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    The tour vehicles in JP didn't actually drive themselves, crew members were crouched under the dashboards controlling them. (From: stak640)
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    At 3:02:43 AM on 3/30/2001, Utahraptor said:
    yuytretg, your own comments prove you cna' get mad at Dan. Now, please give us the address to yuor site, with allt he latets JP/// news Dan ahs skipped.

    At 3:33:53 PM on 3/29/2001, Compyraptor said:
    Well said Mattman.

    At 3:03:32 PM on 3/29/2001, Mattman said:
    yuytretg is a real jerk. It seems that every single one of his comments are insulting in some way or another. I log on to this site very often because it is the best for Jurassic Park 3 news (which has been held under VERY tight wrap). Dan posts all the news that is necessary and often trivial news that is not, but simply whets your appetite. The reason he hasn't updated every day is because there hasn't been any interesting news to update with. I'm sure if the trailer were released today, Dan would be the first to announce it. Stop whining, yuytretg, and just be grateful that you have any news on this project at all (and some of us still remember the old days when there was no internet to keep us informed of every bit of news). And if you're so angry about not having updates for a couple of days, stop annoying everybody on these forums. You'd be better suited to the Aint-It-Cool forums where everybody likes to insult each other.

    At 12:17:15 PM on 3/29/2001, rco said:
    its been there ages, its just the screen savers and wallpaper, its takes ages to load so just keep it open.

    At 11:53:42 AM on 3/29/2001, Majin2 said:
    Everyone go the the offical site and click on the Jp3 logo there is some kinda Teaser that comes up, I need to know if it is the same one as always or a new one!!!!

    At 11:43:00 AM on 3/29/2001, yuytretg said:
    listen,if dan knew what hed have to do to run a proper site than he wouldnt of started this damm site.

    At 11:34:16 AM on 3/29/2001, Majin2 said:
    You know what could happen is that the raptors in the lost world book had a sweet tooth, the one raptor just loved the candybar, now what if the raptors or some other dino is really intrested in coke?? Now im just gussing don't shoot me down, just for gussing.....

    At 10:22:16 AM on 3/29/2001, T-rex vs. Spinosaurus said:
    Yuytreg, shut up. Dan's doing a perfectly fine job and he has no obligation to giving a news update every day, so quit starting this kind of crap.

    At 9:44:28 AM on 3/29/2001, yuytretg said:

    At 2:05:06 AM on 3/29/2001, Utahraptor said:
    Exactly. everybody knows Hammond's a Pepsi man, so he'd stock his vending machines with Pepsi, not Coke.

    At 1:13:36 AM on 3/29/2001, yuytretg said:
    This is all too pathetic dan,where the fuck is all our news for today and for yesterday!
    YOU SUCK!!!!!

    At 9:20:41 PM on 3/28/2001, JP Animal Control said:
    Ok, add to the senseibal list of what Coke is going to do for JPIII. Remember the Pepsi commercials for Episode 1? With the little alien cab driver going around the stop talking about Anakin. "Never Stop for anything..... Never Stop for anything....." Then he would stop for a Pepsi. "Gotta Refule." I think they might do somthing like that for JPIII. If they were going to put it in the movie, it would be something like the Hershey Candy Bar in TLW. Not, a very big part. It was there then it was gone. But, I doubt they will be Coke in JPIII. They are basicly just sponsering JPIII.

    At 9:03:07 PM on 3/28/2001, JurassicRaptor said:
    Sure we're all thinking that. And a can of pop would be a lot easier to sneak into a movie than a Mercedes (They pulled that off splendidly). And I really don't see how Coke would make a tremendous impact if they just made the cups at the movie theaters. I mean in advertising Coke is getting buried by Pepsi (a movie spot would double over their sales probably), and aren't all the cups you see in theaters adorned with the Coke symbol already. Think big JPAC.

    At 8:05:10 PM on 3/28/2001, JP Animal Control said:
    Guys, you aren't actually thinking that Coke will be in the movie? It is basicly just for Drink cups and popcorn containers.

    At 7:03:06 PM on 3/28/2001, JurassicRaptor said:
    Here's an exerpt from that story:


    This is comprised of various scenes filmed over a period of time at various locations. I am only going to detail a few of the scenes. I am leaving out some really exciting stuff that you are just going to have to wait until the film comes out.

    The scene includes Alan, Paul, Amanda and Billy (and others). The first shot was filmed at the Hanalei Valley Overlook on Kauai on September 16. Below the overlook is an incredible looking valley.

    The shot was a plate shot of the group's point of view of the Ingen Compound. The next shot shows the group seeing the Ingen Compound for the first time.

    The next scenes were filmed on the back lot at Universal on October 11 and October 12 (today if the production is running on schedule). It is an exterior shot of the Ingen Compound as the group arrives. The group then sees a cat like movement along the ridge they had previously been standing on.

    In the next shots, which are interior shots of the Ingen Compound corridor, the group finds a vending machine and Billy kicks in the glass. (for those wondering about the sex of Billy, Alessandro Nivola is a man.)

    The next scene is the Ingen Compound lobby, where Eric notices a candy wrapper and footprints.

    There is alot of filming at the Ingen Compound and it is some great stuff. Now hold your breath until July, 2001.


    At 6:59:10 PM on 3/28/2001, JurassicRaptor said:
    Wasn't there some old news on HMT, describing a scene...

    Spoiler warning

    .... where they're at the lab, one way or another a vending machine, get's knocked over, or Billy breaks the glass in, in order to steal a coke?

    At 5:00:51 PM on 3/28/2001, DILO KING said:

    At 3:52:11 PM on 3/28/2001, Majin2 said:
    <P><FONT COLOR="#FFOOOF">i'M JUST MESSING WITH COLOR, but my fav pop is coke...</FONT>

    At 3:51:02 PM on 3/28/2001, Majin2 said:

    At 10:54:44 AM on 3/28/2001, GODZILLA said:
    <font color=green>Mountain Dew</font>

    At 3:46:27 AM on 3/28/2001, tha filsta said:
    yeah yuytretg as if i was being serious

    At 9:06:27 PM on 3/27/2001, JP Animal Control said:
    Coca Cola

    At 8:42:53 PM on 3/27/2001, MegaRaptor500 said:
    What is your favorite drink?
    - Mountain Dew!!!

    At 7:24:51 PM on 3/27/2001, Justisaur2 said:
    Cool, Coke and Dinos!!
    Grant drinks Coke and the Spinosaurus looks at him because of the noise of gulping.
    Then Billy says, Whyed ya do that! What about those dinos!!
    And Grant will reply....Just for the taste of it......duh!!
    Does anyone know for sure if the April 6th release of the toys is true?

    At 3:29:07 PM on 3/27/2001, Majin2 said:
    That would be funny if a Raptor was chasing after grant and them, then the raptor stops and takes a drink of coke, then starts running after them again, that would be so odd...

    At 2:21:48 PM on 3/27/2001, gribblikk said:
    hey does big_pun even like jp3 i mean he talks shit about everything probally even his own mother

    At 2:13:16 PM on 3/27/2001, gribblikk said:
    imagine a raptor drinkin a coke and sayin "coke goes great with people yuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmm"

    At 9:46:16 AM on 3/27/2001, yuytretg said:
    i think of the exact same thing as jpanimalcontrol does when i hear this news.but its not too exciting

    At 9:44:29 AM on 3/27/2001, yuytretg said:
    your so full of shit
    tha filsta!

    At 8:33:43 AM on 3/27/2001, tha filsta said:
    that'll be halarious

    grant poors coke into the spinos eyes and save everyone from being eaten

    then tkes a big gulp and says "mmmmmmm acidic goodness"

    At 1:25:25 AM on 3/27/2001, Utahraptor said:
    Who said they won't. Product Placemnt could be funny. After Grant does that, Billy asks him why, and he goes Just for thr taste of it.

    At 10:12:53 PM on 3/26/2001, Oviraptor said:
    <i>Why don't they have if for more than just in theaters, like collectors cups and cans at the stores and stuff?</i>

    At 10:09:28 PM on 3/26/2001, Danfield78 said:
    Jeez we better not see any product placement on screen. Hopefully Grant won't take a break from being eaten by the spino to enjoy a nice cool CocaCola.

    At 9:51:19 PM on 3/26/2001, JP Animal Control said:
    sounds cool, can't wait to go to the theater and get my coke with JPIII collecters cup and popcorn as I make my way to the showing of Jurassic Park III.

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