

    It looks the same as if it came on a PSX, but hay what yah gonna do!

    At 7:11:40 PM on 5/9/2001, Overaptor said:
    Oh yeah, is it possible that this could run from a first person perspective, like in Tribes 2?


    At 7:11:35 PM on 5/9/2001, Varan101 said:
    The caged transport looks pretty interesting. I hope they put that into the game..

    At 7:07:39 PM on 5/9/2001, Overaptor said:


    At 7:05:51 PM on 5/9/2001, Varan101 said:
    Looks like mostly concept stuff to me

    At 6:45:32 PM on 5/9/2001, JP Raptor said:
    Okay, first of all, I WANT A PS2!!! Second, I reeeally! hope they would consider making a decent PC game out of this one! WOW! Although it does look pretty rugged right now, I'm sure they'll fix it by November (won't they?). A PC version of this game would probably sell more copies than PS2, and look alot better with a state-of-the-art video card, too!

    Also, why the third person perspective? I loved Tresspasser (despite its many flaws) and one of the best features about it was it's physics engine and the first person view. I've played Dino Crisis, which is in the third person, and I firmly dislike it.

    Oh, well. Here's to a great looking game though!!!
    -JP Raptor

    At 5:55:11 PM on 5/9/2001, dixon said:
    the poor bastard

    At 5:54:45 PM on 5/9/2001, McLaren_24 said:
    They need a PC version..
    like Trespasser without bugs, 1280x1024@32 QC AA , 4 direc. sound, and really high poly 1,500+ per dinosaur. and of course much more fun than trespasser.
    The things they MUST get right are: Very good AI, do the trespasser physics engine again, and the models must be realistic...the PS2 ones don't look that great, nor do they sport the potential of the PS2(what happened to a theoretical 30-60 million p/sec.)

    No one has truly done a clean, and great Jurassic Park series game, and I am waiting...

    oh yea one more thing, they need multiplayer... co op and team( like dinos vs humans)

    At 5:23:19 PM on 5/9/2001, Dan said:
    Also, I'm sure these are *very* early shots of the game..

    At 5:21:14 PM on 5/9/2001, Snoop said:
    Considering the PS2 can't do Anit-Aliasing, they aren't going to get much smoother than that, and if you want a good framerate, they aren't going to squeeze in a lot of lighting effects.

    There will be no PS version...

    At 5:18:13 PM on 5/9/2001, Malcom said:
    Is that the blue Spino again? Is it the female or something?

    At 5:17:16 PM on 5/9/2001, Tango said:
    Looks great! Too bad there's only eight dinosaurs though. The TLW PS game had about 13 I believe. The story sounds ok, but what the heck is a "truadon"? First off, there were no dinosaurs that preyed upon T-Rex, and if "truadon" is supposed to be troodon, then they've got a few facts mixed up here. Size being one of them.

    At 5:05:44 PM on 5/9/2001, jurassiraptor said:
    Looks like I'm buying a PS2.

    At 4:41:36 PM on 5/9/2001, kiyone said:
    I don’t mean to be overly negative, but I really hope they can add in some better lighting effects and smooth out the polygons before this thing ships. And is it nothing more than a shoot'em up game? That's disappointing.

    At 4:10:46 PM on 5/9/2001, Chapter_11 said:
    I think it looks cool

    At 4:10:19 PM on 5/9/2001, Darknodin said:
    Who the hell is this guy??? He killed a TREX with a small gun and now he's taking on a Spino!!!! DAMN!!!

    At 4:09:45 PM on 5/9/2001, Ultra Carnotaur said:
    the dino is looking kinda shaby{not good}

    At 3:52:40 PM on 5/9/2001, IanSpino said:
    Is that guy missing his arm?

    At 3:51:29 PM on 5/9/2001, Hitmanasaurus said:

    At 3:49:17 PM on 5/9/2001, IanSpino said:
    Is there a PS1 version or computer game coming out also? Besides the educational game. The Screenshot is very cool

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