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    If you look carefully (and know something about guns), you can see that Muldoon's gun is not cocked and has the safety on right before he's killed in JP. Poor Muldoon. (From: Rexy!)
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    At 8:36:07 PM on 5/12/2001, kiyone said:
    Yeah I thought of the Henry Wu thing when I estimated their growth period to sexual maturity in a couple years. I don't see how they could grow up any faster than that without seriously compromising their embryonic development.

    At 1:19:45 PM on 5/12/2001, steve-0 said:
    Never bought that game. . .interesting fact though.

    Also, on pg 122 of JP, Henry Wu states that he did everything he could to make the dinosaurs mature quickly.

    thought you all might like to know that. Plus, looks like we might be able to squeeze in a couble more generations. . .


    At 6:41:11 AM on 5/12/2001, Juradan said:
    He also said,that there are "three diffrent raptor species".Maybe this can explain the variation of the raptors we will see in JP3!?

    At 6:35:14 AM on 5/12/2001, Juradan said:
    In the PC game Trespasser Hammond says that the first raptor was born in 1985 and two years later in 1987 this raptor reached full size

    At 3:45:03 AM on 5/12/2001, kiyone said:
    Hmmmm, you mean genes like red hair color that may be partially present but recessive in both mates but can appear in full form within a percentage of the offspring? That's a very, very good possibility.

    Something else just occurred to me, we know little about the past of Isla Sorna, how long the raptors have been breeding there as opposed to Nublar. I still say it's too quick for outright evolution, particularly considering that this is movie, not novel continuity meaning the events of JP really occurred in 1993. Also the changes we see here look purely ornamental, implying that they exist only to attract mates which makes it even less probable in such an isolated population were, if you pardon the phrase, beggars can't be choosers.

    One last thing before I shove off for the night. I agree that in theory these raptors would change over time on that island as the very idea of a species being introduced into an alien environment requiring new adaptations to survive is the very blood of evolution- just not in the two digit time frame we're looking at here.

    At 11:45:11 PM on 5/11/2001, steve-0 said:
    Very good point, er. . . points.

    However, The events of JP occured in 1989, and the island had been under construction for 5 years. It was also proven (i think by malcolm) that the Dinosaurs had been breding for some time. That's 15 years to create these new raptors. % years, still had "normal" appearance, 11 years, males have predominant colors (which we assume thay always have), and now fifteen years, different colors, pupils, frills, crests. I see your point.

    In all fairness to this wonderful story, we must remember that we KNOW NOTHING OF THESE ANIMALS. Perhaps the Raptor adapted to their environment very quickly. 15 years, new brood every 3 years, that's 5 generations. Enough for all the changes we've seen (or are going to see)? No. . . but we also remember that the "only the strong survive" motto is in effect. We can predict a small degree of change, probably in behavior if anything. No evolution on the island, but change is there.

    New thouhgt: We can probably assume that dinosaurs, like us, have dominant and recessive genes. We know that if we procreate with our siblings, certain defects can occur. Perhaps, Hammond geneticists re-cloned many of their specimens, making small changes. With all of the interbreading, we can theorize that some stuff won't fly right. Just a thought


    At 1:26:48 AM on 5/11/2001, kiyone said:
    Sorry steve-O, I'm not seeing how that could work. The mechanisms behind evolution can't be speeded up by any gene. Creatures that evolve faster do so because they have short life spans and produce very large amounts of offspring, allowing a larger range of genetic diversity and heightened natural selection. There's no way an "evolve faster" gene can exist because the forces behind evolution are mostly external. Even if we become extremely generous and say that 3 generations of raptors have existed on this island (and that's only allowing a couple of years before reaching sexual maturity) that still isn't nearly enough time to selectively breed in these new physical features like the ones we're seeing. The only thing genetics can do to alter the evolutionary patterns of an organism is in the form of an increased number of random mutations (which are actually present in frogs) but because these mutations and their effects are random the chances of the mutations being advantageous to the creature are a million to one. So again, you need a very large population of the animal for mutation rates to have any effect, and the number of raptors on this island simply aren't big enough. Even if there was a population of millions of Raptors and even if a new mutation did prove advantageous to the species it still would be at absolute LEAST several hundreds of years before that genetic factor became a dominate feature in the species because every last one of those new raptors would have to be descended from the original in which the genetic alteration was present. The dinosaurs on this island may be different, but they still must obey the basic principles of biology and ecology. Either they are a separate breed of raptor, or a human force has been directly interfering with their development. They can not have realistically evolved from what we saw in the first two movies to what we see now in a few short years. If that’s what the filmmakers are gunning for they are seriously off their rocker.

    At 9:39:57 PM on 5/10/2001, DentonUSA said:
    The raptors in JP1 were a lot more frightening because they looked REALISTIC. In The Lost World they looked like giant toys. Hopefully Johnston brought these things back to their authentic appearance (so far, it seems he did.).

    At 7:52:05 PM on 5/10/2001, steve-0 said:
    THey could have evolved quicker, if engineered that way. We must remember that these dinosaurs are not *real* dinosaurs. They have other DNA, including Frog DNA. I'm not saying that frogs evolve quickly, just that they could have components in them that helps them adapt. Ex: Cat eyes can be slits or round, depends on the light. Do these Raptors have Cat DNA? No. . . But it could be a resonable theory as to why the Raptors are different.
    Side Note: The Raptors in TLW were primarily MALE, (Promarily FeMale in JP) which explains their coloration.

    At 5:02:20 PM on 5/10/2001, kiyone said:
    The new raptors HAVE to be a different subspecies or some other excuse. They simply could not have evolved in that time frame.

    At 3:05:37 PM on 5/10/2001, Tyrannotaur said:
    The Velicoraptors are evolving alot faster then the rexes.

    At 7:47:41 AM on 5/10/2001, DentonUSA said:
    Why do the raptors look drastically different from film to film. In JP, they were grey and fierce-looking. In TLW, they were larger, with bigger mouths, with bright orange bodies with stripes and had thinner pupils. Now, they've got red eyes with round pupils and they all look different from each other. And the T-Rexes still look identical to JP's T-Rexes. Whuzupwitdat?

    At 6:11:37 AM on 5/10/2001, Dromaeosaur said:
    How come these Raptors aren't blue like the other ones. All the raptors look different from each other.

    At 12:07:43 AM on 5/10/2001, Faulkner said:
    Its a nasal ridge...nothing new to the carnosaur world. It possible thats a male and they use it in mating rituals to provebtheir worthyness to the females or whatnot....and you people were discrediting the toy.....bleh

    At 10:46:12 PM on 5/9/2001, Tim said:
    Upon closer inspection of this new pic..those do not look like
    feathers at all... They look to me more like porcupine quills...

    At 9:48:10 PM on 5/9/2001, Tim said:
    I saw the TLW a day before scheduled release here in
    Kentucky..So, I am positive you will see it in Michigan
    on opening day...

    At 9:33:20 PM on 5/9/2001, DentonUSA said:
    By the time JP3 comes out, The Mummy Returns will be loooonnng gone from the theaters. The public will have eaten up and digested The Mummy by July and will be salivating for more action and thrills. Don't forget that everyone who saw The Mummy also saw the advertisement for JP3, so it's not like nobody knows it's coming.

    At 8:57:00 PM on 5/9/2001, kiyone said:
    I'm starting to wonder if the fact that Universal has been putting so much more effort into The Mummy Returns has anything to do with the fact the Scorpion King prequel's already in production, so really they had two films riding on the success of TMR. JP3 got the short end of the stick because there's less riding on it and with the Jurassic brand name being what it is Universal has a much better chance pulling off a last minute hype onslaught than they would with a Mummy movie.

    At 8:19:22 PM on 5/9/2001, Tyrannotaur said:

    At 6:01:22 PM on 5/9/2001, Dan said:
    I agree the marketing push should have started earlier (As I've said many times, I would have liked a JP3 trailer before The Grinch...), but the film is still about 3 months away, so there's time.

    At 5:53:22 PM on 5/9/2001, TheHatchling said:
    Record #'s, eh? Well, this thing could open on every screen in america and that crappy TripleX of mine would still find a way to show some lame Indi instead.

    The hipe for JP3 is definately starting to pick up as well, did you see all the updates Dan made toady!? Talk about record numbers!

    At 5:34:23 PM on 5/9/2001, Majin2 said:
    It looks like more than one raptor has feathers

    At 5:17:54 PM on 5/9/2001, kiyone said:
    I agree that over-hype is a major problem, but there's a big difference between getting sick of a film and not even knowing it exists. I'm not expecting a full assault right now, but Universal could have pushed a little harder with a teaser trailer or two to wet anticipation. Look at any publication with a list of the "big summer films", JP3 usually winds up on page 5 after Pearl Harbor, A.I., and what not. It's the completion of a trilogy to the second biggest movie franchise the world has ever known and it's being treated like a second string popcorn flick. It shouldn't be that way. Maybe my fears are unfounded. I certainly hope that's the case.

    At 5:05:09 PM on 5/9/2001, m2k said:
    The lost world was over hyped and thats why people didn't enjoy it as much as the first as they expected a whole lot more. Trust me JP3 promotion is going to massive over the enxt two months just think of the amount seeing the mummy returns around the world and its been on a number of tv shows in the uk plus magazines, news papers etc.

    Plus if an add is front of pearl harbout this will help as well and i expect one to be infront of tomb raider as well.

    I think this will be universals best summer ever as the mummy returns is doing extremly well and if JP3 does well as well universal will do very very well indeed

    At 4:56:51 PM on 5/9/2001, DrewSugar said:

    We still have almost 2 months until the release of JP3. You can't create too much hype for a movie, especially 2 months before it is released. **This is a big problem today for studios... they always OVER-HYPE a movie until the audience is SOO SICK OF HEARING ABOUT IT that they don't even want to see it when it comes out in theatres!**


    At 4:51:07 PM on 5/9/2001, kiyone said:
    This is confusing. On one hand Universal is pushing a record number of screens and licensing more merchandise than you can shake a stick at, on the other they've done nil promoting the film to the point few even know it exists.

    Jurassic Park has always been Universal's biggest franchise, and perhaps the largest one for any studio next to Star Wars, why is JP3 getting so little attention compared to fare like Pearl Harbor? And why push for so many theaters when you have yet to create the demand? Was Universal only holding off the hype machine until they could get The Mummy Returns out of the gate? They better pick up the pace or they'll have a lot of empty theaters. Spread the word!

    At 4:13:47 PM on 5/9/2001, Chapter_11 said:
    Well, if it comes out in Alabama on time, it will come out in Michiagan on time. Jp 1 came out on time, cuz I saw it the first day in Michigan.

    At 4:07:31 PM on 5/9/2001, Hans said:
    Shell we kill him or not?

    At 2:48:02 PM on 5/9/2001, Sinorsis said:
    r o c k


    U S A !!!!!!

    At 2:35:18 PM on 5/9/2001, m2k said:
    here in the UK all major films open in just about all cinemas ie in all the mutiplexes across the UK where i live it will open in 2 major muliplexes and in birmiham it will probably apear in about 5 different cinemas including the mega 30 screne cinema.
    Th only cinemas it probably wo't apear on opening night is the small one screen cinemas and their are only a handful of the left now as multiplexes are every where these days.

    At 2:34:47 PM on 5/9/2001, Darknodin said:
    They all have head crests... mmmm whoever said the thing about the Alpha Raptor was wrong then...

    and... I hope JP78 will be good...

    At 2:31:05 PM on 5/9/2001, Sinorsis said:
    i've said it once, and now i'll say it again.

    It's times like these when i wish i had my own raptor to eat up goofy people!

    At 2:07:40 PM on 5/9/2001, Bishop said:
    Dude, you're just looking for some really, really lame reasons not to like this movie, aren't you? That's becoming very apparent after your last few mindless comments.

    At 1:19:21 PM on 5/9/2001, spinovstrex said:
    The raptors look so stupid!!!
    Look at the one at the very right,it looks like a freak with spots of red everywhere!!
    boo-hoo,i really miss the old classic raptors!
    And im sure after seeing this photo,everyone will!!
    I prefer the A.I. photo.

    At 1:02:19 PM on 5/9/2001, Evilgrinch said:
    I can't wait till July 21st.

    At 12:17:31 PM on 5/9/2001, spinoryan said:
    it will be in the theater that that played the mummy returns most likely.

    At 11:58:39 AM on 5/9/2001, Dan said:
    I'm sure you'll get it somewhere on July 18th, don't worry.

    At 11:44:03 AM on 5/9/2001, Bishop said:
    Same answer, bud. :)

    At 11:42:22 AM on 5/9/2001, Robert_Muldoon said:
    LOL Funny Dan but i meant will it be release on July 18 in Michigan.

    At 11:31:42 AM on 5/9/2001, Bishop said:
    Yeah, screw you Detroit, Universal never liked you anyway. :)

    At 11:24:57 AM on 5/9/2001, Dan said:
    Actually, no. It's going to appear in 3400 screens in 49 states, but none in Michigan. Sorry. :)

    At 11:24:22 AM on 5/9/2001, Bishop said:
    Of course it will appear in Michigan - it's going to EVERYWHERE.

    As for the specific theater near you, you'll have to wait to find out when it's closer to release.

    At 11:18:46 AM on 5/9/2001, Robert_Muldoon said:
    Will it appear in Michigan, and does anyone know which theaters?

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