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By Michael Crichton
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    Bob Kurtz, founder of Kurtz & Friends Studios ("Mr. DNA" animation), was an original Disney "Imagineer" who worked on the designs for Disney's EPCOT Center.
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    At 2:47:23 AM on 4/9/2001, Utahraptor said:
    Except upon learnign fo dinos on Sorna, Ludlow would have checked Nublar, and he didn't. Plsu, the whole point was, Hammond kne wof Sorna, he even said he kept it protected for 4 years, so of course he'd check Nublar, especially if they dismantle dit, whicht hey did.

    At 12:20:28 PM on 4/8/2001, JPExpert said:
    I understand what your saying Utahraptor, but there are a few things still. For example I remember you saying in another topic that Malcolm was surprised to know dinosaurs were still alive not even more dinosaurs were still alive but heres the thing see, after the first Incident Grant, Malcolm and everyone else even hammond assumed the animals died of the lack of Lysine. So they figured all the dinosaurs were dead. later, after sorna was destroyed by the hurricane
    hammond and Ingen were surprised to see the animals on Sorna were still alive. Now heres the thing, if the sorna animals are alive does that mean the nublar animals are of course not Hammond paid for nublars deconstruction rite? wrong, he embazzeled the money or pulled one of his slick tricks so that nobody will ever touch nublar since everyone assumes the island is lifeless. Thats why everyone Ingen and the main charecters all focused there attention on Sorna. Now your prolly gonna say but I think Malcolm is gonna ask well what about Nublar? but he was so worried about his girlfreind being on Sorna he forgot all about nublar. Also the media didnt know about Nublar so Hammond focused all there attention on Sorna and turned the whole thing into a big rumor. As for grant and ellie and everyone they signed a Nondisclosure agreement so they couldnt talk about nublar.

    At 2:27:06 AM on 4/8/2001, Utahraptor said:
    No, JPExpert, TLW continuously mentionrd there's no dinos on Nublar. Watch ti again. And listen really carefully.
    Nubalr was totally dismantled, so there's really no hiding palces. The dinso that were foundw ere already dead form lakc of lyscine. Even if soem survived, which woulda made Sorna harder to kepe secret, they'd be found and killed. If any Raptors or such were still hiding, afetr 8 years, they'd be dead.
    Unless soemone goes to Nubalr,s ets up a whole enw lab, and clones brand enw dinos, there cna never be any dinos on Nubalr. That's a confirmed fact. It's what all JP writers abse their movies on. And InGen wont go to Nublar when they ahev thequipment lying happily on Sorna. NOw, hopefully, a JP 4 will have BioSyn clonign dinos on Nublar, but that migth never happen.
    Just pay attention to TLW> It explains countlessly as have I and many others, that Sorna is it for dinos. One (1) dino island only. Sorna. It's been in 2 movies. There's a reason for it. And if you consdier the plot, they'd never fly voer Nublar anyway. They'd head directly to Sorna before their kid becomes dino/spino chow.

    At 5:44:24 PM on 4/7/2001, JPExpert said:
    yes, Tyrant Lizard King brings up a good point. In the book they used standard napalm and we knew in the book the raptors had underground sure the other species did too and besides this is all IF they bombed the nublar, witch I doubt they wuz only mentioned in one scene witch was deleted.

    At 4:59:03 PM on 4/7/2001, Tyrant-Lizard-King said:
    The raptors hopefully show their intelligence in JP3. In Jurassic Park they open doors.........thats about it. In The Lost World they didnt do anything but attack...well maybe the digging was a little clever. Other than that they just wanted a snack. Come on raptors in the movies are showed to be have three main traits intelligence, speed, and that they hunt in packs. The pack hunting has been shown so i give the movie makers credit for that. Speed, blah, they run no faster than a human. Hell Ian got away from the raptors without losing his breathe. Intellience, blah, again, they seem like big dumb birds. T-Rex seemed smarter, least he did something.



    At 4:47:15 PM on 4/7/2001, Tyrant-Lizard-King said:
    Okay about dinosaurs still being on Nublar. LIFE, WILL FIND A WAY. Of course there are dinosaurs, maybe not many but there has to be. The caves, drain pipes, basements, solid brick walls, well I'm sure there are also more places. They didnt nuke Nublar, not even in the book they burned and bombed with regular missiles. The aviary could have been destroyed but then the pteronodons would have gotten out. There is no way all the animals would have been killed.

    At 12:42:42 PM on 4/7/2001, Oviraptor said:
    <i>Joe Johnston told Dan only Sorna and mainland locations, so there's no Nublar.</i>

    At 9:54:59 AM on 4/7/2001, JPExpert said:
    Look, for the last time, STOP SAYING THERE ARE NO DINOSAURS ON ISLA do not know that for sure. Ok fine the movie mite be 100% on sorna great, that still does not prove all nublar dinosaurs are dead. Untill its actually shown or mentioned in a movie(no the deleted scene doesnt count and even if it did theres still ways the animals could be alive) I am not going to confirm Nublar as lifeless.

    At 9:51:02 AM on 4/7/2001, JPExpert said:
    Utahraptor: JPExpert, what are you on? It's sorna. It's just been confrimed for the 65 Millonth time.

    Look what I said:
    See now this links with the news about Grant going to Isla Nublar, Site C to study raptors..PERHAPS THEY DO A FLY BY OF NUBLAR before heading to sorna?

    Yes it has been confirmed its on Sorna, but it still doesnt mean nublar wont be seen in the movie! duh!

    At 6:01:40 AM on 4/7/2001, Evilgrinch said:

    At 6:00:19 AM on 4/7/2001, Evilgrinch said:
    Oh and in regards to Owen's comments, the world found out about the island at the end of TLW if you remember.

    At 5:59:17 AM on 4/7/2001, Evilgrinch said:
    I bet the raptor's are really clever in this.
    In Jp they were cleverish, in TLW they were thick. In this they'll be cleverer then bloody Stephen Hawking.

    At 5:57:51 AM on 4/7/2001, Evilgrinch said:
    Yeah, so Amanda and paul didn't tell Grant about Eric's paragliding accident.

    And he only finds out once they've crashed.

    This would explain Sam Neill's comments a few months back about Grant being "Stuck on the island with people he doesn't nessicarily want to be stuck with".

    At 2:46:56 AM on 4/7/2001, Utahraptor said:
    Man this keeps getting better and better. And wow, the differing plot lines are ebing tied together. JPExpert, what are you on? It's sorna. It's just been confrimed for the 65 Millonth time. That Site C on Nublar was nonsense. They're looking for their son, they won't head over Nublar, and even if they did, there's no dinos there. What, you think Grant will land the plan, study Raptors, run into trouble, leave, and end up doign it again on Sorna? no. No Nublar dinos. Accept it. Live with it.
    So, Paul goes to Grant's lecture, learns how Grant doens't liek hanigng around lvie dinos, and realizes he msut trick him into rescuing Eric. So then coens several attempts to persuade him, finally, he pays him to fudn his reasearch (Grant at DC. Asking for money? Maybe have dino research governtmentally funded to avoid Sorna?) THen eh goe,s and decides to observe Raptors tos tudy them. Theyc rash, get Spinorized,a nd while cursing the Kirby's, learns the true reason.
    Learns first hand means he'lls see for himself how smart they really are, as he tries to escape and live to tell about it. JP///'s gonna rule.

    At 2:18:01 AM on 4/7/2001, Owen said:
    It sounds extremely cool.
    Only one lttle gripe: I don't like the idea that the world knows about the dinosaurs, it makes the whole thing less realistic.

    At 12:27:19 AM on 4/7/2001, Brad said:
    I like it. I hope it will borrow a lot from the Raptor comic book series.

    At 11:32:36 PM on 4/6/2001, JP Animal Control said:
    My theory on the Raptors is that the Raptors with the Feather creats are from dinosaurus later in time. I mean the Raptors in JP(the movie) could have had a mosquito bit a raptor when they didn't have feathers. Then over time another mosquito could have bit a raptor that had already evolved with feathers. My theory is that these Raptors all came from differnt times.

    At 11:23:38 PM on 4/6/2001, Tyrant-Lizard-King said:
    the article before this with the interview with jack Horner go to comments please

    At 11:20:21 PM on 4/6/2001, JP Animal Control said:
    Tyrant-Lizard-King what new additions are you talking about?

    At 11:16:13 PM on 4/6/2001, Tyrant-Lizard-King said:
    Please go to the article before this and read the new additions.

    At 11:15:49 PM on 4/6/2001, PeteDogg007 said:
    The Mummy Returns + Jurassic Park 3 = Universal RAPING the Box Office!!!

    At 11:15:01 PM on 4/6/2001, Tyrant-Lizard-King said:
    Or his hand may be crunched by a raptor.

    At 11:09:57 PM on 4/6/2001, JP Animal Control said:
    Grant is forced to learn the dreadful implications of his raptor intelligence theory firsthand. Could this possibly mean that Grant gets eaten by a raptor? That would be very interesting if he did.

    At 9:41:32 PM on 4/6/2001, MegaRaptor said:

    At 9:31:43 PM on 4/6/2001, Gambler Ruined said:
    Undisclosed species? Raptors intelligence? Tragic accident? Perilious attempt to escape?
    I'm scared already!
    (Hold me)

    At 8:40:56 PM on 4/6/2001, ellersaur said:
    Finally, Universal is showing some damn interest in this movie. It at times feels like they have horrible expectations for JP3, but at least they are now bringing something to the table, instead of Hawaii Bob or someone else filling us in (no offense to the 3rd parties, of course).

    The script sounds very strong, with more of a motive for Grant then it sounded like it might have been.

    At 5:41:29 PM on 4/6/2001, Malcom said:
    thrown back in the mix together

    At 5:09:50 PM on 4/6/2001, Tyrant-Lizard-King said:
    P.S. i think its " dinosaurs and man two speices seperated by 65 million years of evolution have suddenly been thrown back into the mix of each other. How can we have the slightest idea of what to expect. please if this is wrong correct me.

    At 5:05:06 PM on 4/6/2001, Tyrant-Lizard-King said:
    I meant not what the story is set around sorry for not clearing that up

    At 5:03:34 PM on 4/6/2001, Gallimimus said:
    It's never been said to be the opening sequence.

    At 5:03:17 PM on 4/6/2001, Malcom said:
    Raptors could easily migrate from Isla Sorna to a similar habitat. Ex: Guam had no native snakes until recent years, because snakes have started to arrive in materials shipped there. The green tree snake has now almost wiped out every species of bird there. People have tried to kill them, but there are no natural predators, so they are still multiplying.

    At 5:02:10 PM on 4/6/2001, Tyrant-Lizard-King said:
    I just gotta say thank god that stupid parasiling accident is not the opening sequence.

    At 4:58:55 PM on 4/6/2001, Tyrant-Lizard-King said:

    At 4:56:52 PM on 4/6/2001, Thorne said:
    This is great! Finally a JP movie that will really expound on raptor intelligence. And the plot actually sounds interesting.


    At 4:26:07 PM on 4/6/2001, procompsognathus 2.0 said:
    "Dinosaurs and man, two creatures seperated by 65 million years. How can we possibly know what will happen when they interact?" or something like that. The raptors won't literally migrate to San Diego, although they could do far worse, but they will reach mainland somewhere off of N,S America through various shipping lanes that pass buy, or snooping thrill seekers who take away some "souveniers". This is dangerous, especially given Grant's new theories on raptor intelligence. Oh, btw what are JP fans called, is there a name?

    At 4:20:45 PM on 4/6/2001, Varan101 said:
    Why would they go to San Diego? The only reason the rex was there is because the San Diego complex of InGen was located there.

    Besides, you shoot a raptor, it dies. Theyre not going to take over a city....

    At 4:16:20 PM on 4/6/2001, procompsognathus 2.0 said:
    Tango: I know, but this is a movie. I mean, these are genetically engineered animals that have mutated, developed, or suddenly evolved into crested more bird-like creatures. If they started in JP as chimp-like in intelligence, they could easily be the second smartest creatures on earth by now. Also, they might not consciously want to leave the island, but as the migration scene at the end of the first novel showed, migratory instinct is a very powerful force. Grant knows this, and dreads this inevitable prospect. Anyway, like I said its all fiction anyway.

    At 4:09:01 PM on 4/6/2001, Varan101 said:
    I guess they were too dangerous to display?

    At 3:57:35 PM on 4/6/2001, JP Animal Control said:
    ok, thanks Oviraptor

    At 3:54:16 PM on 4/6/2001, Oviraptor said:
    <i>Undisclosed, means dinosaurs that inGen didn't let anyone know about.</i>

    At 3:24:49 PM on 4/6/2001, JP Animal Control said:
    Also the seven would be: Alan Grant, Paul Kirby, Amanda Kirby, Cooper, Udesky, Nash, and Billy Brennan. But what about Eric? Do they not fins him until later in the movie? Anyways this movie sounds GREAT!

    At 3:23:16 PM on 4/6/2001, JP Animal Control said:
    What does this line mean: the dwindling group encounters terrifying new creatures undisclosed by InGen. What do they mean by undisclosed?

    At 3:19:19 PM on 4/6/2001, RaptorRex said:
    I only have one thing to say "THIS MOVIE IS GONA ROCK!"

    At 3:09:00 PM on 4/6/2001, Kevin said:
    In JP grant was pursuaded by money to go somewhere for something he knew very little about... Now this time he knows where he is going, but again doesnt know the reason, now i love ya grant, but cmon alan, money isnt everything....

    At 3:01:26 PM on 4/6/2001, raptor13 said:
    gets better and better everyday!

    At 1:53:16 PM on 4/6/2001, Tango said:
    Procompsognathus2.0: Sounds like some good lines but I think you're giving the raptors a little too much credit. In real life a raptor couldn't rival human intelligence, so I doubt they'll do that in the movie. Nor do I think they realize that there's anything outside of their island, meaning that they won't intentionally try to get off.

    At 1:44:05 PM on 4/6/2001, JPExpert said:
    See now this links with the news about Grant going to Isla Nublar, Site C to study raptors..Perhaps they do a fly by of nublar before heading to sorna?

    At 1:23:13 PM on 4/6/2001, Majin2 said:
    What if the new raptors are a lot smarter than we are even implying now, I mean the raptors from TLW, did seem kinda smart, but not as smart as the ones from JP. Com'n I mean the one raptor that was chasing Ian jumped threw the window to get to him then jumped out the window then back in the window then when Ian ran for the car, he jumped out the other window. How smart is that??

    At 1:13:57 PM on 4/6/2001, procompsognathus 2.0 said:
    "Faster, more vicious, more cunning than we ever imagined. These creatures cannot be trained, cannot be domesticated, cannot be stopped. They will figure out a way to escape the island. When that day occurs, the events in San Diego will be a mere dream to the nightmare that awaits an unsuspecting public."

    At 1:13:35 PM on 4/6/2001, T-rex vs. Spinosaurus said:
    I get it. They're luring Grant there at the thought of studying Raptors, then they have to reveal to him that it's actually a search and rescue mission to get their son who crashed there in a parasailing accident
    AFTER the plain's already crashed.

    At 1:07:41 PM on 4/6/2001, procompsognathus 2.0 said:
    I can see it now. Grant in a darkened lecture hall with new slides of raptor photos saying. "We have for the first time in the history of man come across a creature that may come to rival our own intelligence. A creature forged from our own design."

    At 1:00:09 PM on 4/6/2001, Gallimimus said:
    Exactly. You gotta love that plot synopsis. This is going to be a magnificent movie.

    At 12:28:41 PM on 4/6/2001, Oviraptor said:
    <i>Yeah, the true reason is to search for and rescue Eric.</i>

    At 12:04:54 PM on 4/6/2001, Oviraptor said:
    <i>Muldoon said "they remember."</i>

    At 12:03:20 PM on 4/6/2001, JPExpert said:
    I think there is more to the plot then mentioned but it sounds spectacular.

    At 11:53:04 AM on 4/6/2001, JurassicRaptor said:
    Hey, maybe with the recent site update, we'll see a trailer soon, (possibly b4 The Mummy Returns). "and Grant is forced to learn the dreadful implications of his raptor intelligence theory firsthand." How intelligent are these things?!?

    At 11:39:52 AM on 4/6/2001, Oviraptor said:
    <i>One word, AWESOME!</i>

    At 11:37:15 AM on 4/6/2001, JurassicRaptor said:
    Yeah, where's Eric in this?

    At 11:34:28 AM on 4/6/2001, Tango said:
    Dan, the parasailing incident and rescue mission isn't mentioned, but implied: "When a tragic accident maroons the party of seven, Grant discovers the true reason his deceptive hosts have invited him along."

    At 11:07:09 AM on 4/6/2001, Wajas said:
    So what's the other reason? rescuing Miles?

    At 10:42:13 AM on 4/6/2001, BADDINO said:

    At 10:01:00 AM on 4/6/2001, tha filsta said:

    this movie is starting to sound sweet as

    At 9:53:04 AM on 4/6/2001, jp3chaos said:
    i want to see the movie

    At 9:33:30 AM on 4/6/2001, heeheemonkey said:
    Sounds good to me.

    JurassicPark, Johnston e-mailed Dan a couple of days ago and confirmed it was Sorna.

    At 9:16:28 AM on 4/6/2001, JurassicPark said:
    Finally, confirmation it's on Site ****B****!!!

    At 9:10:05 AM on 4/6/2001, TrikeSerabian said:
    This plot has just gotten 10 times better! Now Grant has an actual reason to go! I'm now a much happier man.

    At 9:04:38 AM on 4/6/2001, ParkerP82 said:
    It sounds great!!!

    At 9:03:06 AM on 4/6/2001, JP Maniac said:
    Whoops, sorry everyone about that.

    At 9:02:33 AM on 4/6/2001, JP Maniac said:
    <font color=Green>Sweey this is truly going to be the best JP yet.

    <font color=Red><i>JP Maniac Signing off.</font>

    At 8:47:08 AM on 4/6/2001, Dan said:
    I wonder what happened to the whole parasailing accident thing???

    At 8:46:50 AM on 4/6/2001, jp3chaos said:
    this is going to be the best JP movie ever!!!!!!!!!!!

    At 8:38:14 AM on 4/6/2001, Jurassiclaw said:
    YEEEEESSSSSS !!! That's a way cooler plot we have now !!!

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