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    In the JP comic series, Muldoon is alive and well -- according to the comic, Muldoon survived the raptor attack and we never saw his body. (From: Aki)
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    At 6:21:35 PM on 4/19/2001, Spinoboy11 said:
    Mr. Horner is totally wrong!!! T-Rex could run up to 20 m.p.h. for short bursts and its teeth were built for a killing bite. Plus, no animal today survives on scavenging alone,therefore, T-Rex is an active hunter.P.S.: Dan, great site; it kicks ass!

    At 5:41:36 PM on 4/7/2001, DinoDude said:
    I pearsonally don't care for the feather crested raptors. If the desingers wanted to do that they should have used that idea in the first film.I think the raptors will probally look better as they were originally(without the feathered crest and bird like arms.).

    At 4:34:35 PM on 4/7/2001, Tyrant-Lizard-King said:

    We have already established that it couldnt or is nearly impossible that you wouldnt have seen these animals. My theory about the offspring (read it down below) could happen and the theory of INgen being up to its old tricks is also believeable. Hopefully the story isn't set around these dinosaurs just showing up or that they were hiding or something lol.


    At 9:40:41 AM on 4/7/2001, jp_tlw said:
    I've said tuis before and i'll say it again, there are no PURE hunters and no PURE scavangers. The Rex would scavange if it could, but it would'nt what around for something to die.
    And about the rex running i think the rex would sneak up on its prey ie.the Gallimimus kill in JP

    At 3:49:22 AM on 4/7/2001, Utahraptor said:
    I doubt anon neck bite indicates an afetr the kill biting. More like biting to weaken, rather thna deal with the neck. Easier to get to, less peed neede dper length, patientce is a virtue.
    And Tyrant-Lizard-King, what makes you think Kirby is Levine?

    At 11:31:42 PM on 4/6/2001, JP Animal Control said:
    My theory on the Raptors is that the Raptors with the Feather creats are from dinosaurus later in time. I mean the Raptors in JP(the movie) could have had a mosquito bit a raptor when they didn't have feathers. Then over time another mosquito could have bit a raptor that had already evolved with feathers. My theory is that these Raptors all came from differnt times.

    At 4:50:22 PM on 4/6/2001, Tyrant-Lizard-King said:
    For those of you who havn't figured it out William H. Macy's character is based of Richard Levine from The Lost World Book.

    At 4:32:47 PM on 4/6/2001, Tyrant-Lizard-King said:
    First off this is to Dan. You have a hell of a page. Ok about the raptor feather head crests which isnt too far fetched. The book JP explains how the raptors were created and how they eventually came to breed (everyone knows that part). That the raptors that bred in the wild had a chameleon like color changing ability (NOTE: i am talking about Jurassic Park the book) the adults however that were created did not have this ability. So thats where i get my theory. The raptrs in the movie are all full grown adults the offspring of those raptors produce little raptors with the feather head crest. The other thing could be the different versions of the animals but it doesnt explain what they do in the book to the animals with these earlier versions. So i am not going to try and prove this.

    About T-Rex being a scavenger. For the most part i believe he was. The predators today that hunt are very fast and most often hunt in groups. The T-rex is, or is believed to be a lone wolf. In the fossils our paleontologists have found of dead dinosaurs, T-rex bites are hardly ever near the take-down-in-one-bite place aka the neck. The T-rex bites are usually in the thigh or shoulder saying he ate the animal after it was taken down not taking it down himself. The thought, of what we beleive is one of the most powerful animals ever to exist, is no better than a coyote (the biggest coyote on record but nonetheless a coyote). The only time he has probably ever hunted is when there is easy prey something he does not have to run down. i'm not saying he couldn't run just that he was a poor hunter. Oh and 1 more thing look up Raptor Red the book if you havnt read it.


    At 3:54:56 PM on 4/6/2001, SputnikM80s said:
    Ok ok ok.Evolution is probably the biggest fallacy of all time.Has it ever occured to anyone here that the THEORY (and a bad one too)
    couldnt work?Dinosaurs were no more birds than you are snakes.If anyone wants to prove me wrong or wants my explanation Im me @ SputnikM80s or email me at sputnikm80@cs.com.

    At 3:46:00 PM on 4/6/2001, Tyrant-Lizard-King said:

    At 11:48:36 AM on 4/6/2001, JurassicRaptor said:
    Well, we know the non-feathered raptors do exist, as stated in TLW. We know the toyline has a couple different types of raptors (the red ones with feathers, the green ones with white stripes) that were even shown on some t-shirt shots and playing cards we got a glimpse of a while back. I still don't buy this crap about raptors evolving in just 4 years. (Didn't dinos back in Prehistoria take a couple million?) I think there will be something about the genetics lab in there. Explaining why they have feathers.

    At 9:07:14 AM on 4/6/2001, JP Maniac said:
    Good work Paws You got some good data from Horner. Only i still the rex was a hunter.

    At 4:21:45 AM on 4/6/2001, Embryo said:


    At 1:44:47 AM on 4/6/2001, Utahraptor said:
    I think non featehred Raptors are a rumor, apart form the orgiginal stick that did not evolve, and I think the whole poitn is they did all evolve, in new generations.
    Nice to see Horner finally admit T-rex could hunt. Though why did Mr. Scavenegr let Grant say T-rex doesn't want to be fed (scavenge) he wnats to hunt? And that's wrong. T-rex wants to be fed. A hungry dino wnats to expend as little energy a spossible. SO why take down what cna easily eb grabbed. It's like going to get a cheeseburger, and findign one wrapped up nicely on the ground (barring diseases and human tampering, of course.) Naturally, you'd take that one, instead of buying one. I don't see any evidence for any meat eater not to scavenge. Just scare others away, then eat, and hope something bigger and spinier doesn't come along.
    And being eaten by a dino is the best way to go, because it's rare (or apparently, every 4 years nowadays.)

    At 8:58:05 PM on 4/5/2001, JurassicRaptor said:
    So, that covers the feathered raptors. So What about the non-feathered raptors, who are rumored to also co-exist on Sorna?

    "Six-foot turkey! That little snot was right!"

    At 7:59:23 PM on 4/5/2001, dinosniper said:
    i'd like to see some kind of effect where they flare their feathered head crests like a rooster or other bird flares its feathers when intimidated...even though it would be really hard to intimidate a raptor it would still be cool to see...huh huh huh

    At 7:58:04 PM on 4/5/2001, dinosniper said:
    plus...i'm gonna love to see those raptors...besides the rex(es) they've been the best part of both JP movies so far...they're gonna look like a praying mantis with their arms like that

    At 7:57:07 PM on 4/5/2001, dinosniper said:
    I prefer to think of T. Rex as more like a lion...king of its domain...can only run in short bursts to bring down prey...BOTH a scavenger and a hunter...yup...that's right...just like a lion

    At 7:28:21 PM on 4/5/2001, DarthMaulSithLord said:
    T-Rex coulden't run? WTF?

    At 5:50:27 PM on 4/5/2001, heeheemonkey said:
    Errr...I hate that scavenger theory...

    At 5:27:05 PM on 4/5/2001, raptor13 said:
    now it's back to normal...what the hell it was weird there for a sceond

    At 5:25:35 PM on 4/5/2001, raptor13 said:
    what the hell happend to the poll...is somebody screwing with it...ant way i think the raptors will be way different than what we assume...sounds cool though

    At 5:23:39 PM on 4/5/2001, Oviraptor said:
    <i>A dinosaur needs to eat Horner. Literally.</i>

    At 5:14:37 PM on 4/5/2001, Rancor said:
    What kind of a message is this? Don't screw with me or I'll have a dinosaur eat you?

    Gotta love the bird-like arms.

    The Good. The Bad. The Rancor.
    <a href= http://www.angelfire.com/art/gondolend/>Gondolend</a>
    <a href= http://www.angelfire.com/art/fds/>Feathered Dinosaur Society</a>

    At 4:35:14 PM on 4/5/2001, Oviraptor said:
    <i>WOW! Horner must be sick, he's actually saying T-Rex was more than scavenger.</i>

    At 3:50:56 PM on 4/5/2001, Monte-Cristo said:
    You mean Bakker.

    At 3:28:05 PM on 4/5/2001, Varan101 said:
    Hahaha...you people crack me up. Just because you cant imagine the Trex scavenging, doesnt mean it did not. I mean, I would think it did both scavenging and hunting.

    At 3:23:49 PM on 4/5/2001, gribblikk said:
    okay neelis im a scavenger i see a bigass rex coming near me continue eating the t-rex runs away scared of me. i think not!

    At 2:13:58 PM on 4/5/2001, Isil'zha said:
    The inspiration for the paleontologist: must be Bob Barker :D

    At 12:46:28 PM on 4/5/2001, Paws said:
    well they were bird like in that they had feathers on thier heads, and ...you know how a chicken 'folds' its wings when it walks around? they are kinda bent to the side and folded back, anyway the raptor holds its arms and hands in the same manner, also the posture looked more like a strut than a walk to me.
    and i agree that T-Rex was both...personally i think all predators are also scavengers so i don't really see the problem here, it's the people that say its 100% one way or the other...oh well whatever

    At 12:14:10 PM on 4/5/2001, Horribly_Mauled said:
    How exactly do you mean the Raptors arms are more 'bird like?' I'm a bit confused.

    At 11:49:01 AM on 4/5/2001, serjoi7 said:
    RIP Nivola. . . hope he's not eaten in the first 45mins.. .

    At 11:42:14 AM on 4/5/2001, TrikeSerabian said:
    I would consider getting eaten by a Dinosaur an honor. Anyway, that's some good stuff.

    P.S. I believe T-Rex was both hunter and scavenger, so I consider that the debate is ended.

    At 10:42:31 AM on 4/5/2001, Evilgrinch said:
    Poor old Ally Nivola.

    He dies in every bloody film he's in.

    At 10:22:43 AM on 4/5/2001, Neelis said:
    Woops,sorry I made you angry. It isn't personel, I mean, it's cool that YOU interviewed him.

    At 10:15:01 AM on 4/5/2001, Paws said:
    what!?!? I interviewed him. you aren't talking to him, your talking to me, who talked to him!! anyway, read the horner thread on the message board neelis. i think your theory has a few holes ;)

    At 10:13:41 AM on 4/5/2001, tha filsta said:
    yeah i agree

    t-rex that cant run?

    thats pretty shitty

    At 10:07:14 AM on 4/5/2001, Neelis said:
    Mr Horner, I really believe that T-rex was a hunter, not a scavenager. Why not? Because small dinosaurs would probably eat the dead bodies before a t-rex would reach it. So it wouldn't have enough food. But that's my theory. I hope he reads it!
    Anyway, cool that they interviewed him.

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