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    At 7:47:54 PM on 6/13/2000, Siege_6 said:
    Oh, and keep your germs to yourself.

    At 7:47:27 PM on 6/13/2000, Siege_6 said:
    OK, Tvbrains13, those were the most annoying comments I have ever read in my time here. I really wish you would stop that behavior, I don't think i'm the only one who thinks that neither.

    At 5:23:33 PM on 6/13/2000, TV Brains213 said:




    At 5:21:23 PM on 6/13/2000, TV Brains213 said:


    At 5:20:36 PM on 6/13/2000, TV Brains213 said:


    At 11:14:30 AM on 6/11/2000, Siege_6 said:
    Oh, OK.

    At 3:14:50 AM on 6/11/2000, Utahraptor said:
    Son, I've been amking spelling mistakes before you were even born. Don't emss witht he amster.

    At 11:30:28 AM on 6/10/2000, Siege_6 said:
    What do you mean by that? Leave you to make the misspellings or let you correct us? I can make misspellings, i'm only 13.

    At 3:28:24 AM on 6/10/2000, Utahraptor said:
    Guys, please leave the misspellings to us professionals.

    At 2:31:14 PM on 6/9/2000, Siege_6 said:
    And I just noticed i've been spelling Micheal Crichton wrong. Oops.

    At 10:59:22 AM on 6/9/2000, Siege_6 said:
    I just noticed two more mistakes by our Micheal Chriton here, in his second comment, he said whoa, and spelled it wrong. Where was your publisher on that one huh?

    At 7:41:43 PM on 6/8/2000, Siege_6 said:
    Oh yeah, thanks for getting this back Dan. I thought you were lying when you said you would. if there are any misspellings, please excuse them.

    At 6:38:32 PM on 6/8/2000, Siege_6 said:
    It's back.... And Micheal Chriton, why would your publisher check over an e-mail? Wouldn't that take time? Oh, and you also made some spelling errors. Like peole. Whats a peole? Plus I doubt the real Micheal Chriton would ever say "love mikey". Also, one more thing, I think he would capitalize love and mikey.

    At 6:32:42 PM on 6/8/2000, michael_crichton said:
    woah, for posing as an author, i made like three gramatical errors...my publisher didn't get a chance to check over that post. (see below)

    At 6:30:28 PM on 6/8/2000, michael_crichton said:
    I hate to see a good franchise go to pot. I originally wrote Jurassic Park as an interesting story with new advances in technology...pitty that the peole i sold out too (universal) decided to cash in and make a third movie before i EVEN WROTE THE DAMNED BOOK.

    love mikey.

    At 7:08:18 PM on 6/5/2000, TV Brains213 said:
    I enjoy watching you all suffer so..... It would be grand if you would shut the h**l up!!!!!!!!

    At 3:09:47 PM on 6/5/2000, Siege_6 said:
    I live in Buffalo, I don't eat them. And in case you don't know, that would be a city in New York state, and sorry if I offended anyone I too sometimes get rude and obnoxious. And GoldblumRules, I check this when I come on to check my mail then I write my comments.

    At 12:25:39 PM on 6/5/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    Hopefully the posts actually had a point to them.

    At 4:03:48 AM on 6/5/2000, Utahraptor said:
    What makes you think I'd tell you if I was me or not? If I'm trying to keep the real info out, I'd certainly never say, yes, that's me." It'd be "What page?"
    That kid's also the only human you'll see, short of a silhouette of two military men (Lt. Lu Sir and Major Moe Ron) who hire him to stopt he X-Saurians.
    GoldblumRules, you should have bene at the old board for the Never Ending Thread. Over 300 posts.

    At 1:29:35 AM on 6/5/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    Attn. TV Brains213 and all posters on this: this has gotten absolutely pathetic. We all have better things to do with our time. And TV Brains, I like how you told me to stop quoting movies when that is the exact thing you did on your next post. Now let's shut up with the record set straight. If you've got all this time on your hands, especially TV Brains 213, I implore you to start writing JP3 fan-fiction.

    At 10:24:14 PM on 6/4/2000, TV Brains213 said:
    We reached 60 on the count!!!

    A Dan JP record!!

    hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo!!!

    At 10:23:20 PM on 6/4/2000, TV Brains213 said:
    Dear all

    I am sorry if I have been mean or rude or what not.

    I was...busy.

    please except my apologies.

    At 10:21:42 PM on 6/4/2000, TV Brains213 said:
    hey siege 6

    what do buffalo taste like that interests me. You have never ridden the ride???!!! hahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    At 8:46:38 PM on 6/4/2000, Siege_6 said:
    Ah, I see what you mean then. Personally I have never been down there. I live in Buffalo, New York.

    At 1:42:48 PM on 6/4/2000, Pmba55 said:
    Hey Siege 6, that sounds like a good idea, except for the fact that most of the security guards over there are pretty clueless about what goes on in the park. So if Utahraptor really is a security guard there (which I doubt) he wouldn't know the difference between a JP3 the movie leak and a JP The Ride water leak.

    At 12:09:00 PM on 6/4/2000, Siege_6 said:
    To tvbrains213

    I didn't explode, I was just expressing my opinion and whats with you? You have a tendency to start things with other people. And Pmba55, why don't you go down to Universal and ask one of the security guards if his screen name from Dans JP3 page is utahraptor. That would also be a good solution.

    At 12:01:06 PM on 6/4/2000, TV Brains213 said:
    Hey Utahraptor,

    You mean that the kid that said "That doesn't look that scary looks more like a giant turkey to me" is going to be in the next one??


    At 11:57:36 AM on 6/4/2000, TV Brains213 said:
    quit quoting the movie you sound like some trekkie

    At 3:49:49 AM on 6/4/2000, Utahraptor said:
    I'm actually the security guard who makes sure no tour guide leaks real info. So I supply phony ones. I also have a fully functioning nuerolizer, so anybody who gets too nosy will end up spoting out any rumor I want them too. > : )> BTW the official title is Jurassic Park: X-Saurians. It is not based or will include Ian Malcolm. However, Blinky The Kid form the Montanna dig in JP will play a crucial role in stoping them. That should end any doubt to ym credibility on JP3 info, once and for all.
    PS. I just knew taking live dinos off an island could never be the worst idea in the long sad history of bad ideas.

    At 3:42:55 AM on 6/4/2000, Pmba55 said:
    Ok, I have an idea. I live about 10 minutes away from Universal, would everyone feel much better if I went to the park and verified the info being provided by this park employee. They say that it is being told to the guests, if this is the case it shouldn't be too hard to verify, now would it. Unless someone else lives close to Universal also and would like to go. Oh, and GoldblumRules is right, we should end this discussion or move it to the message board before Dan gets pissed.

    At 7:21:11 PM on 6/3/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    Spending our time on this board bickering and arguing about non-related subjects but flaring egos is "the worst idea in the long sad history of bad ideas."

    At 7:03:49 PM on 6/3/2000, TV Brains213 said:
    I did not ask for a big mad explosion to go off in my face I was simply telling you that he was lying. I see that you have a large tendency to 'explode' from time to time sort of like PMBA55 or a very mad cow. I think this may be some sort of disease. Best Wishes,
    TV Brains213

    At 5:35:05 PM on 6/3/2000, Siege_6 said:
    To tvbrains213

    I know that, why do you think I asked so many questions? If he really is he would have a credible answer really fast. Plus who cares if he is lying? It's just more juicy gossip.

    At 4:11:59 PM on 6/3/2000, TV Brains213 said:
    earth to SIEGE 6!! dont you get it Utah Raptor was saying that anyone can be lying did you just read 1/8 of what he wrote or something?

    At 11:12:09 AM on 6/3/2000, Siege_6 said:
    You work at Universal Utahraptor? And you say the dinos are going to be like the toy-line released a few years back called "Chaos Effect"? I heard something similar to that from a friend of mine (a young friend), and one question for that piece of information: Why? Keep the dinos the same, just add a little more spice to the mix, like bigger more aggressive carnivores. Plus, what would the movie be called? Jurassic Park:Chaos Effect? And one more thing, would they base this movie on Ian Malcoms Occupation?

    At 10:44:41 AM on 6/3/2000, TV Brains213 said:
    To PMBA55

    you have a tendency to be very rude and aggressive!

    please respond or e-mail me at SCREWY SPI@aol.com

    At 5:12:34 AM on 6/3/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    "There are no versions... of the truth. And I'll tell you somethin', Ingen can't keep spewin' information down the public's throat..."

    At 1:29:17 AM on 6/3/2000, Utahraptor said:
    It still can be a rumor Pmba55. There's no proof that the person works there, no proof they're not lying, no proof they weren't lied to.
    I should know. I work at Universl,a nd none of these JP3 facts have been close to right. Heck, he plot about Gilligan's Dino Island is wrong. The dinos are exposed to Gamma Radiation, and develop awesome powers, like laser eye beams, control of he weather, extra claws, and Magnetism.
    Apart form the plot I just gave, who would truly know if I'm lying (pretending I've never posted here before.)

    At 12:49:31 AM on 6/3/2000, Pmba55 said:
    Hey, I think that if someone EMail's Dan and says that they work at USH's Studio Tour and that they have info regarding JP3 and the tour it is not rumours, it is fact. By the way TV Brains213, I never said Nublar would not be in the movie, I just said that we know for sure that Sorna is.

    At 10:38:09 PM on 6/2/2000, Siege_6 said:
    I'm alone aren't I?

    At 10:25:56 PM on 6/2/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    I was wondering when Dan would come into the conversation! Whatever it was about.... Sorry, Dan. You're cool, talk more!

    At 10:11:24 PM on 6/2/2000, Siege_6 said:

    At 10:11:00 PM on 6/2/2000, Siege_6 said:
    Sorry Dan but to tell you the truth, we don't know when anyone of us is on and we like this. It adds excitment (sorry for the misspelling if it is) to our lives not knowing when someone or what they are going to say next. And if you think i'm right, please exprees your feelings so i'm not alone here and get kicked out if that could happen.

    At 10:01:17 PM on 6/2/2000, Dan said:
    Uh, I'm sure you guys are having a nice discussion, but you're supposed to comment on the article here.. if you just want to chat, go to the message board or the chat room. :)

    At 6:57:58 PM on 6/2/2000, TV Brains213 said:



    At 3:40:41 PM on 6/2/2000, Siege_6 said:
    Universal released it? And there was a sixth one? What kind of people are these. And what song? Plus what about Barney, theres quite a bit of nudity in that too. And I couild get a goat for 11.50$

    At 3:30:02 PM on 6/2/2000, TV Brains213 said:

    At 1:04:03 PM on 6/2/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    "Yeah that's a great idea, and while you're at it, why not just smear yourself in a little sheep's blood..."

    At 10:50:08 AM on 6/2/2000, TV Brains213 said:

    At 1:44:26 AM on 6/2/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    Oh yeah! Disney didn't make the Land Before Time series. The first one was produced by Lucas and Spielberg and the next five were direct-to-video. Universal distributed them.

    At 1:43:17 AM on 6/2/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    I shudder to remind you, but what about "Land Before Time VI?" 'Course, "The Lion King" may be up there too. OK, enough distasteful humor for one day...

    At 9:37:45 PM on 6/1/2000, Siege_6 said:
    Most nudity in a G film ever, Disneys "The Land Before Time" 1-5

    At 9:33:12 PM on 6/1/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    Most nudity in a PG film ever: Disney's Dinosaur!

    At 9:14:52 PM on 6/1/2000, Siege_6 said:
    Your right.

    At 5:46:04 PM on 6/1/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    You know when you think about it, the JP films have more nudity in them than anything else Spielberg has ever made. Unless we are to believe that the scientists "go out and look up the dinosaurs' (invisible) skirts."

    At 4:25:14 PM on 6/1/2000, Siege_6 said:
    I do think the Brachiosaurs should mate (but thats a whole other article), and that wasn't debating what tvbrains13 and pmba55 were doing. And I too respect Uhtahraptors comments and everyone elses here, unless, of course someone stoops to the point where they start to call each other names, or telling someone they hate them.

    At 12:51:42 PM on 6/1/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    Ugh man Ugh! We're fighting over friggin' rumors here! If that's the case it's time to throw in the darn towel! We've got much better things to argue about! Like should the brachiosaurs mate in JP3? Ha! Got your attention!

    At 9:42:48 AM on 6/1/2000, TV Brains213 said:

    At 9:39:55 AM on 6/1/2000, TV Brains213 said:
    To PMBA55

    hold your horses, grandma!!
    cant you just accept the fact that mayyyyybe Nublar would be shown in this film!!!!

    good luck in life my gullable friend,
    Henry Jones the 4rth

    At 4:15:30 AM on 6/1/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    It all kinda gets pathetic when the only "confirmation" we have on Sorna is based on rumor from people saying "I work at the Universal Studios tour route and they are using the Site B complex for filming" or the like. I have fun with these rumors but they are only rumors, and my posts are simply hypothetical reckonings of what the rumors may imply. It's not fighting, it's debating so we can arrive at a more well-informed conclusion. I certainly can't remember trying to pick fights with anyone, and if we all just nodded in approval of each other we wouldn't be getting very far here. Which is why I still respect Utahraptor's opinions, even though we have a lot of differences, it doesn't help if we just exchanged info like tranquilized cows or something.

    At 2:24:23 AM on 6/1/2000, Pmba55 said:
    To TV Brains213

    It's ok, I forgive you.

    I agree, lets not fight. Why don't we all just accept that Sorna is definitely going to be in JP3 and not fight over how it will factor in the story. Everything will reveal itself in time, I promise. Trust me.

    At 2:54:41 PM on 5/31/2000, Siege_6 said:
    OK, just checking. And your right, it wouldn't be smart taking after T-Rex. Can you imagine the lawsuits someone would have against them if they did?

    At 4:57:28 AM on 5/31/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    Oh, I'm not fighting, just having a little fun and hoping TV Brains213 cheers up. The goat was just the first thing to come to mind. On a side note I would discourage any rabid JP fans from following the T-Rex's example. Now THAT would be life imitating art!!!

    At 7:03:18 PM on 5/30/2000, Siege_6 said:
    OK guys, we don't have to fight.

    At 5:37:46 PM on 5/30/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    To TV Brains213...
    "Where's the goat?"

    At 4:15:12 PM on 5/30/2000, TV Brains213 said:
    To PMBA55:

    I am sorry for what I said below, I am having violent mood swings this morning.

    At 4:14:13 PM on 5/30/2000, TV Brains213 said:
    To PMBA55:

    shut up I hate you

    At 3:15:14 AM on 5/30/2000, Utahraptor said:
    In my final statements. the book is useless for the movies, if this rumor is true, the writers agree with me, and a JP3 island adventure with no VC would be even worse than the proposed plot to begin with. Finally, the chances of the castaways having a radio/telephone with them is slim, menaing there's no way to survive, unless they either reach the VC, build a raft, or someone comes looking. The msot logical choice is finding the VC, if only to get a power source.
    Or does someone send out an e-mail SOS?

    At 11:00:07 PM on 5/29/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    To cap off my part of this overlong and pointless conversation... sure, it's likely the strandeds know what happened on Isla Sorna. You really think it's gonna be that easy for them to find a VC simply based on the knowledge that there IS one? If they had a map they might have a chance in hell of getting there, but only then, and there would obviously have to be a dino expert on board. Try not to forget that Sorna is probably over-populated with predators (if we're to believe the book) and a half dozen tourists would not last long in that environment. Last but certainly not least, I've made my case pretty strong here and I'd admit I was wrong if I really felt I was, but I don't, this is an enormously prepostrous story for JP3 that I am 95% sure would not be greenlit by any studio in their right minds, least of all a Spielberg production.

    At 4:12:33 AM on 5/29/2000, Utahraptor said:
    Except they wouldknow about the VC. After the world foun out what happened, you know Malcolm told hiss econd adventure. The chances thta any of the starndees notknowing about it and not knwoing to look for one is slim. Next, the VC has always represented home/saftey/security. WHich ahs always been invade dby Raptors. I JP, it was the goal to get back to the others. In TLW, it was to get off the island. It's needed in JP3 to continue it, as a combo, both a way off, andback to other humans. It's also commons nes eot look for it. Eveyrbody would know at least the dinos were cloned, meaning a labratory would exist, and they'd head for that. Lastly, someone is bound to be a "dino expert" just to sneak in some dino info to the audience.
    A movie with people roaming an island, with no VC would be the bare bone sof the Jp/TLW saga, and ultimately worsen the movie. Now, whetehr or not they built a new VC (you don't see it too well in the dark in TLW) would be thequestion.

    At 3:25:39 AM on 5/29/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    To repeat myself, 7 unarmed stranded people (likely tourists) with no experience in dinos (which is what Johnston seems to want) making it all the way to the Visitor's Center which they have no idea even exists there would likely not make it when about "a couple dozen Marlboro men" with advanced weaponry and experienced hunters couldn't even make it past the rexes and the raptors. The VC in TLW was nestled way into the interior of the island so it's likely to assume it's a long walk from no matter what direction you're coming from. To get to the VC they've got raptors, rexes and compies to deal with before they get there, and assuming one of these tourists is Grant or Malcolm, one or two people might have an iota of a chance of making it there alive. Done.

    At 3:57:06 AM on 5/28/2000, Utahraptor said:
    I'd love to check out the storyboards onwww.ingennet.com but the plugin keeps crashing my browser.
    And yes, many people would reach the VC. Afterall, 4 did in TLW. That gives 3 deaths for JP3. Besides, they might washup closer to it than in TLW, adding in the only way off is through the VC radio. If they have their own, they won't travel far, least of all seeing the dinos. The only thing les spalusiable than this TLW remake is believeing so many dinos come to them.

    At 11:25:05 PM on 5/27/2000, Pmba55 said:
    To TV Brains213, Universal had to close off that part of the tour when Grinch was filming, since the Whoville set was built right next door, and it didn't seem to bother them than so I don't think it will bother them now.

    At 9:50:00 PM on 5/27/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    on Utahraptor's bogglingly unusually less-than-intelligent response... I can see perfectly well how 7 strandeds on Isla Sorna would never even come CLOSE to seeing the village. Remember TLW? Barely anybody in that whole team made it to the worker village, and they were armed to the gills with guns! Seven tourists who've never seen a dinosaur or likely even a buffalo for that matter would be lucky to get past the compys on the shoreline, let alone make it a full day's walk to the village.

    At 5:46:48 PM on 5/27/2000, Tyrannosaur said:
    Hopefully we do get to see the aftermath from what happened on Nublar though

    At 10:13:58 AM on 5/27/2000, Neo Maze said:
    Check out www.ingennet.com, we have several pictures of the sets online!

    At 8:07:59 AM on 5/27/2000, TV Brains213 said:
    OK i have been to see the sets in Universal Studios Hollywood and personally I dont see how this whole ordeal wont get out about how they are making the 3rd JP if they close the sets some people will get suspicious

    At 4:09:59 AM on 5/27/2000, Utahraptor said:
    Actually, thiset news seems to confirm the Gilligan's DIno Island plot line. fo coruse the Visitor Cente ron Site B would eb in it. You think 7 castaways would roam the island and never even see it?

    At 3:52:34 AM on 5/27/2000, GoldblumRules said:
    Man are they breaking new and uncharted ground with this one.

    At 4:57:26 PM on 5/26/2000, Siege_6 said:
    Thats good, and that also gives evidence that maybe those script pieces aren't fake (even though I still think they are). But the question still remains, if T-Rex isn't the main dino, then what will be?

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